Again, both duels were fought in the Keeper's Ring, Titan.
The Baron fought under his colors of black and blue, the outline of a sword, shield and wings in blue on a black background. He fought with no second, and with Sarah Matthews in attendance as his Lady of Honor.
Harris also fought under the colors of black and blue, with Evan Rush Rynth as his second, and Shylah Vulpecula as his Lady of Honor.
The challenge was conducted under the Best of Three format.
Harris took quick early leads, but in both duels, Neo came back strong to secure victory! Even a change of weapons in the second match didn't slow these two down much! Well defended, Neo and well tried, Harris!
Neo remained loyal to the Overlady.
Code: Select all
21:37:56 DUEL Misty Titan Three/One. The circling isn't slow or methodical for long. (FSS/TH, 1-0 Harris)
21:40:00 DUEL Misty Titan Three/Two. Neo's not feeling the dodge thing. His is more aggressive. (TH/FCP, 1 all)
21:42:20 DUEL Misty Titan Three/Three. Okay, now Neo's got a target to hit. (LC/TH, 2-1 Neo)
21:44:26 DUEL Misty Titan Three/Four. Neo picks a really bad time to go back on the defensive. (SL/FLP, 2 all)
21:48:21 DUEL Misty Titan Three/Five. Neo's got a good line on getting under that. (FCP/FDU, 3-2 Neo)
21:52:13 DUEL Misty Titan Three/Six. Oh, there's a name for this. What was it? Oh yeah! Vogue! (SH/SH, 3-2 Neo)
21:52:59 DUEL Misty Strike a pose!
21:54:43 DUEL Misty Titan Three/Seven. Ouch. Consider the pose struck. (HC/LC, 4-3 Neo)
21:58:05 DUEL Misty Titan Three/Eight. Kra-BOOOOM! Well, that's what would've happened ... (DIS/SL, 4-3 Neo)
22:00:30 DUEL Misty Titan Three/Nine. Claaaaang! (LC/LC, 4-3 Neo)
22:02:18 DUEL Misty Titan Three/Ten. Again, Neo goes for defense. Normally, now would be a bad time. But, it's not so bad. (SL/SH, 5-3 Neo)
22:02:32 DUEL Misty ((Final: Neo Eternity def. Harris, 5-3 in 10))
22:08:25 DUEL Misty Titan Four/One. Neo's got his dancing shoes on, but Harris just couldn't let him step out without doing something about that hair! (HC/FSS, 1-0 Harris)
22:11:21 DUEL Misty Titan Four/Two. However, that parry of his ... that's just something, isn't it? (LC/FCP, 1 all)
22:15:11 DUEL Misty Titan Four/Three. Everybody dance nao! (FSS/FSS, 1 all)
22:17:05 DUEL Misty Titan Four/Four. Wow. It's not everyday you see this. (SL/SL, 1 all)
22:25:22 DUEL Misty Titan Four/Five. Unfamiliar weapon? Check. Sizing up the balance? Check. Swinging for the fences? (FSS/HC, 2-1 Neo) Check.
22:31:07 DUEL Misty Titan Four/Six. I don't think that's the right way to get into the swing of things, Neo. (LC/FDU, 2 all)
22:34:52 DUEL Misty Titan Four/Seven. Ooooh. Dancing again? (FSS/SS, 2 all)
22:37:41 DUEL Misty Titan Four/Eight. Ummm, Harris? Neo's not ducking this time. (LC/TH, 3-2 Neo)
22:39:37 DUEL Misty Titan Four/Nine. Reeeeverse? (TH/LC, 3 all)
22:41:44 DUEL Misty Titan Four/Ten. Aaand now we have SUDDEN DEATH! (LC/HC, 4 all)
22:43:27 DUEL Misty Ouch. Lots of yelling ...
22:45:41 DUEL Misty Titan Four/Eleven.
22:45:48 DUEL Misty Kills you, doesn't it?
22:45:51 DUEL Misty The suspense?
22:46:07 DUEL Misty Neo gets his dodge on. (TH/FSS, 5-4 Neo)
22:46:25 DUEL Misty ((Final: Neo Eternity def. Harris, 5-4 in 11))