Challenge to Earth

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Neo Eternity
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Challenge to Earth

Post by Neo Eternity »

Harris, it has come to my attention that you've been a highly irresponsible Keeper. I mean, I kind of figured you were, but I didn't know about the extent of your irresponsibility until now.

So I'm challenging you for the Tower of Earth.

Since there is a possible conflict of interest thing in validating my own challenge, I would like to ask Mur to validate this.
-- Neo Eternity
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Post by Scorched Druid »

I'd validate this, but tenure doesn't come with any perks.
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Post by MurOllavan »

Challenge is valid.

((or Sean, as the thread may be))
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Post by Harris »

I'm confused.

How do you even have time to challenge me, Neo? Shouldn't you be busy fining litterbugs and retrieving stray cats from trees? Anyway, you know what they say; no good deed goes unpunished.
Scorched Druid
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Post by Scorched Druid »

"Mutual Assured Dethronement. Haven't seen this in a while.

By any chance who would be officiating these? I would request the honor unless other arrangements have been made."

A copy of the note is tacked on the Cork.
Life is 10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will. 5% pleasure, 50% pain. That's 100% reason to remember the name.
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Post by Harris »

The agreed upon date for this match, as well as the challenge for Neo's Barony is Saturday, January 8th at 8 PM (RST). Bring popcorn. And bagels. I have a ravenous appetite.
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DUEL Misty
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Post by DUEL Misty »

Both challenges were fought in the Earth Keeper's ring, Titan.

For the first challenge, for the Tower, Harris jumped into early leads, while Neo fought bravely. In the end, Harris only needed two duels to defend his title. Well defended, Harris, and well tried, Neo!

Here's how it all went down.

Code: Select all

20:31:07 DUEL Misty  Titan One. Neo gets his rawr face on. Harris says "eeetz rai beemz". (NR/FT, 1-0 Harris.)
20:33:29 DUEL Misty	Titan Two. Harris chucks some dirt clods. Neo says "pew pew pew!" (MS/WB, 1-0.5 Harris)
20:36:10 DUEL Misty	Titan Three. Ooooh. Harris wanted a side of fried Neo, but there's that rawr face again to put the fire out! (MB/FT, 1.5-1 Neo)
20:38:06 DUEL Misty	Titan Four. I think Harris wants to save all the cuts and pokings for the Baron challenge, Neo. (MW/WB, 2-1.5 Harris)
20:41:29 DUEL Misty	Titan Five. Wow. I think that would've hurt an awful lot, Harris. (EF/GF, 2 all)
20:45:22 DUEL Misty	Titan Six. If at first you don't succeed ... (MS/AR, 3-2 Harris)
20:48:17 DUEL Misty	Titan Seven. Neo lights Harris' fade on faiyah. (GF/MB, 3 all)
20:50:35 DUEL Misty	Titan Eight. Ummmm ... who passed out the ninja smoke bombs? (FF/FF, 3.5 all)
20:52:50 DUEL Misty	Titan Nine! Ummm, busy here! (GF/SH, 3.5 all)
20:54:43 DUEL Misty	Titan Ten. Oh, ouchies. Earth punch on the brain. (NR/MW, 4.5-3.5 Harris)
20:58:06 DUEL Misty	Titan Eleven. This is how this duel ends. Not with a bang, but a pfft. (FF/MB, 5-3.5 Harris)
20:58:33 DUEL Misty	((Final: Harris def. Neo Eternity, 5-3.5 in 11)) 

21:03:05 DUEL Misty	Titan Two. This is how the duel begins. Not with a bang, but a "oh dear gods it's an avalanche!" (MS/MB, 1-0 Harris)
21:05:41 DUEL Misty	Titan Two/Two. Isn't that an interesting lightshow ... (AB/MS, 1-0 Harris)
21:08:39 DUEL Misty	Titan Two/Three. Sorry, I'm mistaken. That is an interesting lightshow! (MB/NR, 2-1 Harris)
21:11:34 DUEL Misty	Titan Two/Four. Ewwwww. (NR/MW, 3-1 Harris)
21:14:38 DUEL Misty	Titan Two/Five. I really just don't know what Neo's running from ... (AR/DP, 3-1 Harris)
21:17:11 DUEL Misty	Titan Two/Six. And that's just gonna go everywhere now, isn't it? (MS/MW, 4-2 Harris)
21:19:22 DUEL Misty	Titan Two/Seven. I think that's the third time they've done something like this in this match. (NR/MB, 5-3 Harris)
21:19:36 DUEL Misty	((Final: Harris def. Neo Eternity, 5-3 in 7)
Has funs!

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