And the Ferris wheel turns again...All-Time 2 nominations

Everything else, including the kitchen sink.

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Post by Jake »

Goldglo wrote:Not to derail things further, but for anyone interested, I've got all the IFL records (anything that was part of IFL I archived and kept copies of except for possibly the message boards. I have all the stats, articles, records, team pages, etc. Also, I think I created some IFL-related articles with stats and info on Rhydin Wiki, which either is now blocked by my work or the site's down as I'm getting a DNS resolving error when I try and access it).
When I tried a week or so ago, the site would not load. So...the wiki site might be down.
Cassius Gaius Maximius
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Post by Cassius Gaius Maximius »

Here is who is in so far:

Tareth Thorn
Raiyko Hideo
Adeena Maeax
Anubis Karos
Morgan le Fay
Jake Thrash
Cletus Ganderfald
Elijah Basia Uhr
Jesse Troyan
Tarl Cabot
Max Quinlan Blue
Damien Mortis
Jeff Oakenshield
Unagi Miyamoto
Jaycynda Ashleana
Kalamere Ar'Din
Xenograg kathu-Darelir
Chris Graziano
Magnus Eques
G'nort Dragoon Talanador
Billy Ray Karnafexx
Gloria Blaze
Karen Wilder
AJ Bird
Luthien Tinuviel
Aya Hayashibara
Maria Graziano
Rena Cronin
Ticallion Carter
Roland Sal Roa
Tasslehofl Momus
Bran Bale
Xeric Mues
Seamus MacDonnaugh
Var Medici-Giovanni
Cory Havoick
Neo Eternity
Shade 9
The Blindfold Proxy
Huma Dragonbane

By my count...that's 47. Only 17 more to go! Let's keep them rolling in!
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Post by Amaltea »

My entries:

Falon Femorbrook
Juan Sanchez Villabolos Ramirez
Faedur Feamagil
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Post by Kalamere »

Goldglo wrote:Not to derail things further, but for anyone interested, I've got all the IFL records (anything that was part of IFL I archived and kept copies of except for possibly the message boards. I have all the stats, articles, records, team pages, etc.
Any lines on old DoF standings Matt? Archives only go back to 2005 from what I can tell. I would be cool to be able to flush that out and maybe create an all time Emerald list like the DoS Parade of Warlords page.
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Post by Tasslehofl Momus »

Occurs (Summer Oakenshield)

(put 4 just in case one of them has already been stated)

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Post by PrlUnicorn »

Drakewyn Silvertree
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Post by Anjolie Quinn »

Skyler Jackson Chamberland
Gnimish Gnimoi
Vanion Shadowcast

(Edited because E isn't eligible.)
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Post by PrlUnicorn »

Third and final:

Draven Altruis
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Post by Anjolie Quinn »

(Posted for Cassius due to internet problems)

Here are my three contributions:

Rand al'Tan
Daegarth Mithmellon
Daelin Dragonsblade

Also, I've decided on something different...With these three, we have 64. However, I'm going to keep it open a little longer. People can still make nominations, and in addition, those who already have named three names can now name two additional names. At the end of the extended period, I'll choose which of the new nominations get in *based mainly, but not entirely, on in-ring accomplishments*.
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Post by Sungkut Lanka »

Agrenish Preescott
Zen Rising


Since we are given two additional choices I'd like to add

Ramsus Llegron
Cassius Gaius Maximius
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Post by Cassius Gaius Maximius »

My final two nominations are:

Evan Rush Rynth
Adonai Uziel

And since it's pretty obvious that the momentum of this thread has died..which those two nominations, I am hereby closing the nomination process. As we have over 64 names, I'm going to award points to all of those nominated. After that, the top 36 names *that are not automatic re-entries* based on point totals will qualify. I really hope people don't have an issue with the cut being based on WoL/titles/TDL performance..but really, those are the only truly objective criteria that I can use.
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