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DUEL Misty
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To the Staff and Dueling Community

Post by DUEL Misty »

It has come to my attention that recent events in my personal life are causing a number of players to display hostile reactions to my presence.

So, what I'll say is this. If anyone no longer wants my services as a shift host/standings keeper, then say so.
Has funs!
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Maranya Valkonan
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Post by Maranya Valkonan »

Count me in as someone who definitely wants you around, in all capacities.
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Post by Harris »

Your personal life is none of our business.

People shouldn't make it their business.

Keep on doing what you're doing, bro.
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Post by LadyAjaBird »

Blending is just bad form. From anyone for ANY reason.

Your skills as caller and standings keeper aren't in question.

I enjoy watching Misty work very much and do hope she continues to do so.
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Post by Goldglo »

I've no clue what's going on in your personal life, but DoF still needs a standings keeper and until you don't want the gig anymore, it's all yours :)

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Post by Joey Damarco »

I'm probably not going to make a few people happy saying this... but... OOC is OOC and IC is IC.

I do know what's going on, granted one side of things. However, I'm not going to hold that against Misty.

RoH needs its volunteers.

While I'd suggest you do take some time for yourself and to get your ducks in a row, whenever you do make it back, IC will remain IC. I'm not a fan of blending.

And that's really all I have to say on the matter.
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Post by MurOllavan »

Issues sadden me. I do play a character with nothing but contempt for Misty though. So in case anyone is wondering, Mur's recent postings are not an indication of contempt for the player or a real-life sentiment that he should not be a RoH volunteer.

((or Sean, as the thread may be))
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Post by Sarah »

Hurry back! I miss my calling buddy!

That is all.
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Post by Drake Jones »

I don't know what happened in your personal life, nor am I going to pry around for an answer. That's your business and no one elses.

As for anyone that is usingit to go IC with it? - Scoff - Who ever that is? Grow up. Take the time off if you need to. Otherwise, tell those that are taking it for OOC to IC. Hell even here on the boards to screw off.

You have every right as does everyone else to come here and enjoy the duels. If they are to childish to understand that, then just ignore them.
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