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Jeremy Kane
Posts: 15
Joined: Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:18 am
Location: Rhydin

Jeremy's Archives

Post by Jeremy Kane »

Hullo, all.

Some of you remember this name, some of you might actually remember the guy behind it. Some of you really know me, (and for you lot, shhhhhhhhh! Hehe.)

Anyway, recently I did some data housekeeping and found a bunch of stuff that made me smile and reminisce. I thought it would be nice to post these things up for others to smile and reminisce about also. Some of these are IC, some are OOC, some are not really connected at all. Most aren't written by me, credit will be listed when I can actually remember WHO did write something.

Above all, enjoy.

Jeremy Kane
Posts: 15
Joined: Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:18 am
Location: Rhydin

"The Story of Klyus", (1993)

Post by Jeremy Kane »


Klytus as most know was the founder of DoM. He was an old mate back in the day, so this one's a salute to you, Kly, wherever you are.

I am posted these things as-is, without adjusting the spacing. (That's due to them being stored on old .TXT files)

Subj: The Story of Klytus
Date: 93-09-30 17:53:21 EDT
From: Klytus
To: Ivy Vine, StormFire7
To: Deoirdre, MortonD

You asked for it, so here it goes:

I have always been a humble magi, yet always more powerful than my peers. I had achieved the rank of Master in the school of Conjuration by the time I was 23: a feat unheard of, and never repeated in the history of Kor (my home world). I was to ascend to the Inner Circle to replace my Master as the Master of Conjuration, but was denied. The other Masters of the Inner Circle feared my power, and felt I would be uncontrollable. They branded me as an outcast, and I was forever bannished from the Order. Furious, I instantly sought vengence. It was my intention to rediscover the lost art of Necromancy. With that, they would
have to accept me back into the fold. Only then would I destroy them.

r seven decades of searching, I found nothing! Not a single book, scroll or map with his mark on it. I refused to believe that his most prized posession could be so totaly destroyed. Time was running out for me, I was now 97 years old! The In over seven decades of searching, I foundIn over seven decades of searching, I found nothing! Not a single book, scroll or map with his mark on it. I refused to believe that his most prized posession could be so totaly destroyed. Time was running out for me, I was now 97 years old! The Inasters of the Inner Circle had magical longevity from their talismans of
office. My body was at the end of its endurance. Then I relaized what
happened to the library of Abberdene: it never was destroyed. I began my search in his empty tower and found nothing, but that is where it had to be. I returned, casting the most powerful spells of Dispelling and Summoning I knew. Abberdene had created a mini-dimention and hidden the books there. I had found them at last, and vengeance would be mine!

After learning the secrets of Necromancy, I approached an old friend on the Inner Circel and made a request: to pettition the Masters to reinstate me. After all, i was truly dying, and this was my last request. To make a long story short, the request was honored. When I had approached the Inner Circle, however, I was a young man again! Necromancy was magic of life and death, so I used it to restore my youth and vitality. As the only living Master of Necromancy, and an official member of the Circle, they had to accept me as one of them. They also had to honor me as their new leader, as I has rediscovered Necromancy. It had been writen that he who found the "lost art" would be honored with leadership of the Circle. Smooth, huh?

Now was the time to bury my enemies. I proposed that from now on, the title of Master of the Inner Circle shall only belong to the most powerful magi of that particular field. Once they agreed to this, I challeneged each member for their post! I had achived mastery of all facets of magic in my travells: Alteration, Conjuring, Evocation, Illusion, Mentalism and (of course) Necromancy. They were stunned by my audacity, but each fell before my might. I was now the Grand Master of the Inner Circle, another feat that was singular in the history of Kor.

Except for my friend, I banished all the former masters, my revenge complete. I then turned my attentions to unlocking the secrets of Chronomancy: the magic that would let me pierce the barriers of space, time and dimension. Needles to say, many w
re afraid of me. The old masters tried to destroy me, so I gave their souls
to a Demon Lord in order to settle an old animosity. A few paladins also came
after me, but they were also defeated. They kept their lives, but I tortured
them beyond human measure. When the Imperial Guard came to the tower, I was
absolutely furious that no one would leave me alone, so I gave the world a
clear message as to my power. I cast the Spell of Zombie Plauge. All living
thngs within 2.5 km were transformed into zombies, and made to do my bidding.
I sent them to the Emporer's Palace and to run amok among the city, Roa. I
then wnet to the twin city of Rheus and evoked a Firestorm. The entire city
was buried in flames and burned for seven days. All 50,00 inhabitants were
killed. NO survivors. There had been thousands of casulties in Roa too, but
not the Emporer. I insisted that he live so he could get others to
understand: leave me alone!

s time, the being known only as the Betrayer had returned to Kor, and was coing to unmake the entire Creation. To make a long story short, I met and defeated It, using Chonomancy to disperse Its essence and being to the Infinite Void. For my At this time, the being known only as the Betrayer had returned to Kor, and was coing to unmake the entire Creation. To make a long story short, I met and defeated It, using Chonomancy to disperse Its essence and being to the Infinite Void. For my At this time, the being known only as the Betrayer had returned to Kor, and was coing to unmake the entire Creation. To make a long story short, I met and defeated It, using Chonomancy to disperse Its essence and being to the Infinite Void. For my At this time, the being known only as the BetrayerAt this time, the being known only as the Betrayer had returned to Kor, and was coing to unmake the entire Creation. To make a long story short, I met and defeated It, using Chonomancy to disperse Its essence and being to the Infinite Void. For my Atctions, I was given a clen slate by the gods. All my crimes were forgiven,
and I was offered a place among them. I did not wish to become a god, as I
could never become a TRUE god. Instead, I was given true immortality, divine
essense, and the promise that I would sit with them at the End when the
Creator revealed Purpose to all. In the meantime, I was left free to roam the
world and dimensions at will. Looking for answers, truth and knowledge.

That is where I stand today, some 3000 years later. Mine is a story of blood, darkness, and redemption. I am not a saint by any strech, but I am no longer one with darkness. My power is now beyond measure, but I still seek knowledge, wisdom, expe
ience and adventure.

Now you know my tale. I'm hoping to have it published in greater detail in the not-so-distant future. Watch for it.
Thank you for your attention.

Klytus of Regelius, Grand Master of the Inner Circle.
Jeremy Kane
Posts: 15
Joined: Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:18 am
Location: Rhydin

"The 12 Days of (an RDI's) Christmas" (1994)

Post by Jeremy Kane »


I did write this one. It was 1:30AM, 12/16/1994, I was tired. :)


The 12 Days of (an RDI's) Christmas

On the first day of Christmas, my patrons gave to me,
A lobby surfer in a pear tree...

On the second day of Christmas, my patrons gave to me,
Two major punts, and a lobby surfer in a pear tree...

On the third day of Christmas, my patrons gave to me,
Three pilfered credstiks, two major punts, and a lobby surfer in a pear

On the fourth day of Christmas, my patrons gave to me,
Four pounds of hot wings, three pilfered credstiks, two major punts, and
a lobby surfer in a pear tree...

On the fifth day of Christmas, my patrons gave to me,
Four pounds of hotwings, three pilfered credstiks, two major punts,
and a lobby surfer in a pear tree...

On the sixth day of Christmas, my patrons gave to me,
Six babes a-flirting,
Four pounds of hotwings, three pilfered credstiks, two major punts,
and a lobby surfer in a pear tree...

On the seventh day of Christmas, my patrons gave to me,
Seven mages casting, Six babes a-flirting,
Four pounds of hotwings, three pilfered credstiks, two major punts,
and a lobby surfer in a pear tree...

On the eight day of Christmas, my patrons gave to me,
Eight darts a-flying, Seven mages casting, Six babes a-flirting,
Four pounds of hotwings, three pilfered credstiks, two major punts,
and a lobby surfer in a pear tree...

On the ninth day of Christmas, my patrons gave to me,
Nine Cheysuli breeding, Eight darts a-flying,
Seven mages casting, Six babes a-flirting,
Four pounds of hotwings, three pilfered credstiks, two major punts,
and a lobby surfer in a pear tree...

On the tenth day of Christmas, my patrons gave to me,
Ten Typo Demons, Nine Cheysuli breeding, Eight darts a-flying,
Seven mages casting, Six babes a-flirting,
Four pounds of hotwings, three pilfered credstiks, two major punts,
and a lobby surfer in a pear tree...

On the eleventh day of Christmas, my patrons gave to me,
Eleven rusty knights, Ten Typo Demons, Nine Cheysuli breeding,
Eight darts a-flying, Seven mages casting, Six babes a-flirting,
Four pounds of hotwings, three pilfered credstiks, two major punts,
and a lobby surfer in a pear tree...

On the twelfth day of Christmas, my patrons gave to me,
Twelve twits o' TOS, Eleven rusty knights, Ten Typo Demons,
Nine Cheysuli breeding, Eight darts a-flying,
Seven mages casting, Six babes a-flirting,
Four pounds of hotwings, three pilfered credstiks, two major punts,
and a lobby surfer in a pear tree...

Jeremy Kane
Posts: 15
Joined: Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:18 am
Location: Rhydin

"Highlander: The Gathering" (1994)

Post by Jeremy Kane »


I got this in an email from someone, since I was playing an Immortal around April 1994 (and who the hell wasn't? They bred like rabbits, oi) - the author's name is in the text, I can only assume it is accurate.

What we have here is basically someone's attempt to fit the Highlander Immortals into the White Wolf gaming system, or at least partly. I found it fascinating to read, even if I wasn't a WW gamer myself.



The Gathering

compiled by Hank Driskill
edited and amended by Marty Nix

An unofficial supplement for the Storyteller System


From the dawn of time we came, moving silently down through the
centuries, leading many secret lives. Struggling to reach the time
of the Gathering, when the few who remain will battle to the last.
No one has ever known we were among you... until now.

Ever since the introduction of the World of Darkness, the idea of
incorporating the immortals from the movie Highlander has seemed
not only interesting and appropriate, but almost necessary. The
world presented in Highlander (there should have been only one) and
the series closely mimics that of the Storyteller system: a world
slightly darker and more menacing than our own, with supernatural
beings wandering among us. In fact, the movie Highlander is listed
as an inspiration in the credits for the Storyteller games, so the
introduction of these characters seems vital.

This module is the first in (it is hoped) a series of public domain
supplements for the Storyteller system. The Vampire mailing list
has an abundance of talented, intelligent people perfectly able to
write their own supplements: this forum will allow for
professional quality work to be done by these people, and
distributed to the Internet for public consumption.

The author would like to thank both the Vampire and Highlander
mailing lists for their ideas on this topic. Special thanks go to
Jeff P. Schneiter, whose dissertation on Quickening (which
coincided with the week Mage was released) convinced the author
that the time had come to construct the rules contained here. The
finished result, the author hopes, is something that Highlander
purists are comfortable with, and which Vampire players find


A Treatise on Immortality by Stephen Bonet, Filius of Penelope,
House Bonisagus (Order of Hermes), presented to the Stonehenge
Tribunal on March 20, 1854.

Greetings Fellow Magi!

As always, it is with great honor and privilege that I address you
at this Tribunal. My sodalis and I have come across a most curious
breed of man, and I would like to present our studies of this man
for you to enjoy:

His name is Guillaume, and he was born in the year 1422 to a farmer
and wife outside Paris, in France. All of this information about
him has come from our explorations of his mind and body, for
despite his incredible powers he is but a man, albeit a very
special kind of man.

Through his mind, we saw his death and rebirth: unlike the mummies
of the southern lands, however, he does not travel to a spirit
realm and beg to return, but rather his internal power somehow
regenerates his form, no matter how damaged it has become. This
natural healing is rapid, causing him to return from the most
grievous of wounds to his full health in scant hours.

We tested his mind's visions, and in fact his wounds heal
remarkably quickly. He cannot be drowned, for somehow his lungs
draw air from the water itself. He can be burned, or shot, but he
heals so quickly that the most heinous of wounds are little more
than an annoyance to him.

Through his mind, we likewise learned of others of his kind. A
teacher, who came to him and taught him the Rules, and others, who
came to steal his power for themselves.

Their kind have Rules, built up through centuries of conflict. The
only way to kill them is to remove their head from their shoulders,
separating their head from their heart (the two sources of life, as
we ourselves know). If this is done by another of their kind, the
power within them (which they refer to as their Quickening, or
life) flows into their killer, making him even more powerful.
Their legends speak of the Gathering, a time when all of their kind
will battle, until only one remains. That one, with all of their
power as his own, will be like unto a god.

How do we explain these beings? As yet, we cannot. Although he
has a Pattern as any other living creature does, it is beyond our
ability to manipulate, immutable. Even stranger, Quintessence does
not flow through him as it would through any other living creature.
Whatever the source of his life, this Quickening, it is a thing
beyond our experience. Also, he does not seem to have the Gift, as
we have been unable to Awaken him. We have not yet endeavored to
remove his head ourselves, until we are certain we have learned all
we can from him.

Another Rule of their kind deals with Holy Ground, and the fact
that they will not fight there. This rule is a tradition among
their kind, first established at the dawn of their race and held
sacred by even the most evil and unscrupulous among them.
According to Guillaume, he can sense this ground, much as he senses
others of his kind when they draw near. Through studying him and
his memories, we have gained some information as to this sensation.
It seems our Chantry is also considered Holy Ground to him, as it
seems all Nodes are.

There are many things about these beings still to be learned. They
do not seem as closely tied to magick as we ourselves, but at the
same time they seem to be able to contain and harness this
"Quickening" of theirs in other ways. We will experiment more with
this subject, including channeling Quintessence into him, to
further explore our theories.

Thank you for your patience, and good night.

Chapter 1 - The Gathering

In the end, there can be only one.

Immortals seem to appear at random from the human population.
Perhaps one in twenty-five million or fewer. They are born of
humans, raised as human, and (to most) appear quite human. They
age, living a normal life, until they first are killed. Then they
miraculously recover, and begin their lives as immortals.

Immortals cannot have children. They do not age, and do not get
sick. They cannot drown, or die from any conventional injury:
they will always recover, no matter how severe the damage (in the
series, it was mentioned that one immortal was burned at the stake,
and recovered from it). The only way for them to die is to have
their head removed from their body.

Immortals have a legend passed among them, that they will
eventually feel a call to battle, and will be forced to fight one
another until only one remains. This one will receive the Prize.
Down through the ages, awaiting the Gathering, immortals fight,
kill one another, and absorb each other's Quickening.

The term Quickening refers to the lifeforce of an immortal. It is
the sum of all his knowledge and power, and is what makes him
different from the mortals around him. Quickening is what the
immortals fight for: when they fight, they fight to literally
absorb their opponent's lifeforce into themselves.

Before we can discuss the creation of immortals as characters, we
must decide what Quickening means, and how to represent it in the
Storyteller system.

Quickening in the World of Darkness

The sensation you're feeling . . . is the Quickening.

Quickening is the power of an immortal. Only when they die is
their Quickening released. Vampires and Magi cannot pull the
Quickening from an immortal, nor can Magi alter an immortal's
Pattern in any way.

Magi hold Quintessence within their bodies, because of their
Avatar. To the supernaturally-trained eye, immortals will often be
confused with Magi: they have an excess of raw energy within them.
The Garou likewise store mystical energy within them, according to
their Gnosis. Immortals are therefore occasionally mistaken for
Garou as well. Also like Garou, immortals either roll or "spend"
their Quickening, using it to gain special abilities.

In the Storyteller system, we keep track of the "power" of an
immortal with an attribute called (surprisingly enough) Quickening.
Much like vampiric disciplines, Garou gifts, or a mage's spheres,
Quickening allows immortals to perform superhuman feats. The
higher the immortal's Quickening, the more abilities he has and the
more powerful he becomes. Quickening is a "catch-all" attribute,
and has many powers associated with it, not all of which are
related (except that they all are demonstrated in the movie or

Gaining Quickening

If your head comes away from your neck, it's over.

Unlike vampires, garou, or mages, there is only one way for an
immortal to gain Quickening: through fighting and killing another
immortal. This makes it more difficult for them to increase in
power, as time alone does not make them more powerful. As you will
see in Chapters Two and Three, they receive compensation for this

When two immortals fight, their Quickening is mingled into an
electrical lightshow around them, in direct proportion to the power
of the two. When one wins the battle (by removing the other's
head), he absorbs the Quickening of the loser, gaining the loser's
power and knowledge. The rules for this are covered in Chapter

When an immortal emerges victorious, slaying another, he absorbs
most but not all of the energy flowing around them. The excess
energy from the battle discharges into the environment, causing
glass to shatter, electrical devices to explode, and in general
making a mess.

The Rules

Holy ground, Highlander! Remember what Ramirez taught you!
-The Kurgan

The immortals have rules of engagement: these rules are
traditions, with a basis in common sense, and all immortals follow

The first of the two main rules is that the immortals always fight
one on one. Why is this? A pair of immortals, with their
centuries of experience, could work quite effectively together to
whittle down the "surplus population", as it were. Why do they not
team up?

The reasons are varied: first, no immortal or group of immortals
would be safe, with group warfare eventually escalating into an
all-out war of the immortals; second, and more pragmatic, only one
immortal can gain the Quickening of a fallen foe, and no one wants
to risk losing the Quickening they've worked so hard for to the
lucky stroke of an ally; third, it is a matter of honor and pride.
Hence, the rule "always fight one on one" has developed.

The other main rule of the immortals is in regard to holy ground.
Immortals will not battle on holy ground, and in fact retreat to
holy ground whenever they are faced with an impossible enemy.

What is "holy ground" exactly? Any place where spiritual or
religious activities or reverence take place, or took place in the
past, is considered holy ground. Additionally, in Mage there are
places called Nodes, where magickal power converges. In Werewolf,
these same locations are called Caerns, and are viewed as holy
ground. It's a simple stretch to assume that many churches and
"holy sites" are likewise built on these locations of power: for
this discussion, these places of power will also be called holy

Immortals do not battle on holy ground out of respect, reverence,
or simple expedience. Even the most evil or amoral of immortals
recognize the value of neutral ground. Besides which, any immortal
that did not respect sanctuary would soon be hunted down and killed
as a renegade, even if it took a group effort to do so. This is
the only instance where the single combat rule is waived.

These are the only two real rules. Evil immortals will stop at
nothing else to gain Quickening: friends and loved ones are often
pulled in as pawns in the battles, as are helpless innocents who
have nothing to do with the Gathering... no one is truly safe.

The Prize

I know! I know everything! I am everything!

The immortals battle for the Prize: either for themselves, or to
keep it from falling into evil hands. Mankind would suffer an
"eternity of darkness" if the Prize came to an evil immortal.

What is the Prize? The Prize is defined as the collected power of
all the immortals who ever lived. Presumably, the recipient will
gain not only great power, but will also be able to choose whether
or not to become truly mortal as well. It's not really necessary
to define it in game terms, since the immortal who gains it will
become in essence a god. Suffice it to say that an evil immortal
gaining it would pose a danger to kine and kin, garou and mage

Chapter 2 - Character Creation

I am immortal, I have inside me blood of kings...

The World of Darkness is populated with all manner of fantastic
beings: vampires, werewolves, demons, ghosts, and magicians
struggle and battle... and yet, it's also the world outside our
windows. The world represented in Highlander is quite similar to
the World of Darkness, from the dark misty streets to the secret
powers hidden from human view. This chapter discusses the creation
of immortals, ala Highlander, using the Storyteller system.


We are the same, MacLeod! We are brothers!

To run an immortal, a player must do a certain amount of soul
searching... unlike the other players running Magi, Kindred, or
Garou, immortals require more effort to make real. Each of the
others are normal people who discover they have a special destiny:
in this, immortals are the same. The fundamental difference comes
from time... often, immortals discovered their heritage hundreds or
even thousands of years ago. Deciding why this person has
survived, what beliefs they've brought with them, what makes them
go on, brings a new dimension to the Storytelling experience.

One might argue that this has already been explored with Vampire
and Mummy. In Vampire, however, one is encouraged to begin with a
young vampire, so as not to unbalance the game: elder vampires,
while a curiosity, do not often adventure with their younger
brethren, but instead are embroiled in the politics of the
Camarilla. They also tend to be much more powerful, and less human
than their younger Kin. Likewise, although Mummies are in many
ways human, their thoughts and desires are nothing like the mortals
around them.

What makes running an immortal interesting is their humanity:
despite the centuries behind them, they are still human... alone
among the mortals, hidden, but still human in mind and soul. This
humanity makes them unique and interesting characters to explore.


To begin the creation process, settle on the concept for the
immortal. Why have they survived? When were they born, where have
they been and what have they seen throughout the centuries? Pick
a strong nature, something that drives them and makes them cling to
life, rather than just let go. They do not age, but without a will
to survive they most certainly will lose their head...


The characteristic which defines immortals more than any other is
their age. Unlike the other long-lived beings of the World of
Darkness, immortals tend to retain that human spark which allows
for learning, growth, and personality development. Thus, older
immortals tend to develop abilities in ways that even older
vampires don't.

An immortal's age catagory is purchased with Freebie Points in much
the same way as a Mummy's occupation. Each age catagory gives the
immortal Attributes, Abilities, Quickening, Willpower, and a
maximum Trait rating commeasurate with the immortal's lifespan.
However, the disadvantage of age is not inconsiderable: other
immortals will know of the immortal's existence and will seek him
out to challenge him for his power. At the beginning of every game
session, the Storyteller rolls a number of dice equal to the
character's Quickening against a difficulty of (10 - the
character's Trait maximum). The number of successes determines the
strength of the opposition. No successes means that no one comes
hunting. A botch means that no immortal will come hunting for the
rest of the story (unless already a part of the story, of course).

Age Catagory Cost Attributes Abilities Max Quickening Willpower
New (100 or less) 0 7/5/3 13/9/5 5 2 5
Recent (100 - 250) 5 7/5/4 15/10/6 5 3 5
Old (250 - 500) 10 8/6/4 18/12/8 6 5 6
Very Old (500 - 1000) 15 8/6/4 20/15/10 7 6 7
Elder (1000 - 2000) 20 9/7/5 23/18/12 8 8 8
Ancient (2000 - 5000) ** 9/7/5 25/20/15 9 9 9
Dawn of Man (5000+) ** 10/9/6 30/25/20 10 10 10

** - There are only a few, if any, of these immortals left. They
are not available as PCs.


You cannot die, MacLeod... accept it!

The Quickening characteristic is the most important to an
immortal... it defines their power, and is very useful in battles
with other immortals. Immortals begin with Quickening and
Willpower ratings determined by their age class; this may be
increased by spending Freebie Points, as discussed below.

Immortals begin the game with ten points in Backgrounds.
Acceptable Backgrounds include Allies, Contacts, Fame, Influence,
Mentor, Resources (all outlined in Vampire), and Arcane (as
outlined in Mage). Immortals have a tendency to scatter headless
bodies around them, yet they don't seem to draw attention to this
fact: hence the Arcane.

Finishing Touches

Immortals get 30 Freebie Points to spend. Again, this gives them
more points in Attributes and Abilities than their fellow players,
but this is balanced by their inability to raise Quickening except
through killing other immortals. (Actually, immortals do gain
power over the course of time, but only over the course of
centuries or millenia. This probably shouldn't help players in the
course of a Chronicle.) Also, their very nature makes them hunted
by the Technocracy, fellow Immortals, and of course the
Watchers/Hunters (these are outlined in Chapter Five).

Freebie Point Costs
Quickening 7 points per dot
Attributes 5 points per dot
Abilities 2 points per dot
Willpower 1 point per dot
Backgrounds 1 point per dot

Spark of Life

'Ya talk funny, Nash... where ya from?' 'Lots of different
-Garfield & Connor as Nash

Most important to giving an immortal a "spark of life" is his
origin. Detailing how and where he has spent the centuries before
the Gathering is essential to understanding him, and also makes the
rest of the detailing process more productive.


What does your immortal look like? How does he dress? Is he a
classic member of the "trenchcoat brigade" or has he settled on
another method of carrying his weapon? (For example, the Kurgan
and his briefcase.)


How long has your character been in his current home? What friends
has he made? Unlike Vampires, Garou, or Magi, immortals live
amongst the humans and (for the most part) treat them as equals.


The most important piece of equipment for any immortal is their
weapon. It is a part of them, and is very important to them. Get
a hold of a weapons catalog, and pick a weapon. The immortal's
weapon of choice helps define who they are: the Kurgan's two
handed sword and Connor's white-handled Katana both helped define
what kind of person they were.


Immortals are often unusual individuals. Note from the series:
Gregor's tendency to put mortals into danger to get a secondary
rush from it, or Amanda's tendency to double-cross her partners.
These things help define the character, and yet aren't shown in the
characteristics above. Pick interesting quirks, and write them
down; they will add greatly to the role-playing experience.

Chapter 3 - The Quickening

Hey, it's a kind of magic!

Quickening is the force that makes the immortals what they are; it
is that mystical energy within them that makes them immortal and
gives them their powers. In this chapter, we will discuss what
Quickening means in the rules, and how immortals increase in power.

Quickening Dice

Throughout the discussion of the various powers, mention will be
made of rolling Quickening to perform some feat. This behaves
exactly as with Gnosis in Werewolf: roll a number of dice equal to
your Quickening, against a difficulty of (usually) six. Count
successes to find how much benefit has been gained. Also as with
Gnosis, Quickening points can be spent to perform certain other

Quickening Powers

You can't drown, you fool! You're immortal!

Sense Quickening - Some immortals gain this ability even
before they suffer their first death, since they still are
considered to have a Quickening of 2. No specific information on
the immortal's identity is given, nor is the location of the
immortal known, merely that the immortal is near. Sense Quickening
also allows the immortal to sense holy ground. Usually, no roll is
needed for sensing holy ground or other immortals, but is usually
left to Storyteller's discretion to pick a dramatic moment. Note:
the feeling of holy ground is usually more subtle than that of
another immortal, and the two are never confused, nor do they mask
one another.

Environmental Adaptability - With this ability, immortals may
survive indefinitely in environments lacking the necessities of
life, or hostile to life. If the environment merely lacks a life-
sustaining quality (like oxygen), the character will quickly adapt
to functioning without it. If the environment is hostile to life
(air filled with poisonous gas), the character suffers the
appropriate effects and then quickly recovers (within a few
minutes) and maintains a limited immunity for as long as they
remain within the hostile environment. This immunity quickly fades
after the character returns to a normal environment. This ability
is inherent and automatic.

Immutability - Immortals are unchanging and unchangable. They
do not age or get sick, and cannot have children. They are immune
to any form of physical alteration or transformation, no matter how
powerful. This includes immunity to a mage's Life and Prime
spheres, as well as the damaging effects of Entropy. When healing
back from wounds, immortals will regain their previous physical
states. (An interesting note: unlike vampires, immortals can
change their hairstyles and the change will maintain itself.
Immortal regeneration thus seems to be at least partially tied in
to the immortal's self-image). Aggravated wounds will occasionally
scar. This ability is inherent and automatic.

Empower Weapon - Often, the clash of swords during a battle
between two immortals is accompanied by an electrical discharge.
Using their Quickening, immortals can infuse their weapons with
power, causing them to do more damage, and also causing the
discharges shown. An immortal can empower any edged melee weapon
in this way (ie. axe, sword, knife, etc.). One additional damage
level is done per Quickening point spent, up to half the wound
levels done by the weapon. Note: the extra damage done by Empower
Weapon is aggravated, although the normal damage of the weapon is
not. The defender gets one soak roll against both damages. If
soaked, the aggravated damage comes off first (if applicable).

Soak Damage - The immortal may choose to use their Quickening
rating instead of their Stamina to make soak rolls. Regardless of
which trait the character uses he may soak aggravated damage by
spending a point of Quickening.

Open Senses - By taking a turn and concentrating, taking no
actions, the character may add his Quickening rating to his
Perception rating for Perception-related abilities. These
increased senses grant the immortal a certain amount of insight
into and empathy with other creatures and beings.

"The Magic Scabbard" - Immortals often display the ability to
produce their weapons from seemingly nowhere. Even those who use
trenchcoats and such for concealment display an amazing degree of
freedom for possessing such a concealed weapon. By spending a
point of Quickening, and making an Appearance + Streetwise roll
against difficulty 6 (difficulty 4 if a trenchcoat or other method
of natural concealment is used), the character may completely
conceal their personal weapon on their person and retain freedom of
action. Note: this concealment only works against casual
inspection, direct searches or magical detection will still reveal
the weapon.

Enhanced Presence - Immortals, especially older immortals,
have powerful presences and senses of identity. This often allows
them to powerfully influence other people. By spending a
Quickening point, the immortal may add his Quickening rating to the
dice pool for any social roll. Similarly, by spending a Quickening
point the character may resist any such attempt made by others.

Heal Self - In Chapter Four, the healing chart for immortals
is given. Using their Quickening, however, an immortal may choose
to heal even faster from wounds received. By taking a turn and
spending Quickening points, an immortal may heal a number of wound
levels equal to the points spent. Note that this is done once per
wound only, the rest must heal normally. Note also that if an
immortal is taken to incapacitated (or beyond) before he has a
chance to heal, he must first heal to crippled, and then Heal Self.
Also, aggravated wounds may not be healed in this manner, and must
heal according to the chart.

Empower Self - By using his Quickening an immortal may
increase his physical attributes by one attribute point for every
Quickening point spent. The effect lasts for an entire scene, and
is usually done only during challenges. After using Empower Self,
an immortal will feel weak (-1 to dice pool) for an hour or more.

Speed of the Stag - Like Empower Self, an immortal may use his
Quickening to increase his actions in a turn (much like the
vampiric discipline of Celerity). One extra action may be gained
per Quickening point spent, and the extra actions last for an
entire scene. As with Empower Self, the immortal will feel weak
for some time after using this power.

Gaining Quickening

Immortals can only increase Quickening by taking another immortal's
head. When they have successfully finished their opponent, roll
the loser's Quickening rating against a difficulty of the winner's
Quickening rating. The number of successes is the number of
Quickening points added to the winner's Quickening trait. A
failure means no Quickening was gained. A botch means that the
winner is overwhelmed by the psyche of the loser, and will take on
the Demeanor, Derangements, or even the Nature of his opponent.
How long this lasts is up to the Storyteller. Important: the
winner cannot increase his Quickening by more than its current
value. For example: an immortal with a Quickening rating of 2
slays another immortal with a Quickening rating of 5. Rolling 5
dice against a difficulty of 2, the winner gains 5 successes.
Unfortunately, he can only increase his Quickening rating to 4
(double his original value of 2), and the other 3 successes go to

The victor also gains one point in an ability for each point of
Quickening the loser had. These ability points come from the
knowledge of the loser, and must be placed in abilities that the
loser had at a higher level than the victor. If the victor has
higher scores in every ability than the loser, the victor gains
nothing. Note: if the loser's ability was higher than the
winner's trait max, the winner can exceed his trait max by
absorbing the loser's knowledge.

Immediately after taking a head, the immortal is effectively
supercharged with Quickening. He regains all Quickening points,
and all Health levels are restored, even aggravated damage. In
addition, for the remainder of the scene (assuming that the scene
continues) the character's Quickening rating is doubled, even to
the extent of allowing it to exceed rating 10. Any Quickening
points spent during this period come from the temporary rating

The Side Effects of Quickening

Quickening is the lifeforce of an immortal, and can only be taken
by removing his head. In the World of Darkness, there are many
other ways to remove someone's power, none of which will easily
succeed against an immortal. Some examples include:

* Vampires drinking an immortal's blood take a level of
aggravated damage for every blood point consumed, and (naturally)
derive no sustenance from the blood. Immortals cannot be Embraced,
and regenerate from blood loss as from any other injury.

* An immortal's mind, spirit, and body are tightly held by their
Quickening. Although mind effects (the Mind sphere, Dominate, or
Presence) may affect the immortal, his mind cannot be pulled from
his body, nor may his spirit be removed without his head being
removed first. This is not a contested roll, this is automatic.
Chapter 4 - Systems

You've the devil in you!

This chapter details how immortals advance, and also how combat
involving immortals is done (namely, how does one remove a head


You've no knowledge whatsoever of your potential!

Immortals gain experience in the same way as the other characters
in the Storyteller system, and so much of the chart given here is
simply repetition.

Trait Cost
New Ability 3
Willpower current rating
Abilities current rating x 2
Attributes current rating x 4


Who wants to live forever?

Immortals recover from wounds much more rapidly than mortals. In
Chapter Three, using Quickening to heal was discussed. Without the
use of Quickening, however, immortals still recover from crippling
wounds in a short period. Examples given in the series include
immolation, falling from a cliff, being shot in the head, and
others. Without the use of Quickening, immortals heal using the
following chart.

Health Level Time
Bruised One Turn
Hurt One Minute
Injured Five Minutes
Wounded Thirty Minutes
Mauled One Hour
Crippled One Hour
Incapacitated One Hour
Rules for Combat

Don't lose your head!

How does one remove a head? Well, in the Storyteller system
(specifically, in the Anarch's Cookbook), a head shot is Difficulty
+ 3, and damage that renders the opponent one level past
incapacitated is enough to decapitate them. Often in the duels
fought in Highlander, however, the two fight until one loses his
weapon and is driven to the ground, admitting defeat. It is rarely
a lucky shot that chops off the head, but more often a defeat of
the spirit...

One of the failings in the Storyteller system is that the combat
system lacks the detail that the Highlander movie shows in the
duels for Quickening. Hence, the storyteller is encouraged to
embellish the combat greatly... a combat between two immortals will
often be only a few dice rolls (no more than four or five rounds,
most likely), but the importance of the combat deserves as much
attention as possible. Remember that the player is fighting to
increase his power, in a battle where he has a decent chance of
dying... the player is fighting for his knowledge and power,
pitting it against another to the death.

As an optional system, the Storyteller could consider making the
fight an extended resisted test between the two combatants. When
one combatant accumulates a number of successes exceeding his
opponent's Willpower rating, his opponent's will to fight has been
overcome, and the head is forfeit at the whim of the victor.
Wounding should still be accounted for, since wound modifiers to
the dice pool can quickly tilt the tide of battle in one direction
or another.

Chapter 5 - The World of Darkness

Fighting to survive, in a world with the darkest powers...

Immortals bring an interesting new facet to the World of Darkness.
How do they fit in, however? Each of the Storyteller facets
(Vampire, Werewolf, and Mage) has introduced a new set of heroes
and villains, locked in battle over cosmic concerns. The immortals
from Highlander fit quite nicely into this world, and will find
themselves quite busy fending off both their own enemies and those
of the others.


'How do you fight such a savage?' 'With heart, faith, and steel...'
-Connor, Ramirez

Immortals vs. Kindred

Immortals are quite apt to run up against the Kindred of a given
city: Kindred feed off the mortals, immortals protect them.
Kindred seek to control or destroy, and immortals are an unknown
force that don't fit into their schemes. They're dangerous.
However, immortals have their uses, and getting one on your side is
definitely helpful.

Immortals vs. Garou

Immortals are more likely to join the Garou than anything else.
The Garou fight for a simpler time, a time the immortal possibly
still remembers. On the other hand, many immortals have amassed
great fortunes and possibly control portions of man's world that
the Garou don't appreciate. Also, PC immortals are likely to
follow in the heroic mold of Duncan and Connor MacLeod, which will
put them strongly with the Garou and against the evils of Pentex...

Immortals vs. Magi

Immortals and Magi just don't mix well. Not that they can't, just
that often magi will eventually decapitate the immortal just for
the hell of it. Also, Magi (like Kindred) will often distrust what
they can't control, and the immortal's immunity to both Prime and
Life makes them a danger. On the other hand, immortals make useful
companions, powerful and yet not beholden to a Clan or Tribe.

Immortals vs. Arcanum

The Arcanum has a specific branch that studies the immortals, a
branch which has in recent years developed (in some instances) a
decidedly negative reaction to them.

The Watchers

The Watchers are a perfect fit with the Arcanum (the Watchers have
been detailed in the series, and one of the main characters
starting with the second season is a member of this group). The
Watchers have spent centuries studying the immortals, chronicling
their exploits, but not interfering. They keep accurate records of
all new immortals, who has taken who's head, and (like the
immortals themselves) wonder as to who will gain the Prize, and
what this Prize is.

Watchers are mortals, and are chosen for their normality. They
don't stand out in a crowd, they blend. They don't trigger the
immortal's senses, and are trained to observe. Their only
distinguishing feature is a tattoo on their wrists, a circle with
a holy symbol of their order within. This allows them to easily
recognize one another, and to remind them of their mission.

The Hunters

In recent years, a rogue branch of the Watchers has formed. This
group, fueled by paranoia, has decided that they cannot wait and
hope that the immortal who gains the Prize is a good person. They
actively hunt and kill immortals, removing their heads and allowing
their knowledge and power to be lost to the ether. In this way,
they seek to stop any immortal from achieving the power of the
Prize. These "Hunters" view immortals as the greatest danger ever
to face mankind... in the World of Darkness, however, their mission
may have expanded to include Vampires, Magi, and any other beings
they perceive to be a danger.

Chapter 6 - The Characters

These are the prime characters from movie and series, as
interpreted by the author. These are wholly subjective.

Connor MacLeod (circa 1985)

I am Connor MacLeod of the Clan MacLeod. I was born in 1518 in the
village of Glenfinnan on the shores of Loch Shiel . . . and I am

Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4
Charisma 4, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3
Perception 4, Intelligence 4, Wits 4

Talents: Alertness 3, Awareness 4, Athletics 3, Brawl 3, Dodge 4,
Intimidation 3, Intuition 3, Leadership 1, Streetwise 2,
Subterfuge 4
Skills: Drive 1, Etiquette 3, Firearms 2, Melee 7, Stealth 4,
Survival 3
Knowledges: Bureaucracy 2, Computer 1, Culture 3, Finance 3,
Investigation 2, Law 3, Linguistics 3, Medicine 2, Occult 1,
Politics 2, Science 2

Backgrounds: Allies 1, Arcane 1, Contacts 2, Resources 5
Quickening 7, Willpower 8

Weapon: Katana (Difficulty 6, Damage Str + 5 (8), Conceal: T)

Duncan MacLeod (circa 1993)

I am Duncan MacLeod, born 400 years ago in the Highlands of
Scotland. I am immortal, and I am not alone.

Strength 3, Dexterity 5, Stamina 4
Charisma 4, Manipulation 3, Appearance 4
Perception 4, Intelligence 3, Wits 4

Talents: Alertness 3, Awareness 3, Athletics 4, Brawl 6, Dodge 4,
Intimidation 2, Intuition 3, Leadership 3, Streetwise 3,
Subterfuge 3
Skills: Drive 3, Etiquette 1, Firearms 3, Melee 6, Repair 1,
Stealth 4, Survival 4
Knowledges: Computer 3, Culture 4, Finance 2, Investigation 3, Law
2, Linguistics 6, Medicine 2, Occult 1, Politics 1, Science 2

Backgrounds: Allies 2, Arcane 2, Contacts 1, Mentor 4, Resources
Quickening 6, Willpower 8

Weapon: Katana (Difficulty 6, Damage Str + 5 (8), Conceal: T)

Ramirez (circa 1541)

I am Juan Sanchez Villa Lobos Ramirez, chief metallurgist to King
Charles V of Spain. And I am at your service.

Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 3
Charisma 5, Manipulation 4, Appearance 3
Perception 5, Intelligence 5, Wits 4

Talents: Alertness 4, Awareness 5, Athletics 2, Brawl 3, Dodge 3,
Intimidation 3, Intuition 4, Seduction 5, Streetwise 3,
Subterfuge 4
Skills: Etiquette 4, Leadership 4, Melee 8, Music 3, Repair 2,
Stealth 3, Survival 3
Knowledges: Culture 5, Finance 4, Investigation 5, Law 4,
Linguistics 6, Medicine 4, Occult 3, Politics 4, Science 3

Backgrounds: Arcane 3, Resources 5
Quickening 8, Willpower 9

Weapon: Katana (Difficulty 6, Damage Str + 5 (8), Conceal: T)

The Kurgan (circa 1985)

The Kurgans were an ancient people from the steppes of Russia. For
amusement they tossed children into pits with hungry dogs to fight
for meat. Ah, the Kurgan... he is the strongest of all the
immortals. He is the perfect warrior.

Strength 5, Dexterity 3, Stamina 5
Charisma 2, Manipulation 4, Appearance 2
Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 4

Talents: Alertness 3, Awareness 4, Athletics 4, Brawl 5, Dodge 3,
Intimidation 6, Leadership 4, Streetwise 5, Subterfuge 2
Skills: Drive 4, Firearms 5, Melee 8, Repair 4, Stealth 2,
Survival 6
Knowledges: Computer 1, Finance 3, Investigation 4, Law 3,
Linguistics 5, Medicine 2, Occult 4, Politics 3, Science 2

Backgrounds: Arcane 4, Contacts 2, Resources 3
Quickening 8, Willpower 8
Weapon: Two-Handed Sword (Difficulty 7, Damage Str + 6 (11),
Conceal: N (J in sections))
Jeremy Kane
Posts: 15
Joined: Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:18 am
Location: Rhydin

"Mewzeum" (1995)

Post by Jeremy Kane »


Heh. Boy, do I miss Max.


Subj: Mewzeum 94-02-10 14:47:50 EST From: MadMadMax

"Um Ma'Ma'Max, bu' yu kin kawl me Max, cuz evveybuddy duz."

"Um th' kuraytah uv thys Mewzeum."
"I cawl i' The Re' Dragin Inn and Bekins
Self-Serv Storage Mewzeum. I' usta be th' Re' Dragin Inn Cockaroach
Sanataryum and Mawzolyum, bu' I chayng'd i'."
"I kno, I kno, i's
emp'y rite now bu' tha'll chayng if ya kin bryng stuff ta pu' innit. I
figger tha' mebbe theahz sum peeple (er utha weerd creetchaz) ow' theah
tha' mebbe allayz tho' tha' they ha' sumthyn tha' belon'd inna mewzeum.""No
mutha-in-lawz er ex-wyvz er stuff lyk tha' tho."
"So bryng sumthyn' fer
th' mewzeum."
"Formah lyf foamz shud be stuff'd er uthawyz pr'serv'd befoah
ya bryng i' heah."
"Oh, an' ya gutta tell me whu' i' iz so I kin rite up
th' li'l cahd tha' goez undaneeth i'."
"Ha' fun."

Subj: The Kairee Wyng 94-02-10 14:52:53 EST
From: MadMadMax

"H'llo agen, i's me, yer hum'l kuraytah, an' jus' wan'd ta tell ya tha' i
thynk i's o'ly fittin' tha' we dedikayt th' furs' wing uv th' mewzeum to
th' ownah uv th' Re' Dragin Inn, gud ol' Kairee."

Using a huge pair of scissors, Max cuts a splendiforous red ribbon, and the
wing is officially open.
" I luv aht."

Subj: The furs' exibyt 94-02-10 14:59:17 EST
From: MadMadMax

::Snaps fingers::
::Pedastal appears::
::Snaps fingers::
::Funny nose
glasses appear on the pedastal::
::Tiny spotlight shines a soft halo of
light on the pedastal::
::Small card on the pedastal reads:

Funny Nose
Glasses, circa 1994. Formerly worn by MadMadMax in the Duel of Swords
against Great and Noble Warlords and Proud Commonors, and worn , on occasion
in the Red Dragon Inn, just to get a cheap laugh.


Subj: Contrabewshun 94-02-10 20:34:45 EST
From: MadMadMax

::Snaps fingers::
::Pedastal appears::
::Snaps fingers::
::Blas-Tec 74
appears on the pedastal::
::Tiny spotlight shines a soft halo of light on
the pedastal::
::Small card on the pedastal reads:

An old, worn Blas-Tec 74
Blaster, circa the Star Wars movies and galaxy, that Kincoura used to carry
until he decided it went against his idiom. Han Solo gave it to him.

Subj: Contrabewshun 94-02-11 21:58:17 EST
From: MadMadMax
::Snaps fingers::
::Pedastal appears::
::Snaps fingers::
::An old, priceless
brown bagged bottle of Jameson's appears on the pedastal::
::Tiny spotlight
shines a soft halo of light on the pedastal::
::Small card on the pedastal

Once clutched to her breast desparately, this bottle of ancient
irish whiskey was the most-prized possesion of Aingeall, who is perhaps
RhyDin's most famous warrior in the arena of Hubba-Hubba and Hootchy-Cootchy

Note: It is not recommended to touch the bag or the bottle. Aside from the
multitude of alarms that will sound and the viscious orcs that will descend
upon you, unbearable itching will result upon contact, as well as the
inexcusable urge to sing ÔOh Danny BoyÕ.

Subj: Contrabewshun 94-02-11 22:13:42 EST From: MadMadMax

::Snaps fingers::
::Pedastal appears::
::Snaps fingers::
::an open, oak box appears on the pedastal::
::Tiny spotlight shines a soft halo of light on the pedastal::
::Small card on the pedastal reads:

Inside this oak box rests an exact replica, in miniature, of the infamous Red
Dragon Inn, hidden for years and forgetten in the attic of Arelia's Trinket
Shop, donated to the Mewzeum by RhyDin's most illustrious capitalist and most
renowned maker of majik. Please note Darkmaulkn in the rafters swatting IMs
and Kairee sitting on the bar crossing her splendiferous legs. Yes, they are
all alive in there and what you see in the box is exactly what is happening
at the Inn.

Note: Don't feed the cats and don't water the patrons.


Subj: Contrabewshun 94-02-10 20:45:46 EST From: MadMadMax

::Snaps fingers::
::Pedastal appears::
::Snaps fingers::
::A bright red button, rimmed with gold::
::Snaps fingers::
::A black box with specially designed 6" woofer and 3 " tweeter
::Tiny spotlight shines a soft halo of light on a bright red button,
rimmed with gold::
::Small card on the pedastal reads:

This sound was known to drive women and other female inhabitants of RhyDin
into an incredibly defensive though passionate posture.

Press the Red Button to hear the {S Wolfwstl} of TDiesen.

Note: This is a backup sound, but the Mewseum CANNOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE for
the effects even this backup might have. PRESS AT YOUR OWN RISK!

"Heheh. Thys iz cummin' along very nycly."

Subj: Contrabewshun 94-02-11 21:16:12 EST From: MadMadMax

::Snaps fingers::
::Pedastal appears::
::Snaps fingers::
::heavy, black iron skillet appears on the pedastal::
::Tiny spotlight shines a soft halo of light on the pedastal::
::Small card on the pedastal reads:

Whether in the hallowed basement of the Duel of Swords or in the beer-scented
back rooms of the Red Dragon Inn, fear was not defined by the appearance of
Chaos nor by the painful whine of RhapsdyBlu. Perhaps more renown than the
Sword of Life, the heavy iron skillet Vixxenish swung through the rancid air
on many a dark eve struck fear and a few good lumps into the hearts of many,
as she set about her untiring quest for truth, justice, enunciation and an
endless search for the correct spelling of monosyllabic words.

Note: The small dent in the lower right edge of this artifact was created as
it this heavy metal mass came into contact with an immovable object, the head
of Dark Axe.

Subj: Contrabewshun 94-02-11 22:22:57 EST From: MadMadMax

::Snaps fingers::
::Pedastal appears::
::Snaps fingers::
::A black case opened to reveal a shotgun appears on the pedastal::
::Tiny spotlight shines a soft halo of light on the pedastal::
::Small card on the pedastal reads:

This relic of times gone by was the once proud possession of Dr Adder. Quick
witted to a fault, his last known whereabouts, rumored to have him hanging
from a small chain, encased in a diamond that hung between the glistening
mammarial orbs of a well known maker of magical trinkets.

Note: Don't touch the gun. Like the doctor, it's still loaded.

Subj: Contrabewshun 94-02-13 12:56:59 EST From: MadMadMax

::Snaps fingers::
::Pedastal appears::
::Snaps fingers::
::A 3.5 foot, RhapsdyBlu Doll appears on the pedastal::
::Tiny spotlight shines a soft halo of light on the pedastal::
::Small card on the pedastal reads:

This is a replica of RhapsdyBlu. Her world, beyond our galaxy is a mystery.
It is said that the blood of her mother runs through her veins, allowing Blu
to shift into great beasts, most notably, a lioness and a panther. Known as
an enchantress, she brave, kind, noble and an all-around good egg."

Note: Sorry about the whining. You have to take the good with the bad.

Subj: Contrabewshun 94-02-15 10:48:00 EST
From: MadMadMax

::Snaps fingers::
::Pedastal appears::
::Snaps fingers::
::Ye Wand of Perpetual Flatulation appears on the pedastal::
::Tiny spotlight shines a soft halo of light on the pedastal::
::A cordon of soft hemp rope circles the exhibit, keeping viewers 15
feet away from the pedastal::
::Small card on the pedastal reads:


Note: Sheesh!

Subj: Contrabewshun 94-02-15 11:58:25 EST
From: MadMadMax

::Snaps fingers::
::Pedastal appears::
::Snaps fingers::
::An engraved box holding 3 darts appears on the pedastal::
::Tiny spotlight shines a soft halo of light on the pedastal::
::Small card on the pedastal reads:

These darts belonged to Tyran, renown in the land of RhyDin for his prowess,
skill and accuracy (cough). After these mighty missiles were confiscated by
RDI Dansr and recovered by a crack archeological team which mysteriously
disappeared, save for the one man that escaped screaming, 'No, more, please,
no more.Õ
A close inspection of these persistant projectiles will reveal stylish
designer colors as well as the custom 'Glow-In-The-Dark' model. The all too
familiar bent and bloodstained steel tips, a personal testimony to Tyran's
unfaltering aim, as he managed to accurately impale these deadly darts, not
only into his own foot, the ceiling, any wall of the Inn and a more than
occasional unsuspecting buttock.

Note: Heads up.

Subj: Contrabewshun 94-02-15 20:17:09 EST From: MadMadMax

::Snaps fingers::
::Picture frame appears::
::Snaps fingers::
::Inside the frame, a drawing of Boyle appears::
::Tiny spotlight shines a soft halo of light on the framed picture::
::Small card below and to the left of the frame reads:

Boyle by Kerbuchard, charcoal on paper, date unknown. This likeness of the
infamous and irrepressible Boyle is of particular significance because the
portrait was created after the subject drank third big glass of chocolate

Note: That's a chocolate mustache gracing Boyle's upper lip, not hair. Boyle
still doesn't shave yet."

Subj: Contrabewshun 94-02-15 20:31:16 EST From: MadMadMax

::Snaps fingers::
::Picture frame appears::
::Snaps fingers::
::Inside the frame, a drawing of ChianaLiia appears::
::Tiny spotlight shines a soft halo of light on the framed picture::
::Small card below and to the left of the frame reads:

ChianaLiia by Kerbuchard, water color on paper, date unknown. Kerbuchard has
captured the brave warrior in a moment of repose, mug in hand, booted feet on
a battered chair. Judging by the worn and weary look that clouds Chiana's
eyes, it is possible the warrior has just retuned to the Inn from a savage
battle. However, research into the events leading up to the creation of this
picture lead us to believe that the subject has just returned from the mail
box, where it is said that Chiana uttered the now famous words that will live
on forever in the scrolls of RhyDin's glorious history.

"***NO**** More mail."

Note: Please take Chiana's name from the mailing list. Thank you.

Subj: Contrabewshun 94-02-15 20:42:37 EST From: MadMadMax

::Snaps fingers::
::Pedastal appears::
::Snaps fingers::
::A loosly arranged tableau appears on the pedastal::
::Tiny spotlight shines a soft halo of light on the pedastal::
::Small card on the pedastal reads:

Pile of silly string with empty can, Wham-O, date unknown. Endowed with
Jester powers extrodinaire, Kerbuchard no longer has the need to carry this
lethal weapon that attacks innocent kuraytahs at will without regard to his
life, limb or grilled tuna fish sandwich, hold the mayo, cut off the crust,
thank you. A vetran of many a pie-in-the-face-cover-your-enemy-with
silly-string-and-make-a-mess-out-of-his-nice-offic e fights, Kerbuchard can
now conjure these weapons of mass destruction at will.

"Persunul no' frum th' kuraytah: Theah wuz utha stuff too, lyk jugglin'
kubez an' stuff, bu' um styll pikin' tha' damn stryng owtta m' hayuh so i
don' ha' th' tyme ta se' i' up. Sheesh!"

Subj: Contrabewshun 94-02-18 18:40:07 EST From: MadMadMax

::Snaps fingers::
::Tailor's mannequin appears::
::Snaps fingers::
::Long, armored leather duster appears over the shoulders of the
::Black cowboy hat appears on top of the duster::
::Tiny spotlight shines a soft halo of light on the mannequin::
::Small card on the pedastal reads:

The duster and hat of Sir Ghost. Those with keen eyes will notice the
well-worn quality of the leather and, though the armor offers considerable
protection to the wearer, the long, gold-flecked scratches running along one
side. Could these scratches be the result of a daring run, the rustle of
Nuyen like leaves in the breeze hanging in the balance, as an ambush lurking
in the shadows of twilight went awry? Perhaps. Or, the souvenir of flying
road-kill, caused by some poor creature's intersection with the front of
Ghost's bike? Possibly. More likely, though, the scratches resulted from
contact with the delicate though somewhat lethal fingernails of Ghost's
erstwhile companion, fellow chummer and occasional sharer of spit, the
infamous Lyxxe."

Note: The hat? This humble kuraytah thinks it's a fine hat. A bit sweaty,
but, hell, if you ran with Lyxxe, you'd sweat too.

Subj: Contrabewshun 94-02-22 18:25:10 EST From: MadMadMax

::Snaps fingers::
::Pedastal appears::
::Snaps fingers::
::Two pairs of silk boxers, one each with "Goofy" and "Mickey Mouse" all
over them appear suspended in mid-air, fluttering softly in a breeze of
unknown origin::
::Tiny spotlight shines a soft halo of light on the display::

These exquisitely tailored undergarments, refugees from the Disney Store
located in the Mall of RhyDin, are the former dueling outfits of Jade One.
History states for the record that the soldier and general Siera Red took
GREAT pleasure in stealing Jade's other clothes simply to reveal which pair
he was wearing during a night od savagry in the ring, Goofy or the Mouse. It
is also rumored that the ladies Mika Leigh and Jasmine were quite fond of
them too.

Note: It is assumed that Jade has found other suitable undergarments,
although if we were to judge based soley on the past shenanigans of Siera Red
and her burning curiosity regarding Jade's dueling attire, it is hard to
believe that these new articles of clothing will remain a mystery for long.

Subj: Contrabewshun 94-02-22 18:49:19 EST From: MadMadMax

::Snaps fingers::
::Pedastal appears::
::Snaps fingers::
::Two wet T-shirts appear, floating in mid-air next to a small pedastal
on which rests a little black book with the words "Property of Tigresssss"
enscribed in gold on the cover::
::Tiny spotlight shines a soft halo of light on the garments and the

These three items are the contrabewshunz of Kittiarra, Dragonmistress of
RhyDin. Of particular interest are the wet T-shirts, exhibited here in a most
innovative exhibit, just as they appeared, sensuously draped and dripping on
the full-formed figures of the women that wore them that most eventful night,
The Red Dragon Inn's first and thankfully last, Wet T-Shirt Contest. The
perky T to the left is the shirt as worn by the winner of this flesh
festival, Tigresssss and, on the right, equally pert, as worn by Kittiarra.
We leave it to casual observers and afficionadoes alike to judge for
themselves the suitability of the jury's outcome."

Note: The black book is locked. For this, many men who still reside in
RhyDin, should be most grateful.

Subj: Contrabewshun 94-02-23 11:34:38 EST From: MadMadMax

::Snaps fingers::
::A short pedastal, 2.537 feet high appears::
::Snaps fingers::
::An small, open, circus trunk, its sides covered with circus decals
from all over the world::
::Tiny spotlight shines a soft halo of light on the garments and the
pedastal, and as you approach the exhibit, you can hear the sounds of a steam
calliope playing softly from an unknown source::

This trunk is the property of RedGryphon, a wily elf who thought he could
outsmart the PuntBeast by disguising himself in the bright orange wig and
clown nose that sits on display for your amusement and edification in the
bottom of this trunk. The trick worked for a while, and RedGryphon was spared
the anguish and torment of being dragged from the Inn by the creature. But
the PuntBeast prevailed, discovered the ruse, and dragged RedGryphon off,
forcing the elf to assume a new disguise.

Note: For some reason, the host has failed to respond.

Subj: Contrabewshun 94-02-28 22:04:19 EST From: MadMadMax

::Snaps fingers::
::Tiny spotlight shines a soft halo of light on the Pavilion of the
Warlord Siera Red::
::Snaps fingers::
::A small pedastal appears with a blue button embedded in its top, the
words ÔViewÕ neatly inscribed below it::

A card on the front of the pedastal reads as follows:

Yes, this is the REAL Pavilion from the camp of the warrior, Siera Red. When
pressed, the blue button initiates a startup sequence which lasts 2.537
seconds and initializes the holographic display. You may marvel as:
5 brave guards watch over the Pavilion.
1 DarkShadw appears, kills the guards then vanishes
5 guards reset
1 young Jeniah appears, who looks chastised
1 DarkShadw appears, kills the guards then vanishes
5 guards reset
I Brigin appears, who chastises Jeniah
1 DarkShadw appears, kills the guards then vanishes
5 guards reset
1 Siera Red appears, seen through the tent-flap, alternately scowling
and giving dry looks to the thief on the floor
1 DarkShadw appears, kills the guards then vanishes
5 guards reset
1 Jade appears, who sits on the tent's floor with his legs crossed and
sketches the dry scowling woman
1 DarkShadw appears, kills the guards then vanishes
5 guards reset
1 Rajaah appears, floating around commenting wittily
1 DarkShadw appears, kills the guards then vanishes
5 guards reset"

Note: Be advised that referring to the hologram of Siera Red as "Lady Siera"
could have unpredictable results, and quite possibly, be most hazardous to
your health.

Subj: Contrabewshun 94-03-02 22:50:53 EDT From: MadMadMax

::Snaps fingers::
::Pedastal appears::
::Snaps fingers::
::A beautiful relic, a gold medallion appears on the pedastal::
::Tiny spotlight shines a soft halo of light on the pedastal::
::Small card on the pedastal reads:

This crafted medallion was made by the great, great grand mother of Sidartha,
who, for reasons only known to the old woman, requested it be handed down to
every other generation. It carries bad memories, specifically Sidartha's
witnessing the execution of grandparents for a crime they didn't commit.

Note: The Mewzeum will be the guardian of the medallion until such time that
one of Sidartha's blood can prove claim to the family heirloom.

Subj: Contrabewshun 94-03-02 23:37:51 EDT From: MadMadMax

::Snaps fingers::
::Pedastal appears::
::Snaps fingers::
::A table leg appears on the pedastal::
::Tiny spotlight shines a soft halo of light on the pedastal::
::Small card on the pedastal reads:

This leg, once an integral part of a Red Dragon Inn table, was liberated from
its bleak future as furniture through the wondrous talents of Elisabeau. As
you walk around this simple stem, pay careful attention, for the skilled
craft of the wondrous carver will appear to you as you gaze upon it. A
serpentining dragon twists its sinister path before your eyes as you gaze
upon this simple stick of wood, the creation of saffron-haired artisan, a
true master.

Note: Please notice the detailed smirk on the dragon's lips as it entwines
itself in creative splendor. It is said that it is the smirk that graced the
lips of its creator as she used the word "boob" in an unToSable sentence.

Subj: Contrabewshun 94-03-02 23:58:01 EDT From: MadMadMax

::Snaps fingers::
::Pedastal appears::
::Snaps fingers::
::A brown paper bag appears on the pedastal::
::Tiny spotlight shines a soft halo of light on the pedastal::
::Small card on the pedastal reads:

This bag is a gift from the Mewzeum and its kuraytah to those wonderful folks
that attempt to worship ToS. In its finely papered interior lie the remnants
of Elisabeau's tossed cookies, a fitting monument to ToS, a mere remnant of
something that once tasted sweet, but upon a second serving becomes most
difficult to swallow.

Note: ToS, to those uninitiated in the folklore of RhyDin, is a god none
dared confront in battle, save one brave soul, now departed, The Mauvest of
the Mauve. His memory lives within us all.

Subj: Contrabewshun 94-03-06 20:52:55 EDT From: MadMadMax

::Snaps fingers::
::Pedastal appears::
::Snaps fingers::
::A cone-shaped party hat and a single die appear on the pedastal::
::Tiny spotlight shines a soft halo of light on the pedastal::
::Small card on the pedastal reads:

This is the parody hat of Master Melis, a simple thing it would seem, with
elastic string, made of water resistant and non-breakable pink plastic, with
chartreuse stars and moons on it. Not unlike what one might find at a child's
birthday party. But when worn by the usually serious Melis on those eves that
the dice rolling in the Inn becomes more than he can bare, the dice gods
compell him to roll the single, 20-sided die you see here.

Melis: ::Am I thirsty?::
Online host: Melis rolled 1 20-sided die: 2
Melis: Darn. I guess not.
Melis: ::Can I leave the inn?::
Online host: Melis rolled 1 20-sided die: 10
Melis: Rats.

Note: It is not recommended that one try this at the Inn. Most, those without
wit, are known to not take kindly to the gentle parody, in the style of
master Melis. Chuckling notwithstanding, skewering is more likely to occur.

Subj: Contrabewshun 94-03-23 19:33:30 EDT From: MadMadMax

::Snaps fingers::
::Pedastal appears::
::Snaps fingers::
::A meat grinder and a small vacuum cleaner appear on the pedastal::
::Tiny spotlight shines a soft halo of light on the pedastal::
::Small card on the pedastal reads:

Merkra's Redemtion Center and Folkets Alley have become synonymous with the
unusual, the objects contained at this backstreet location possessing
histories that abound with a richness and flavor curious enough to tempt and
tantalize even the most arcane of collectors. You gaze at the meat grinder
belonging to the mother of Grendel, along with the last 3 blades in a set of
specialized attatchements. Close observation will show the fossilized remains
of a broken tooth belonging to a once proud, though now toothless, Danish
king. Grendel's mom liked them best.

The vacuum, of course, is the infamous SuperSuckerDustBuster, a household
appliance of rare power - the most powerful vaccuum cleaner ever invented.
Only Merkra's own words can do justice to its tale. 'Unfortunately, the
visionary who invented it met with a mishap, while testing it out the very
first time... he happened to have a long beard, you see, and that went first,
then - whoosh - gone. Right through the drapery attachment ('Course, he was
quite a thin man, but that should give you some idea of the sucking power).
The unfortunate part is that he hadn't applied for a patent. The prototype
SuperSucker disappeared, but the drawings and schematics remained. A janitor
named Decker came along, snagged them, and the rest is hardware history.' So
it goes.

Note: The power switch for the SuperSuckerDustBuster has been disabled in the
best interests of those curious, small children who might be reported missing
after having strayed from their parents' protective grasp. Play with the meat
grinder at your own risk.

Endnote from the kuraytuh:
"Ta evveybuddy tha' contribyuht'd ta th' Mewzeum I wanna say thankz wi'
awl my hart an' if fer sum reezin' I fuhgut ta i'clood yer contrabewshun, i's
cuz I kut when I shudda payst'd, an' um reely surry."
Jeremy Kane
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"The Outback" (1995)

Post by Jeremy Kane »


Description of the Outback, written 10/23/95. I'd have to assume Panther wrote this, though it might've JakeThrash. The person who gave this to me didn't annotate it, so I can't be sure.


The Duel of Fists...."Outback".

When you walk out the back door of the Red Dragon Inn, there are a few things
you notice. Several drunks, usually...a great view of the Valley...and the
entrance to the place known simply as the Outback. It is here that the hand
to hand competition known as Duel of Fists is held each week. Originally
built by BlkPanther himself (the founder of Duel of Fists), the Outback has
grown from his original designs, much as DoF itself has has grown over time.

When you enter, the first thing you become aware of is the impressive effect
of the architecture. The beamed ceiling is curved, giving it almost a dome
impression. The main room is large, the center of it being the four great
duelling rings. There is room there for more, and for special events, like
the patented Jello™ ring, brainchild of DoF's own Percival. Beyond the main
entrance, along the right side is the bar, all polished wood and stocked with
nearly anything a thirsty duellist could want, but most especially
JakeThrash's Orc-Endorsed ale. The bar has a perfect view of the action, as
well. Beyond the bar is a series of tables and chairs, also with a view of
the rings. Some of DoF's regulars have
their own staked out, and you'll often find them there as they await their
battle.. The big Caller's table lies around the side of the rings, elevated,
and with several comfortable cushioned seats for the RDI's. Behind all of
is a practice area, with mats laid down and sparring equipment lining the
side walls. At the back of the Outback lies the locker and shower rooms.

On the wall over the bar begins a series of large oil portraits of each of
the DoF's Diamond champions. Beginning with Ulath (Dark Axe), and then
Shannon Colton, there remains plenty of room for legends yet to come. Also
along this wall is the massive posting board, where the standings,
challenges, notes and proclamations are displayed. Another feature, recently
added, is the big Scoreboard, where the results of each round are displayed
for all to see, as well as the infamous "Sudden Death!" message.

The atmosphere inside the Outback is surprisingly light, despite it's
awe-inspiring appearance. There is always a welcome for a new face, and
promises of friendly banter after the intensity of combat has worn itself
out. Come on down some time, and check it out...chances are good you'll find
a home there too.
Jeremy Kane
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Location: Rhydin

"8 Ball" (1994)

Post by Jeremy Kane »


Star's End Bar pool rules.


Subj: 8 ball
Date: 94-06-01 15:36:29 EDT
From: SE JoJo

Rules for playing 8 ball in the Star's End:
(Subject to change at player's whim :D )
To break: Roll 1d20, 12+ to sink a ball.
If you sink a ball on the break, roll 1d15. 7 or less for Solids. 9 or
better for Stripes. Sinking the 8 ball (rolling an 8 ) at this time is an
automatic loss of the game.

And of course you get to shoot again each time that you sink a ball.
When a player misses their shot then it is the other players turn.
Continue to roll 1d20 for each turn. 12+ plus sinks a ball. Each player
must keep track of how many balls they sink. There are 7 of both Stripes and
Solids. Once a player has the table cleared of their balls then they must
attempt to sink the 8 ball with a roll of 12+ on a 1d20. The first player to
sink the 8 ball after all of their other balls are gone is the winner.
If a player scratches. (Sinks the Cue ball with a roll of 1), his/her
opponent gets to take the next shot with a 10+ on a 1d20.
Any questions? Let me know.

Jeremy Kane
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"Mellanie" (1994)

Post by Jeremy Kane »


This was from a saved text file dated 3/18/1994. This was Mellanie Fireflower (AOL SN: Mellanie) IC biography post.


My Dearest Friends:

Please for give this very impersonal method of contacting you, but I have considerable information for you and little time to deliver it in. Some of you may know parts of what I am about to relate, but I none of you know it all. If what you read here, therefore is familiar, please bear with me for the sake of those who do not know.

I am a fire elemental, I came to consciousness about 15 months ago, as they reckon time around here, under the big oak tree outside the Red Dragon Inn. I have no memories of anything before that, though I have surmised that I was summoned from an alternate universe by some powerful mage. I spent my first moths in daily dread of being force to do the bidding of whomever had summoned me. I learned about my self, and frankly, had a different man almost every night. If I were to be forced to leave at any time, it made perfect sense to enjoy myself and equally perfect sense not to form any commitments. I learned that I seemed to lack many of the so-called human emotions. I could feel happiness and passion but not sorrow or love.

One day, as I sat in the Inn, a small white kitten came in and jumped into my lap. My initial response was to push it away. I had no wish to form a bond with any living creature, not even a kitten. White Kitty, however, had different ideas and I soon found myself stroking it's soft fur and enjoying its affection. As I came to care for it, the kitten changed.; it grew and one day he (for it was indeed Arra Deceth) attacked a man who was hurting me. During the fight, the kitten flickered back and forth; one minute a kitten, the next a platinum haired elf, the next a powerful snow leopard. When the fight was over, the kitten was gone and Arra was there.

What follows next, I have learned from Arra. There are several gods and goddess in the elven pantheon. The two involved in our story are Raelein, the hereditary goddess of the Deceth family, and Dourot, whose followers are black magicians. Arra was raised to follow Raelien and taught her precepts by the family priest. Arra's father, Taraq (may his soul rot in the eternal fires) sought more power and began dark rituals to invoke Dourot. One day Arra surprise him at his vile experiments. In his anger, Taraq turned Arra into a small white kitten and threw him out of the castle hoping that he would die. Instead, Arra managed to make his way to the Red Dragon Inn where we met.

As Arra and I shared our stories, he began to calm my fears. He assured me that he would protect me and that I would never have to leave RhyDin. I began to trust him and with trust came the love I had thought I would never know. Arra told me that he loved me, but unlike those men who merely mouthed the words in order to bed me, he restrained his passions. To him the act of physical love belonged only within the bounds of matrimony. I sensed his growing need, but was hesitant to agree to marriage, fearing that in spite of his promises I might still be forced to leave him and RhyDin by whomever had summoned me. I could not conceive of hurting this man who had brought me so much joy.

I did agree, however to leave my garret room and move into Castle Deceth. There Arra gave me my own suite of rooms, where I slept alone. One evening, as we talked by the fire, he asked my once again to marry him. His need for me showed in the strain in his voice and the unnatural posture of his body. How, I thought, can I refuse this man who loves me that which I have never refused any other man? And so I agreed. That very eve, Arra invoked the goddess Raelien and she came to bless our union. It was she who created the ivory wedding band that I wear to this day.

The next few weeks were blissful, as I set about restoring Castle Deceth to its former glory. It is not a direct part of this story, but the original castle had been destroyed by Selana, Arra's half sister. As you can, no doubt, guess; however, my happiness was not long lived.

What follows is pure conjecture since no one save the members of the Deceth family know precisely what happened. And they all appear to be dead except Arra, and I'm not at all sure what his state is. Certainly he has not told me what happened. I believe that another half-sibling, an Opal dragon called Sarden was involved and that he came upon Arra and Selana as they fought with Taraq. His rage overwhelmed him, and he let loose a blast so intense that it consumed not only Taraq but Selana and Arra and yes, even Sarden.

I only knew that Arra was gone, until the dreams came. In the dreams I saw the blasted landscape and the figure of a snow leopard. But try as I might, I could never touch him though he called my name and begged me to come to him. One day I set out from the Castle; following some call I only felt, but did not truly hear. I traveled for days until I came to what must have been the site of the battle. From the top of a cliff, I looked down upon a landscape so desolate, so barren, so blasted I knew that whoever had fought there could not possibly have survived. On that day I knew that Arra was dead.

I returned to the Inn for I could not bear to go back to Castle Deceth. I left all my possessions in the castle and tried to restart my life. I began to encourage suitors and think about marriage, for I had learned with Arra that I did not wish to live alone. That is how my life was until last night.

I entered the Inn to find someone who looked like Arra, but who could not have been Arra. He called me vile names and ripped a necklace he had given me from my neck. Those of you who were there should know. That was not the man I married. That was not Arra Deceth. In my despair I called on the goddess Raelien and she came. From her I learned that Dourot had been drawn to the final battle and snatched Arra's soul before Raelein could. The gods and goddess of Anadon have an agreement; they will not do battle with each other and so Raelien is powerless to help me directly, though she has agreed to assist me as much as she can. I will need to enlist the help of some gods and/or goddess from other worlds to defeat Dourot. And I have swore that this will be my life's work. I will not rest until the man I know as Arra Deceth has been returned to me.

There is one further event that took place last night. The thing that claims to be Arra returned and teleported me to Castle Deceth. There he told me that Dourot had a proposition for me. I have no wish to deal with Dourot, but if I can learn anything that will help me regain Arra, I must talk with him. I do not know when he will summon me, but if I leave you for a while, you will know where I have gone. Call on Raelien, especially you, Kit. She will help if she can.

Thank you all, my friends...for being my friends. I love you all.

Mellanie Fireflower Deceth -- WIFE of Arra Deceth.
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"Red Star Night Before Christmas" (1995)

Post by Jeremy Kane »


A little clarification: Blackbird, mentioned below, was a terrorist who wreaked quite a bit of havoc on Red Star. Blackbird was also me. :) One of the few times I played the villain. I was also the Marshal, which put me in a unique position of opposing myself.

It would have been confusing but like most roleplayers, I had a healthy dose of latent multiple personality disorder going on.


Forwarded Message:
Subj: Yes, I need a life. :D
Date: 95-12-06 16:16:16 EST
From: SajaIyones
Sent on: America Online (using WAOL 2.5)

Red Star Night Before Christmas

Twas the Night Before Christmas, and all through the station
Not a Creature was stirring, even for citations,

The Marshals were tucked, all snug in their beds
With visions of Blackbird dancing in their heads,

When out on the concourse there arose such a clatter,
that they sprang from their bunks to see what was the matter

And what to their wondering eyes should appear?
But Kay and all her sibling Anders

Stof with his blond hair and Kay with her dark,
and Bane who's laughing, "This is such a lark!"

And more rapid than blasters these Correlians all came,
As she shouted "On Fin!" and to each Correllian's name.

And so down to the lounge, these rogues soon flew,
With their Nova Solo and Race Kymr too.

Down from the offices Mick Logan did walk,
He was dressed by Armani and of his liasons there was talk.

He spoke not a word but went straight to his work,
And paid for all the drinks; except for Trebec's, but then he's a jerk.

And there was Hedda laying her finger aside of her nose,
Then giving a nod up onto her plump feet she rose;

But I heard her exclaim as she huffed out of sight,
"Good gossip on you all, and to all a Good Night!"

-by Saja Lyons with apologies to Clement Moore
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Re: "Mewzeum" (1995)

Post by Jake »

Jeremy Kane wrote:POSTER'S NOTES:

Heh. Boy, do I miss Max.
I think we all miss Max.
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"Star's End Bar Description" (1994)

Post by Jeremy Kane »


Another from JoJo, this time describing SEB from 1994 when it was very young. I can't remember exactly when the FFGF took over SEB, but I think this is prior to it, since they're still using the "SE" prefixes - when Star's End came under the auspices of OGF and FFGF, the hosts took on the standard RDI prefixes.

Which I remember as I was one of the original hosts of the SEB when that happened.


Subj: What does it look like?
Date: 94-06-08 16:57:51 EDT
From: SE JoJo

The Star's End is located just down the road from the Red Dragon Inn at
Rhydin Spaceport.
As you enter the bar you will notice that the place is somewhat run down
and seedy looking, but at least it is clean. The bar is on the right as you
enter and spans the entire left wall of the room. There is a large mirror
behind the bar and shelves full of various drinks, mostly in bottles.
To the left are table and booths, several in deep shadows. The dance
floor, small though it may be is located on the other side of the tables and
booths, it must be crossed to get to the stage, the pool room and the
stairs.. The juke box stands near the dance floor.
The BIG Tri-D screen is to the left, at the left end of the dance floor.
At the pool room end of the bar is the computer console for those that have
use of such things. There is, of course, a fee for usage.
Directly opposite the doorway that you stand in, is the doorway to the pool
room. Here sits three pool tables and 6 games machines.
A few feet to the left of the pool room door, is the laser-dart board. To
the left of that and behind the stage is the hallway to the restrooms. (Yes,
real indoor plumbing). The stairs at the end of hall lead to the rooms
The place is decorated in neon and glitter..perhaps to help hide the seedy
look of the place. If you need info on a job, hiring someone, or just dumping
a cargo, talk to JoJo.
JoJo is an ex-runner and has many, many contacts on several worlds and in
more then a few demensions. ;)
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"????" (1994)

Post by Jeremy Kane »


Sean, you nut. :)

Sadly I don't have the rest of this thread of inspired insanity. If I find any of it, rest assured it'll be posted.


Subj: There's just no letting it end!
Date: 94-02-11 17:09:01 est
From: Kincoura
To: Aingeall, Dr Adder, MadMadMax
To: MauveDrgnn, JeremyKane, Elisabeau
To: ShadoDansr

Finally extracating himself from the muck and mire of this insanity, wincing as his Immortal nose cracks and screaks itself back into perfect romance novel cover model proportions, and clawing his way through the veritable storm of mail that has flushed his system cleaner than any fiber cereal, Sean stands heroically and surveys the situation.

The situation would make a bad plot of land for the condos he was
considering, so he shuts down the survey and sends the guys in hardhats and orange vest home with their little tripods.

He then deftly dodges his lovely almost-wife's rather sexy booted foot as it attempts to plant itself firmly within regions below. Noting her condition,
he says "Stop holding your tongue like a ninny!" Of course, she immediately does since being called a ninny is more than sufficient to break the command of some assaninely colored megalomaniac dragon (and if anyone tries to spell check me, I will beat them to death with my Word Book II).

Sean then strode forth, as striding backwards would just be non-idiom-like. He slapped Dr Adder across the top of the head and spoke these words, "Adder! Stop sending minimalist messages like you were doling out potatoe chips! Read a few, send a bigger one. Like me! You *would* rather be known for Bigger Ones, wouldn't you?"

He then re-drew his heroic silver sword, forged by the Celtic Sidhe,
inscribed with runes against Demons, Undead, and Halitosis by the druids of Brion Boru (the last great king of Ireland, or at least the one that kicked the most ass), and blessed by Saint Patrick himself.

It had also been dipped in beer, but that was another story...

He pointed his blade at the Mauvest of Mauves and declared in no uncertain terms,

"Foul beast! Well, not so foul...actually, you do smell rather nice, what
cologne is that? Anyway, release the fair and lovely Elisabeau as she is
screaming which demands my attention as it is written in the Hero Handbook that I'm not allowed to ignore screaming women and it is really getting on my nerves and I like her anyway although I love Aingeall so she should just put that iron skillet down right NOW and if you do I won't have to stick you with my sword and you won't have to eat me or spew fire or strawberry jell-o at me or whatever it is that you do and I will stop now as I have no more air!"

Wavering dizzily as his brain struggled for oxygen, he awaited the response of the Dragon....

((PS - is anyone saving these? If so, we should move them to a
Jeremy Kane
Posts: 15
Joined: Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:18 am
Location: Rhydin

"Fable's Guide to FFRP" (1994)

Post by Jeremy Kane »


Written by Fable, quite a long time ago. Still applicable today. Wish more people would read this and take it to heart.


Fable's Guide to Free-Form Gaming

1) Have Fun.

If you aren't enjoying what you're doing, stop it. Do something else. The entire idea is to have fun, not think about what you'd rather be doing. This is all a BIG game. Remember that. Don't get too intense about things, either. Everyone is in character here. They're not out to bruise feelings or be bruised. Just think of it as everyone being an actor in a movie. Sure, Sir A and Lady B may hate each other's guts while everyone's watching, but do you think they really do when you're not looking? No. It's a game to them.

2) Play Fair.

No one is going to pay any attention to you whatsoever if you claim to be a god, inform them you can't be hurt, and then proceed to attack everyone you meet. They might laugh at you. Maybe. More than likely, they'll just ignore you. No one has any tolerance for an omnipotent character. Think about it... everyone else is here playing a character, too. If everyone's invincible, what's the point? If I wanted a room full of gods and goddesses, I'd go to Mount Olympus, not the Red Dragon Inn. Make a character that's more reasonable, that other people will like. You'll find yourself having more fun that way. Trust me.

3) Don't fight.

Sure, I understand, in the course of playing your character, occasionally there's going to be a fight or two. This does not mean seeing who can roll the most dice, every night and all night. The idea is to play a character, not gamble. Try to fit into your character, and use descriptive words to convince others how good a fighter you are. That way when you DO get into the rare fight, people are more impressed, or even intimidated.

4) Make friends.

If you want to sit by yourself, bemoaning your fate, that's fine. But I'd wager you'll enjoy yourself a lot more if you get to meet some people. Why else did you come to the Red Dragon Inn- a tavern in People Connection- if not to meet people? There's some truly excellent players out there. Get to know them. They can help you along, play with you, offer suggestions, and all sorts of useful things. Take heed, however; playing with them does not mean taking liberties with their characters. If you want to claim you're doing something with Sir A, ask Sir A first. He'll probably agree. But don't run and post a message explaining what Sir A is doing if Sir A doesn't know anything about it. He WILL get upset.

5) Look Good.

Yes, that's right. A lot of it is about how good you look. It's a simple fact, people prefer to be around other people who can spell, type quickly, are intelligent, and who respond when talked to. Looking Good isn't everything, mind you. But it's important. Imagination falls into the 'Look Good' category. Do something different with your character. Add a twist. There's just no demand for certain kinds of characters. Personally, if I see another vampire, I'll be sick. Now if you can't spell, can't type, are stupid, and enjoy ignoring people, don't give up and go home. Just be aware of these things, and try to work on it. Trust me, you'll probably get better.

6) Forget Rules.

That's right. Toss the rule book out the window. This is Free-Form Gaming. People can be what they want to be, do what they want to do, and claim what they want to claim. Don't try whipping out a book and informing them they can't, because it won't work. If you don't like what someone is doing, just don't play with that person; it's that simple. There's dozens of other people around. Lest I should fall into disfavor with the Powers that Be of the Forum, let me mention it's usually a good idea to let Terms of Service temper your tongue. But other than that, go for it.
Use it to your advantage. Make yourself that 'special' sword that a DM would never let you have. No one's going to stop you.

7) Pay Attention.

That's right class. Pay attention. Nothing flatters another character as much as having someone else notice what they're doing, and either want to get involved or say something complimentary. Details are important, particularly if you're playing with someone at the time; that little detail that slips past you may turn out to be a knife. Besides.... you want people to pay attention to you, don't you?

About the Author

Fable is a self-proclaimed master of Free-Form Role-playing, and is widely believed to be trapped in a house of mirrors inside his own mind. He's been gaming online for over five years, and his various incarnations have ranged from a berserker to a cat to an imp to a golem to a gypsy to a knight or three...and of course, a mad prophet. And yes, he's even tended bar. Future plans include taking over the Inn, and finding someone who actually listens to him when he talks to himself. He freely admits to violating numbers 2 to 7 in his own guide.
Jeremy Kane
Posts: 15
Joined: Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:18 am
Location: Rhydin

"Raker and Balrog Duel" (1993)

Post by Jeremy Kane »


Epic is the only word that fits. This was basically the fight of the century. Balrog still is the gold standard for me as far as RP villains go.


Raker :smiling briefly at Autum::
DukeGundar So original you are ElfBane...
AutumSkye ::handing Emerald to Misty::
Fable ::mutters, tossing himself down in a chair in disgust:: Raker's a fool.....
Fable At least he's got that going for him.
AutumSkye ::sits next to Misty::
SOURCERESS ::seating myself:
ElfBane Go Raker!!! ::raises emerald bladed sword in the air::
Raker Aye, Fable...That I am.
Misty Brew ::::settling the baby on my knee and talking softly to her::::
LordBalrog ::nods to Gundar::
Chiana ::looking at Fable:: He's a brave fool if anything.
RyuDarkeye Walks over to Sorceress::
AutumSkye ::begins to cry softly::
SOURCERESS :taking out a "Raker" pennant:
ElfBane {S CROWDCHR.snd}
Raker Jesus, Autum...I'm nae dead yet.
RyuDarkeye ::helping Sorceress w/ Raker pennant::
AutumSkye I know...I'm scared to death for you, though.
Chiana ::calmly watching the proceedings, eyes glittering with tension::
Fable Well what is it ya want, Raker? Yer friends ta sit here and watch ya kill yerself?
DukeGundar Awww... isn't that sad. ::Looking at AutumSkye sarcasticly::
SOURCERESS :laying pennant across my lap:
Jade One ::watching Raker, calling angrily:: Yer not gonna die, fool, merely get battered ::grinning:
LordBalrog ::Moves to the far side of the room....smiling....::
Aurora :::moving next to Chiana::::
Misty Brew shhhhh, need to be brave for the babe. ::::winking at Emerald and tickling
Michael695 :;Locking arms behind back, and watching, silently:;
Misty Brew her under the chin:::
Chiana ::glancing at Aurora::
DukeGundar ::Conjures up a glass of blood wyne::
RyuDarkeye Get cher programs! Cant tell the players without a program!
ElfBane Gundar, you are a boar pig!!
AutumSkye Duke, keep your ill mannered tounge to yourself...if ye can;t, please be gone.
AutumSkye We can do without you here.
Mutantmind :::glances at Balrog, scowling at his smile::: Uh.. you got something stuck in yer teeth there, dude.
DukeGundar ElfBane, you are a pure fool.
LordBalrog I see thou hast brought my prize this evening, fool.....
Raker ::shrugging his shoulders once...loosening up::
Splugorth ::bag of popcorn appears in hands::
RyuDarkeye Kick his @$$, Raker.
AutumSkye I know, Misty...I should not waste me words on such garbage as Duke.
Raker Yer prize is waitin' for ye in hell, Balrog.
ElfBane ::casts great ignore spell on Gundar::
DukeGundar AutumSkye, keep your sympathetic crap and leave it outside.
Chiana ::nodding in approval::
Mika leigh ::speaks softly with Jade..::
Raker If I must, I'll show it to ye, meself.
RyuDarkeye 2, 4, 6, 8, who do we appreciate?
Misty Brew :::sighs and rolls eyes::::
RyuDarkeye RAKER!
Raker :;stretching, the scars from surgery shining pink::
SOURCERESS Truly, Raker, apply thy boot heel to thy adversary's posterior.
AutumSkye Duke, why do you care? Ye have half a brain, and fewer manners.
Mynk :: yawns ::
Jade One ((Lol, Source :>))
LordBalrog Ah, Raker...there is something I thought you should know ere we begin......
Raker ::jaming the katana's tip into the ground::
Jade One RAKER... luck.
AutumSkye I am not here to fight with you. I am here for my friend, so please leave me alone.
Raker ::removing his spectacles::
Raker ::handing them To Chiana::
Jade One ::holding Mika's wrists firmly, gently::
Raker Aye, Balrog?
Fable ::still angry:: Yer a Fool, Raker. The Fool doesn't stand up and wage war.....
RyuDarkeye Technically, ones posterior are the feet, but point taken.
Chiana ::accepting the glasses and tucking them in a pocket of her jumpsuit::
Fable He lets the other guy destroy himself.
LordBalrog ::smiles cruelly::
Raker :;tying his hair back::
Mika leigh Oh, Raker, do take care...
Chiana ::watching Balrog calmly::
AutumSkye ::stokes Emerald's hair::
Aurora ::eyes rest on Balrog::::
Raker :;face stony::
LordBalrog ::looks towards Chiana.....raises a hand in her direction....::
Mutantmind :::glances at Balrog's smile again, but doesn't say anything this time:::
SOURCERESS :watching Balrog's obnoxiousness:
Raker What, Balrog.
DukeGundar AutumSkye, what does it feel like to know that your name and imbecile are synonymous?
RyuDarkeye Hey, Raker, want to borrow a bazooka?
Chiana ::one eyebrow arches at the gesture::
Aurora ::::lays a hand on Chiana:::::
BlkPanther -moving into the shadows-
Michael695 ::Narrowing eyes::
DukeGundar Leave me be woman, before I dispose of you.
AutumSkye LOL, Duke...your attempts at sarcasm are pathetic.
LordBalrog ::A subtle energy may be seen to flow from Chiana towards the balrog::
DukeGundar Sarcasm? Do you know what sarcasm is my dear?
Chiana ::the expression on her face falls in confusion::
LordBalrog ::nods in satisfaction:: There...she is free now....
Misty Brew :::takes little Emerald and hands her back to Autum::: I think ye need to concentrate yer
LordBalrog But...she has been most helpful.....
AutumSkye Like I am afraid of you, Duke. Sorry, I don't talk to trash like you.
Chiana ::lips parting slightly:: Oh.. my god....
AutumSkye Now leae me alone.
Misty Brew energies elsewhere, Autum.....
Raker (w) What did ye do, ye bluidy bastard.
LordBalrog ::looks directly at Raker:: Know this, fool.....
SOURCERESS Thy father wast a degenerate. :ever ladylike, even in insulting situations:
AutumSkye Yes, are right...he is worthless.
Chiana NO!!! You bastard!!! ::stepping forward, a deadly look in her eyes::
Aurora :::stiffens, hand tightening on Chiana's arm:::::
LordBalrog Everythiing that you did.....
Chiana ::straining against Aurora::
LordBalrog everything that was said.....
AutumSkye ::cradling Emerald::
DukeGundar Trash? Ohhhhh.... the prestigious lady is so grand. Please be original next time.
LordBalrog I saw it all, I herd it all......
Chiana Let go of me!!! ::eyes wide, voice strained::
Aurora ::Holding Chiana back:::: Panther, I may need some help here.
Jade One ::slipping an arm around MIka's shoulders, holding her against my side, offering
Jade One comfort::
DukeGundar You dont speak to trash because trash is above you.
LordBalrog through the eyes and ears of thy Chiana!
Raker Aye?
Aurora :::tightening grip:::
Chiana You bloody bastard!! ::voice breaking::
ElfBane ::draws emerald bladed sword and moves toward Aurora and Chiana::
Raker :;lips twitching::
LordBalrog ::smiles benignly at Chiana::
Raker Ye raped her, then?
DukeGundar ::Sips bloodwyne.. enjoying the sights::
ElfBane ::assists Aurora::
SOURCERESS :tempted towards unladylike behavior:
RyuDarkeye HE WHAT????
DukeGundar Raker?
Aurora :::smiles:::: Thank you Elfbane.
LordBalrog Let us sya that her mind was most.....compliant.....
Mika leigh ohmygod...::shudders slightly..::
RyuDarkeye ::katnas appear in hands::
Mynk Geo!!!! LTNS!!
LordBalrog She attacked me in the Inn one evening....that was all it took....
Misty Brew :::bows head, anger flashing in her eyes::::
Chiana ::straining against the arms holding her back, feet slipping on the ground::
SOURCERESS Ryu, dost thou have a weapon handy? Like, an assault rifle?
Raker ::chuckling low::
ElfBane I will see you dead Balrog::
Raker Aye...I know. Ye think I told he everythin'?
Aurora Chiana, listen to reason. It will do you no good.
LordBalrog The channel she opened was so easy to follow.
SOURCERESS Everyone wishes to see this Balrog dead.
RyuDarkeye HEY BALROG!! I'M GONNA *^%#&%#@!%&$#%&#@@*^%$# YOU UP, YOU &^%##%$ING &^$&^$*&^$*^%$#$@ER!!!
DukeGundar Not I. I would like to defeat him myself.
Raker Ye might notice that I've nae stayed wi' her since that night.
Chiana ::tears streaming down her cheeks::
Splugorth Whoa
Raker Ye think I'm that stupid, Balrog...::growling low::
ElfBane Yes, but I can stand only so much...
Mika leigh ::silently watches all...::
AutumSkye ::cries softly::
SOURCERESS :flushing at Ryu's choice of language:
LordBalrog Ah.....but she has been privy to much that I have....
Aurora :::placing arm around Chiana:::::
Jade One ;:arching an eyebrow, watching Raker and Balrog with a small grin::
AutumSkye ::cradles Emerald to her chest::
Raker ::a tear running down his cheek::
RyuDarkeye ::places arm around Chiana::
ElfBane ::puts a supporting hand on Chiana::
Chiana (w) No... ::Still trying to break free but feebly::
RyuDarkeye Raker, my freind,
SOURCERESS :drawing my wrap about me:
Splugorth ::sips wyne
DukeGundar So, can we start this.
ElfBane We are here for you Raker!!
Raker ::grunting quietly::
LordBalrog ::an energy begins to glow from the fiend::
DukeGundar Speak for yourself.
Raker ::taking a few test swings::
LordBalrog So fool, it is time?
RyuDarkeye If thou dost not kill him in the ring tonight, then I will be in the ring to finish the task even as
RyuDarkeye you fall.
Michael695 ::shaking head, sadly::
Mika leigh ::watches the two intently..::
SOURCERESS Well said, good Ryu!
OnlineHost Raker rolled 1 20-sided die: 15
Chiana ::watching, blinking back tears::
DukeGundar RyuDarkeye, please sit down you are blocking my view.
ElfBane And I after him!!!
AutumSkye ::tears fall on Emerald::
RyuDarkeye I do not wish to have to do so, so it is up to you!
Jade One ::sitting, seemingly unconcerned by the drama unfolding in the ring, smiling slightly::
LordBalrog ::moves away from the wall::
ElfBane ::stands in front of Gundar too::
RyuDarkeye ::sits::
DukeGundar Does he ever shut up? ::Shaking head::
DukeGundar ::Levitates chair above crowd::
SOURCERESS :clenching my hands on the armrests of my seat:
DukeGundar ::Sips blood wyne::
Raker //roll-dice 1-sides 20
LordBalrog ****Basic Rules....FYI*******
OnlineHost Raker rolled 1 20-sided die: 6
RyuDarkeye ::Places katanas beside chair::
ElfBane ::sits by Aurora::
Raker ::grunting::
LordBalrog (Raker needs 15+ on 1d20 to hit......
Aurora (w) Chiana.....sit.
Jade One ::squeezing Mika's shoulders::
Fable ::stomps back in::
LordBalrog Raker has a 1 shot 2d10 pistol.....
DukeGundar (What do you need?)
Chiana ::leaning back against Aurora a bit, but not sitting::
Mika leigh ::nods quickly..::
LordBalrog Raker takes 3 turns to Balrog's 2.......
AutumSkye (w) Misty....I can't watch this...
Jade One :waving at Page:: Pagers :> {}
LordBalrog Raker can heal 2d10 twice....
Jade One Panther, re's.
BlkPanther -slips back in-
RyuDarkeye Autumn, stay
Payge {{Jayde Wun}}}
LordBalrog both start with 70 hit points......
LordBalrog Balrog needs 12+ to hit.....
RyuDarkeye You will regret not seeing the slime fall..
AutumSkye Aye, Ryu...I will try, but tis hard...
DukeGundar 70? We will be here forever. Gee Raker, you are more powerful than I first thought.
Raker Training...
DukeGundar Begin....
LordBalrog a roll of 1 is a crit miss and next round is missed....
RyuDarkeye Autumn, this time is trying for us all...
LordBalrog a 20 hits for double damage......
Raker One other thing: Balrog and I are turning off IMs once combat starts.
AutumSkye I know, Ryu, I know.
LordBalrog parries are to be used......
SOURCERESS Certes, Ryu. I shall not mourn the passing of this creature Balrog.
Misty Brew Autum.....if the babe starts to cry, then take her out if ye must....if ye canna watch.
LordBalrog 12+ is a successful parry.....
DukeGundar ::Balrog, if you lose are you going to pull your forces from Ravenloft?
LordBalrog 1/2 damage is taken.....
RyuDarkeye Think of poor Chiana.....
AutumSkye Aye, Misty.
Chiana (Good idea, Raker)
LordBalrog a parry of 20 takes no damage......
ElfBane Aurora...
Jade One ((Darn, no bugging the man on stage? O.o :>))
Aurora :::looks to Elbane:::::
AutumSkye ::rocks Emerald gently::
Jade One Tanis.
Raker :;pacing quietly::
LordBalrog that's the basics....any more than that will be seen in combat.....)
Aurora Yes?
ElfBane I fear I must leave soon.
Aurora ::nods:::
ElfBane Will you send a message of the outcome?
DukeGundar Begin, I tire quickly. Let us see your blood.
Aurora Yes, I will do so.
Raker Aye...'Twill be posted in Raker's Challenge, and updates'll be given in the two rDI rooms.
LordBalrog ::stretches to full 8' height::
Raker ::grunting once::
AutumSkye ::digs in Emerald's bassinet for a bottle:::
Raker All right, ye bastard. Time t' die.
LordBalrog ::moves to the center of the room::
SOURCERESS ::twisting my hands in my lap:
DukeGundar Only 8'? I thought you were a lot taller.
ElfBane I will eagerly await the message.
RyuDarkeye Rip
RyuDarkeye His
RyuDarkeye Guts
RyuDarkeye out
DukeGundar Shut
Aurora Was nice to meet you, Lord ElfBane
DukeGundar your
DukeGundar mouth
ElfBane ::kisses Aurora's hand::
AutumSkye ::finds bottle, feeds Emerald::
Aurora :::smiles:::
Raker ::stands up...walks over, kisses Emerald's forehead::
ElfBane ::bows to her and to Raker::
Chiana (Ryu, please do not be disruptive)
AutumSkye ::looks up at Raker::
DukeGundar ElfBane, such a lovely time for a romantic gesture.
Jade One ::murmuring to Mika quietly, offering her a mug of cold ale::
LordBalrog ::smiles darkly at Raker....fondly at the child::
RyuDarkeye I am sorry, Chiana
Raker (w) 'Twill be allright, lass...Da'll be OK.
ElfBane ::flips Gundar a curse::
AutumSkye ::smiles through tears at Raker::
Splugorth ::sips wyne::
Raker ::walks to the center::
LordBalrog (BlkPanther will be officiating as Moderator)
Mika leigh ::absently sips at ale, watching..::
Raker ::raises sword::
RyuDarkeye :sits by Sorceress::
SOURCERESS Gundar, thy comments are as exceedingly annoying as thou dost claim Ryu's are.
Chiana ::swallowing hard, pushing tears off of her cheeks::
ElfBane {S CROWDCHR.snd}
Fable ::thoughtfully:: Balrog doesn't know what he's gotten into.
LordBalrog ::stands facing Raker::
Aurora ::lightly squeezes Chiana::::
DukeGundar Sourceress, the same could be said of you.
AutumSkye ::puts Emerald to shoulder, burps her::
RyuDarkeye ::arm resumes position arond Sorceress's shoulder::
DukeGundar ::Turns to watch the fight:::
OnlineHost Raker rolled 1 6-sided die: 5
LordBalrog ::crouches....preparing to spring::
OnlineHost LordBalrog rolled 1 6-sided die: 3
RyuDarkeye Thou can insult me, but insulting the lady in a new ballgame
SOURCERESS :muttering: Certes, Gundar is no gentleman.
LordBalrog ::moves too slowly::
Misty Brew :::absently fingers the baby's hand::::
Raker ::whips sword around::
OnlineHost Raker rolled 1 20-sided die: 6
Chiana ::arms crossed tightly over the front of her jumpsuit, watching tensely::
RyuDarkeye ::still sitting::
SOURCERESS Calm thyself, Ryu.
LordBalrog ::easily dodging the swing.....returns with claws::
DukeGundar ::Waves off RyuDarkeye with hand:: YOu bore me, go away.
OnlineHost LordBalrog rolled 1 20-sided die: 8
RyuDarkeye ::I am calm. I have no idea why he is jumping around, though::
Raker ::ducking under the his hands...thrusting up::
LordBalrog ::leaps to the side and turns::
OnlineHost Raker rolled 1 20-sided die: 5
AutumSkye ::turns to Misty::
LordBalrog ::swings wide again::
OnlineHost LordBalrog rolled 1 20-sided die: 15
DukeGundar Balrog, I hope you win this fight. It would be nice to see your forces strewn about Ravenloft by me.
LordBalrog ::landing::
Misty Brew Aye, Autum? :::smiles gently:::
AutumSkye (w) I will kill to protect Raker's child, if need be.
OnlineHost LordBalrog rolled 2 6-sided dice: 3 6
Misty Brew (w) Aye, as will I, Autum.....
Raker ::parrying::
OnlineHost Raker rolled 1 20-sided die: 13
Jade One Ouch....::murmuring quietly::
SOURCERESS :gasping:
LordBalrog (oops...parry?)
AutumSkye (w) I will not let that animal have her.
Fable Be back.
Mika leigh ::bites her lip..::
RyuDarkeye Autumn, I will be in there next. Make no doubt of that.
Misty Brew :::whispers to Autum::::
AutumSkye (w) I am of the Were clan...I can shift into the form of a red feathered hawk..
Raker ::deflecting the blade slightly::
Raker ::riposting quickly::
OnlineHost Raker rolled 1 20-sided die: 18
AutumSkye (w) I will claw his eyes out with my talons...
SOURCERESS :waving Raker pennant:
RyuDarkeye May you do that.
Raker For...
AutumSkye Aye, Ryu...
LordBalrog ::falls back and parries::
OnlineHost Raker rolled 2 6-sided dice: 6 6
OnlineHost LordBalrog rolled 1 20-sided die: 19
RyuDarkeye Owch!
RyuDarkeye That's got to hurt!
Splugorth Hello Lady Tymora
Raker ::vanishes, reappears behind balrog::
OnlineHost Raker rolled 1 20-sided die: 18
LdyTymora ::nods:: Greetings Splugorth...
RyuDarkeye YEAH!
Jade One ::leaning forward slightly now::
LordBalrog ::spins about::
Chiana (Can we have a posting every so often of the score for those that aren't keeping track?)
Jade One ::muttering:: Slow.. nice... ouch!
LordBalrog ::parries::
OnlineHost LordBalrog rolled 1 20-sided die: 19
OnlineHost Raker rolled 2 6-sided dice: 2 3
AutumSkye ::settles Emerald into her bassinet after changing her diaper::
RyuDarkeye NAIL HIS @$$!!
DukeGundar ::Looks at the entry to the lair at SkyBlade... eys glow a soft golden color::
SkyBlade1 Hello all!
Jade One ::watchign the battle, glancing at Panther from time to time::
Aurora ::watching calmly::
SkyBlade1 <big, stupid-looking grin::
LordBalrog ::dives low and reaches up...talons extended::
White Claw me here
OnlineHost LordBalrog rolled 1 20-sided die: 6
White Claw beet you Cala
RyuDarkeye Who's winning?
AutumSkye Blade!
LordBalrog ::missing badly::
SkyBlade1 Hi Skye!
AutumSkye Blade, come sit with us.
SkyBlade1 Who's balrog fighting?
Raker ::spining past the attack, elbowing to the jaw::'
OnlineHost Raker rolled 1 20-sided die: 7
DukeGundar ::Shaking head in disgust:: And you are the Lord of the InnerWorld?
Chiana ::fists clenching against her sides, arms folded::
SkyBlade1 ah...
Raker ::missing::
LrdPhoenix ::flies in, shifts to human::
SkyBlade1 joining Autum and....?
AutumSkye ::weeps with anger and fright::
AutumSkye Misty Brew.
OGF Cala ::giggles at White::
SkyBlade1 Whatcha weeping for?
LordBalrog ::lashes out::
OnlineHost LordBalrog rolled 1 20-sided die: 18
Misty Brew Aye, Autum?
Michael695 ::hands clenching and unchlcenching behnd back, eyes troubled::
Raker ::parrying::
AutumSkye I also am protecting Emerald, Raker's daughter.
OnlineHost Raker rolled 1 20-sided die: 12
Jade One ::wincing:: Ouch...
LordBalrog ::catching Raker on the face::
AutumSkye Nothing, Misty...I was just responding to SkyBlade.
OnlineHost LordBalrog rolled 2 6-sided dice: 2 5
DukeGundar ::Looks to Michael.... studying the ancient vampire::
Mika leigh <w>Come on, Raker!..
RyuDarkeye ::leans head on Sourcy's::
Raker ::grunting, the blood streaming from his cheek::
Misty Brew Ah....
RyuDarkeye ::sighs::
DukeGundar ::Sips bloodwyne::
SKYWISE256 Am I late?
Raker ::grabbing the extended arm, twisting it::
LrdPhoenix Get him Father!!
Aurora Scores?
OnlineHost Raker rolled 1 20-sided die: 9
Raker ::slipping::
DukeGundar Father?
SOURCERESS :wincing and twisting my hands in my lap:
Chiana (Yes please, score?)
LordBalrog ::pulls away....and strikes::
OnlineHost LordBalrog rolled 1 20-sided die: 17
Jade One Panther? A moment to let the HIT POINTS of the contestants slip? O.o
LdyTymora ::dark eyes watch situation::
Raker ::parrying::
OnlineHost Raker rolled 1 20-sided die: 11
AutumSkye ::shaking with anger::
BlkPanther 61 all...
Aurora ::::frowns at Phoenix:::::
Jade One ::watching Raker begin to shye::
OnlineHost LordBalrog rolled 2 6-sided dice: 2 4
Raker Ayie...Dammit!
LordBalrog ::ripping flesh::
LrdPhoenix ::smiles at Aurora::
Chiana ::wincing::
Mika leigh ::winces ..::
Raker ::spinning, kicking to the knee::
Misty Brew :::sits playing with Emerald's hand and glaring at Phoenix::::
LordBalrog ::smiles at Emerald, winks::
OnlineHost Raker rolled 1 20-sided die: 12
Michael695 ::wincing::
Splugorth ::moves to shadows::
LrdPhoenix Kill him Balrog.. kill the fool!!
Raker ::missing::
RDI Doctor {S <materializing>}
LordBalrog ::leaps over the kick::
DukeGundar Does anyone know how many people can fit in this room?
SKYWISE256 Eve Doc
Tigresssss at least 27 Duke
RDI Doctor <blink> 27?
SkyBlade1 Hi Tigs!
RDI Doctor Hi Sky!
Jade One ::waving at Tigs::
Jade One Doc, Heyo :)
OGF Cala night all
DukeGundar Thankyou.
AutumSkye Look not at this child, you animal!
RDI Doctor Hi Jade!
Chiana ::rocking a bit on her heels, eyes intent on the conflict::
RyuDarkeye {{{{{{{{TIG}}}}}}}}}}}
Greyswyr (Tig is soooo helpful, no?)
Greyswyr ;>
DukeGundar Like I couldn't see that myself.
Tigresssss ::Waves at everyone::
LordBalrog ::quickly move aside::
Greyswyr {{}}* Tig
Raker ::leaping, double-kickign::
OnlineHost Raker rolled 1 20-sided die: 19
DukeGundar ::Looking at Tigresssss rolling golden eyes::
RyuDarkeye {{{{{{TIG}}}}}}}}}
LordBalrog ::slammed by the high kick...parries::
OnlineHost LordBalrog rolled 1 20-sided die: 1
Tigresssss ::turns to Zephyr::
OnlineHost Raker rolled 2 6-sided dice: 4 5
Chiana (w) Yes....
LordBalrog ::missing it badly::
Tigresssss sends Hugs to everyone::
DukeGundar 28... do I hear 28? going going....
LordZephyr ::smiles at Tigs::
Misty Brew What is the score?
LordZephyr Hello all.
Tigresssss ::smiles at Zephyr::
SOURCERESS :waving Raker pennant:
Mika leigh ::eyes remain upon combatants..::
RyuDarkeye C'mon Raker!!!!
LordZephyr CMON Raker.
Raker ::slashing with sword as he drops on the other side::
OnlineHost Raker rolled 1 20-sided die: 12
Tigresssss What is the score?
Chiana (I have 55-52, Raker, Misty.... that may or may not be accurate)
RyuDarkeye Have a seat, Tig.
Tigresssss Come on Raker
LordBalrog ::snarls and lunges in::
RDI Doctor Use the farce, Luke!!
OnlineHost LordBalrog rolled 1 20-sided die: 20
DukeGundar farce?
Michael695 (w) Come on, Raker...
Tigresssss ::sticking with Zephyr::
Chiana ::shudder::
Michael695 ::wincing::
RyuDarkeye OW!
Jade One OUCH!!!!!!! ::wincing::
Aurora ::winces at the crit hit::::
DukeGundar Uh oh... see you Raker.
LordBalrog ::grabbing foe by the throat::
LrdPhoenix Yes!!
Greyswyr eek
Mutantmind Ew.
SKYWISE256 ::thinking what chaos this room is in, elven eye looking about::
AutumSkye ::shape shifts into a red feathered hawk::
Tigresssss ::flinches::
Mika leigh OOh!..
SOURCERESS :wincing and averting my face:
Raker ::screamng...bringing his hand up to parry:;
OnlineHost Raker rolled 1 20-sided die: 8
Aurora <getting punted :/>
LordBalrog ::crushes powerfully::
RyuDarkeye I'M next, Autumn.
DukeGundar It looks like bloodwyne all around. Compliments of Raker!!!!!!!
OnlineHost LordBalrog rolled 2 6-sided dice: 4 6
AutumSkye ::shifts back to human form::
LordZephyr ouch.
Jade One Raker, down 20
Jade One ouch....
Splugorth LOL
Chiana Oh... god....
LrdPhoenix ::smiles::
LordBalrog ::feeling the windpipe yield::
AutumSkye Misty, take Emerald, NOW!
Mika leigh ::looks to Binzo quickly..::
BlkPanther Raker.. 35 Balrog 52
AutumSkye Go, Misty!
Raker ::gurgling...kicking::
OnlineHost Raker rolled 1 20-sided die: 19
Chiana (Gee, some confidence you have, Autum... :/)
Misty Brew :::takes the baby and leaves the room:::
LrdPhoenix ::looks at Misty::
Tigresssss Come on Raker
RyuDarkeye YEAH!
DukeGundar ::Pouring fresh glass of Bloodwyne compliments of Raker::
LordBalrog ::falls back from the kick and parries::
OnlineHost LordBalrog rolled 1 20-sided die: 14
Greyswyr Moo Raker.... Moo
OnlineHost Raker rolled 2 6-sided dice: 2 6
DukeGundar Ahhh.. tis good.
AutumSkye Nae, Chiana....I will never let Balrog have her. NEVER!!!
Chiana Come on, Raker! ::voice cracking::
Michael695 (Ugh..that had to hurt.)
SOURCERESS Yes, Raker...Moo!
BINZO ::goes over to Mika::
SkyBlade1 Raker! you can do it!
RyuDarkeye Moo, Raker!
Mika leigh Raker!..
Jade One ::pushing the stool aside, leaning on the bar next to Mika's stool::
RyuDarkeye Moo!
AutumSkye Please, Raker...get up!
ElfBane Raker!!
ElfBane Moooooooo!
DukeGundar Anyone who deems himself fool such as Raker cannot do it.
RyuDarkeye Everyone MOO 4 raker!
AutumSkye MOOOO!
LordBalrog ::reaches for the throat again::
OnlineHost LordBalrog rolled 1 20-sided die: 15
SkyBlade1 Moooooooooo!
ElfBane Moooooo!
LordZephyr MOOO Raker.
LordBalrog ::grabs tightly::
LrdPhoenix Die Raker!!
Raker ::gasping, inhaling, parrying::
OnlineHost Raker rolled 1 20-sided die: 8
Tigresssss ::turns disturbed golden eyes to Zeph::
Mutantmind moooooo
AutumSkye MOO Raker.
Tigresssss Moo Raker
Chiana (Quit scrolling, kids! ;D)
RyuDarkeye MOOOOO! Dammit, MOOOOOOOO!
LordBalrog ::squeezes::
OnlineHost LordBalrog rolled 2 6-sided dice: 6 3
Michael695 (Now STOPthat! :D)
AutumSkye Fight, Raker...Fight for your life!
RDI Doctor Is this like clapping for the fairies to live?
RyuDarkeye Raker!
DukeGundar Oh no, he has got the MOO power!!! Watch out Balrog!! ::Cracking up::
Michael695 (Ick..he's toast...)
ElfBane Moo Moooo Mooooooo Moooo
Greyswyr lol Doc.
LordBalrog ::feeling the life flow out of his foe...smiles::
Splugorth ::sips wyne::
SkyBlade1 Fight for your daughter!
Raker ::flipping back...humming softly...wincing as sound comes from his throat::
OnlineHost Raker rolled 1 20-sided die: 9
Michael695 Moo.
LordBalrog Soon fool!
Tigresssss Raker.... fight for Emerald....
Chiana (::thwap!:: Michael.. :/)
DukeGundar ElfBane, you know something? You do resemble a cow.
AutumSkye Yes, Fight for Emerald...
Raker :;the spell dies in his voice::
Mika leigh No!!..Raker, fight!..
Michael695 (Ack!)
RyuDarkeye Moo moo moo moo moo moo moo-moo-moo (to marines hymn)
Tigresssss Fpr EMERALD
AutumSkye Fight it , Raker!
AutumSkye MOOO
Raker ::levitating up, swinging for his neck::
OnlineHost Raker rolled 1 20-sided die: 19
LrdPhoenix Give up Raker!!
ElfBane For the child Raker!!!!
Payge lol
RyuDarkeye ::readies Katanas::
Splugorth ::cold eyes watch the struggle::
ElfBane Yes!!!
LordZephyr Yes Raker.
DukeGundar Is this some sort of Arsenio joke that I do not get?
AutumSkye Yes, for EMERALD!!!!
Jade One HP's Panther, when you get a moment, please.
LordBalrog ::releases Raker and staggers back::
BlkPanther Raker 26, Balrog 48
Greyswyr }=D -Moo Go get 'im Raker
RyuDarkeye Get the HELL up, Raker!
Jade One Raker can heal... I think he needs it about now...
Tigresssss Moo Raker....
ElfBane Feed him his genitals!!!
DukeGundar Dont bother Raker, you have lost this one... go home and practice...
RyuDarkeye Keep back, Raker, heal yourself!
AutumSkye (can I offer him my healing Were powers, anyone?)
LordZephyr ::shoots a gaze at Gundar::
Chiana (No, sorry, Autum)
DukeGundar ::Laughs softly::
LordBalrog ::parries::
LrdPhoenix Raker give up and die!!
AutumSkye (bummer)
OnlineHost LordBalrog rolled 1 20-sided die: 4
Tigresssss ::glares at Duke::
ElfBane No, he must fight for himself.
RDI Doctor Duke... the dead are not renoun for their ability to practice...
LordBalrog ::fails::
OnlineHost Raker rolled 2 6-sided dice: 2 5
Tigresssss ::marks his hide as mine::
LordZephyr Mine first love.
AutumSkye Nae, should not Chiana have it?
Tigresssss ::glances to Zeph, simply nods::
RyuDarkeye Tig, I got Dibs on Balrog. Sorry.
DukeGundar ::Looks around satisfied with the response::
Jade One 26-41 ......
DukeGundar ::Mock bows:: Thank you thank you...
Tigresssss I am after Duke's hide, not Balrog's
LordBalrog ::circles his foe...watching::
Mika leigh ::ignores all but the two combatants..::
Chiana (w) Yes....
RyuDarkeye I have dibs. But Raker will prevail
BlkPanther (Balrog is up...)
SOURCERESS Why isn't he healing?...
AutumSkye Aahhh....I see, Tigresss.
DukeGundar Tigresssss, have I done something?
Splugorth yes
Raker :;lifting sword to parry::
ElfBane yes
LordBalrog ::suddenly takes to the air, dives with fangs bared::
AutumSkye Raker, heal thyself!
RyuDarkeye Heal, Raker!
Tigresssss yes
Aingeall ::sitting back watching intently::
OnlineHost LordBalrog rolled 1 20-sided die: 12
DukeGundar ::Smiling a bit::
Jade One Room limit just jumped to 29 ::grinningat Tigs::
DukeGundar To you?
RDI Doctor 29 folk? Gaa!!
LordBalrog ::biting hard on Raker's shoulder::
Tigresssss ::smiles at Jade::
Raker ::grunting as the weight comes down on him::
AutumSkye Think of Emerald, Raker...Fight!
Splugorth ::smiles::
DukeGundar Tigressssss, have I done something to you?
SmoothOper Moo can do it!
LordZephyr CMON RAKER!
Michael695 (He IS a heavy bastard...)
Jade One Break his teeth lad! Stick her sword in his ear and stir that earwax!!! }:>
AutumSkye We are here for you! Do not give up!
Raker ::collapsing as he parries::
OnlineHost Raker rolled 1 20-sided die: 4
DukeGundar ::LAughs at Michael's comment::
SOURCERESS Hey Balrog! Moo thee!
Tigresssss You have offended me Duke...once too many times.
LrdPhoenix Go Balrog!!!
RyuDarkeye Get up Raker!
White Claw night everybody
DukeGundar One too many times? When?
Chiana ::privately wanting to kill Phoenix::
DukeGundar I have never been outwardly rude to you.
Splugorth ::broad smile exposes fangs::
LordZephyr Phoenix... Do I have to take care of you yet again?
RyuDarkeye Moo to you, Balrog!
Aingeall Go on with ya, luv!
LordBalrog ::rips with the grip of his bite::
Tigresssss ::ignores Duke::
White Claw ::::::::::walks out::::::::::::
OnlineHost LordBalrog rolled 2 6-sided dice: 3 4
Tigresssss Come on RAKER!!!
Aurora ::::flashing a look at Phoenix:::
SkyBlade1 Let's go, Raker!
Raker ::screaming::
Greyswyr ::publically agreeing with Chiana::
AutumSkye NOOO!
Jade One 19 - 41 Balrog.... :(
Michael695 ::Wincing again::
Chiana NO!!!!!!
LrdPhoenix If you wish Zephyr, though this time ye shall not be so lucky
Mika leigh Raker, No!!
RyuDarkeye NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!
LordZephyr Heal yourself Raker
AutumSkye Heal, Raker, NOW!!
DukeGundar I did not think m'lady could give any examples... I have not offended her.
Aingeall RAKER!
Raker ::pulling Aingeall's pistol, firing it to Balrog's stomach::
SOURCERESS RAKER! Heal, you idiot!
OnlineHost Raker rolled 1 20-sided die: 6
ElfBane NO!!
Raker ::misfiring::
LrdPhoenix No Raker give in and die!!!
Greyswyr ::slapping the lil' typo daemon...hard.::
Michael695 ::Shaking head, sadly::
Splugorth yes!
Jade One ::sighing slightly::
Aingeall Aye, Raker. DO IT NOW!
RyuDarkeye ::tear runs down cheek::
AutumSkye HEAL!!!
DukeGundar ::Levitates chair over to Lord Phoenix::
LordBalrog ::looks down at the pistol sticking in his stomach...backhands foe::
Tigresssss I haven't time for your foolishness now Duke, I will deal with yoou ulater.
OnlineHost LordBalrog rolled 1 20-sided die: 4
SOURCERESS HEAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LrdPhoenix ::looks at Gundar:: What do you want?
AutumSkye ::sobbing::
LordBalrog ::swings in the air::
DukeGundar I will be waiting. ::Smiles::
AutumSkye Please, Raker....
Aingeall ::crossing self and praying::
Raker ::lifting Balrog, hands around his throat::
OnlineHost Raker rolled 1 20-sided die: 4
Tigresssss Don't give up RAKER
LordZephyr HEAL!!!!HEAL!!!!HEAL!!!!HEAL!!!!HEAL!!!!
Tigresssss FIGHT
DukeGundar We seem to be on the same side here.
Tigresssss Come on Rake.... ****
Raker ::slipping out from underneath::
BlkPanther 19-41
LrdPhoenix Aye it seems so
Aingeall Raker, remember!
Raker :;spinning and kicking::
AutumSkye Fight for your child, fight for us, those who care for you!
OnlineHost Raker rolled 1 20-sided die: 12
RyuDarkeye ::ready to jump in to ring::
DukeGundar Its the roll of the dice people... I hate to break it to you.
AutumSkye Aye, Ryu.
Raker ::getting only air::
SmoothOper Raker...fight!
DukeGundar The dice god is not loking upon Raker too kindly.
LrdPhoenix Balrog Kill him!!
LordBalrog ::turns on foe and rushes in with talons searching::
OnlineHost LordBalrog rolled 1 20-sided die: 4
LordZephyr YES!!!
Jade One One good hit... ::watching, face impassive::
Aingeall Raker, AGAIN!
LordBalrog ::breaks a nail on the wall::
Raker ::levitating his sword back in his hand, swinging::
OnlineHost Raker rolled 1 20-sided die: 1
RyuDarkeye Ha! Balrog bit his own damn cheek!
S0URCEROR Good eve, all!
Raker ::the sword flies past him::
Chiana ::low, unheard over the din:: Come on, baby.. you can do it..
AutumSkye Raker...we beg of you...heal thyself.
SOURCERESS M'lord source!
Tigresssss ::holds tightly onto Zephyr's arm::
RyuDarkeye Whoops!
LordZephyr HEAL RAKER.
LordBalrog ::watches at his foe's incredibly clumsy assault::
S0URCEROR ::crossing to my lovely wife::
Tigresssss Come on Raker, Heal
LordZephyr CMON.
RyuDarkeye ::no longer by Sourcy::
SOURCERESS It goes badly for good Raker...
LrdPhoenix Kill him Balrog!!
SmoothOper ::heart aching to help Raker...knowing she can't::
S0URCEROR ::taking her in my arms and kissing her deeply::
Aingeall Please, Raker, please!
Jade One ::sour grin:: Now is the time for jumping around and yelling :/
LordBalrog ::grabs again for the throat::
OnlineHost LordBalrog rolled 1 20-sided die: 19
SOURCERESS ::rather concentrating on the fight:
Michael695 Raker..
LrdPhoenix Yes!!
Aingeall NO!
Raker :;struggling to parry::
OnlineHost Raker rolled 1 20-sided die: 8
AutumSkye ::praying to She for help for Raker::
Aurora ::casting 15 foot silence around Pheonix, eyes blazing:::::
Chiana ::closing her eyes tightly::
Greyswyr ::wince::
S0URCEROR ::looking at Jade's Sour grin::
Tigresssss ::thinks Source's timing is awful::
Michael695 (Yup...big time toast..)
LordBalrog ::talons close slowly and powerfully::
DukeGundar ::Waves a hand at Raker::: It was nice to have you around...
SmoothOper ::hands cover face::
OnlineHost LordBalrog rolled 2 6-sided dice: 2 6
Aingeall ::turning away for moment::
S0URCEROR ::arching a brow at Tigresssss::
Tigresssss ::Trying to keep watching Raker:
Michael695 ::removing the soul crystal from pocket::
Jade One 11 - 41 Balrog
Tigresssss Come on Rake
SOURCERESS :mind running in same lines as Tig:
Aingeall Oh, Raker, luv, please
AutumSkye Raker...heal! Tis time!
Raker ::singing around Balrog's hands;:
SOURCERESS Heal, Raker!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
OnlineHost Raker rolled 1 20-sided die: 1
RyuDarkeye DO IT NOW!!!!
Raker ::not a sound::
S0URCEROR Bad roll, friend Raker.
LordBalrog ::takes Raker to the ground, raises hands high overhead and crashes downwards::
Splugorth He, he!
Greyswyr ::ditto S'ess::
OnlineHost LordBalrog rolled 1 20-sided die: 2
SkyBlade1 ::hitting forehead with hand::
AutumSkye Noooo!
Raker ::spinning out from underneath::
Aingeall Call to the cross, Raker!
DukeGundar ::Suddenly straightens up looking at Michael intently::
LordZephyr CMON!
RyuDarkeye You cant hit a damn cripple, Balrog!
Tigresssss ::rugently rooting for Raker::
Raker ::clutches at the cross around his throat::
Chiana ::biting at her lower lip, eyes opening slowly, the vestigial fangs cut into her lip::
Jade One Raker... one halfway decent hit...
Michael695 ::Crystal pulsing in the light...concentrating on raker::
Aingeall ::concentrating::
Tigresssss :::urgently too::
RDI Doctor and?
RyuDarkeye Rip His throat out!
Aingeall Let it, Raker!
AutumSkye ::sends healing thoughts towards Raker::
Aingeall Concentrate!
RyuDarkeye HEAL!!!!
AutumSkye Please, dearest....
LordBalrog ::crouches low, preparing to lunge::
Raker ::swinging the sword, hardly able to breath::'
OnlineHost Raker rolled 1 20-sided die: 18
Greyswyr ::waving a small white banner with one word on it::
Tigresssss For Emerald Raker.... don't give up!!
SmoothOper ::hoping to add concentration and help others help Raker::
Greyswyr moo
Aingeall ::calling to old ones::
Mika leigh ::whispers, closing eyes briefly..::Please...
AutumSkye MOOOOO
SOURCERESS :clenching my fists in my gown, willing life to raker:
SkyBlade1 YES!
Aurora ::::concentrates energy into Raker::::::
RyuDarkeye Do it for Chiana, and Autumn, and Emerald!
LordBalrog ::tkaes the sword full on...blood gushes::
OnlineHost LordBalrog rolled 1 20-sided die: 17
S0URCEROR Is there anyone to look after Raker's child after he is dead?
Jade One ::glancing over my shoulder at Mika... frowning just slightly::
LordBalrog ::manages to parry::
AutumSkye Aye, Source....
OnlineHost Raker rolled 2 6-sided dice: 1 6
AutumSkye I have her spirited away, safely.
Tigresssss :;frowns at Source::
AutumSkye Kairee will take care of her.
SkyBlade1 Heal, Raker...
Jade One HP's... and HAS Raker healed himself at all? O.o
Tigresssss Come on Raker!!!
AutumSkye It will not come to that, though.
BlkPanther 11-37, and no.
Aingeall ::eyes pleading:: Raker, do it now!
LordBalrog ::growling at the flow of blood, charges into Raker's midsection::
Splugorth Healing will only delay death
RyuDarkeye HEAL!
OnlineHost LordBalrog rolled 1 20-sided die: 11
Jade One Well, now isn't that just the silliest thing then ::frowning::
Tigresssss Heal!!!!
LordBalrog ::missing by inches::
Raker ::leaping over Balrog's shoulder, spinning::
Raker ::swinging::
OnlineHost Raker rolled 1 20-sided die: 1
Chiana (No, Jade, he tried to, and couldn't)
Tigresssss ::gasps::
Raker ::falling flat on his back::
RDI Doctor Whish!
Jade One ::watching Raker fall on his backside::
S0URCEROR Just thinking ahead. ;/
DukeGundar ::Laughs::
Splugorth WIFF!
RyuDarkeye Um, Raker, now would be an excellent tie for a miraculous vengeful comeback.
Aingeall ::concentrating deeper::
Splugorth ::smiles::
RyuDarkeye tie=time
LordBalrog ::leaps on his fallen enemy::
OnlineHost LordBalrog rolled 1 20-sided die: 12
Tigresssss ::concentrating on sending mental energy to Raker::
Jade One (Has he used both attempts?)
Chiana (Folks!! It's a safe bet that he CANNOT heal anymore!!!)
Jade One Woops...
RyuDarkeye Ay.
AutumSkye ::urging healing powers to Raker:::
SmoothOper ::concentrating with Aingeall::
LordBalrog ::digging claws into his arm::
Splugorth ::eyes widen::
SkyBlade1 Yes, he can.
SOURCERESS :sitting down, biting my lips:
Tigresssss ::throwing mental blast against Balrog::
Chiana ::eyes locked on the scene::
Aingeall Please, Raker, God luv ya, please!
AutumSkye ::tears flow down face::
SkyBlade1 Cast it, Raker.
LrdPhoenix ::feeding lower plane energies into balrog, to help him::
Raker ::screaming, the blood flowing::
OnlineHost Raker rolled 1 20-sided die: 10
AutumSkye You can outlast him, Raker...please fight for your life!
LordBalrog ::suddenly realizing he attacked out of turn....::
Michael695 :;Shutting off the flow of energy from phoenix::
ElfBane Raker!!
Michael695 No.
Aingeall Remember, Raker! Wiil it so!
S0URCEROR ::caressing m'lady's back, holding her close::
AutumSkye Your daughter needs you, Chiana needs you, I need you! Fight!
LrdPhoenix ::glares at michael::
RyuDarkeye Fight!
SOURCERESS :leaning against Source:
Raker ::throwing Balrog off, thrusting::
OnlineHost Raker rolled 1 20-sided die: 13
Michael695 ::Glaring right back at him, eyes flashing red::
ElfBane The child Raker, think for the child!!
RyuDarkeye DAMN YOU, FIGHT!!!!
DukeGundar Do not worry Raker, it will be over soon.
AutumSkye Aye! Again, Raker!
LordBalrog ::swings wide to shred Raker's eyes, destroy his sight::
Raker :fingering the grenade at his throat::
OnlineHost LordBalrog rolled 1 20-sided die: 2
RDI Doctor My... such language...
RDI Doctor Hi Marv!
LordBalrog ::missing like mad::
Aingeall Aye, Raker! She needs ya so!
RDI Doctor 30 folk?
Jade One Heyo, MARV :)
SOURCERESS M'lord...I fear muchly for good sir Raker....
Raker :;ducking away, slashing at Balrog's knees::
OnlineHost Raker rolled 1 20-sided die: 1
DukeGundar :::LAughs::
Chiana (Oh, god... not again...)
Raker ::the sword breaks::
ElfBane no..
RyuDarkeye Do it for the revenge, if nothing else!
Aingeall ::eyes turning liquid::
LrdPhoenix ::snarls at Michael::
AutumSkye NOOO!!!
Splugorth That's all she wrote
SkyBlade1 Raker, how do you get so many 1s?
Michael695 (bad, bad, bad rolls..:()
Jade One ((Can we organize a rematch with someone else's dice????))
DukeGundar See what you get when you send a fool to do the job....
SmoothOper WE all need you is no fun without a fool to make us laugh.
Tigresssss ::silent tears falling down my face::
Raker ::tossing the hilt away::
ElfBane ::tries to offer sword::
Mika leigh No, Raker, no...
AutumSkye ::sobbing::
LordBalrog ::slapping the broken sword away, grabs for the throat::
Tigresssss ::looks up to Zephyr pleadingly::
OnlineHost LordBalrog rolled 1 20-sided die: 12
Mika leigh ::weeps silently..::
ElfBane Take it.
Aingeall ::shooting ice eyes at Gundar::
Raker ::trying to break the grip::
OnlineHost Raker rolled 1 20-sided die: 14
Michael695 ::crystal flashing::
Jade One 11 - ??????
LordBalrog ::squeezes::
DukeGundar ::Waves bye bye at Raker::
BlkPanther 37
OnlineHost LordBalrog rolled 2 6-sided dice: 6 2
Splugorth ::chuckles::
Tigresssss (w) Raker.............
BlkPanther to 7
AutumSkye something...
RyuDarkeye Raker, no....::whispered::
Jade One Now, after that parry 7 -37???
Raker ::slipping underneath::
Aurora ::::taking a quick breath, slowly bringing the power from
Jade One So ka :)
SkyBlade1 Raker. this would be a good time.
LordBalrog ::moving with incredible swiftness...lunges again::
Aurora the earth node upwards:::::
Tigresssss ::buries my face against Zephyr's chest, crying::
AutumSkye ::falls to knees::
OnlineHost LordBalrog rolled 1 20-sided die: 13
Chiana (Yes, 7-37, Jade_
SOURCERESS :turning away from the scene with a smothered cry:
Aingeall Raker, please! Tis I next after you! Please!
Michael695 ::Nodding to Aurora::
Tigresssss ::cannot watch this anymore::
DukeGundar ::Filling another glass of bloodwyne from Raker's blood::
LordZephyr ::holds Tigs::
Jade One ::watching, quietly::
DukeGundar Delicious....
LordBalrog ::grabbing Raker by the throat yet again::
Michael695 ::Closing eyes, fixating on the drop of Raker's blood contained in the crystal:
Aurora ::::steps away from Chiana, near Michael::::
LrdPhoenix ::grins at Gundar::
AutumSkye Please....
Mika leigh ::continues to watch, tears falling unchecked..::
Splugorth Looks good, Duke
SKYWISE256 ::thinking: Raker, cocentrate, rip the guys lungs out if need be::
AutumSkye ::sobbing::
Aurora :::::::looks into crystal:::::::
Michael695 ::Chanting, lowly::
Aingeall ::desperately praying::
ElfBane ::stands by Aurora::
Tigresssss ::sobbing, unable to look::
OnlineHost Raker rolled 1 20-sided die: 9
Jade One ((NOTE: Balrog is not silly.. more likely than not he will vanish shortly after winning...
Michael695 In sanct frio grav an wis....
Aurora :::closes eyes concentrating power into Michael:::::::
SkyBlade1 Raker... cast.
SKYWISE256 (of course I don't under stand this)
DukeGundar Ahhhhh.... kill the fool quickly...
Raker ::grasping at the ring of the grenade::
LordBalrog ::starts to crush....slooooowly.....::
Jade One don't plan on nailing him in the ring :/))
RyuDarkeye ::muscles tense with grim realization::
ElfBane You may give him my rose Aurora!!
OnlineHost LordBalrog rolled 2 6-sided dice: 4 4
Tigresssss (w) No Raker!!!
Aingeall NOW! Raler!
Michael695 (Not. Planning to.)
Mika leigh No!!..
Raker ::glancing at Chiana..At Emerald...::
AutumSkye Please, fight for your life, Raker.
LrdPhoenix ::smiles::
Raker ::pulling the pin::
Michael695 NOW!
RDI Doctor Balrog could be silly if he wanted to be...
Tigresssss (w) Oh God..... no
Chiana ::face completely blank::
RyuDarkeye (w) R..Rak..raker.....
Aingeall Oh no, Raker, no!
LordBalrog ::leaps away from Raker::
DukeGundar ::Goes to open the tap of blood wyne spewing from Raker's jugular::
Mika leigh ohmygod...
Jade One Aye, doc, I s'pose he could ::small grin::
Aurora :::reaching out for the soul:::::::
AutumSkye Please, No!
Michael695 ::Chanting louder, the crystal pulsing::
DukeGundar ::Filling up another glass::
Splugorth ::smile exposes fangs::
Aurora :::concentrating harder::::::
SOURCERESS ::burying my face in M'lord Source's shoulder:
Greyswyr ::stay there Duke...::
LordBalrog Wretch!
Aingeall ::clasping self quietly and crying softly::
Michael695 ::gateway of the crystal opening, tearing on Raker's soul::
DukeGundar ::Drinks::
Tigresssss ::silently swears to personally finish Duke L:
ElfBane ::raises glowing sword::
SmoothOper ::sits in shock::
Jade One ::watching, turning my eyes to the side an instant::
AutumSkye Think of Emerald, Raker...draw strength from her image!
DukeGundar Congratulations Balrog.... I shall see you in the fields then...
Aurora :::::soul moves into the crystal:::::::
Michael695 ::Closing eyes, bead of blood sweat dripping down forehead::
Michael695 An jux!
RyuDarkeye ::Eyes flashing in vengence::
Michael695 ::Opening eyes::
Aingeall ::rocking self, sobbing::
LordBalrog ::stands quietly....breathing heavily...enraged....::
Aurora ::::gasping suddenly, eyes widening, weaving::::::
SmoothOper ::looks to AutumSkye::
AutumSkye ::sobbing in anger::
Michael695 ::Clutching the crystal::
LordBalrog The wretched fool!
ElfBane I claim blood revenge!!!
Chiana ::reaching behind her back, grabbing the hilt of her sword::
Splugorth ::sips Wyne::
RyuDarkeye ::eyes flash with black light::
SOURCERESS ::holding onto M'lord Source:
Michael695 ::Smiling::
LordZephyr ::rises holding Tigs::
Tigresssss ::turns tear stained face up to Zeph, whispers::
LordBalrog He took his own life!
Jade One ::lifting mug silently, holding it to the air... sipping::
RyuDarkeye Balrog......
AutumSkye ::shape shift into a red tail hawk with emerald eyes and gold talons::
Aingeall ::watching Chiana::
Aurora ::::puts out a hand to Michael::::
Michael695 His death may be yours, Balrog..but his soul is denied you.
LordBalrog ::looks at the gathered crowd......smiles evilly::
Chiana ::sliding her sword out of the sheath::
Aurora (w) It must be put in a safe place.
RyuDarkeye Balrog.... I challenge you....
Mika leigh ::narrows eyes, cursing the evil one, through her tears...::
AutumSkye ::talons and beak, razor sharp::
Fable ::jumps up and wraps an arm about Chiana's waist::
Michael695 ::Nodding to aurora::
Fable Don't be doin' that, ya crazy wench.
RDI Doctor Hmmm...
LordBalrog KNow this, wretches....the child SHALL BE MINE!
ElfBane We are made brothers through the crystal.
RyuDarkeye right now, Balrog....
RDI Doctor {S <dematerializing>}
Tigresssss ::shaking::
LrdPhoenix ::smiels at Balrog::
AutumSkye Nae, Balrog!!!
Jade One ::quietly sipping the ale, watching with a sad impassive face::
AutumSkye Never!!!
Chiana ::trying to push Fable's hands away::
LrdPhoenix ::smiles too::
ElfBane ::looks at Aurora::
LordBalrog ::::shimmers....::
DukeGundar RyuDarkEye, You just dont make a challenge to the lord Balrog.
LordZephyr ::holds Tigs tightly::
LordBalrog ::vanishes::
SKYWISE256 ::eye narrow::
Splugorth ::finishes wyne::
Tigresssss ::sobbing::
OnlineHost You are now in room "Lobby A."
Ziggy76418 ???????
OnlineHost You are now in room "InnerWorld."
Jeremy Kane
Posts: 15
Joined: Mon Jan 18, 2010 12:18 am
Location: Rhydin

"Chiana's Top Ten" (1994)

Post by Jeremy Kane »


Evidently I'm cute. ::silly grin:: D'awww.


Subj: Oh, dear.
Date: 94-04-14 22:35:35 EDT
From: LadyChiana

Choices, choices, choices....
Syryn, I must say this is one of the more challenging decisions I've ever
come across. You mean I have to pick just ten?
And, without further ado....

10) Kincoura (something about the armor, or is it what's under it? :D)
9) Jeremy Kane (Just too cute for words.)
8) Mixx (Okay, so he tried to kill me a few times, I can still look, right?
7) Sir Ghost (No, his most attractive feature ISN'T the pointy ears }:>)
6) Rennon (Nice catch, Cats O:>)
5) Carp (Not because he has a nice posterior, but because his lips have been
rated at 231psi. That deserves at LEAST an honorable mention, doesn't it?)
4) BlkPanther (Prehensile tails....)
3) Jade One (Someone once offered me lots of money to steal his MM boxers...)
2) Fin Solo (No explanation needed. ;D)

::waving a can opener triumphantly:: Now, not because I'm biased or
anything... O:>

1) Arazius

There's just SOMEthing about about those swordsmen.... lotsa squat thrusts,
maybe... ::smiling serenely::
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