An idea!

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Anubis Karos
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An idea!

Post by Anubis Karos »

A dueling event that could be fought from horseback.

Discuss kids, because this is teh awesome.

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Post by Misty »

Duel of Jousts?
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Post by Harris »

Misty wrote:Duel of Jousts?
That was my first thought. Variant matrix tournament, perhaps?
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Post by Neo Eternity »

Something tells me that this idea is sarcastic...

...but it backfired because it actually sounds kind of cool. Why would you even need a different matrix? Put people on horses and just fight DoS. Let the RP be the spice of this one.
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Post by Anubis Karos »

You're wrong dude. I'm completely serious.
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Post by Carley »

I like this idea.

Doesn't even have to be a horse. Could be a little dragon, a pony, a unicorn, gryphon, jabberwocky, etc. Whatever mount would be viable to your character or whatever your imagination can come up with.

I don't see a matrix change as being necessary either, but... I'm not sure how all the current DoS moves would be valid for this type of dueling. Like disengaging. Doesn't make sense in my mind. Could use the current DoS matrix and just rename some of the moves to be more applicable for this sort of thing.
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Post by Max Blue »

Walking your horse away to remove yourself from combat doesn't make sense?

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Post by Scotty »

Oh, I love this notion. And disengaging could work; pull your mount back, either for their safety or yours, because they're looking to get tangled up?
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Post by G »

The logistics of bringing animals the size of horses into the basement of the RDI, into the Arena not withstanding(And easy cheesy cop-out explanations of magically) this could be done.

My suggestion would be to have a new room made, which I'd been thinking of trying to have a reason to bring up. If anyone remembers the old "Battlefield" room we had on AOL, this could be a good tournament type thing to try holding as an inaugural event of the room. It could then be open for challenges like there used to be.

So, Jousting on The Battlefield?
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Post by Artemus Kurgen »

I'd recommend using a room labeled Battlefield for Megabrawl events. Of any sport.
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Post by NightRunner »

Late to the party but I must say, I like that idea, be it in a Western jousting format or something more Mongolian/Tatar-like. There's a sport done on horseback and I can't for the life of me remember its name but it's quite favoured throughout the steppes of Asia and Eastern Europe and I could see it possibly being a matrix thing for RoH.
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Post by Harris »

Adapting the DoS matrix would be fine, obviously, but would make the idea purely roleplay and essentially just DoS on horseback. Don't get me wrong, I have no problem with that, but I think a variant matrix would be way more interesting. Plus, it's been awhile since we've had a variant matrix tournament and this is unique enough of an idea to warrant one.
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Post by Red urThorne »

I personally like messing around with new matrix, it does mean that you need a test bed to make sure the matrix you build is viable. That being said I'm all over helping someone test a new matrix!
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Post by Angelica Rose »

Considering you could probably add a ramp from the Stables, G? ::runs::

In any event, sometimes Jousts moved from the Lance to Sword fighting.

You might have to tweak moves like "Slash", the parries and the Cuts...

Thrust, stop hit would remain untouched.

(Can anyone picture saddling Icer though?)
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Post by Harris »

After some thought and a bit of research I think I have a moderately decent way to incorporate this. Granted, it's possibly way different from what Anubis had envisioned.

Basically, create a matrix specific for jousting. Start with jousting, wherein the first person to have two points scored against is unhorsed. The winner dismounts and a regular DoS match starts, with the winner having a 2-0 scoring advantage for dismounting their opponent. The DoS match would start at whatever round the joust ended at. If it takes 5 rounds to unhorse someone, the DoS match starts at round 6.

Feasibly the amount of rounds or passes in the joust could be limited to a certain number, as most medieval jousts allowed for three passes, which would be three rounds. Good way to incorporate squires somehow too, I think. They played a role in the jousts. Minor, but still.
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