Brushing the dust off

Small school of dueling held in the basement of Tormay's home. The aim is to study techniques, old and new, and train to be better duelists, in and out of the rings.

Moderators: Argus Redath, Tormay Eludes, Neo Eternity

Argus Redath
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Brushing the dust off

Post by Argus Redath »

Argus continued to sweat as he moved kegs through the warehouse, he may be the boss but he is not above doing the heavy lifting. He set down the last one from his most recent batch and wiped the sweat from his brow with his apron, he hadn't seen anyone from House deGorol in awhile, hell he hadn't seen anyone besides his employees in recent months. With a sigh he let everyone off for the rest of the day, cleaned up and headed over to the house.

Upon arrival he found the servants at their usual duties and greeted them all with a keg of his new summer ale for them all to share later. He walked down the stairs and coughed a little as he stirred up the thick layer of dust that seemed to be covering everything, with a chuckle he hung up his jacket on the coat rack and began cleaning.

'I know I'm guilty of it but I never expected Tormay to let this place get so disused' he thought to himself as he finished up the cleaning. Once he was finished with that task he began his training with a few warm-up drills, then moved over to the heavy bag and began his long training session.
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Tormay Eludes
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Post by Tormay Eludes »

Tormay usually could be found in one of two places these days. Either walking the streets of RhyDin, or in his room. When he was in the town, there was little difference than him hiding in his room. He didn't pay attention to his surroundings, and certainly didn't talk to the people he passed. Ever since the real Taneth had disappeared, Tormay couldn't bring the energy to care much about anything. The servants were worried about him at first, but now it was 'normal', in a sense.

"Anton," Tormay greeted the elderly gardener as he walked to the front door with a nod. The usual warm welcome from Anton was given, and something else, not that Tormay really heard it. Tormay would head straight to his room as he did every day after wandering.

Tormay paused in the hallway for a moment to ask himself, "Wait, did he say something about a guest?"

He heard noises coming from the basement, noises he hadn't heard for a long time. The basement training facilities hadn't been used in months, why would anyone be there now? Tormay was convinced he had started hallucinating, but had to check to make sure. Quietly, he made his way down the stairs.

It was clean, and there really was someone practicing down here. Still moving quietly, he found a spot to sit that would give him a good view to watch the practice. Seeing Argus again and the training area in use again brought a smile to his face.
Argus Redath
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Post by Argus Redath »

Sensing someone behind him he threw one last punch and turned to face Tormay with a very disapproving look on his face and shook his head.

"Ye don't write... Ye don't stop in ta se me... Ye don't even stop by the brewery any more..." he held up a finger and pointed at him, "Ye know how much that worries yer friends ya blasted fairy!!! Of course..." he thought for second stroking his massive beard, "Guess I'm just as guilty as you."

He glanced back at Tormay with a smurk on his face then jabbed a thumb at the heavy bag, "Well come on boy, it's yer turn."
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Tormay Eludes
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Post by Tormay Eludes »

Tormay ducked his head at the rebuke and stared at his own feet. Argus was right, he had been hiding from just about everyone. People were certain to be worried about him. It was funny, he avoided others and the few times he was around them, he faked a smile to pretend everything was alright, but int he end, he was making things worse that way. He really was-

"Well come on boy, it's yer turn."

"Eh?" Tormay looked up and pointed to himself. He hadn't planned on doing any practice today, or being seen for that matter. "O- O-kay."

He got up from his seat and headed over to the heavy bag. Fist fighting was not his strongest area, but he hadn't forgotten what Argus had taught him before. He squared up and began his drill.

Jab. Hook. Right cross.

"Sorry I've been distant lately."

Jab. Elbow. Hook.

"Thanks for coming. It's been really lonely here."

He didn't have to think about the punches anymore, they came on their own as he trained and talked, finding his rhythm quickly.
Argus Redath
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Post by Argus Redath »

Tormay let a grunt out as he flung his leg around for a roundhouse to finish out his set and stood there panting as Argus stretched out his muscles and did a few rotations to get his joints limbered up."I know I'm just as guilty as you and everyone else for not stayin in touch, and lettin this place get in such disrepair." he said as he indicating pretty much the entire room. "But, life does have a nasty tendency to intervene when we don' want it to. Just know that I am here for you in anything you need. The... incident with Taneth, so soon after the weddin' was a big shock to everyone. If ye be needin' me ta help I'd be more than happy ta help, but first" he pointed to the mat in the middle of the floor. "we do a little grapplin'."

"I know it don' happen much in the rings but it still be usefull, it's all about the right moment to throw your opponent accross tha room." To emphasize his point he grabbed Tormay by the shirt swept his leg at the ankles and bumped his hip into Tormay's midsection, then slung him to the mat and pinned him there covering his upperbody." Now tha' weightclass is probably off, but iffin' ya think about it, it should be easy for ya ta reverse this." He smiled a big toothy grin and chuckled at the fairies plight.

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