Stage 18: Magic Tag Team

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DUEL Random
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Stage 18: Magic Tag Team

Post by DUEL Random »

Date: Wednesday, February 24th
Time: 9:00 PM EST/8:00 PM CST/6:00 PM PST
Location: Twilight Isle

Rules: ... hp?t=23307

Stage Rewards:

Winner: 10 Tour Points each
Runner-up: 7 Tour Points each
Gold Group: 5 Tour Points each
Silver Group: 3 Tour Points each
Bronze Group: 1 Tour Point each

Please register your pair in this thread before the start of the tournament.

In addition, please post in this thread with any questions/suggestions/comments.

Good luck and have fun dueling!
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Stiles Mornay
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Post by Stiles Mornay »

Going for this one, of course. Anybody wanna team up with me?
Drake Genais
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Post by Drake Genais »

Xanth and I will be representing Great of Strength.
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Post by Vinny »

Myself and Matt will be there for CrushBob
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Maranya Valkonan
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Post by Maranya Valkonan »

Aja and I will be there to fight for the Fun-Tastics.

The above note is neatly scratched through, and another note penned neatly underneath.

Due to unforeseen circumstances, I will not be partnering with Aja in the Tag Team tonight after all.

However, I am honored to be partnered with the current Archmage, Lem DeAngelo, for this event.

--Maranya Ergin-Falconne

(edit to change partner officially)
Last edited by Maranya Valkonan on Wed Feb 24, 2010 6:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Sivanna Cyredghymn
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Post by Sivanna Cyredghymn »

I believe Thorne and I will be teaming up for Deathcake.
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Post by DUEL Tass »

Because of a half-frazled old man, things started off all screwy, as it was origionally planned to do a Round Robin stile of match (since we only had 5 teams). However, after the first round (which lasted 2 hours), the old man realized that it wasn't just 5 duels, it was a total of 10 that would need to be completed. So, after a talking with those involved, and getting the "OK" from the actual team members of those teams with split teams, we drifted over to Single Elim.

That said, here are the initial lineup and results:

Code: Select all

GoS vs Funtasitcs
Crew vs CrushBob
Deathcake = bye (vs winner of Crew vs CrushBob)

CrushBob (Matt-0, Vinny-.5) .def. Crew (Kheld-0, Stiles-0) after 27 Rounds
Funtastics (Anya-0, Lem-2) .def. GoS (Xanth-0, Drake-0) after 20 Rounds

CrushBob (Matt-3, Vinny-3.5) .def. DeathCake(Siv-0, Thorne-0) after 16 rounds.

Funtastics (Anya-0, Lem-4) .def. CrushBob (Matt-0, Vinny-0) after 19 Rounds.

And so, after many rounds and many spells, Funtastics take the 1st place spot with CrushBob coming in 2nd.. and everyone else 3rd! (or so I'm saying.. blame Random if it's otherwise).
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DUEL Random
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Post by DUEL Random »

Congratulations to Maranya Valkonan of The Fun-Tastics and Lem DeAngelo for winning Stage 18 of the 2010 Tour de RhyDin!

NOTE: Under normal rules, Sivanna & Thorne would have automatically been in the Gold Group due to the bye counting as a win. However, since there were so few teams and there was no third or fourth place match, I decided to rank the three losing teams by the difference in scores for their matches, since that seemed the fairest solution.


<Stage Winners> (10 Tour Points)
Maranya Valkonan & Lem DeAngelo

<Stage Runner-ups> (7 Tour Points)
Matthew Algiers Simon & Vincent Smith

<Gold Group> (5 Tour Points)
Kheldar Drasinia & Stiles Mornay (-0.5 PDPD)

<Silver Group> (3 Tour Points)
Xanth van Bokkelen & Drake Genais (-2 PDPD)

<Bronze Group> (1 Tour Point)
Sivanna Cyredghymn & Thorne (-6.5 PDPD)
Fear me, for I am that weird guy on the post!

...and I walk on ceilings, so try to mess with that, fool.

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