Old Market District

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Maria Graziano
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Old Market District

Post by Maria Graziano »


I fully expected to be informed this morning that you posted challenge last night since you decided to call me out in a room full of people.

I'm not going to tremble in my boots over the idea of being challenged like some of these idiots. You call me out for who I choose to stand loyal to, you better fully expect to put your neck on the line. You threatened to challenge Rena when she interceded on Tormay's behalf and never did. I'll be damned if you disrespect me the same way. It's funny how you give of your body so freely to anybody with half an inch of desire but when it comes to challenging you tease like a Catholic school girl.

If you don't issue the challenge, I will find you and beat you within an inch of your life anyway so might as well make me put my ring on the line. Let's go.

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Post by Teagan »


I did not call you out last night. I addressed you with the intent of asking the reasoning behind your alignment. I wanted the reason because I did not want to challenge you, but you happened to take offense to merely having your name spoken in the middle of the Arena.

Believe it or not, I understand that sometimes we must do things that are not approved of for various reasons, because they seem like the best option at the time.

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Maria Graziano
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Post by Maria Graziano »

I'm not offended by you saying my name. I'm offended by you asking me for a reason not to issue a challenge against me. Do not use a threat of a challenge to try to get information with me. It will not work. The way I see it you are one of the few obstacles between me and being seen as hands-down the best female duelist in the rings right now. I'm all about beating you into submission and proving that I am the only one deserving of that title.

I will not be answering your questions. My loyalty to the Overlord is not up for debate. I will defend him from renegade barons if he asks it of me. I only answer to Crew and, unless you got hitched to Tical, My, or Tone without me knowing about it, you ain't Crew.

You challenging or not? One way or another I want to see you in a ring this weekend. It can be for my ring or it can be for pride but you and I have a date.

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Tormay Eludes
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Post by Tormay Eludes »

Since I don't want to have New Haven back, and the other two Loyal Barons are already under challenge, and Teagan isn't challenging you... Plus, you're Crew and I used to be Atrebla...

Maria! I challenge you for your title of Baron of Dockside!
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Maria Graziano
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Post by Maria Graziano »

Baron of Dockside? You guys are giving me a headache. I'm just going to assume you mean Old Market.

I'm not going to take it easy on you, Fairy Boy. You may be good kid and Taneth may be the second cutest thing in the Arena (after Nappy) but I'm still going to bust you up and send you home crying to your ma.

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Post by Napoleon Bonarat »

YAY! Maria loves me!

<3 <3 <3
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Post by Napoleon Bonarat »

But don't anyone mistake that just cuz she loves me that she's all shoft and shtuff. She's mean. ARRRRR! GRRR!!!! GROWL!! She'll tear ya to shreds!
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Tormay Eludes
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Post by Tormay Eludes »

Dockside, Old Market... who cares which one it is! It's a challenge, and no matter which Barony you have, I am going to take it from you!

You're Crew. I have had lots of chances to watch you guys fight in the rings growing up, and I know exactly what it takes to win against you.

I'll be running home alright after our match, to show off my third Barony.
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Post by G »

If this is really a challenge from Tormay, and not a goofing around sort of thing, then the Challenge is Valid and can proceed.

If this is just being silly, cause fairies are "fairly" silly creatures, then okay, disregard that it's valid.

Otherwise, I need to smack Tormay for not paying attention to which Barony Maria holds. Cause when you issue a challenge, it generally does matter and you should care about which one you're going for.

Just fyi.
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Post by Tormay Eludes »

I know it is important, But I gotta poke at her! I never really had a chance to before. Plus, she is Crew, it is mandatory to poke fun at the Crew!

All joking aside, I do respect you Maria, and the Crew as a whole. But I see you all as rivals. You siding with Anubis and taking the Barony from Xeno put you on top of a short list of people I want to challenge right now.

I will get with you soon to pick a date and time.
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Post by Teagan »


Do you always invite yourself into the middle of the issues of other people?

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Post by Tormay Eludes »

No, I don't invite myself into others issues. I don't really caer if you got a problem with Maria or not. I just looked like you weren't going to issue challenge. Now, if I am wrong and you were, I woudn't mind withdrawing my challenge and letting you go on ahead with yours.

I can wait a couple of weeks to see how the Baronies will change and decide then if there is anyone I want to take down.

But if you are not going to challenge, I see no reason for me to not continue with this.
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Post by Teagan »

Continue. I am content to allow Maria's inferiority complex to fester for a while longer.

I hope you win, Maria.

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Maria Graziano
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Post by Maria Graziano »

I think this might be the first time anybody on the Crew has ever been accused of having an inferiority complex.

I do formally accept the challenge now that you all have decided which title you would like me to defend. I will be in touch to schedule a prompt date.

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Post by G »

I think I'll challenge Maria afterwards for the Barony of Overlord Island on New Haven's Dockside District of Battlefield Park's Old Temple road near the Marketplace's Seaside Dragon's Gate.

I think I can do that...
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