Challenge for the Overlordship

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Post by Vanion Shadowcast »

Peasants and fools. The Baroness and previous Overlady both made choices; every choice has a consequence. If it had been I that had struck a bargain of sorts with these two mere mortal women, the consequences would have been of a far more grave stature. In living slavery, there is freedom: the freedom to not need to make your own decisions, the freedom from an uncertain life.

My only regret in this matter is that there are those who would blame Anubis for what he is, without realizing what Jaycy and Teagan are - weak, foolish women, who cannot live with the consequences of their actions. The Overlord does not shrink from what he is in nature; this is the trait of a leader.

I would have supped on their lifeblood and dined on their spirits. Their bargain was cheap, and surely, the Overlord has shown them nothing but great mercy.

- Vanion Knightwood-Shadowcast
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Last edited by Vanion Shadowcast on Fri Nov 06, 2009 12:29 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Natolii »

Many do not understand those that take up the way of the chain. Many do not understand there are consequences to donning a collar. They learn those consequences soon enough as evidenced by the disgrace of the Baroness and the former Overlady.

It was the height of arrogance to think that simply donning a collar would protect you from a slaver if he truly desired to claim you. In playing at the roles, the Baroness and the former Overlady not only disgraced themselves, but they gave mockery to those that ply this trade.

It is in our nature to be masters or mistresses. This is not a game we play for sex or kinks. This is our way of life. A True slave places his or her trust in the hands of their master. A True master know the importance of the trust.

The Overlord did not intimidate anyone into doing anything. Words spoken in heat are just that, words. We see no other females within these *honorable* duels fearing words that could not be enforced. Am I the only on that sees no provisions for *side bets*? People do so because it amuses them.

The actions of the Baroness and the Former Overlady were themselves dishonorable and on many levels a slap in the faces over those that are involved in this *vile practice* past and present.

Before you condemn us for our way of life, look to yourselves.

Natolii Azeraith Soulbinder Tanner
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Post by Neo Eternity »


Your recent streak of ignorance is shocking. Usually when you speak, you at least have an idea of what you're talking about. Our "Overlord" did not strike any bargain with Teagan and Jaycy. Considering your ignorance, the rest of your post is not worth replying to.


I'm not entirely sure who you speak of when you say "those that take up the way of the chain": the slavers, or the enslaved. But considering what you said in the rest of your post, I would guess that you mean the enslaved. It's appalling that a slaver such as yourself would dare to speak about the enslaved as if you know them.

I am not trying to relieve them of their disgrace. As I said before, I don't approve of their actions. I am aware that some people exist that do desire the lifestyle of the enslaved, but they are few. Those that our "Overlord" capture against their will do not trust him, nor would I ever dare to ask them to.

Words are considerably more powerful than you claim them to be, be they spoken in heat or not. There are no provisions for side bets, this is true. Yet I don't see any kind of punishment for making threats so underhanded as threatening to enslave females that should fail in challenge. He did intimidate the two of them, whether they be by the words he spoke in his challenge to Max Blue, or by the vile quality of his character.

Dishonor is a small price to pay for one's safety and freedom. Perhaps it is you who should look to yourself.
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Post by Natolii »

Knight Eternity;

Please do not argue what you do not understand. Already you have proven you ignorance in assuming you know that which you speak of. Those taken by force are not true slaves. If you refer to the young lady I have heard much about, maybe she should have not tried stealing a kiss from my uncle in such a manner knowing what he was. That is tempting fate and in many ways begging for the consequences of such actions. There were many through out the history of our profession that tempted fate in such a fashion. No few ended up on my own chain.

Every action has consequences. I am surprised your own rush to yell from the rooftops whenever you perceive something as *wrong* yet you manage not to feel the consequences of those actions.

As for not knowing what it is like to be in those shoes, this demonstrates your ignorance very plainly. However, my past is not to be fodder for this gossip mill. To be very blunt, in this case, I owe Anubis my life. Chew on that one for a while.

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Post by ThorneFang »

Maybe it's not my place to say anything, but it's never stopped me before so...

Anywho, I'm gonna have to agree with the guy who almost killed me. Neo has himself a point. Slavery, no matter which side of the coin you fall on should not be a part of these duels. These duels should be about skill, strategy, strength and honor for whatever that's worth. Why the threat of a collar has been allowed to loom over any of these duels, especially a challenge for overlord, boggles my mind.

I've spent time on both sides of the collar and leash, so I can't criticize Anubis without being a bit of a hypocrite, but I'm alright with that too. I've seen too many jump to the collar like it's full of candy and sunshine to place complete blame on the man. It doesn't change the fact that this behavior doesn't belong in the ring.
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Post by Anubis Karos »

I am not a fellahin cultivator. In my younger days, I always made it a point after the River had receded from it's annual tantrum to remain within my manor or take desert paths, and avoid soiling noble feet with black earth meant for peasants and slaves. It's a tradition that I have continued on these corkboards. Yet, I wish to make an exception here: I will now put an end to this farce of a debate.

I have no illusions about who or what I am, although my neice makes very strong points that you conveniently reject because they do not fit neatly into your worldview, Neo. It doesn't matter, though. The Overlordship is not a sainthood to be bestowed by a pontiff or an elected position to be decided by is specifically designed to be won and lost by the blade. I have proven myself worthy of the task three times now, an inconvenient reality which erases all doubts to my alleged "worthiness". I will point you to Shakira, who arguably wreaked greater havoc on this bloodsport than any who came before or after her, and yet is also arguably the greatest holder of the mantle since Dalamar Ar'Daumon. Indeed, I will point to the fact that despite his noble and exemplary behavior as a general citizen of Rhydin, Dalamar's enemies were blackening his name with accusations of dishonor whilst you were in the cradle, Commoner. This was done out of jealousy for his skill with the blade.

I am worthy to be Overlord because I am the Overlord. In a sense, it is a perfect example of why I have paved a highway with broken lives to set myself above the rest of you fellahin. Regardless of the toothless position of Governor--something which truly is a popularity contest--you live in a world that is not governed by laws but by strength, Neo. It even filters into the pathetic attempts of the weak to build such a structure...perhaps you've noticed the eight Diamonds that the Governor holds, and have noticed the correlation between that and the public's trust in him.

But I point is that your sheltered, simplistic opinion means nothing. The words that you rail against me and my wife will do nothing to change our lifestyle or the fact that I am Overlord...and we both know that your sword is incapable of changing anything either. I doubt you will ever have cause to select a Lady of Honor or a Second; certainly, you won't in this reign.

Go trade 14 round wins with the likes of Thorne and the physician Maranya, and don't worry about things that you can't change. Stay out of the wolves's den.

~Anubis Karos
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Post by Neo Eternity »


You are right, I am ignorant. I can't claim to understand slavers. I wouldn't want to. All I know is that one of my friends, and one who once was my friend, were taken against their will. If they are not slaves, then what are they? Captives of spite? But I digress.


You are right, the mantle, as well as all other titles in the Duel of Swords, are meant to be won AND defended by the blade. The quality of one's character doesn't really have anything to do with it. The same goes for the other two venues and their respective forms of combat. However, you bring mockery to the titles you hold by threatening a collar upon the women that should challenge for them. It's cowardly. Are you so insecure in your ability to defend that you would make such a threat? The titles are meant to be won and defended by the blade. Slavery has no place in these rings. The wrongdoings of others do not give you a free pass to do as you please.

I must regrettably admit that I know next to nothing about Shakira, but from the sound of things, my relationship with her would have been similar to ours now. Though I doubt someone so high-and-mighty as you would not deign to so much as acknowlegde a fellah such as me. I like it that way; it will be that much satisfying to see you fall from so high up.

You claim that my sword is incapable of changing anything. It doesn't need to be. Your lifestyle is a matter outside the duels, and my combined skill set is indeed capable. Also, I would not speak so quickly upon my capabilities even with the sword on its own; I am not a Commoner. I am a Master-at-Arms. I gained two ranks in one night. It is only a matter of time.

I will indeed be glad to trade 14 round wins with the likes of one who has won the Talon of Redwin twice consecutively. Duels that end too fast are far too boring. But you'll be hard-pressed to keep me out of the "wolves' den", and it's futile to try.
-- Neo Eternity
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Post by Anubis Karos »

It's not a matter of cowardice. I live according to the laws of the ancients, Neo....right of conquest. If I'm going to allow these women to pierce my flesh with swords or shatter bones with baseball bats in a futile effort to best me, I deserve compensation.

And I see that small minds continue to delude themselves as to the importance of small accomplishments.
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Post by Neo Eternity »

Compensation? Allow the wards to compensate you the flesh you've lost. It would be unwise to press your luck further.
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Post by Natolii »

Squire Eternity;

You must enjoy the taste of shoe leather with your latest round of absurd comments. The wards compensate nothing, only repair the damage done. I'm sure you under the meaning of the word "Compensation."

However, Your tone leaves much to be desired. You have no authority to advise anyone about pressing their luck. You think because you carry the Sword of New Haven, you can lecture anyone as to pressing their luck. You think that jumping two ranks in one night is a feat, but can you maintain and exceed that?

It is staying power, not boasts that will ultimately prove out. The fact that you continue to make such statements is ill-befitting one that is a representative of a Barony. You have let your rank, however honorary, go to your head.

You and I will be crossing swords soon, to be sure.
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Post by Neo Eternity »


Perhaps you did not read correctly. Slavery is a matter outside the duels. I'm not speaking my opinion on some delusion of authority. I'm not speaking on this matter because my rank of Master-at-Arms (which admittedly is likely temporary) has gone to my head. I'm doing it because it's what I believe in, and that's more than good enough for me. If it's not good enough for you, then so what? It doesn't need to be. I don't need to hold any kind of high rank, or to have a title (let alone so specifically in this venue; I have both rank and title in the Duel of Magic), to fight for what I believe in.

If you wish to duel me, fine. What does it prove if you win? What does it prove if I win? Please answer me this. Like you said, there are no provisions for side bets. And since it is a matter outside of the duels, no self-respecting official would stop me from doing everything in my power to stop him from breaking the life of the next person his whim tells him to collar just because he thinks he has the right.

If I see Anubis move to collar anyone in these duels, let alone anywhere else, it is not just a Master-at-Arms who will stop him. It is not just the Squire of New Haven who will stop him. It is not just a Mage who will stop him. It is not just the Keeper of Water who will stop him. It is all of the above, and then some. You are denying the inconvenient reality that I can fight for what I believe in regardless of whatever rank I have or don't have, and that I can do so with everything I've got.
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Post by Natolii »

Squire Eternity;

I really don't care what your ranks means or what *power* you can bring to bear. Until slavery is outlawed, what gives you the right to dictate what parts of our lives we must live at the doors, hm?

The inconvenient reality is you have no *say* and we have the ability to bring that much and more to bear. The inconvenient reality is that there is no law barring slavery and a precedence of it being allowed.

At this point, if you wish to continue this *pissing* match, look for me in the rings. I await to see if you can back your words.
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Post by Neo Eternity »


As much as there is no law barring slavery, there is also no law that forces me to let someone get away with it.

I don't care to continue this "pissing" match either. You have again failed to tell me what purpose a duel between us serves, but I will indeed see you in the rings, since you're so insistent. If nothing else, it will be a good outlet for our aggression.
-- Neo Eternity
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Post by Anubis Karos »


No one is impressed by your little trinket of Water. If I had my wish, the portal to Twilight Isle would be sealed off for good. No one is impressed with the fact that you are capable of winning four regulation duels in a weekend, when those opponents of yours who have any talent likely do not care to try; I regularly accomplish that in a single night. Such anemic boasts only serve to highlight how pathetic you really are.

No one in this bloodsport believes that you have any skill in least not anyone who is not a weakling themselves. So silence your useless threats.

~Anubis Karos
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Post by Neo Eternity »

How short-sighted you are. Again, that's perfectly fine with me.
-- Neo Eternity
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