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Neo Eternity
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Post by Neo Eternity »

You lose all credibility with this cop-out crap. "I want another shift but no one will show up so I won't bother. But really, what I was is to have the rest of you to give me your toys and then play the crap I want to play."
Um? A cop-out? That's no cop-out. It's a genuine concern. What's the point of me being there if no one will show? What's the point of Wyh's shift when no one shows for hers? I've been by RoH on Tuesday nights, and I've seen how empty it is. "what I want is to have the rest of you to give me your toys and then play the crap I want to play?" Why are you raising so much hell over losing one night? One could say that about you. You don't want to share your toys because you only want to play swords.
Here is the problem Neo.

1) You want another day for DoM.
2) You want Swords to give up a day
3) But you don't want an overlap
4) And you don't want to volunteer to call
1. True. 2. True. 3. True. 4. False. I do want to make one of my characters a caller. I've thought about it for years, and I've been of age for it for two years. But see above.

Um, hello? Guys? Have we forgotten what this thread is about? This thread is about the overlap. It is about the pros and cons about it, and the pros and cons about a schedule where the sports would not overlap, where they would be balanced. But it seems we've spent so much time at each other's throats that we've forgotten. Myself included.

EDIT: I have a tendency to revise a lot after posting. :(
Last edited by Neo Eternity on Thu Aug 27, 2009 8:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.
-- Neo Eternity
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Post by Tasslehofl Momus »

Ok.. after this, I'm done..


Cause you still don't' want to hear what I have to say.

As I've explained to Anya, Neo, Swords has as many nights as it does BECAUSE of the participation and callers.

I can almost bet that if you got a consistent 15 pairs of duelers (that's 30 different people.. not just 15 with the same or some of the same people) a shift/night for Fists and/or Magic, those venues would expand out to more days, so long as members will step up and take time to Call rather than just duel.

Why? Cause the participation calls for it.

Swords, at this time (and no, they don't have those numbers some nights, but some nights they do) does have that, AND they have the callers willing to give their time on the nights Swords is going on.

It is not about Swords being elitist and not wanting to give up their days. It's that participation (both duelist AND callers, cause there needs to be members who will step up and volunteer their time on the nights that would be expanded to to Call) in the others have not warranted the expanding into other nights.

And that, ladies and gentleman, is that.

*Tonight's show is sponsored by Dragon's Dung.. because anything else is uncivilized.
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Post by Max Blue »

Neo Eternity wrote:Um? A cop-out? That's no cop-out. It's a genuine concern. What's the point of me being there if no one will show? What's the point of Wyh's shift when no one shows for hers? I've been by RoH on Tuesday nights, and I've seen how empty it is. "what I want is to have the rest of you to give me your toys and then play the crap I want to play?" Why are you raising so much hell over losing one night? One could say that about you, but I'm tired of beating the horse about DoS supremacy and all that. That's not what this thread is about.
What's the point of opening another night for those sports when it was closed because nobody showed up?
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Post by Jaycy Ashleana »

I'm either a glutton for punishment or this is just what happens when I actually get my reading done BEFORE class.
Um? A cop-out? That's no cop-out. It's a genuine concern. What's the point of me being there if no one will show? What's the point of Wyh's shift when no one shows for hers? I've been by RoH on Tuesday nights, and I've seen how empty it is. "what I want is to have the rest of you to give me your toys and then play the crap I want to play?" Why are you raising so much hell over losing one night? One could say that about you. You don't want to share your toys because you only want to play swords.
Look, this may come as a shock to you but I've actually been in rooms where no one showed up. I've sat with my friends as the only two people to come in. So I have been there.

Here's the big concept: If someone is there and people get USED to someone being there, they'll start showing the hell up.

Until you have the fortitude to sit in the room and let that happen, you're just copping out with your "no one will come so I won't bother."

Next, since you're going to try and use my words...

Me: You want to play? Okay, sure! But go find your own toys because I'm not interested in your games.

You: Give me your toys and you can't play with them unless you play what I want to play.

Get the difference yet? Would another dozen years in kindergarten help?
4. False. I do want to make one of my characters a caller. I've thought about it for years, and I've been of age for it for two years. But see above.
Again, this is just a cop-out. Until you get off your ass and apply and become a caller, you have no credibility and no respect from me.
Um, hello? Guys? Have we forgotten what this thread is about? This thread is about the overlap. It is about the pros and cons about it, and the pros and cons about a schedule where the sports would not overlap, where they would be balanced. But it seems we've spent so much time at each other's throats that we've forgotten. Myself included.
You're one of the very few who seems to think there should be no overlap. Even those who proposed other schedules had more than one sport on multiple nights.


There. No more need to beat this horse.
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Post by Misty »

::whistling!!!:: TIME OUT!!!!!

Stop, step back, take a breather, be calm.

We're going to try new things here, like new nights and such, and leave everyone the choice of what kind of duel they want to do.

Personally speaking, and I do apologize if I've said this before and am repeating myself, I would love to have 2 callers per shift, 2 shifts per night, for all three sports, every night of the week. And the participation necessary to need that much staff.

Not gonna happen, not anytime soon. But I'd much rather give people a choice of what kind of duel they want to do instead of making them duel the way I want them to. So swords doesn't close a night. Whoopty frickin' do? If, during this trial run, you want to duel Magic on Friday, it's there. If you're not feeling the Magic love, go duel in Swords. Or just hang out in whichever room and RP.

In the long run, this isn't a life-threatening deal. And if it's not life-threatening, why make all the fuss?

Here is how it stands right now.

1). Swords will not be closing on Friday nights.

2). Magic will be open on Friday nights.

3). Arguing with each other and getting all worked up and angry is only going to hurt this lovely sport we call Dueling as a whole.

It's a community effort, people. Either we pull together, or it falls apart. That's my two cents.
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Post by Neo Eternity »

Likewise, Jaycy, you have no respect from me because you insist on adressing me in such an abrasive, mocking way. I wanted the thread to cool down, but instead, you insisted on firing back up. What's your problem? I don't even want respect from you. Even now that I've applied.

I'm tired of beating this horse too. Since we seem to be incapable of discussing this topic civilly, I wil simply agree to disagree with you, and leave it at that.

EDIT: Hi Misty.
-- Neo Eternity
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Post by Delahada »

Locke DVestavio wrote:I don't believe this would work, unfortunately, for a couple of reasons. I think some of the duelers who are dedicated to one sport (be that Swords, Fists, or Magic) aren't going to be happy if they can't participate year round. Secondly, I remember hearing/reading on these boards a while back that certain times of year are less busy than others; namely, the November/December holiday season. I would guess this is because people are visiting family, going on vacation, etc. etc. and aren't around or just aren't interested in dueling. Again, the potential for resentment increases if one of the Duels is forced into a season when the player base is smaller.
good point! I don't think I'd very much like that idea either, but it was a thought. a really silly thought, clearly.
Amaltea wrote:If your favorite sport is suffering from lack of participation or from lack of officials and you want to see it thrive, either promote it in your roleplay or volunteer your time to call duels. I know the Coordinator and myself will be grateful for your help.
I bolded that. that's what I'd like to see more of, personally. all this talk about promoting the duels and finding ways to promote cross-play for the duels and all that- I see playables go up, and I think that helps, but not as much as I think actually having character(s) talk about the duels in live play. that's how I got started with sal. he wouldn't have considered dueling if he'd never heard about it from Kitty and Tass.
Neo Eternity wrote:What's the point of me being there if no one will show? What's the point of Wyh's shift when no one shows for hers?
dude - I can't say this enough. advertise! if you really want Magic to go somewhere, just signing up and sitting in a room waiting for people to show is not enough.
Michiko wrote:I have the Permission of Ehzoteric on Mutual Endeavors to post event on her calender. ME has had a few lively discussions where people were asking questions to clarify misconceptions.

I have people coming up to me commenting that they wouldn't know about tourney's and stuff if I hadn't promoted it. Delahada's confusion on DoF nights should be a big red flag.
I've also seen playables, posted mostly by Michiko herself, up on dragon's mark that advertise the existence of tournaments and stuff. she posted playables about the anubis/sal duel. someone, I think also her but can't be sure, posted about the latest Magic tournament.

worrying about people not showing is silly. especially if you think all a caller should do is sit in the room picking his nose and waiting for people to show up. to be an effective host for any party, you have to advertise! even if you aren't volunteering your time to call, get out there and talk about your sport more. gather interest from the player base. get people talking and asking questions. be proactive!

on all the rest of this, I'm siding with Jaycy.
Jaycy Ashleana wrote:I don't care if DoM has a shift open 7 days a week, if they have the callers and participation for it. Just don't close another sport for those shifts.

Worry about your own damn schedules and staffing and participation and don't worry about everyone elses'.
I don't see the overlap as being a problem. I see the lack of knowledge about times for participation in the sports as being the problem. like I keep saying - I never know when Fists is, though somebody answered that question above. as many times as I ask Anya, you'd think I'd know by now which nights are for which, but they aren't as consistent as Swords because -

lack of callers. lack of participation. the few versus the many. majority rules, I'm sorry to say.
Jaycy Ashleana wrote:Here's the big concept: If someone is there and people get USED to someone being there, they'll start showing the hell up.
you say things so much better than me, Jaycy
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Post by BardGallant »

Amaltea wrote:If anyone besides Mart sent in an application, please resend it. We had problems with the Application form.

Done. ;)
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Post by Natolii »

Here are the issues as I see them:

1) Lack or Advertising and Promotion
2) The fear of sitting alone
3) Not wanting to volunteer for fear of sitting alone in a room.

1) I am working on this one actively... Heck I can even start blogging about it on a few sites if need be.

HOWEVER, I am only one person and this is a full time job I am not getting paid for. I do this because I want to help out. I have the time at the moment, but I was also laid-off recently.

2) The fear of sitting alone... Tabbed browsing for the win! MSIE 7 and up and all version of Firefox do allow for tabbed browsing. You can run another character on RDI and help promote or just play until someone comes in!

3) This is the biggest bunch of horse pucky out there. Misty is a floater (And a real sweetheart) and picks up shifts that people need coverage on. She volunteers to call when another host looks like they are slamming. She Makes Smoo-shies and keeps the play going! ;)

Another arguement I heard was "They are not going to let me call challenges..." My answer: They let me...

Point is that these are excuses for not volunteering. IF you want to volunteer and need a mentor, shoot me a line!

Chose the Duel you are most comfortable with and just do it. You don't have to cross train. While the coordinators love having the extra hands in case of emergency, it is NOT required. Anyone who is, did so because they wanted to.

WE shouldn't be penalized by being forced into opening a room just because we can.

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Post by Natolii »

And even when I am trying to stay out of trouble, I am accused of telling people to "Quit F-ing Talking."

Quoted For Truth is what I put and I will stand by that period...

IF anyone wants to talk to me privately about this, please feel free to hit my AIM link
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Post by Elijah »

When Amaltea's, Jaycy's, and Tass's players speak on how things have worked and not worked in the dueling community you should be queit long enough to actually process what they are saying while also realizing that they speak from the optimimum authority of long tenured dedicated service behind the scenes in this forum.

You also should not continue to harp negatively on the issue at hand claiming no one understands your position while also not willing to be apart of the solution claiming insufficient excuses. If you see a fix to an issue that you can do yourself, do not ask others to do it for you, especially when no one has any kind of responsibility to have to do it.

This forum survived because of the proactive additude of a few handfuls of people who had different motivations and willingness in certain areas to help maintain the whole. No one asked the other to sacrifice for someone's elses benefit, yet courtesy extended if courtesy wanted. Since no one gets paid, or signed a contract with performance clauses, everyone understands if your participatio can't always be 100% so long as you communicate your absences.

As they cliche goes, "if you build it they will come". Join the satff, dedicate to call a night, if you can't make it every once in a while someone likely might cover or continue the night after shift. You want to duel the sport you like more then put in the time for other to duel more too. You will find in this forum that reciprication comes with the benefits that come when it happens in your personal life

<---from a fiery, not flaming, redhead
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Post by Xenograg »

In the past, DoM or DoF shifts that overlapped with DoS came out the worse in headcount. We learned to avoid/minimize overlap with DoS whenever possible. I do wish nothing but the best for Friday DoM. I worry, though.

DoS challenges were also renowned for killing DoM or DoF attendance.
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Post by Natolii »

I've been known to encourage my challenge audiences to attend the DoF or DoM when the Challenge is done.
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Post by Anubis Karos »

I've been following this from the first post, and I'm sorry...but there are some inconvenient truths that are going to be said here.

This forum follows supply and demand, like everything else in this country. I can't entirely explain why matters are as they are, but I'm just going to be honest about the traditional preconceptions about Magic.

--The veterans tend to not respect DoM because, in the past, it has encouraged power-gaming. For various reasons, Magic has tended to be the nursery of this forum. The new RPers flock there first, for various reasons. DoM has a very strict code that it's spells are to remain within the boundaries of Twilight Isle...unfortunately, many characters in the past have not noticed this. Furthermore, some of the veterans that *have* dwelled in DoM have not helped.

--Now, to everyone else, I will honestly say that DoM has improved in this regard, and I really do encourage everyone to give it a try, like I have. But the fact remains that this forum is based on volunteerism. We have to go with the flow, and anyone who protests otherwise...has been very misled about the nature of life.
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