New Haven Challenge Results

Notices and stories concerning events in the legendary basement of the Duel of Swords.

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New Haven Challenge Results

Post by DUEL Imp »


So you see, Aya -- who loves me so much and can't keep me away from her because without me she'll just be so empty -- asked me to call her challenge. SHE ASKED ME!!! Told you she digs me! ::eyebrow waggle::

This Tormay guy challenged her and she said ::quickly moving lips for a minute or so before saying:: "yes".

The Baroness -- did I mention she is a hottie? -- was too cool to have any seconds or thirds or whatever. Besides, she's got me! Her man of honor!! ::toothy grin::

Tormay, on the other hand, dueled under the colors of light blue, black, and gold. His Lady of Honor was Taneth, cutie. His Second was Argus Redath.

The Baroness selected a Best of Three format!!

The first duel went something like this: The Baroness stepped, Tormay defended. Then Tormay attacked and Aya didn't defend the way she was supposed to. Then Tormay kept on scoring, and scored again by whacking Aya. On the fifth round Tormay stopped scoring while Aya started to close the point gap, taking the score to 3-2 Tormay.

Then Aya tied the score by braining Tormay! But after all that work, Tormay defended up and down and left and right to score the last two points to win the match! So after 8 rounds, Tormay won 5-3.

They did not waste time hanging around the ring for the next duel. The Baroness quickly attacked the unaware Tormay and scored first blood! But Tormay learns quickly and he avoided the next attack. Then they repeated round 1 as if to remind us, kinda like an instant reply, except it wasn't really instant, you know what I mean? But Tormay ties the score again by attacking Aya. By the fifth round, Tormay takes the lead by defending himself from Aya's attack! But that didn't last long as Aya tied the score again by ducking his next attack. Next she takes the lead by moving quickly to the side, in that sweet way of hers! But this duel is one that doesn't allow for leads and Tormay ties the score 4 all! On the next round Tormay and Aya both thrust, making me one happy Imp!!!! But as we all know, challenge duels go all the way until there's a winner and all it takes is for one of them to make one mistake.

Let's review the last round in slow motion. Tormay and Aya step back from the previous thrusts. Tormay moves back in, swinging low. At the same time Aya steps back from the thrust and sees the intent in Tormay's face, so she tries to duck away from the cut. But there's not that much space between them and Tormay's blade connects with Aya. See here where she tries to defend? ::points to the screen:: But she just couldn't make it. ::hits the stop button::

Tormay gets the point and the win!!!

Tormay declared himself Renegade to the Overlord.

All hail Tormay! Baron of New Haven!

Code: Select all

Duel 1:

	  Aya	Tormay
1.	FSS	LP	 
2.	FDK	TH	
3.	TH	 FSS	 
4.	FSS	HC	
5.	LC	 FSS	
6.	HC	 SH	
7.	LC	 FCP	
8.	TH	 FLP	

Tormay Eludes .def. Aya Hayashibara, 5-3 in 8 rounds

Duel 2:

	  Aya	Tormay
1.	TH	 LC	
2.	HC	 FDK	
3.	TH	 LC	
4.	FDK	TH	
5.	LC	 FCP	
6.	FDK	HC	
7.	FSS	TH	
8.	LC	 FCP	
9.	TH	 TH	
10.  FDK	LC	

Tormay Eludes .def. Aya Hayashibara, 6-5 in 10 rounds
Blood is thicker than water. Adjust your recipes accordingly.
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