Overlord's Grant from Tormay

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Tormay Eludes
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Overlord's Grant from Tormay

Post by Tormay Eludes »

It is sad to see something like this go to waste. It is near the end of the cycle, and the Grant has not been issued. While some would say just not worry about it, I think I should try to find someone to give the grant to, seeing as that is the only reason I am where I am right now.

I have not come to a decision, or considered anyone as of yet. What I would like is for people that are interested in gaining the Overlord's Grant to get in contact with me and let me know. I will wait until Midnight of this Sunday ((Jan 11, 2009)). I will choose from the duelists that have responded by that time.
Cassius Gaius Maximius
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Post by Cassius Gaius Maximius »

If she can be found and persuaded to accept, I would suggest that Jewell Ravenlock would be a very suitable choice indeed.
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Tormay Eludes
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Post by Tormay Eludes »

I will consider that, I will add her to the list of names and try to contact her if I decide on her. Thank you for the input!
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Tormay Eludes
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Post by Tormay Eludes »

I would like to give Wyheree a chance to show her stuff against the best there is so she is given the Overlord Grant of this cycle.

Good luck and duel well!
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Post by Wyheree »

I am deeply and truly honored to be given this opportunity. I will consider my options, and make my decision by the end of this week.

Thank you once again, Overlord Tormay.
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