Committee to Form the Grassroots Revolution of Positivity

A place for the players and staff to communicate, share ideas, report bugs, make suggestions, and build our community.

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Committee to Form the Grassroots Revolution of Positivity

Post by Marc Franco »

I think it's an interesting sign that all of the past supervisors want nothing further to do with this place and become so burned out that they run for the hills. This community can be cancerous with their rumor mongering and waiting for VOLUNTEERS to provide them with fun. God forbid a VOLUNTEER makes a mistake or gets distracted by their real life because this community will tear them apart. This sort of attitude is why I stopped posting the blog on these boards. There were very rarely thank you's but instead just accusations and demands.

Let's make our own fun. Become a part of something. Put ourselves in line for a position. Offer up our services if something needs to be changed. Let's do something other than gripe.

...or we can keep right on griping. We can continue to rip the admins and complain how this place is dying a slow death. Of course, none of those things make someone new, stumbling upon these boards for the first time want to play but WE'VE BEEN SCREWED so who cares? Soon the current admins will grow tired of the relentless attacks and they too will move on.... but then who will we be left with?

Isn't it just about time for a positive movement? I'm serious. A grassroots positive revolution is what it's going to take to save this place. I'll be right there on board, providing as much advertisement as I can. I have one or two ideas and I want yours. Let's form a committee. Let's put aside old grudges/accusations/rumors. Anybody and everybody is welcome.

Please respond. Even if you don't have the time to serve on this committee, I'd love to hear that you support the idea. It's time to start voicing our support instead of our concerns. I'll collect your e-mail addresses. We will pick a chairman and we will get started working together for a better forum instead of picking each other apart.

Who's in?
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Post by Wyheree »

I am.

I've played here for two years - and most of the worst of the rumors/gossip/name calling/back biting stems from events that occured 3 years ago, 5 years ago - in some cases 10 years ago. History is a wonderful thing, but not if it interferes with the present.

I'll do what I can to help.
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Post by Koyliak »

I'm in. :D
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Post by Goldglo »

Fantastic idea; sign me up! But if my admin status makes me ineligible (and if that's the case, no worries), you've got my support! Lemme know whatcha need and I'll do my best to make it happen.
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Post by Tormay Eludes »

Count in Tormay! I am going to tro to help as much with the admin too, I don't want this place to go any further under, so I am going to help out as much as I can with everyone!
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Post by Marc Franco »

Excellent! And I do believe it is important to have admins, callers, great writers, and great roleplayers on board. This needs to be a community effort.

I'm going to give it a couple more days because I'm hoping that a couple more people will want to join in to help create some interesting roleplay opportunities. By the weekend, though, I'd like to get our e-mail loop out there and start tossing out ideas!

Thank you to everybody who has so far responded. The varied group we have so far is exactly what I was looking for!
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Post by Erin Dunbridge »

I have some reservations about this, namely in the idea that no one should complain, when sometimes things are antiquated or unfair and complaints are necessary to find the problem.

That say, I think that I trust the players involved in this and would like to see if I could be any use in helping "revive" the community.
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Post by Soerl Lute »

I'm curious as to what ideas everyone can come up with, so count me in. Anyone's free to contact me on the email attached to my profile. Same one I'd like to use for this.
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Post by Lydia Loran »

Erin Dunbridge wrote:I have some reservations about this, namely in the idea that no one should complain, when sometimes things are antiquated or unfair and complaints are necessary to find the problem.

That say, I think that I trust the players involved in this and would like to see if I could be any use in helping "revive" the community.
I agree wholeheartedly with this.

That said, I am curious if this would actually help current situations, so I'm in. I don't want a lot of people on this site knowing my actual email address, so I'm just gonna use for this.
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Post by Artemus Kurgen »

I am always hesitant when groups with this intent form. Given that saving this community and game comes with more than just rules, fun roleplay, and garnering interest. The system as a whole needs an overhaul. Administration and Rules.
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Post by Lydia Loran »

Artemus A. Kurgen wrote:I am always hesitant when groups with this intent form. Given that saving this community and game comes with more than just rules, fun roleplay, and garnering interest. The system as a whole needs an overhaul. Administration and Rules.
I also agree with this very, very much.

And I believe it *can* be done with open dialouge and discussion like adults. Without tons of hostility. Hand holding isn't always the way to go. You have to be firm sometimes. (Protip: You can be firm without being a hostile jerkface)
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Post by Tormay Eludes »

Erin Dunbridge wrote:I have some reservations about this, namely in the idea that no one should complain, when sometimes things are antiquated or unfair and complaints are necessary to find the problem.

That say, I think that I trust the players involved in this and would like to see if I could be any use in helping "revive" the community.
No one said complaining wasn't allowed. Only that complaining and not doing anything but doesn't fix anything, and just turns new players away as soon as they show up. Who wants to join in on that?

No, time to actually do something to make it appealing to be apart of again for the veterans and something that will draw in new duelists.

Instead of telling people to shut thier mouth about the problems they have, or just join in and whine, it is beter that we all come together and actually fix it. Since participation is down, we need to do something to spark interest again. Roleplay ideas and such would be a nice way to do it.

The rules need to be tweaked so that it is clear to everone, without the chance of confusion about anything. More people need to volunteer time to help run everything. You think it is bad now? Imagine what will happen when more people do show up, or if more admin decide to leave...
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Post by Koyliak »

I'm taking this as an attempt to do something positive - as a supplement to whatever admin/rules issues are going on now. This is just a chance for people to get together and brainstorm some fun, creative ways to put a little life back into community.

I am going to guess these will wind up being more RP opportunities over anything else.

Complaints are AOK when they come with some constructive advice.

Maybe it's the word 'committee' that worries people. As much as I like a gavel this sounds more like if you were going to put together a social committee or whoever goes about planning sockhops and not about being the MAN and holding people down with new out-of-left field rules.

I think this is just a way to try and bring more good vibes than bad ones.

Correct me if I'm wrong because I'm bringing the punch.
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Post by Xavior Mues »

I have recently been reminded of my own words of advice to others that have found themselves in similar situations to the one that I'm in now. Allowing the actions of others to drive you away from something you enjoy is self defeating. I find that as true now as I ever did, therefore, I will put my name in this hat. I've enjoyed dueling these last few months as much if not more than I ever have and I'd hate to see this place sink.
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Post by Marc Franco »

Tormay and Koy put it into words better than I ever could.

You want to change the rules? Great, let's start working on the language so we have something to show the admins. You want more roleplay? Great, let's create a fun event.

My point isn't that we should all shut up. Rather it's that if there's something wrong, let's roll up our sleeves and get to work! There's a very real difference between bemoaning everything that goes wrong and constructive advice. Unfortunately, nearly a decade of bad blood often keeps this place from improving, changing, adapting. That's sad and I really think we need to do something as a community to change that.
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