Old Market Challenge Results!

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DUEL Corlanthis
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Old Market Challenge Results!

Post by DUEL Corlanthis »

Come one, come all and pay witness to the most daring of battles held upon the 15th of July!

Xenograg came forth under the banner of the black sigil on the yellow field to wage challenge against the Baron G'nort, who dueled under the silver and darkened grey of House Talanador!

As the defending Baron, G'nort chose to meet Xenograg in a single match to determine the fate of the Old Market district.

The duel began well with Xenograg quickly scoring in the first rounds of the duel, but his advance faltered in the middle and G'nort was able to come back and claim some points for himself. However, in the end, Xenograg's blade proved quicker and he scored the final points of the match in speedy succession to end it and become the new Baron!

Xenograg / Gnort

Sidestep / Fancy Duck
High Cut / Stop Hit
Thrust / Low Cut
Fancy Lateral Parry / Sidestep
Fancy Circular Parry / Fancy Circular Parry
Thrust / Stop Hit
Duck / Fancy Duck
High Cut / Low Cut
Low Cut / Disengage
High Cut / Fancy Sidestep

Final Score: 5 - 2.5
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Post by Xenograg »

I declare myself Loyal to Overlord Rakeesh.

Bey of Xenodar
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Post by Simini »

An amused smile tugged at her lips as she read the announcement. "Funny that G'nort failed to mention he was the Baron from whom Xeno had wrested his latest title," she thought. "Funny, but not surprising... some things never change."

Never change, indeed. The fact that the Darelir master was not only actively dueling, but holding title, seemed to offer her hope... mayhaps she was not so old as all that, no matter what "former Baron" G'nort had called her! And she had beaten him, hadn't she?

Xeno. Her first teacher, who had seemed 'old' during these arcane lessons that she could never quite seem to master... still dueling! It was heartening, indeed. And it seemed that he still exuded honor in all things; the note declaring loyalty was short, but not surprising.

She wondered, then... who was instructor at Dojo Darelir now? Surely not Xeno himself... he was rarely in the practice rings even when she herself was a student. She recalled the day she'd been informed of the choice to include her as a student in Bishop's first class: an honor, indeed. But she and Elijah were the only ones left now, and he seemed to be busy with his cantina.

Well... it couldn't hurt to pay a visit to the dojo, could it?

She bounded out the door, not realizing that her bouyant stride and wide smile were indeed one of youth. Tempered, perhaps, with a touch of "well-earned wisdom," but an outsider's eye would note that whatever experience had made her wiser, had also made her stronger.

Her feet knew the way.
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Post by Rakeesh »

Congratulaions to Lord Xenograg, and to G'nort for his reign as Baron. May Baron Xenograg's position continue to be a positive, beneficial influence over the district in which he now resides.
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