Diamond Quest 54!

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Diamond Quest 54!

Post by Goldglo »

Ok, so we know it's a little early, but start training up and planning now! The 54th Diamond Quest will be held Sunday, July 20th, starting at 7pm by the Eastern Clock.

Kheldar's threatening Matt's DQ record...will he get a step closer this time?

Can Sartan rebound and win two of the last three Quests?

Will one of the up-and-comers blow away the field and take home the title?

We'll find out on July 20th! The field is open to any and all Emeralds and Opals, and the building's available for everyone who wants to cheer their favorites and jeer their rivals; we hope to see you there!

Please register by responding below, or by getting in touch with Matt and Kheldar.

--The Outback Staff
Last edited by Goldglo on Mon Jul 21, 2008 9:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Signing Up

Post by Bran Bale »

I'd like to sign up for DQ 54.

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Post by Artemus Kurgen »

Mark me down to enter. I'm feeling rusty.
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Post by Jesse Troyan »

Count me in. Looks like you jokers will be competing for second.

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Post by Rakeesh »

I will be there, as well, to see if I can't secure one more win than my last Diamond Quest.
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Lydia Loran
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Post by Lydia Loran »

In the off chance I'm able to show up, I'd like to participate as well.

Cassius Gaius Maximius
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Post by Cassius Gaius Maximius »

I will enter as well
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Post by DUEL Des »

The Diamond Quest did indeed happen folks!

We had six brave souls come forward to test their skills against each other in a Round Robin format. I, that would be Tera Starfare of Westridge, had the honor of officiating this glorious occasion! Those participating in the action were none other than Lydia, Bran, Matt, Kheldar, Jesse, and Vinny.

The first round matchups were Matt & Bran, Jesse & Kheld, Lydia & Vinny. Of these Bran, Jesse, and Vinny won. The second round was Matt & Jesse, Kheld & Lydia, Bran & Vinny with Matt, Kheld, and Bran on top. In the third round Matt & Kheld, Lydia & Bran, and Jesse & Vinny were the pair ups. Kheld, Bran, and Vinny were victorious.

The fourth round Matt & Vinny, Bran & Kheld, Lydia & Jesse had Matt, Bran, and Jesse with wins. In the fifth Matt faced Lydia, Kheld squared off against Vinny and Bran was in the ring with Jesse. Lydia overcame to win against Matt leaving Lydia with a 1 win and 4 loses for the night and Matt with 2 wins and 3 loses record. Vinny won against Kheld giving him technically second place with a 3 wins and 2 loses and Kheld tied up with Matt with a 2 wins and 3 loses record. Jesse lost giving him also a 2 win and 3 lose record for the evening.

Bran however exited the evening with a perfect record of 5 fights and 5 wins giving him not only the only fighter with a perfect record but also making him the one leaving as the new Duel of Fists Diamond folks! A strange thing did happen I noticed after I announced the final round of his ring. Shadowy shapes began to appear in there and Bran looked like he was pretty humbled.

All in all it was a great night for fighting folks! I do hope to see y’all at the next Diamond Quest either fighting or cheering on your favorite fighter!!!

Congrats Bran!!!

Well fought everyone that fought!!!
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