Regular DoM evening on the RDI

Events and announcements from the enchanted isle of the Duel of Magic.

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DUEL Topaz
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Regular DoM evening on the RDI

Post by DUEL Topaz »

Greetings all Patrons of Twilight Isle

Traffic to Twilight Isle has been low for some time now, so we're hoping to make the portal that brings duelers and spectators to the Isle more visible by picking up the offer from our friends at the RDI to hold a regular shift in their FC. To avoid stepping on any of the brawlers' feet we've decided to go with Tuesdays to take advantage of this offer.

All duels will be official and will count for the standings. I encourage everyone of you to come on over and duel, starting Tuesday, 26 February, and the Tuesdays thereafter. RP wise, the portal still will deliver anyone who enters to Twilight Isle, just the pocket dimension that holds Twilight Isle with all its towers shifts locations for Tuesday evenings.

DoM Coordinator

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