
A place for the stories that take place within Rhy'Din
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Post by Loxley »

Words upon pages started to blur. After hours of going over papers and signing documents during such a late hour Loxley was beginning to grow weary, and words ran together and jumbled into illegible scribbling far too often for him to work at an effective pace. His work would be there for him tomorrow, so he left it as was on his desk, along with quill and ink bottle. Even in weariness there was restlessness within the young lord, so rather than changing into comfortable attire and retiring to his bed Loxley found himself standing outside the doors leading to his balcony. It was a place he often ventured to think or let go of his thoughts - whichever was desirable at the time. However tonight was a bit too cold and snowy to be treading outside, so he remained on the inside and found himself face to face with his own reflection on the glass panes of the doors.

Loxley rarely saw his own face in mirrors and reflections anymore. It was always Levina's face he saw staring back. Levina, who shared his eyes, his hair, his smile - the same features their mother had. Their mother never was a sore spot for Loxley, as she had died when he was young. There was a strange sort of sadness he carried when he thought of her, but nothing that pierced deep. It was different for Levina though. She remembered her mother often, mourned her often, and always bore a look of sad familiarity when she looked upon her brother's visage. It was a look that Loxley hadn't seen for quite some time now; it had been months since he last saw his sister.

Some regard the lives of lords and nobility as being a life of fulfilled desires and a lack of want. A life of no misery or pain, where you had innumerable treasures and servants. A simple life. An easy life.

Loxley wanted a simple life more than anything.

However he had resigned himself to the life he was born into long ago. His life, while not perfect, could have been far worse - at least this was the logic he used to cope. Cope with the loss of father, of sister, and of home.

With the death of his father it created a problem, who was rightful heir to Asteria? His fourteen year old son who, despite holding promise for the future, knew not enough to rule in the present? Or his nineteen year old daughter, while wise and benevolent, was not rightful male heir? Loxley was willing to give everything up, titles and all to Levina, who felt likewise for her brother, but politics are not always simple things. It it not always a matter of doing and commanding. There are others involved, noblemen and advisers and knights and the people over which one would hold sway... Houses were divided and threats and rumors of civil war started to boil.

Levina, in an act that went entirely against her heart, made a public decree that Loxley was to be exiled. In the end, it had saved their land from a war and uprising.

It had also left Loxley quite alone in a strange place. He had many that were loyal to him for his name of course. He had managed to acquired a beautiful home and a very sizable piece of property. He had guards and servants and advisers always at the ready to take care of his needs. A life of simplicity and luxury was handed to him.

It was not the life he wanted.

Loxley closed his eyes, and no longer did Levina or the past stare back.
Junior Adventurer
Junior Adventurer
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Post by Loxley »

"The people of Concordia wish to withdraw from the city of Rhydin."

Loxley looked up from his writings to regard his advisor curiously - tall, gaunt, sharp and birdlike in appearance. He dressed well, as he too, was one of what he'd consider 'well-bred' status. He was the one who often chided Loxley for going out into the public so freely and openly, and for conversing with what he viewed as low class people. Disgusting and filthy, unfit for his lord. "On what grounds Gabriel?"

"My lord does know of the elections to be held in the next week, no?"

"I do." Loxley set his quill pen aside and sat up to better regard Gabriel. He had in fact met with at least candidate briefly, but that was something he'd not come clean about just yet. "Do they fear who might come into power?"

Gabriel pursed his lips, cheeks sinking in even further and making his features all the more hollowed. "Not quite m'lord." He paused to consider his next words, starting a lazy pacing back and forth as he spoke. "Concordia lies a distance from the borders of the city. It does not receive much of the benefits, little as they may be at times, that the city receives. The biggest benefit being protection and peace of mind from the Watch. Most of the citizens here... they do not feel they should pay homage to a governor after receiving so little. They do not feel they should have to adhere to the same laws as people who receive so much more..."

Feeling somewhat troubled, Loxley furrowed his brows. "They would rather be lawless? They would rather have no security?"

"The people here.. have little power. They cannot simply be and expect to be left untouched. There are men of power and station who would act to take Concordia as their own - make it theirs." Gabriel held a hand up, gesturing with it. "Should there come to be no governor in the election by way of no confidence, or if Concordia does split I have good reason these men will act."

"..the people. Are they aware of these men? Do they welcome them?"

"I would think not, m'lord. People rarely care for taxation and rules. They would rather their.. ignorance and freedom." Gabriel paused in his pacing, and turned to regard Loxley with some intensity in his eyes, not quite matching with the smile forming on pale, pallid lips. "If I may speak candidly, I think m'lord would do best for the people to step forward and take Concordia as your own. You have the monetary and military means to do so, and I believe m'lord would rule with the people at heart."

For a moment, Loxley was speechless, mouth slightly agape before he spoke again. "If I did not know better Gabriel I would say you set me up to this..." He spoke it in a quiet, wry tone, that indicated that he did perhaps know better. "I do not believe it would be right for me to step up to try and lay claim here. Concordia is not mine to take and rule. The people would not easily allow such."

"The people would not have a choice.. it will be you or another m'lord." Gabriel's smile faded, and his expression became a bit grim. "I trust in you, and I think they would trust in you should you try to earn it. I believe there are others who would.. forcefully throw themselves upon people, by way of bloodshed even if they feel it's necessary." Pausing, Gabriel offered yet another smile to Loxley, though there wasn't much kindness to it. "I can understand m'lord's hesitancy in acting, especially so soon after your arrival. However I believe that by not acting at all and simply acting the part of observer... you are doing a great disservice to the people here."

Loxley was confused, certainly, about the best course of action to take. Should he stand on the sidelines and do nothing? Or step forward and do something, even if he wasn't sure what the something was? "What would you have me do Gabriel.?" The inquiry to his advisor for counsel was quiet, spoken as if he was defeated.

"Announce your intentions to the people here, and start buying the necessary properties... There are documents to be drawn up, but I can handle those for you, m'lord, if you simply give me the order."
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