The writer, the one at the desk, sighed thoughtfully and moved her hands to her swelling belly. So many things to say that could not be expressed in a letter continued to race through her mind. How would she express her sorrow for their 8 years of silence?
And so she began.
Madelyn smiled as she sat back to survey her work, carefully placing the blue fountain pen back into the drawer where she'd gotten it from. The letter was then carefully folded into thirds and slipped into a thick envelope. Dirty blonde loose curls fell around her face as she bent to lick the edges to seal the envelope. Mady smiled again as her long fingers ran over the lettering on the front she'd already written.I wasn't sure if this letter would reach you in Rhydin or if it would be forwarded to your new home if you have moved. It's certainly been a long time, hasn't it? How long? Eight years, going on nine. I can't believe we've managed to lose touch like this.
I've never forgotten you, even after all these years. But times change and I'm sure our lives have changed drastically. I've often wondered how you've been, how the Shop is going and whether or not you had ever remarried.
Paul and I are still married and are awaiting the last installment to our family. We still own the vineyard, several actually. In fact, the vineyard is the very reason I've contacted you. After my father passed away, Paul took over and soon expanded the business. It's been very prosperous and Paul wanted to expand further. We hired someone to manage the wineries in France so we could run a vineyard in Rhydin. Isn't it exciting?
We visited in July to find a place and have been back once more in September to finalize the sale. I'm sorry I wasn't able to seek you out, but Paul likes to keep me close at hand and he wasn't to be bothered at the moment with finding old, kindred friends. We bought an old manor far to the North: Ribaldi Manor, it was called. Perhaps you've heard of it? The vineyard on the property is rather large, but needs much maintenance. We are moving to Rhydin by November.
This brings me to my reason for writing in advance. If by some chance you've stayed in Rhydin after all these years, I'd like to see you again. Please respond by return address. It would be wonderful to see you.
Much love,
Koyliak VanDuran.