DoS Bracket Details!

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DoS Madness Pool
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DoS Bracket Details!

Post by DoS Madness Pool »

The bracket is located here
(( as a side note I don't have permissions to get to the DoS folder, if someone wants to relocate it over their, that's cool I just wanted to get things up asap ))

Thanks to Kalamere we have an improved submission method just fill the bracket out and send the money:

the prefered method of submission is to right click on the web page and save it to your desktop, or download the excel file here

Then open it with Microsoft Excel and fill the brackets in that way. I understand not everyone will be able to do it this way, but it'll be the easiest for me to keep track of, as I didn't have the time to create a more advanced submission method. If you are unable to access and fill in the spread sheet in that method, I've numberd all 63 matches, so you can submit a list of winners per match via email.

submit entry
Send all money to this message board account.

Once both have been received I will confirm entry in a thread. You can enter both the 100 and the 1000 pool, but only one entry per pool per character.

Scoring will be just a straight point per successful match guessed. All brackets and monies need to be submitted before the start of dueling on Thursday. Payouts to be determined by the amount of entries received. Any suggestions/questions and or offers for help will be gladly accepted post 'em up here. Hopefully I can do scoring each round so people can keep track of where everyone is at.
Last edited by DoS Madness Pool on Mon Apr 02, 2007 9:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Kalamere »

I think I can write something on the DZ site that could handle web submission / tracking of the pools if you're interested. I'll have to check with Jake and make sure he's cool with it and can give me the proper place to put it... but I don't think it'll be all that hard to do.


Today looks to be slow at work, so I should be able to get it done by this afternoon.

This brings me to the next question though since I haven't done an NCAA bracket in a few years.. how are you scoring it? eg: 1 point per correct pick, more points for a correct pick per round, etc.? Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see any scoring details.

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Post by DUEL Kheldar »

Yeah if you have time and want to make a submission page that'd be great. I was pretty busy and just wanted to throw up a quick and dirty one so people could get started.
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Post by Billy »

This brings me to the next question though since I haven't done an NCAA bracket in a few years.. how are you scoring it? eg: 1 point per correct pick, more points for a correct pick per round, etc.? Maybe I missed it, but I didn't see any scoring details.
I think he's doing one point per correct pick.

Thanks guys!
DoS Madness Pool
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Post by DoS Madness Pool »

Ah ha I got logged in here now. Yeah I was going to go with a straight point per win picked.
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Post by Kalamere »

Sounds good.

Right now I'm just working on the submission form and recording the picks ('bout halfway done, though currently writing it on the IFL site since I have shell access there and couldn't remember by login to the DZ site). I figure I've got a week or so to follow up with a display of people's picks and a scoring page.

Will let ya know when I have something stood up.
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Post by Kalamere »

Well, it's not the prettiest page I've ever written up, but given the time constraints it should do. Before anyone else goes using this I'd suggest letting Kheldar and whoever else give it a try and sign off on it. Until then either hold onto your pools or do them the old fashion way and mail in those excel sheets (not to me, I don't want 'em!).

I guess I should also note that since I'm not able to write this on the RoH site and leverage the forum authentication stuff, this is going on the honor system. I have no way of checking who it is actually submitting the pools.

That said... here's the link - let me know if there's anything I can tweak. I'll try working on other displays and point tracking later in the week and might try porting it over to DZ tomorrow (I'll take any filled out pools with me, so no information will be lost if I do that.)


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Post by DUEL Kheldar »

Looks good to me, I'll get the main post updated with that
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Post by Kalamere »

I see a few people have filled out brackets at this point. Has anyone had any problems with the form or have suggestions that would make it easier to follow? It was something of a rush job to put it together so I'll take no offense if you're finding it difficult to work with.

Also, for the record, I won't be moving it over to DZ. I got the DZ site confused with another host that Jake runs stuff on and allows me access to. DZ doesn't support the code I wrote this in though so it's not an option to move it over without a rewrite (and I suck at writing in the code that DZ does support). The Chairman is cool with this being hosted on IFL though so we'll keep it there. Thank him when you see him =)

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Post by Kalamere »

Oh, forgot to ask.. how do I do the sending of money thing? Just click the donate button on the sidebar of your posts?

RoH newb, go figure...
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Post by BrigathC »

Kalamere wrote:I see a few people have filled out brackets at this point. Has anyone had any problems with the form or have suggestions that would make it easier to follow? It was something of a rush job to put it together so I'll take no offense if you're finding it difficult to work with.

I think it worked great. I do have one request though. I forgot to save the list of my picks before I closed the browser window. Is there a way I can go back in and get that somewhere?
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Post by Kalamere »

Not really. Because I don't think we want people to see other people's picks before submitting their own, in conjunction with the lack of an authentication mechanism, there's no current way to display the picks you made.

Once the deadline is reached and all brackets are submitted, I'll add something to the site to let you display the picks made by anyone who submitted one... but right now I don't think that's wise to do.

That said.. I have direct access to it, so I can email you the picks that were recorded under your name.

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Post by Billy »

Works great, I had no issues.

Just a personal preference, but after the picks are submitted, it would be cool if they were then displayed in the bracket for printing, rather than just a list of winners. :)

But, with or without that, it works great. Thanks for the work, Kal. :)
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Post by Kalamere »

That's how I plan to display brackets once all the picks are in, for displaying what you submitted though I went with the quick and dirty method of just displaying the winners you selected. I was running short on time =)

Not sure what my schedule is looking like for the rest of the week yet, but if I get the chance I'll try to retrofit that kind of display into things or at least add a link to another page that gives the full bracket display.

Keep the comments/questions coming.. I'm still trying to earn enough nobles with posting so I can enter the 1k pool!

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Post by DoS Madness Pool »

If you could also have it send completed bracket results to I'd appreciate it it'd make the book keeping easier as I have to keep track of who needs a bracket/who needs to pay still
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