What RPG Player (Not Character) Type Are You?

Everything else, including the kitchen sink.

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What RPG Player (Not Character) Type Are You?

Post by Xenograg »

"The stupidest creative act is still a creative act, and that the real gap isn't between the mediocre and great work. The real gap is between getting started and doing nothing. If you've created something, even if it's stupid, you've put yourself in a position to do more." - Clay Shirky
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Post by Xenograg »

You scored as Specialist.

The Specialist favors a particular character type, which he plays in every campaign and in every setting. A common example is the player who wants to be a ninja every time. Other specialists may favor knights, cat-people, mischief-makers, flying characters, or misunderstood loners. The Specialist wants the rules to support his favored character type, but is otherwise indifferent to them. He may tend to separate from the party frequently, pursuing his own goals over that of party unity. For the Specialist, the greatest reward of the game is playing the character type he particularly enjoys.

Specialist 80%
Character Player 70%
Storyteller 60%
Tactician 55%
Casual Gamer 55%
Power Gamer 40%
Weekend Warrior 30%
Well, the truth hurts sometimes. :D
"The stupidest creative act is still a creative act, and that the real gap isn't between the mediocre and great work. The real gap is between getting started and doing nothing. If you've created something, even if it's stupid, you've put yourself in a position to do more." - Clay Shirky
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Post by Amaltea »

definitely not a specialist ::chuckle::
You scored as Storyteller.

The Storyteller is in it for the plot: the sense of mystery and the fun of participating in a narrative that has the satisfying arc of a good book or movie. He enjoys interacting with well-defined NPCs, even preferring antagonists who have genuine motivations and personality to mere monsters. To the Storyteller, the greatest reward of the game is participating in a compelling story with interesting and unpredictable plot threads, in which his actions and those of his fellow characters determine the resolution. With apologies to Robin Laws.

Storyteller 90%
Character Player 65%
Casual Gamer 60%
Weekend Warrior 45%
Tactician 40%
Power Gamer 35%
Specialist 0%
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Post by BrigathC »

You scored as Storyteller.

The Storyteller is in it for the plot: the sense of mystery and the fun of participating in a narrative that has the satisfying arc of a good book or movie. He enjoys interacting with well-defined NPCs, even preferring antagonists who have genuine motivations and personality to mere monsters. To the Storyteller, the greatest reward of the game is participating in a compelling story with interesting and unpredictable plot threads, in which his actions and those of his fellow characters determine the resolution. With apologies to Robin Laws.

Storyteller 95%
Character Player 80%
Tactician 50%
Casual Gamer 45%
Weekend Warrior 35%
Power Gamer 30%
Specialist 30%
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Post by Goldglo »

The Storyteller is in it for the plot: the sense of mystery and the fun of participating in a narrative that has the satisfying arc of a good book or movie. He enjoys interacting with well-defined NPCs, even preferring antagonists who have genuine motivations and personality to mere monsters. To the Storyteller, the greatest reward of the game is participating in a compelling story with interesting and unpredictable plot threads, in which his actions and those of his fellow characters determine the resolution. With apologies to Robin Laws.


Casual Gamer

Character Player


Weekend Warrior

Power Gamer


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Post by Gnimish Gnimoi »

You scored as Character Player.

The Character Player enjoys creating in-depth characters with distinct and rich personalities. He identifies closely with his characters, feeling detached from the game if he doesn’t. He takes creative pride in exploring different characters, often making each new one radically different than others he’s played. The Character Player bases his decisions on his character's psychology first and foremost. He may view rules as a necessary evil at best, preferring sessions in which the dice never come out of their bags. For the Character Player, the greatest reward comes from experiencing the game from the emotional perspective of an interesting character.
Hm. Interesting.
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Karen Wilder
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Post by Karen Wilder »

The Character Player enjoys creating in-depth characters with distinct and rich personalities. She identifies closely with her characters, feeling detached from the game if she doesn't. She takes creative pride in exploring different characters, often making each new one radically different than others she's played. The Character Player bases her decisions on her character's psychology first and foremost. She may view rules as a necessary evil at best, preferring sessions in which the dice never come out of their bags. For the Character Player, the greatest reward comes from experiencing the game from the emotional perspective of an interesting character.

Character Player 100%
Storyteller 80%
Casual Gamer 50%
Weekend Warrior 40%
Tactician 40%
Power Gamer 20%
Specialist 5%
Yeah, that's me.
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Post by G »

You scored as Character Player.

The Character Player enjoys creating in-depth characters with distinct and rich personalities. He identifies closely with his characters, feeling detached from the game if he doesn’t. He takes creative pride in exploring different characters, often making each new one radically different than others he’s played. The Character Player bases his decisions on his character's psychology first and foremost. He may view rules as a necessary evil at best, preferring sessions in which the dice never come out of their bags. For the Character Player, the greatest reward comes from experiencing the game from the emotional perspective of an interesting character.

Character Player 75%

Storyteller 60%

Weekend Warrior 55%

Casual Gamer 55%

Tactician 50%

Power Gamer 35%

Specialist 30%
Heh, no doubt about it. :)
G'nort Dragoon-Talanador
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Post by JewellRavenlock »


Character Player 100%

Storyteller 65%

Weekend Warrior 45%

Specialist 40%

Casual Gamer 40%

Tactician 35%

Power Gamer 20%
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Post by Elijah »

The Character Player enjoys creating in-depth characters with distinct and rich personalities. He identifies closely with his characters, feeling detached from the game if he doesn’t. He takes creative pride in exploring different characters, often making each new one radically different than others he’s played. The Character Player bases his decisions on his character's psychology first and foremost. He may view rules as a necessary evil at best, preferring sessions in which the dice never come out of their bags. For the Character Player, the greatest reward comes from experiencing the game from the emotional perspective of an interesting character.

Character Player


Power Gamer


Weekend Warrior

Casual Gamer


Scorched Druid
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Post by Scorched Druid »

You scored as Character Player.

The Character Player enjoys creating in-depth characters with distinct and rich personalities. He identifies closely with his characters, feeling detached from the game if he doesn't. He takes creative pride in exploring different characters, often making each new one radically different than others he's played. The Character Player bases his decisions on his character's psychology first and foremost. He may view rules as a necessary evil at best, preferring sessions in which the dice never come out of their bags. For the Character Player, the greatest reward comes from experiencing the game from the emotional perspective of an interesting character.

Character Player


Casual Gamer

Weekend Warrior



Power Gamer

Sounds like, though I love an engaging plot with multiple twists. Guess that's why I'm 80% Storyteller.
Life is 10% luck, 20% skill, 15% concentrated power of will. 5% pleasure, 50% pain. That's 100% reason to remember the name.
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Post by Harris »

Character Player 85%
Storyteller 75%
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Post by Wyheree »

You scored as Character Player.

The Character Player enjoys creating in-depth characters with distinct and rich personalities. He identifies closely with his characters, feeling detached from the game if he doesn't. He takes creative pride in exploring different characters, often making each new one radically different than others he's played. The Character Player bases his decisions on his character's psychology first and foremost. He may view rules as a necessary evil at best, preferring sessions in which the dice never come out of their bags. For the Character Player, the greatest reward comes from experiencing the game from the emotional perspective of an interesting character.

Character Player


Sounds about right!
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Rena A Cronin
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Post by Rena A Cronin »

You scored as Specialist.

The Specialist favors a particular character type, which he plays in every campaign and in every setting. A common example is the player who wants to be a ninja every time. Other specialists may favor knights, cat-people, mischief-makers, flying characters, or misunderstood loners. The Specialist wants the rules to support his favored character type, but is otherwise indifferent to them. He may tend to separate from the party frequently, pursuing his own goals over that of party unity. For the Specialist, the greatest reward of the game is playing the character type he particularly enjoys.







Character Player


Casual Gamer


Power Gamer


Weekend Warrior


Interesting...to say the least.
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Post by Deluthan »

You scored as Character Player.

The Character Player enjoys creating in-depth characters with distinct and rich personalities. He identifies closely with his characters, feeling detached from the game if he doesn't. He takes creative pride in exploring different characters, often making each new one radically different than others he's played. The Character Player bases his decisions on his character's psychology first and foremost. He may view rules as a necessary evil at best, preferring sessions in which the dice never come out of their bags. For the Character Player, the greatest reward comes from experiencing the game from the emotional perspective of an interesting character.

Character Player


Weekend Warrior


Casual Gamer

Power Gamer


Sounds about right.
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