
Transplanted Rigelian and her adventures in the Nexus world of RhyDin and

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Post by Topaz »

“I expected that your background at Court, that meant Old World Court.” He had asked her if she had experience at Court, but he had not been specific about it being old world protocol, and clearly there had been a misunderstanding on that point.

Topaz lifted her hand and tenderly cupped his cheek. “Apparently they are very different old world courts: the court of the Tuatha De Dannan, the Emperor of The Black Throne, King Dalton’s, and King Krollon’s. Everywhere swords were part of the uniforms, even the dress uniforms worn at balls.”

“Right, but Mikhail comes from Eastern Europe, and even King Henry II was subject to King Louis when Henry was in France. Henry had to pay obeisance to Louis.” Any sovereign on the soil of the Leige Lord owed fealty and obesance to the ruler there. He had never expected her to believe she should be treated as an equal on Carpathian soil.

“Then there are all those kings and queens and gods running around in Rhydin.” She grinned to him. Here the titles held off-world meant nothing. “I never used her titles in town, Queen Luthian, King Vanion, Queen Destre, King Gavilean, King Leto, and so forth. Never once have any of them called me your royal highness or your Excellency either.”

“You noticed though that Azjah does, and so do Xenograg, and Cara de Winter. Azjah doesn't know them. But she was introduced to Xenograg as Xenograg Bey. She was introduced to Queen Teleperien, and always addresses her as Your Majesty.” In point of fact, RhyDin had little comprehension of titles and their importance, but he was not going to point that out right now.

Topaz nodded slowly. Some of them used titles for each other, be it out of courtesy or to tease. But Xenograg had been introduced to her as The Sorcerer and as three-time Overlord and no one even seemed to remember that the Gnome was an Emperor. “Come to think of it, it is a rather select group that makes use of each others’ off-world titles. I can’t remember any of them ever having called Krollon or Dalton Kings either.”

“That's one of the failings of Rhydin, people don't understand the protocol of using titles properly. They don’t' understand that seating the wrong person in the wrong place was a major offense in royal circles. They don't understand the titles importance.” There were many things he hated about Rhydin, and the complete lack of understanding what titles meant and how they influenced life was just one of those things.

“There are all those gods and demy-gods, too.” She chuckled softly. “Where would you seat them and would that seating arrangement depend on there being anyone believing in their deity status or not? And rarely is one the subject of another.” But what was common in Rhydin did nothing to make the introduction to Mikhail anything less than the disaster it was. She took a deep breath.

“I am sorry. I would have behaved differently had this all been explained earlier, but it wasn't.” She did sincerely regret having so completely misunderstood the situation. With a sad sigh she continued, “Though I may have embarrassed in different ways. As much as I desire to please you and may want to belong somewhere, I cannot be a true subject to Mikhail. Atrebla cannot become part of his Empire.”

“Mikhail would not expect Atrebla to become a subject land, but he did expect you to be a subject entity due to you being my Lifemate. That you didn't see things that way is the issue.” Lucien slid his fingers through her hair. “I assumed where I shouldn’t have.” On Auriga, he would never have needed to explain the expectations, and that was something he needed to try to remember.

“Agreed. I want to set things right, or at least try.” She rested her head against his shoulder again while thinking on a course of action with which to accomplish that. “Do you think that it is possible to make amends by me writing a letter to Mikhail, expressing my regrets at having misunderstood the situation and an explanation?”

“Perhaps.” Lucien considered the options. There was never a second chance at a first impression though. But, perhaps it would make his mate feel better to try.

“Will you help me, please? You could prove read it to make sure I didn’t say too much or too little.” She certainly did not want to make things worse by using an innocent phrase that the prince could mistake for something other than what she wanted to express.

He smiled at her. "I think you've already said much mate." He lowered his head and kissed her until she couldn't breathe.
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Post by Topaz »

To Your Royal Highness, Prince Mikhail Drubinsky Of Carpathia At His Current Residence In Rhydin
May this note find him in perfect health and in enjoyment of his stay in Rhydin.

Revered Prince Mikhail,

It is with the hope to express my sincere regrets regarding last evening’s events that I am writing to you this day.

Only afterward have I been able to gain the correct intelligence of the proper court protocol of the beautiful Carpathia. Now, that I am familiar with the part of the protocol that describes the introduction of a new subject and now, that I have been informed that you were expecting to have a new subject introduced to you, I am aghast at the way I conducted myself. Please permit me to assure you that I would have behaved differently if I had obtained this knowledge prior to last evening.

I further sincerely regret my choice of garb for the event. Though it was certainly in keeping with having been under the mistaken impression of meeting as the leaders of two people, it was completely out of place for a new subject to wear to the introduction to her sovereign.

I would also like to express my gratitude for your parting words. The sentiment would have been most generous under perfect circumstances. In light of what I know now, it is even more so. Thank you very much for the honor of your offer and outlook.

All that being said, it is with some sorrow that I must admit that the introduction would have to have been a disappointment for you either way in more than one aspect. Though I originally made mention of it completely out of turn, and I do apologize for having done so, the fact remains that the conversion result deviates from the expected outcome. This by itself may not make all that much of a difference, but my first loyalty and duty must be to Atrebla, which leaves me with only the fealty, allegiance, and loyalty to give that does not conflict. What I am at liberty to pledge to you is given freely and without reservation.

It is my hope that His Majesty will accept this offering and explanation for the events of our first meeting, and that we may have another less formal opportunity to speak. Perhaps His Majesty would be inclined to bestow the honor of accepting the invitation to accompany Lucien and me on a tour of Rhydin and Atrebla to provide such an opportunity.

Signed with wishes for your health and prosperity,
Topaz Datrazanov
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Post by Topaz »

Challenge Match

Topaz had gone to the Swords Arena early. She preferred getting there before anyone else did when she had a challenge to duel. Lucien, too, arrived before any of the patrons did. As soon as he faded into the visible spectrum Topaz went to greet him.

Next to arrive were Rena and Xeno, closely followed by Tera. Tera was wearing a demure, flowing gown for the occasion. Xeno, the official for the evening, was dressed in a light blue knee-length topcoat with a yellow sash around the waist, brown trousers, and black boots.

Lucien’s obsidian eyes slid over Xeno as greetings were exchanged and narrowed slightly when they locked onto the wooden scabbard.

”Odd material for a scabbard.” Topaz commented when she noticed what had gotten Lucien’s attention. The scabbard reminded her of Xeno's old staff. The wood and some of the engraved runes and symbols were the same as the Rouwanwood staff Xeno had used years ago.

”Indeed.” Lucien’s fingers slid slowly over Topaz's waist. “It is odd for more than that reason.”

“It appears familiar, yet not.” Topaz answered his whisper. She wondered if Xeno had carved the scabbard from the staff, or if the scabbard was new and only made to be used as a staff if need be.

Lucien lightly traced the edges of her wing, marveling once again at their slight trembling under his fingertips, as they watched Quinn send decorations in a moon and star theme streaming across the rafters. Rena sat the royal blue, “Go Topaz” cozies that Quinn had designed on the tables while more spectators arrived and found seats.

The ponderous, archaic panel of hardwood which sealed the entrance to the Arena proper parted with a prolonged groan, as if compelled into action by an invisible hand, and the Egyptian emerged into the dim lighting of the Annex. Lucien’s black eyes slid over the challenger. Anubis’ face was impassive as his bronzed fingertips trailed along the golden filigree of twin hilts.

The challenger paused when Cory, the current Overlord, entered and returned the smiles of greeting. Cory removed his Stetson while giving a dignified wave to all before he went to join Quinn.

"Everybody feel free ta grab a Badsider Brew courtesy of th' Overlord in support for his lovely Baroness!" Quinn invited the spectators.

Lucien lowered his head and placed a kiss on the top of Topaz's head, and then whispered with velvety softness. “You shall do just fine. Teach him the meaning of being a Baron.”

Topaz tilted her face up and gave Lucien a brave little smile and a playful wink. “Not Baroness?”

“Do not push it.” He smiled and reached up and tugged a lock of her hair.

“Just enough to get you to play with my hair.” Her smile deepened and most of her challenge chitters dissipated at his teasing.

“If everyone will direct their attention to the Center Ring!” Xeno started the official proceedings for the challenge. “Warlord Anubis Karos, are you ready to press your challenge?”

”I don't see any other reason to be here.” Anubis returned the Baroness’s nod of greeting with a cool glance.

”Baroness Topaz Datrazanov, are you ready to defend your title?”

“Yes, I am.” Topaz replied firmly.

“The challenger is dueling without Second, with Dawn Shadowsbane-Karos as Lady of Honor, in absentia. The Baroness is seconded by Lucien Datrazanov, who also bears her Favor.” Lucien bowed at his introduction by Xenograg. “Anubis stands before his standard, the Eye of Ra with an ebony viper threading through it. Topaz stands before her light blue banner bearing a falcon in black and silver.”

Cory stood up and raised his voice over the crowd. “Wit' an'a luck Topaz should no' hav'ta defend. It's m'wish t'interceed on her behalf!”

Topaz smiled and bowed to Cory, accepting the honor bestowed upon her. “Good luck, Cory and duel well.”

With a quick nod to Topaz Cory dropped the Stetson on the table top. He affirmed his grip over the enchanted long sword and strolled for the ring.

”The Overlord has invoked his right to intercede. Enter the ring.” Xeno invited the Overlord and the challenger.

Anubis remained silent at first, a frigid smile extending across his features. A moment was taken to peruse the audience, registering each and every reaction before his feral grin diverged, suffusing the basement with his own baritone voice. “Let it be known that I will have no champion! And also... let it be known and recorded that should I win the ring, and should the Overlord survive the tournament's winner... I will wrest the mantle from him for a second time.” With that, the Egyptian strode into the ring, twin daggers unsheathed in perfect symmetry.

Lucien pulled Topaz into his arms, wrapping his around her waist as she leaned back against him to watch the duel and cheer for Cory.

As Cory drew the long sword it crackled with electricity. He snapped to attention and saluted the former Overlord. “G'luck.”

Hempen sandals advanced through the sands and Anubis’s expression was as undeviating and seemingly eternal as the granite statues of his homeland. “I'm professional enough to not make your precious Quinn fair game as a result of this. Know that.” The Egyptian leaned in from the salute for the whisper, and as Cory backed up and went into motion, he stepped forward in an explosion of violence. The right dagger furiously glinted as it shot forward, careening for the abdomen

“Know tha' iff'n ya tried hellfire 'waits ya.” Cory stepped forward, hoping to capitalize on the range advantage of his long sword over the daggers. But the action proved painful for him.

“He's certainly not pulling any blows.” Topaz whispered softly as she watched Anubis’s display of violence.

“No, but I do not believe his kind does.” Lucien slowly slid his hands up and down Topaz’s arms in a relaxing fashion.

”Is that a threat?” Anubis spat venomously.

“No threat.” Cory swiped again with the long sword, this time on a lower course and interrupted Anubis' movements. The long sword sent a slight shock reverberating through toned sinew as it swept neatly into the Egyptian’s thigh, inciting a scowl.
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Post by Topaz »

“Well cut, Cory!” Topaz cheered before she whispered quietly for Lucien’s ears alone. “I do remember at least one duel I had with him where he did appear to be kind.”

For a moment, Anubis lay in wait for the Overlord's commitment. The residue of blood which trailed down his thigh had been cut off from its wellspring by the Ward. As the long sword swept into action, Anubis slipped past Cory’s guard as the sword passed. The heel of his palm jutted toward the Overlord's throat and sent him staggering with a hand clutched over his throat.

“You can get him back on that, Cory.” Topaz encouraged Cory before she whispered quietly to Lucien. “This is the first time ever that any Overlord stepped in for me. I must say that it is very nice feeling.”

Lucien lifted a brow at her. “That seems an odd thing to say.” He thought honor would demand an Overlord step in for his loyal barons.

“It is an honor I've never before experienced.” Topaz replied softly, her gaze on the ring. Cory took a moment to catch his breath and then set the long sword into position again. The Egyptian's well-timed shuffle kept in time partly with that of the Overlord, but after the first few steps, he could see what type of frantic energy was being expended. Henceforth, Anubis simply stopped and reasserted his position.

”It is as it should be.” Especially when the overlord was male, and the baron was female. He felt there was simply no question.

Topaz gave Lucien a quick smile then turned her gaze back to the ring. Cory was focused solely upon Anubis’s advance. For each step forward he took Cory countered with a glide to his left. She winced as after moments of tense deliberation in the ring, both combatants surged forward in a commitment to offense and Anubis’s agility bested the long sword’s reach as the dagger shot towards Cory’s sternum.

Lucien shifted his weight slightly and again pulled Topaz against him. Cory flipped the sword up across his body in efforts to protect. His lips moved in silent curse as Anubis did not press his advantage. Instead, a dagger swept in a trajectory parallel to the hem of his billowing kilt, driven like a pendulum by a cautious arm.

Cory drew back and then drove forward with the long sword parallel to the ground, but rushed past Anubis. As the Overlord's sinuous frame surged past like a freight train, a kneecap shot forward at his abdomen. Cory gasped for air as the counter blow struck and altered his movements to those of a stumble. He gripped the blade in one hand as he pivoted to square off with Anubis again. The other clutched his aching ribs.

Panes of entrancing onyx continued to glare balefully at the Overlord from within kohl-lined sockets, daggers jutted into the air. With one step forward, the daggers slashed at Cory in staggered unison, one aimed for the swordarm's bicep, the other for the chest just as Cory raised the long sword. Even realizing the Egyptian's intent Cory could now do nothing to impede his progress. The crowd gasped in near unison at the vicious nature of the last attack.

Topaz glanced up to Lucien and when he leaned closer to her whispered, “Now it's my turn.”

“You will prevail.” His conviction was absolute.

“I rescind my vow made earlier, Overlord.” Anubis said as soon as he was declared the winner. “I think I've proven enough in regards to the alleged Supreme Duelist.” With that he glanced across the ring ropes, canting his head slightly to his demure slave.

Cory’s jaw set firmly as he offered Anubis a stiff bow. “Ya won the right t'face m'Senior Baroness.” He conceded and slammed the long sword home. Then the same bow was given for Xenograg. “M'thanks.” He slipped from the ring and settled his brown eyes on Topaz. “Send'em back from where he came, Baroness.”

Topaz gave Cory a warm smile. “Thank you, Cory. You having stepped in means a lot me. I will not forget this.” With a nod she added, “I will do my best.”

”Dragon's Gate shall now be decided by a single duel between the Baroness and the Challenger.” Xenograg announced.

”Hold.” Anubis firmly called a halt to the proceedings. The Egyptian pointed a serrated dagger at the Baroness. Dried streams of perspiration framed his aquiline contours. “I want to know why you asked for the Overlord's intercession.”

Topaz turned and looked to Anubis. Cory and she had talked about the possibilities long before his current reign as Overlord and this evening she had gratefully accepted the honor the Overlord bestowed upon her, not asked for it. But this was not the time or place for a lengthy discussion, so she kept her reply simple. “Because you challenged, Anubis.”

”I see. And I will continue with this challenge, but I wish to suggest that if you, as a Baroness, cannot abide a challenge, I strongly suggest you vacate your ring, win, lose, or draw.” With that he advanced to mid-ring.

”I have accepted your challenge, have I not?” Who did he think he was to presume to know how she felt or that he had any kind of right to tell her what to do? Arrogant, whining male. If he didn’t like the way she dealt with his challenge, he should have challenged someone more accommodating of his wishes or none at all. And where had he come up with the idea that there could be a draw? There was no such thing in challenge matches. “And I do believe I have proven my skills with the blade many times over. The gods willing, I shall do so again this evening.” Topaz gave Lucien a quick but tight hug, then they moved together to the center ring. Lucien was
absolutely rigid with rage at the Egyptian, but he had promised not to interfere.

”Centre Ring, enter and salute.” Xenograg invitation was Anjolie Quinn’s cue to start the indoor fire works she had set up. For a moment TOPAZ was spelled out across the ceiling with shooting stars and darting pixies.

Lucien remained standing formally just outside the ring and watched as his Lifemate took her place inside, drew her rapier and slashed a salute.

“Yet you test my skill, while I have been Overlord and you have not. It defies logic.” Casually Anubis backpedaled to the edge of the rings, his arms extended.

“Your logic, Anubis.” The fairy weaved her blade in a vaguely defensive pattern. When she spotted what appeared to be an opening in the challenger’s defenses she darted in quickly. Anubis gritted his teeth at the low strike; a crimson divot ran in a jagged fashion across his shin.

Lucien’s obsidian eyes locked on his mate with a feint smile as she danced around the Egyptian’s defensive swing and secured a better position. Anubis then attempted a similar move but he did not manage to convert his footwork into a positional advantage.

Anubis’s stance remained defensive, but the Baroness managed to sneak inside the pattern and tagged him for a point before she stepped back again. He bit back a rueful chortle and shook his head. Before he had time to recover, Topaz had reversed her swing and scored another point.
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Post by Topaz »

“Topaz is a loyal Baroness, I'd do an'athin' within' m'power fo' each 'n every one of'em.” Topaz overheard Cory talking to Quinn and wondered if Anubis or anyone else had heard as well.

Lucien crossed his arms over his chest, watching silently as she reversed her swing yet again. Anubis’s daggers rapidly rose skyward, crossed in an X, fending off the quick attack. But he was not ready for her follow up attack. Topaz darted in again and left a fourth line on Anubis to seal the win before she stepped back again and slashed a salute.

“Topaz retains her Ring and the dignity of Senior Baroness.” The official announcement was barely heard over the cheering and applause of the spectators and the fireworks Quinn once again had sparkling over the ring.

Lucien moved into the ring and wrapped his arms around Topaz mindless of the blade still in her hand. He leaned low and whispered softly. “I knew you could do it.”

“Thank you.” She gave him a wide smile and returned his hug with one arm before she sheathed her blade and turned to the official.

”Thank you, Xeno for officiating and everyone for attending and cheering.” Topaz bowed and smiled to everyone. Her heart swelled at all the warm congratulations and praise.

Lucien nodded to Xenograg and then scooped up Topaz into his arms. “We can go now?”

“Yes, Love, we can go.” She wrapped an arm around his shoulders with a soft chuckle and again waved to her friends. “Where are we going?” She asked with a soft whisper as he carried her up the stairs and outside.

”I have a surprise.” Lucien opened the door to his sleek car.

”I love surprises.” Topaz gave him a wide smile and an excited sparkle came to her eyes. “So long as they are good ones.”

“Well, I hope this one is a good one.” He chuckled as he handed her into the Ferrari.

”I love hearing you laugh. It must be a good one then.” Lucien got behind the wheel and headed the opposite direction from the desert.

“The kitty still purrs.” Topaz glanced from Lucien to the landscape as she leaned against him, careful not to hinder his driving, and tried to guess where they were going. It had been a while since they had an opportunity to drive anywhere. She had missed having Lucien to herself and was enjoying his surprise already.

“Of course she does.” The scenery slowly changed to dense evergreen forest the further they got from Rhydin. He focused on the drive to keep from pulling over and missing his surprise.

“Are we going somewhere in the forest or beyond it?” She took her eyes off the scenery in favor of studying Lucien's face. She never tired of looking at him.

“The edge of the forest.” Lucien glanced at her and then back at the road. It would have been faster to simply go as mist, but she seemed to like the purring machine, and he wanted to please.

“Where two worlds meet.” She chuckled softly.

“You could call it that.” He chuckled softly.

“Did I tell you thank you yet?” Her hand brushed lightly up his arm. “I know that the crowds are difficult for you.”

They reached the far side of the forest and Lucien turned onto a path into the trees. “You have not, but I would face crowds to make you happy.”

”You do make me happy.” She waited until he stopped the car before leaning over for a loving kiss. “Thank you very much for braving the crowds and for not scorching anyone and for letting me borrow your confidence in me and your calm.”

Lucien kissed her deeply and then whispered against her lips. “I wanted to fry him.”

“I know you did.” She whispered back with a soft, happy chuckle. “It was tempting. But it would be very, very wrong.”

”Wrong depends on your point of view.” He gave her a slow smile and opened her door.

Topaz slipped an arm around his waist the moment she was out of the car. Lucien led her across the pine needle strewn ground, deeper into the trees, but paralleling the open field on their left. She enjoyed the way the soft needles felt under her feet and walking with Lucien without the shields she needed in town between them. Her eyes darted this way and that to take in all of her surroundings, and in-between settled on him for long moments. “I already love your surprise.”

“You are entirely too easy to please.” He remarked with black velvet laughter. The trees gave way to a small rocky ledge, with the soft fall of clear water. Ferns were all around the tiny pool, and fire flies blinked in the newly dark night air.

“That is a good thing, is it not? I can try and make it more of a challenge.” She laughed with him. “Oh - look!” She paused her steps and watched the fire flies and the falling water. Then she slid her hand along his waist and into his hand to tug him along for a closer look. A closer look to her included touching, gently poking a fingertip at the dancing fire flies, the ferns, and to the water's surface.

His arm slid around her as she touched and experienced the clearing. A frog began to croak somewhere in the undergrowth. “We have come here for a special sight.”

Topaz stopped playing around and looked up to him, her light blue eyes were glowing with excitement and a soft smile was on her lips. “What is the special sight?” This place was marvelous and special, she thought, and didn’t need anything else to make it so.

He led her to a flat rock that had a view of the sky overhead where the stars were just beginning to shimmer. “Make yourself comfortable, this rock is just right for two.”

“So it is.” Topaz kept hold of his hand even as she sat down. When she looked up at him she saw the stars twinkling behind him, making altogether for a stunning picture. “Perfect.”

“Not yet.” Lucien smiled and settled onto the rock with her, leaning back onto one arm. “Watch.”

”You couldn't possibly improve upon what I saw just now.” She winked to him.

“I can try.” He kissed her playfully and then nipped down her throat.

“Mmm, you can.” Topaz whispered, distracted by his kisses.

As they settled back, it began with a single streak of light slicing across the sky, followed by increasing numbers until the blackness was sliced by the flight of hundreds of shooting stars.

“Oh,” the hushed whisper was followed by another. Topaz’s eyes were large with wonder. “Are you doing that?”

“Not at all, it is a natural phenomenon, but one that is predictable.” Lucien smiled.

“You can predict when the stars shoot across the sky in great numbers?” That ability along with his timing for his surprise was an even greater feat than that of cause stars to streak across the night sky, Topaz thought.

“Yes, it is called a meteor shower, and is usually caused by a comet passing.” Lucien nibbled down her neck.

”But very unlike the meteor showers we use on the isle.” She tilted her head slightly and slid her fingers through his silken hair. “This is beautiful.” She wasn’t talking about the meteor shower alone.

“Very.” His lips were warm against her skin. The meteor shower ended slowly.

“Are you sure that you are not a fairy?” She was sure that he was doing something to make her feel the shooting stars inside her, or her a part of them, or both.

“I am certain of it, and glad I am too because were I a fairy, you might not have accepted me.”

“What makes you think that?” Lovingly she traced his features with gentle finger tips.

“I have an advantage as I am... I am irresistible.”

“That you are.” He’d be irresistible were he fairy, too. Asking him to teach her something about her new abilities would wait until after she had shown him just how irresistible she thought him to be.
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Post by Un'Macha »

The winds shifted and the train of a simple black cloak caught the draft with a peculiar dance. A sweet, plump baby face of tan skin was peaking out from the shadows surrounding it. Glistening orbs of sea-foam green held a gleam of pure malice as the lovely witch hurried along her course. Beneath the cloak a hiss sounded out into the night. The python tightened its grip around Un'Macha's waist and she moaned with its comfort.

Josh Jones was in rather a nasty mood, full of anger and rage. He could hardly wait to tell his new friends about what he had seen. His thoughts were dark and he was not looking where he set his feet. It was fortunate that he had met the priest when he had and that they were to meet this evening anyway. He arrived at the appointed meeting place early. Now he would have to wait for Father Markus to show up. He hated waiting - accordingly the look on his face was grim.

‘Josh should have known better where he stepped. He had seen vampires and nothing had happened to him. In his current state of rage did he really not note the darkness surrounding him?’ Temhota’s own shadow cast by the street lamps faded away to give way to a blinding darkness. ‘Surely by now the young man had realized he wasn't the only one waiting.’ Josh halted, and quickly as the shadows came they retreated. The creature was not about to waste the opportunity of learning all that it could.

What can only be described as a foul smile surfaced on the smooth face of the witch. A purring from her belly spread beneath the skin to her chest with a rattle. The python slithered along the line of her hip as Josh came into the trap. The witch kept her distance and allowed these events to play out as they would for the time being.

‘Their commander used to be a decent one, and he had not minded working under a female commander - much. But now she was preying on humans.’ Joshua shivered at the thought. ‘He had been lucky that she had not seen him. But with his new friends he now would have revenge for all the slights and the recent unfounded demotion. Where was that priest anyway?’ He brushed a hand over his short blond hair and sent his glance up and down the alley.

The witch allowed her pet to glide down her leg and onto the pavement with a teasing tickle. The hood was kept covering her face, but the cloak was pulled back somewhat to reveal a very comely body protected by leather and metal coverings. She remained in the shadows, but ready... very ready as she watched the exchange between night stalker and prey.

Josh took note of the woman standing not so far from him. His gaze slowly traveled up the revealed shapely legs, and higher over the leather and metal that only accentuated an enticing shape. ‘That plump beauty might take his mind off his trouble with the Guardians and Atrebla.’ With that thought Joshua slowly approached the inviting looking woman.

A smile turned up beneath the hood and a tongue lashed out to renew the moisture on her plump lips as the witch kept her silence and stance. The python, on the other hand, was busy and hidden as it slid along the alleyway towards the location of the shadows and the night stalker.

Temhota lied in wait, residing in the natural shadows cast by objects scattered in the alley. Then the creature sensed a familiar figure sharing its enclosure. Its voice rumbled a very quiet reptilian hiss. “Come to watch”

‘No, my sweet... come to play. Wouldn't you like to join?’ The unnaturally faint and succulent whisper drifted to the night stalker through the mouth of the python. The witch slid sideways only slightly so that her legs could cross in front of each other. Her hands braced the stone wall and her derriere rested against its cool surface with her midsection both exposed and alluring. Eyes closed, she pretended to be resting as her servant took care of the necessary business with the vampire.

Hungry maroon eyes narrowed at the retort. <q> ‘Have little confidence in my abilities I see.’ Temhota gave little reaction to the slithering action of the python winding up his leg and torso. Only when it coiled around his neck did he send sharpened claws to trail along its scales.

The witch's eyes fluttered at the attack on her familiar. The python then slithered back around to coil itself across his thigh and flick its tongue. (P)’ I would love for you to entertain me with these abilities you speak of. I can't have confidence in them until I see them in action.’

“Hullo there, pretty. Looking fer some company?” Josh thought that he might as well enjoy himself a little while waiting for the priest to arrive.

The witch, for her part, merely smiled at the approaching Josh. She did not alter her stance. “Simply taking a moment to rest. These streets are so twisted... but you are a welcome sight for sore eyes.”

“Could be welcome by more than just sight.” Josh brushed his gaze suggestively over her body as he came yet closer, then paused as a thought occurred to him. “Are you per chance waiting to meet Father Marcus, too?”

“Well... I wasn't, but now that you mention it, I would love to have a meeting with him. Is he expected?” The witch raised one hand to a wineskin hanging upon her right hip. Moving the cloak to access the wineskin exposed a young, fleshy glimpse of her thigh and further back.

Teeth gnashed and grinded. Temhota would prove that he was more than the common blood sucking fiends which flooded the streets of this forsaken city. Then he caught wind of the second party late to his arrival. The python had nothing to cling to as his form whisked away, on the hunt for a godly figurehead of the church.

Josh nodded and gave her what he hoped to be his most charming boyish grin. But at the additional glimpse of skin he ruined the impression by flicking his tongue over his lips. He took another step closer and reached to touch the woman's cheek.

The python lunged at the shadows in a strange dance. ‘Fetch me a present and I'll give you a reward...’ The snake remained in its place as the witch narrowed her eyes in on the man in front of her. Full lips closed around the faucet of the wineskin and some lemon water trickled into her mouth. Hands clutched the wineskin and raised it up to offer Josh a drink. “Thirsty, sir?”

“So what's yer position in this society? Are you to be a new member?” Josh dropped his hand to the offered skin.

The witch smiled and rose up the wineskin with her own hands. Her body pressed against his briefly to meet the advantage of his height. Her sweet voice responded. “Not sure just yet. No one has been kind enough to explain it all to me. No regard for those of us who don't know everything.” She gave a childish giggle as her hip brushed against his thigh in retreat back to leaning against the wall.

Perched on a roof top no more than two blocks away he found this "priest" of gods. He was easy enough to spot among the crowd in his flowing vestments. Temhota thought it odd that he traveled without armed escort, but smiled none-the-less. Shifting to the visible spectrum as he cascaded down into the streets below, Temhota stalked several paced behind. His blood red eyes shifted to a humanistic shade of green.
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Post by Un'Macha »

Josh wrapped an arm around the inviting woman and held her to him as he took a drink. He grimaced as he noticed it wasn't the expected wine but kept his voice even. He’d not mind the mind the lemon water if it was to be followed by so much tastier a morsel. “So you don't even know?”

“They haven't told me anything.... don't suppose you're high up enough to enlighten me?” Un’Macha gave Josh a coy look as if it was the power which intrigued her.

The witch played the sweet, but stupid card. She could act young and loving if necessary. She had no want to reveal her identity whenever it gave her such a leg up not to. Pretty lips of blushed mauve were upturned as she smile at Josh and sent her python on the trail of the vampire. She could use another worthy servant.

“But you got invited.” Josh lowered his head to hers. This society sounded better and better, he thought, if this one was to be a member.

Small, tender hands rose to rest against his chest and the witch once more pressed her shoulders and upper back against the wall with her hips and legs giving her a lean. “Maybe we should stick together. I could use someone big and strong for the protection.”

Josh claimed her lips for a lingering kiss. Protecting her was not uppermost in his mind.

As it was with trailing any prey, one is at the mercy of their actions. Without warning the priest stopped, but Temhota continued to close the distance. As if he had forgotten something the man turned and headed directly for the vampire.

The witch seemed to moan in the enjoyment of the kiss. Her tongue, however, was much like her python and had an agenda of its own. Pores secreted a sweet tasting liquid which had the wonderful effect of giving this man what can only be described as a drunken sensation. “So... tell me about yourself...”

Green eyes were diverted to the concrete walking path as the priest hurriedly raced by. Still the vampire pressed on and back to the alleyway where his attention was needed.

The woman tasted sweet, and she wasn't fighting. Josh moved his hands over her as he answered. “What do you want to know, babe?”

“What is your job in the society?” She refrained from pet names to make her responses sound more innocent and naive. The python narrowed in on the night stalker and Father Marcus. Un'Macha's eyes viewed everything which her familiar saw.

In the sight of so many it was best he not return to the shadows. Hearing a yelp and cry from a female he rushed to secure the safety of the roaming python before it could become a feast for fit a fly-by-night hero. “You know better than to follow me.” Supporting the lengthy reptile by the head and body he draped it over his shoulders. He gave a sincere, but shallow apologetic nod to the frightened woman. “He meant you no harm, miss. He's only trying to find his father. I am here now.”

“I don't have one yet.” Josh nibbled at her chin, his hands became more aggressive. She should stop asking such silly question and enjoy his attention instead. But he could not resist making himself sound more mysterious to the woman. “But I do have some news that Father Marcus will just love to hear.”

The witch seemed to shiver with excitement at what he pretended was mere gossip. “And what news is that?” Her voice was near bubbly as his hands roamed over her body finding supple outlets in all directions. The witch moaned and occasionally pressed herself against him more, but still as if she was being adventurous. The python, for its part, was keeping busy atop the vampire's shoulders. Forked tongue flicked at his ear and

Un'Macha's voiced filtered through its mouth. ‘Keep me with you and there will be no cause to follow. Aren't you even the slightest bit interested in my company?’

Josh whispered against her skin. “My ex-commander's a vampire. I watched her drain a mere lad.” But his thoughts were on his enjoyment of the woman.

“Goodness! Your commander is a... vampire?” Un’Macha whispered out the last word as if that was absolutely terrifying.

“Hush.” Perhaps he should not have scared her. “I'll protect you.”

The reptilian tongue lashed against Temhota’s ear as he strode back to the space which made up the alley between two buildings. Pausing, he turned to face into the darkened length of empty land, and then hissed whispers to the python. “How can you tolerate one such as that? Honestly?” He nuzzled against the cool snout and flicking tongue and turned his back as to not alert the young man of his awareness. He took up state as a common beggar, cupped palm outstretched to passing residence. “Spare some silver or copper for us, sir? We have not been fed in days.”

The witch gave a nod and sent her beautiful face forward to burry in Josh’s chest. Her leg was close against his momentarily and that was when the witch looked up to whisper into his ear. The spell was sultry and mesmerizing and the words, ancient in their text, quieted his mind and sent him falling to the stone pavement beneath in a crumpled heap as if in a sleepy state, drunk from wine. He would remain comatose until the priest arrived, and upon waking be convinced that he had been well entertained while waiting.

The python kept its silence as the vampire entertained the passing crowd. Un'Macha's soft voice was there for only Temhota’s ears to hear. “I only tolerate it until a true man comes around...” Its tongue once more flicked at an earlobe. The witch muttered a simple incantation which steamed the surface of her skin and rid it of any traces of Josh's touch. The black cloak was pulled close and the python soon turned to slither down the vampire's leg with a few extra touches before it returned to its mistress.

Temhota twisted his head to smirk at the snake even as it disentangled itself from his body. “You shall continue to wait for eternity, I'm afraid. None is worthy as the one you bed regularly.” He dropped what few coins were relinquished to his palm. Passers-by would be rewarded with riches should they actually lower their gaze. Temhota was on the trail of the python.

The python continued along for another block across the smooth cobblestones and pavement. It turned a corner to the right and was immediately met with the leather knee-high boot of its mistress. Coiling up her legs, it found its home once more around her belly and hips. Sea-foam eyes kept their gaze straight in front of the witch.

Temhota was slightly disheartened upon seeing the heap of flesh at Un'Macha's feet. “He was here to meet another. What will they think upon seeing this?” He waved down at the young man.

“That the wine he tasted was far too strong for his own good.” A wicked smile was given. Un'Macha knew that her plan was never in error. “Come with me... I dare say you could use to feast on some truly delectable meat.” She closed the distance between them with her hood pulled back and her sweet face showing in all its glory.

“The priest in all their holiness would have been quite a treat. I pray you received valuable information?” Despite the python's protective stance around her hips Temhota could not resist the lure. Clawed fingered etched along her hips and drew the witch in close. “Is that a promise?”

The python remained at ease as the witch's delicious voice replied. “Come along and you'll see, my sweet.” A spell already in the works as they were both being pulled into shadow
Never deny your one, true nature.
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Post by Aerol Mathius »

Tom Sekwasi noticed them first. A pair of shapes that seemed to have been following Father Marcus and him for the last few minutes, and just a bit too close for comfort. He had the unshakable suspicion that the shapes where those they sought to hunt. He turned to Marcus and spoke in a quiet whisper, not at all certain that the creatures would not hear him despite this precaution. "I think we got us some company here, priest."

'The chicken-wuss of a Daimon still eluded him and it was aggravating.' Aerol's knuckles clenched white around the srad in his hand at the thought while his eyes followed the street below. 'So like insects, and like insects they allow themselves to be stepped on by the bigger creatures. How repulsive.' As one the pair of humans in the street below turned to face their persuers. The look on the face of the shorter of the two was grim and one of disgust, as he could sense the filth before him.

The vampires, figuring they have found themselves an easy meal, wasted no time with words but moved in quickly for the kill without regard to their surroundings. Marcus instantly reached for his weapon. But he was still too clumsy in its use and quickly had it knocked away by the speed of the first vampire's approach. Tom nonchalantly reached into his pouch for the explosive devise he carried in the hope for an opportunity to make use of it.

'Now there was something of note. The perch Aerol had taken at the roof's edge gave him a perfect view of the drama unfolding below. He knelt down to watch the fun. 'Hmmm. This could prove enjoyable to watch.' A grin found hold on his tanned face with a nice show of fangs.

"You want to serve me. Come to me." The words rang inside Marcus's mind as well as his ears. And though he tried to fight the compulsion he found himself turning toward the vampire, a creature of stark beauty.
'Just like an Angel.' Marcus thought even as the creature shoved him to the ground. "Crawl like the worm that you are." The priest fell to the dirty street.

"You filth. You won't have the pleasure of seeing me do any such thing. If the lord has decided this is my night to meet him, then so be it." Marcus was startled by the attack, but he had fought off the compulsion. He knew the creature for what it was: a vampire.
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Post by Aerol Mathius »

Some fine hunters you are.” The leech’s snicker seemed to come for two directions at once as he moved in on Tom with preternatural speed; a hand clamped down on his wrist.

Get up at least…” The vampire’s counterpart sneered before delivering a kick to his intended dinner with a boot tip. Since the priest did not comply quickly enough, the unhurried vampire called some nearby rats to nip at the priest's ankles.

His mind purely focused on the struggle at hand, Tom fought to pull back his hand with the explosive in it, attempting to spit the cigarette at his lips into the face of the vampire. “Sure, priest, you let your god decide how you go. He's doing a great job so far.” With his free hand Tom struggled to reach for the trigger on the explosive, having his own idea on how to meet his end this night.

With his head thrown back, the unnoticed watcher laughed at both the humans' predicament from his seat across the way. “You gotta be kidding me! these rag-wads are slayers? That's pathetic. Nevertheless!” He decreed with a raised finger. “I'll give them a chance to save their own skins, before feigning interest whether or not they live that is”.

Claw-like hands gripped Tom's wrist harder and pulled him close with a bare of fangs just for effect. “You were saying?” Just to shut the vampire up and continue to fight for control of the grenade, Tom drove his knee to strike its groin. “That’s what I was saying”

Marcus kept swatting at the rats in disgust and tired to struggle to his feet, refusing to show any fear to the abomination as he met it eye to eye. “Filth begets filth it would seem. You disgust me.” The words were spoken with a grim resolve as the priest caught Tom's apparent idea out of the corner of his eye and gave him a slight nod of approval. He'd rather meet his end that way than be a meal for these beasts.

Come here and show me how I disgust you." The priest continued to stare the vampire in the eye, not moving an inch. “You'll get no compliance from me, filth. You do your own dirty work.

Tom, however, was having a bit of difficulty in bringing his plan to fruition. The strength of his opponent was more than he could match for control of the explosive.

I give them a few more seconds to grow at least one set of testicles between them before I step in”. Eyes drifted to the Rolex as his wrist as he used those seconds to let the priest and the kid hit puberty as he dropped down to the street.
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Post by Aerol Mathius »

In a final defiant act Marcus reached out to slap the abomination before him “Come then, filth! Or do you fear the retribution of your lord?

Still battling Tom for control of the grenade the vampire doubled its grip and gave the human’s wrist a good shake. “Can't have dinner exploding.” .With his other hand he grabbed a handful of Tom's hair and pulled his head to the side, exposing that neck, even as he leaned in to bite.

The charge fell to the ground and Tom gave a slight click of his tongue, seemingly more disappointed by that than the fate that awaited him. “Your god gets to pick after all priest!”
Unconcerned about if the priest was standing or not the more sadistic of the vampires punched the holy man; making him crumple under the assault. However Father Marcus still refused to cry out or beg, knowing it would do no good anyway.

Didn't your mothers ever tell you not to play with your food?” A fanged grin played at those lips as black eyes took in the scene. But his hands remained empty as he strode towards the Daimons, or what he thought were Daimons. “No manners in the younger generations.”

Let's see what flavor you are.” Disregarding the third mortal out of hand the vampire holding Tom sunk his fangs deep into the boy’s neck, wanting that influx of adrenaline rich blood.

With the stranger’s arrival Marcus gained a reprieve from his world of pain. “No! Begone from this place!” The vampire tossed the priest aside for later feeding and charged Aerol, changing mid stride into a huge cat, all fangs and claws.

His vigor somewhat renewed in concern for the new "victim" the priest looked about frantically for his weapon, took it up and took aim on the vampire, hastily loosing a dart at the beast before it could dine.

Here kitty, kitty, kitty.” The true hunter watched the cat charge and sent a mental strike to shove the beastie out of his path. Leisurely stride took him towards the one that was still feeding. “Seriously no manners in you boys at all.” Srad in hand, he went a stabbing.

The pain of that first hit was far worse than that of dart hitting ought to be, that searing throb spread quickly. Perhaps eating faster would help. He drew deeply on his victim’s lifeblood. Before he could swallow that sweet crimson, his grasp on Tom weakens.
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Post by Aerol Mathius »

The pain from the stranger’s weapon forced him to let go of the man completely. Tom fell to the ground as the grip holding him vanished.

Rewarded with a landing on cobble stones instead of on the new human, the large feline quickly recovered and turned for a second attack.

Rushing over to attend to Tom, the priest finally lost his composure as adrenaline overcame him. The occasional quick, and well-surprised glance wandered toward the new arrival while looking over Tom’s injury. “Thomas?”

There's some life in the old boy yet!” With a wild laugh, he took up the hungry Daimon in an iron firm grip and turned to its friend even as the srad slams into the creature’s heart. “Guess you're not a bunch of weaklings after all.”

Tom wasn’t too badly hurt, which was a blessing. With a prayer, Marcus worked to prop him up in a sitting position against the alley wall. Once Tom was seen to it was back to try to get a bead on the other vampire for Father Marcus.

An ear piercing scream was loosed from the vampire’s lungs as Aerol's weapon hit him at the same time his undead companion raked claws down his back. Snarling in rage, dark clouds gathered in the sky above alley.

The stranger began to truly piss off the vampires, this was apparent as the feline one snapped its fangs at man. “The streets are alive with the sound of music!” The big man seemed to be having fun as he punched with the claws on his hand through Daimon 1 into Daimon 2. “Now ,now, snapping won't save your life I'm just going to laugh at you more.”

It took a fraction of a moment to sink in that the feline beast is his opponent. With a shaking hand, Marcus brought weapon up. The dart fired, but his unsteady hand caused the alleyway wall to be the only victim this time. ”Blast!” The priest uttered his curse as the dart misses completely. Seeing the newcomer holding his own, Marcus returned to attending Tom who was drowsy but holding the wound on his neck.
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Post by Aerol Mathius »

Tom gave a bitter sigh as he witnessed the outcome, gaze falling to his dropped grenade. More disappointed by the foiling of his "plan" than relieved.

Hm.” The only sound the priest manages to force out of his mouth, giving the newcomer a nod but remaining to tend to his wounded companion.

Since both didn't Poof into dust the big man can only raise a brow. “The messy path it is then.” Nodding to himself both vamps were thrown into a nearby wall. “More fun for me.”

Now fighting for their lives, the vampires only thought is to get away and into the ground as lightening whips down from the sky, striking all around the figures in the alley.

Completely ignoring the vamps, the humans, and the lightening he took a moment and wiped off a stain of blood on the cuff of his shirt then looked around. “You're still here? Damn that's stupid. Your death.” With a burst of speed, he was beside the morons sending the curved srad in to finish the job.

The vampires fought wildly biting and clawing at the stranger, the srad doing damage, making them bleed more, draining their strength. The poison from the dart fired by the priest also doing its work..

Die with dignity.” The hunter whispered slamming the livelier creature’s face to the cobblestones then turns to the other for similar treatment. “Where's you're honor?”

One vampire down, thanks to blood loss and the toxin coursing through its body. The second continued to put up a feeble but determined attempt at warding off the hunter, getting a face full of stone for his efforts.

Tom manages a feeble laugh at the sight. “No, ya have to cook them.” The words were spoken weakly as he bent to pick up his grenade, knowing enough not to make use of it at this point.

Marcus shrugs, not particularly concerned with however long it takes the hunter to do his work, is more interested in the knocked out vampire. . “We'll be needing to get this one somewhere out of sight.”

So much for killing you quickly.” Midnight eyes turned to the humans then the unconscious Daimon. “Just kill it, ones that go out so quickly are never worth any effort.” Then he slammed a fist into the still kicking Daimons face to show his point.

No…”The priest shakes his head. “We have uses for a live specimen. We will need some assistance getting the body out of here though.” Tilting his head at the still-wobbly Tom, the priest let the wounded man lean against him for support.

With a sigh the hunter struck the Daimon again just to make him stop moving. “You humans and your sympathies to take things alive.” Woops, hit the thing a bit too hard, oh well, gray matter on the pavement isn’t anything new.

Tom whispered something to the priest then, and gave a nod from him. Marcus reached into his pouch and draws out a small, round object. “If you'd move away for a moment, stranger.”

Holding the object as if to throw it, at Tom's instruction, and flung it forth at the vampire. the incendiary device bursting upon contact with the vampire, instantly covering it with flames. If it had the ability left, it would have shrieked in agony, but alas, it did not.

He moved out of the way all right. Broad shoulders took a lean against the alley wall, to take in the sight with amusement. “So, anyone got marshmallows?”

Tom watched the sight with a sadistic grin, while Marcus assumed a grim, dutiful visage. Banishing the beasts from his mind, the priest turns to look at the newcomer, once again surprised at the choice of allies the lord had chose to provide him. “What's your name, stranger?”

One you don't need to know, for now DH will suffice.” Doesn't turn to the one who spoke and remains watchful of the burning bodies. Cleaning off the srad, the Greek turned towards the entrance of the alley.

Surprised, Marcus speaks up. “If you please sir, I would like to speak with one such as you, if this sort to you.”

The man stopped and looked to the priest.” It's not a matter of appeal, it's my job. One I do willingly. So unless you have anything useful to say, say it. If not I have better places to be and more prey to hunt.”

Oh…Well. I see. In the event you find yourself, ahem, working in this area again. Visit the Venom Brothers shipping company, near the docks and ask for us. My name is Father Marcus, and this is Tom Sekwasi. We can always use more like-minded people, if you take my meaning"

A strange smile played along his lips at the humans choice of words. “If you're so like-minded, I would not have been needed to step in and save you.” That said he simply faded from the visible spectrum along with the unconscious vampire which would be found on the steps of this Venom Brothers shipping. Leaving Marcus and Tom to go about their way, Tom still in need of some medical attention of some sort for that wound of his.
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Post by Topaz »


Lucien was off to hunt even before the sun had set completely. Topaz did not like having to stay behind. The promise Lucien had insisted on was becoming harder and harder to keep, especially after Gabriel had gotten himself hurt so badly that he had to stay in the healing sleep for over two weeks. It did not bear thinking of should something like that happen to Lucien. Though intellectually she had all the confidence that Lucien would return relatively unhurt, she could not help but fear for him. To find distraction and to make the time pass faster she went to the Isle. A duel or two and the company of friends should help to take her mind of Lucien’s hunt.

Jaleeisa and Ryn were already present when she arrived and Azjah put in an appearance shortly thereafter, just as a goblin was bringing coffee. Topaz would have liked to hear more of Azjah’s visit with the Kaiser besides just that he was thrilled with her news of expecting a baby, but Ryn had asked her duel.

Topaz sat back to watch the duel but was almost immediately distracted by another arrival. Something about the man made her take a closer look. His pupils were grey rather than the expected black. She glanced to Jal, but Jal did not appear to be alarmed in any way and so Topaz decided her misgivings were nothing but a case of nerves.

The fairy’s attention briefly turned to the man who had dissolved into the visible spectrum, his midnight eyes searing. He had his hands stuffed into the pockets of the long jacket covering his hunched shoulders. Though his mode of arrival was suspect and he had the air of the un-dead around him, he was not a vampire. She’d have to watch this one though. His aura spoke of power and evil – definitely a dangerous combination. But the man disappeared again within moments of his arrival.

Rathazin had come to Isle with a purpose. The official appeared a good place to start. “Have you seen...” But before he could finish his question, he found the answer. He saw her from the corner of his eyes and knew immediately that it was her. His grey pupils did turn quite fierce as he now wholly ignored Jaleeisa, his intent quite clearly set upon the one he knew was named Topaz. Indeed, his legs suddenly felt as though they had taken on a life of their own, drawing him closer towards that fairy he had been searching for. “There you are.” He whispered softly to himself.

Topaz looked up at the approaching man. “Good evening. You were looking for me?”

“At long last, I've found you.” His pace, though still quite slow as if to not alarm anyone here, was quickening. “Ah yes, I have been searching for you. You are Topaz Datrazanov, yes?” His voice seemed almost too excited at the prospect he was correct.

“Yes, that's me. How may I help you?” She kept her misgivings in check and let her curiosity win out. But something about him put her on guard. She would have been more alarmed had she noticed the warning look Jaleeisa had given her.

Personal amusement having nagged at Aerol in reaction to the woman's defiance, he reformed just beyond the shadows near the tree line to watch the fun. One being in particular having seemed an entertaining sort.

Rathazin’s expression already had been somewhat maniacal and now it turned all the more disturbing as a wicked grin slowly crept upon his lips and kept growing and growing. “Oh yes, oh yes! Your simple presence here tonight is all the help I could ever ask for.” His tone, by this point, matched his sickly expression. “You see, my master will be so pleased.”

“My simple presence? Who is your master?” This one was definitely bad news, no matter if he was working for someone like Anubis or for someone like Vanion, Topaz decided.

His head tilted to the side ever so slightly as he passed her an all too innocent an expression. “Though might I ask you for one more thing?” As he waited for her response his eyes again began to grow quite wide as if lusting for something soon to come, and a hand was slowly reaching into the folds of his cloak.

That line made Aerol roll his eyes. “Where'd this guy get his material? Minions-r-us?” He muttered the words softly under his breath with a shake of his head, leaning lightly against a tree. “Yea, this yutz needs to up his medication if that's the best he's got. Though the woman is being awfully obliging, this is gonna be bad.” He grinned in anticipation of the fun that was all too obvious to happen. He felt like a kid at Christmas.

“What is it that your master instructed you to do?” Her alarm systems did scream at her, though with her in-town shields in place she had no way of knowing exactly why. She called up a protective shield. But she also reminded herself to give the stranger the benefit of the doubt: after all it could be that he just needed to deliver a message.

The draw of her shield was enough of an answer for Rathazin. Indeed, she would put up a fight just as his master had told him when he etched her image into his mind. His true intentions would become clear as he once again began his approach, a hand still hidden within the folds of his cloak. His approach began with a few quick steps, but soon was more to the liking of a charge as that wicked smile once more drew over his pale lips.

This was getting good, Aerol thought to himself. The big man almost wanted to giggle at the anticipation he felt at watching this bit of drama. All the while he kept muttering the Jaws theme under his breath.

Topaz rose from her chair and calmly sat down the coffee cup.

Rathazin’s hand finally emerged from within the folds, tightly gripping a dark colored dagger. He licked at his lips before replying, his anticipation was definitely seething. “Why... kill you of course!”

Still muttering and the tempo raised, Aerol even tapped his foot in time to the beat. His black eyes danced with a sadistic light, the grin on his face spread wider to reveal a nice set of elongated canines.

“I'd have something to say against that.” Topaz gave a little humorless laugh as she studied the blade and decided that it needed to be avoided. She briefly touched her mind to Lucien’s. He was rather busy, though, and she didn’t want to distract him. She took a few steps away from the dueling area, hoping to draw the inevitable battle away from the patrons.

Aerol whispered the last chord and that enticing stillness came over him as his eyes widened in anticipation of the kill.

Rathazin’s expression was quite sickly. “Though, in all honesty, I would like to do more than simply take your life. I wish – no, I desire to see you ripped limb from limb.” With that his expression changed once more: his eyes seemingly pierced through her with knife like focus, indeed it was as if his task was his only motivation for life.

“Isn't that just a lovely surprise.” The fairy moved further away from the rings, drawing the predator after her. “And I didn't bring a blade.” She aimed a mage bolt at the hand carrying the dagger while trying to come up with a strategy. This one would not be discouraged no matter his injuries nor could he be killed with a simple exposure to sunlight, she knew instinctively.
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Post by Topaz »

“Oh Miss Muffet has claws.” Aerol nodded, watching the woman take initiative. “Certainly is boring when they cower like a kicked puppy.” An amused laugh rocked his broad shoulders as he enjoyed the spectacle.

So focused was Rathazin’s attention, that the fairy’s bolt struck true, sending the blade flying quite a distance from his reach. He paused but a moment however, before he again set his sight on the fairy. What better way to rip her limb from limb than with his bare hands.

Once Topaz was some distance away from the others she dropped some of her in-town shields to gain the insight of her fae senses, and promptly gasped at the intensity of the attacker’s hatred.

“No worries, though you simply prolong the inevitable. Instead of dismembering your corpse, I will simple have to pluck your appendages, limb by limb.” Rathazin chuckled softly. “And I'll begin with those lovely wings of yours.” He came to a halt, as if measuring the shields she had drawn around her.

“Oh, that's bad comedy. Seen better acting in amateur night at the Globe Theater. Too bad it was torn down, always enjoyed watching Shakespeare perform.” Aerol winced, shrugged his shoulders, and was back to watching the fun. Keeping his watch on the woman and the man, highly amused at the dance.

“I would so prefer you rather remain alive. Your screams would be quite delectable, and I know my master would be so pleased.” Rathazin started back towards her and flexed his fingers, readying for his attack.

“I very much intent to stay alive.” Topaz prepared a spell of her own as she continued to draw the threat further away from the duelers and patrons. More of them had arrived and their safety was a concern to her.

Rathazin finally made his charge, his confidence swelled at having finally found his master's target. He attempted to break through her defenses to land a paralyzing touch even as Topaz loosened a set of wizard blades. Of course they would also destroy the barrier she had put between herself and the attacker.

“So good to know the humans in this city aren't as weak as I thought. Those two from the other night…” Aerol shook his head. “The priest and that kid were pathetic. But I don't make the rules of this game, just another player.” He drew back into the shadows and adjusted his position for a better viewing of the altercation.

The blades found their mark against the presumptuous ghoul. One blade sliced a hand clearly off from the wrist, another dug deep into his side, putting a momentary end to his change. Rathazin glanced down at the blade protruding from his side before he turned to note his missing hand. A loud, anger-filled growl erupted from him. “How am I supposed to rip you limb from limb now!!!”

Aerol cleared his throat, hands were brought up to his lips to help project his voice to the idget. “Psst... Use your teeth. Cause pain and get a bit of fiber in your diet.”

With another growl of frustration Rathazin’s charge resumed. Prying the blade loose from the side of his body, he whipped it right back at her as he continued to draw closer and closer.

“I'm sure you'll think of something.” Topaz scrambled to remain out of reach while she readied a stronger spell. The short term spells from the dueling rings would only slow down her attacker, but she needed time to work something more potent.

Aerol vanished again and drifted further along to keep abreast of the action. Of course, that brought him behind the woman defending her life. “Some like it hot, some like it hott.” He whispered softly and resumed watching the fun.

A nether ray was aimed at the ghoul even while Topaz started to communicate with the sentient magic around. Another loud growl escaped the rushing ghoul as the ray enveloped his form and singed its pale, sickly colored skin and caused him to reel backwards, flailing its arms. With a grunt the ghoul managed to bear the ray's harmful effects and he once more charged forward. He used his arms to shield himself from as much of the deadly rays as possible. Albeit at a much slower pace, he was still quite intent on striking her down and watching her bleed.

Topaz sent forth the microscopic small sentient magic bits, trusting that they would get through any woven defense, one bit at a time. Now she had to keep the ghoul from getting close until the fae magic had a chance to work the destruction they had agreed to work. In the meantime she could buy some time with the elemental fury of the stars.

“Some like it so hot that you fry.” Aerol’s hands thumped against a nearby tree in time to the Latin beat playing in his head, just watching the fun but thinking the woman should just end the game all ready.

“Weird crowd,” Gnimish plopped down in his seat, peering around. “And why's the fairy duelin' over there, the rings are over here.” He clicked his tongue and gave Drakhan a nudge with his boot, but kept his eyes on the fairy and her ‘opponent’. “No, no, no, just watch.”

Rathazin felt himself losing this battle. Indeed, she had proven herself more than capable of defending herself at this point and it would not be as easy as he had dreamed and thought through so many times in his head. His master had thought him some more advanced sets of magic before setting him on his way and now he would begin to use them. In a momentary flash, he was able to teleport himself the remainder of the distance to the magical fairy. The fae magic was still working its effect without his knowledge but at long last he was upon her, and so he struck.

A’Elbara stepped through the curious portal, and found herself upon the isle. She looked about, and a smile toyed at the edge of her lips. ‘So, this is the toy...’ the thought passed through her mind as she shifted her direction to the edge of the forest.

A perch taken on the lower boughs of a tree, Aerol kept watching the drama unfold with a shake of his head. “I've a feel this'll be anti-climactic. Good thing I didn't pay money to watch this, I'd want my money back.”

With the superhuman strength bestowed onto him by his master Rathazin ripped away the protective shield and charged undeterred through the flames the fairy had called up. The searing temperature charred his already marred from the effects of the ray skin. He knew that if he were to have any chance he would have to end this now or her casting would slowly render him unable. He managed to charge the rest of the way to her, raising his able hand back before swinging it forward and toward her. His remaining five fingers grew to seemingly scythe-like blades as he slashed at her form.

Topaz frowned when she saw that the flames had not even slowed down the ghoul. Though she was quick about dodging the brunt of the attack, she did not come away unscathed. A line of red still formed on the arm she had pulled up in reflex.

Aerol shook his head. “And no one knows how to die with dignity.” He sat up a bit more as the fellow seemed to have gotten within killing range.
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Post by Topaz »

Gnimish winced, seeing the attack make some contact, but still kept Drakhan on his leash. “Just be patient, lizard, jeez.”

The site of red drove Rathazin into an even deeper state of berserk. His eyes went wide and wild as the slashing ceased in favor of biting at that delicious red.

“Ack!” Topaz swatted at the biting creature and cast another lightning bolt into the creature. The savage chomping continued, though the technique more and more resembled that of an animal. The bolt stunned him momentarily, but for only a moment before the furious ghoul continued with its attack. She would have to change her tactics.

A’Elbara’s voice was soft, coy, and carried up to the branch where the gentleman was sitting. “And just what would you be protecting, dear?”

Just great, someone came crashing his party, Aerol thought. The woman received a sneer of disgust, on principle to anyone talking to him. “Still deciding it and that's ultimately my business.”

His sneer only worked to ease the smile a bit more to her lips. “Ah, but it would be more than just your business if you are to be protecting someone, would it not?” She continued to keep her eyes towards the scuffing between the fairy and the ghoul.

“I never said ‘who now, did I?” Came his clipped reply as Aerol raised a brow at the woman taking a hands on approach. She just may be a woman after my own heart - if I could find it. Not many like getting messy in a fight.

Topaz remembered something distasteful she had learned from Julian and thrust her fingers into the ghoul’s eyes, turning a little green at the odd feeling. The ghoul growled out in both, terror and pain. The sensation of her fingers puncturing his eyes and the sudden darkness of his surroundings snapped back many of his senses as he found himself further debilitated by the now seemingly more than capable fairy.

“Now come on, rip his head off, gotta have the blood splatter.” Aerol clapped at the latest exchange. “I wanna see his gray matter on the ground.”

Rathazin staggered for several long moments, touching at his now bloodied face and head to gauge the damage before he lashed out in no apparent direction with his arms. His eye-lids remained open as he hunted down the fairy with his remaining senses.

Topaz dodged the blindly lashing arms and, spotting the knife the ghoul had wielded earlier, teleported it to her. She secured her grip on the blade and darted in, aiming for his throat.

“Oh what the hell.” Aerol broke off part of the branch above his head and threw it into the blind ghoul's path. “I'm just trying to find ways to amuse myself. That's not engaging in the fight, because I'm still on the sidelines.”

“But you are aiding one who is at the advantage. Wouldn't it be better to aid them both?” A’Elbara suggested.

“What fun is that?” He looked down at the woman with a raised brow.

“Ever watch a fairy fly with one less wing?” The woman grinned back.

“You always go after the weaker link, survival of the fittest, pick off the chain link by link.” That was a good question she had asked. “It'd just fly in a circle. That'd get boring after a few minutes and you'd have to put the thing out of your misery. Too much work for a bit of fun.”

“Ah, but you see, then you pluck the leg off the other side.”

The branch did indeed trip the ghoul and he fell forward at the oncoming fairy. The dagger missed his throat and lodged deep into his chest instead. Topaz let go of the knife and hurried to get out of the way of the falling body. It would not at all do to have him fall on top of her. A flutter of her wings propelled her out of harms way.

A wispy hiss escaped Rathazin as he attempted to inhale deeply. The dagger most definitely had struck his windpipe.

“See, tripping him for my own amusement just prolonged his life.” Aerol pointed at the fallen ghoul with a triumphant sneer. “The guy even got his little knife back. Dunno who taught him to fight, but they should have given him more pointers.”

Rathazin staggered to his feet. The wicked grin once again returned as he pulled the dagger haphazardly from his upper chest with his remaining hand. He hissed an almost incoherent phrase to express his glee at having his dagger back.

“Uh oh.” Topaz cast another quick bolt at the knife wielding hand, hoping that the sentient magic was close to finishing its work. This one certainly did not know when he was beaten.

Rathazin caught another waft of the fairy’s fragrant smell and quickly turned in its direction. Much to his fortune, for in doing so he evaded the bolt without his even knowing. The grin on his lips grew wider as he headed in the direction of the smell, unaware of the blood that seeped from the orifices not previously bloodied by the fairy.

Topaz carefully backed away from the now rather grotesque looking ghoul, reading another spell. Didn't this thing know when it was dead? She could have sworn that his heart had stopped beating some time ago. She sent another ray of negative energy into the creature.

“See, Drakhan? Told ja to be patient.” Gnimish grinned.

Pain was all but an after-thought for Rathazin by this point. The ray once again filled his form with its vile energy, but he somehow managed to push on. His trajectory was clear. Blood flowed from his ears and nose as he charged forward. With a lunge he hurled himself in the direction where he believed the fairy to be, slashing at her with the dagger still gripped tightly in his hand.

Topaz adjusted the flame spell to surround the ghoul and then to close in on him. This time he found no solace in simply charging through the flames. The charred, unrecognizable form that once was the ghoul staggered slightly, took one step forward, and then fell to its knees. The flames burned away whatever remnants of his human form remained.

She backed away from the burning mass but kept her eyes on it, knowing that it wasn’t over until it was ashes. The things still wheezed and slithered toward her. It had be cut, filled with nether energies, zapped, burned to a crisp more than once, and all along the sentient magic had slowly eaten away at him from inside, yet he still tried to do his master’s bidding. Only once naught but ashes were left and the flames had died out did Topaz return to the dueling area.

“Not half bad, fairy, ya alright there?” Gnimish actually looked serious for a moment.

“That thing bit me!” Topaz plopped into a chair. A little cantrip cleaned her up well enough. “I will be, as soon as Lucien finishes off the vampire that made this abomination. I'll just have to drag that rapier along everywhere it seems.”

Ryn chuckled, “Seems like you handled that well Lady Topaz.”

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