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Out of Character message board for the Duel of Swords

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Post by Elijah »

So in the IFL Garden tonight someone made a comment about the combined experience of the dueling players in the chat room at the time would still out distance most IC character ages.

Matt, Tarl, and I started chatting about it after everyone left. And now we feel like realy old losers now. Just between the three of us we got just barely over 4 decades combined since we first started dueling.
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Post by Falon »

Elijah, I remember you. You ARE a funny guy. I remember that Pesto sauce (Mmm, mmm) but I don't remember the restaurant name. And the tree, I never thanked you guys for showing me the damn tree. Who would have thought there'd be a freakin' tree close to Grand Central. I remember not wanting to come to New York unless I saw a tree or a squirrel. Kairee was there, too. Hi, Kairee! Come to think of it there was a bunch of folks there. I remember faces but not the names so much. The Moo guy was there I think, and Poison? Does anyone remember that RDI lunch date in the big apple? How about the one in Gaithersburg. I think Doc was at that one.

Not sure if everyone there knew I was Falon, Halbarad and Gloin and a stream of one hitters. Anyway, for no particular reason I typed 'Duel of Swords' into the excite engine a week or so ago and 'tah dah' here you all were. I freaked out to read about Falon in the records. And to Sim... about Gloin... you make me blush.

Anyway, I'll try to stop in to the duels. I don't have IMing on my machine. Maybe someone could send me a suggestion on what's available (iMac- Bug shaped one, using Comcast). Any who it's wonderful to see/read y'all having so much fun, again. And remember... Just Duel It. - Donn
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Post by Elijah »

Yay Falon's player!

Dude, get that IM program so you can come by one day and duel! This place is a testatment to all you put in to keep this going WAY BACK IN THE DAY! And besides that, we could use some Falon personality to show these young pups where it all started from.

I learned by watching you.
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Post by BrigathC »

Falon wrote: Maybe someone could send me a suggestion on what's available (iMac- Bug shaped one, using Comcast).
I have a friend on a mac and I think he uses iChat. Give it a shot and come on by!
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Post by Amaltea »

I remember a lunch in NY with Kairee, more like a day in NY, and a bunch of other people, Slothie was there, AceofSwords, Kougrr, and a few others I can't remember, around 1993? 94?
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Post by Gnimish Gnimoi »

Meeting people on the internet is scary. ::hides::
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Post by Amaltea »

One one one? Maybe. There's safety in numbers. :wink:
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Post by Grayson »

I've always wished I could meet more people from the duels. My job, however, has conspired to keep me from that. The only people I've met from here were Isa and Adam, and it was a blast! Maybe when I leave Alaska next summer...
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Post by Slothy »

Falon. LOL I remember when you walked into that party (it was at Confetti). My comment to the crowd was "That has GOT to be Gloin's player!" Kairee also commented to Ace's player that his friend (me) was awfully quiet and shy. I think I about spat up my drink.

As for old, yah I just passed my 14 year anniversary on aol, but I'm still just a kid when it comes to poking you all with the pointy stick.
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Post by Slothy »

Oh, and I still have Falon's sword on a peg in my office. Bought it at a pawn shop if you want it back. It's too heavy for me and I could never manage to make the thunder and lightning thing work. Must need new batteries?
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Post by Alais d Nitesong »


It's grand to see some of the old names returning, and while I missed this particular luncheon, I did have the opportunity to meet up with you Slothie, and a couple of others in a Sushi place called Saru Shina, which, regrettably I hear no longer exists.

I do believe that is the last time I was in NYC though.

We need to do it again. :D
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Post by Gimzak »

well, I will toss my proverbial hat into the ring. Get it ring? Ok no more jokes from me.

Since we're talking of how far back we all go..I remember aol from 2.0 with my 386 computer that I got from some woman I met online in a guild. Yes a guild. I was a guildie for a long time, just like good old Al, though he tries to supress those memories.

When I finally came into the arena for the first time I really wasn't impressed and I was awfull at dueling. I came in to hang with Al and Donnie who had made quite the names for themselves. After much practicing I finally showed some mettle.

I've met alot of people from online but my favorite experience had to be the farm in maryland. Although I don't remember all of the people there and only some of the character names, those I do remember were..Slothy and his scotch and Jon and Kalamere and Jaycy. I still have the south park shirt I bought from the beer distrib when I made the keg run with..and forgive me because I forget the names of the hosts that weekend.

I remember we bought these palstic swords and stood in some big field and actually "dueled". I also remember Al chasing me around a car and beating the holy hell out of my back for squirting him with the super soaker lol.

I haven't had the time much to duel but I so would love to get back into it. Being a single dad is not as easy as it seems but I love it. Hi to everyone and Elija..maybe Baph and Gim get to hang out one more time eh.
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Post by Alyxz »

I think my highest was only about $400 in one month. Remember when people stood in line for the chance to be allowed to become a staff member? I think it went to unlimited like...the day I became staff.

I did the guild thing for a while too. It was 94 or 95 or something and in those days if you walked into RDI without knowing anyone chances were the first people you met told you that guilds were what it was all about.

I found the duels later and wished I'd found them sooner.
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