Moderator: Michelle Montoya
- Topaz
- Legendary Adventurer
- Posts: 1283
- Joined: Fri Apr 02, 2004 5:31 pm
- Location: The Beacon
- Contact:
When the temperature had broken in the wee hours and Topaz had slipped from fever dreams into restful sleep Lucien had taken her home. He too was in desperate need of some rest, having taken care of his mate nonstop for the past three days and nights. He decided to do without going to ground, preferring to remain beside her and able to wake should she come to or have a relapse in the course of the day.
Neither had come to pass when he woke again in the evening. Topaz was still sleeping, her breathing even, her heartbeat regular if not as strong as he was used to. He checked more thoroughly then, with his eyes as well as his mind. The fever had not returned to flush her cheeks, there was no more pain inside her, and he could sense not even a slight altercation between the magics.
Tenderly he brushed a silvery-blond curl from her cheek. Even with the ravages of the last days evident she looked even more beautiful to him now. Though it probably wasn’t necessary to do so, he gave a soft 'push' to keep her sleeping before he headed into the main suite after food. She was going to need to eat.
Lucien returned with a plate of fresh fruit, some cheeses, and sparkling water. Andre had placed a chocolate truffle next to the fruit. He sat the plate and glass beside the bed before he lay down beside her again, and released the mental push. Then, lightly nuzzling her throat, he took her into his arms. He wanted the thing that woke her be passion. If she was hungry, she should have her teeth and gain her first sustenance as a Carpathian.
“Mmm. Good morning, Lucien.” Topaz wrapped her arms around him before opening her eyes.
“Good morning to you.” A smile curved his lips as he brushed them across hers and he pulled her body against his. “Are you hungry?”
“No, not really.” His sensual caresses put ideas into her mind that had nothing to do with food. “You're giving me different ideas, though.” She proceeded to show him just what kind of ideas, thereby granting his wish for passion.
The next hour was spent in sharing a passion that flared hot between them. Topaz nipped at him, and drew first blood as Lucien groaned. She would kill him, he was sure of it. At last she bit him as a true Carpathian mate, and white hot lightning ripped through his body before he sank his teeth into her for their first exchange after her conversion. It was a sensual heaven that he never wanted to end. It did, all too soon, but he knew they had to make an appearance in Atrebla. Major derKorst had thoroughly questioned the Marchioness, and would again if he did not return her soon.
As he held her close an hour later, happily sated, he caught sight of the plate of fresh fruit. “Now are you hungry?” He asked with a warm smile before he reached for a fresh strawberry and brought it close to her lips.
“Perhaps just a little.” She smiled back. “How'd we get here? You're not berating yourself anymore, are you?” The berry found its way into her mouth.
“I brought us here after your fever abated.” He watched with a fascinated smile as her face register surprise and enjoyment, and he knew that her sharpened senses intensified the flavors for her. “You frightened me Topaz.” Before she could ask he answered her question about how much time had passed, “Three days.”
”I'm sorry I frightened you. But not for anything else.” She was firm on that, sensing that somehow he felt guilty, and not wanting him to take responsibility for something she had done.
Lucien gave her a long look. “You did it on purpose Topaz. You knew what I would do wanting you as much as I did.”
“Yes.” She gave him an unsure, almost apologetic grin. “I just had to do something before all courage left me. And this way you really didn't have to do anything but keep from stopping me.”
Lucien shook his head. “And how do you feel now that you have your own teeth?”
“They don't appear to be permanent.” She sounded disappointed.
“For you they are not.” He said with black velvet laughter. “Unlike a natural Carpathian, yours will only come out when you need to feed, or when we make love.”
“If all the food tastes that much better than before like that strawberry did...” She left that sentence unfinished. “Then again, you seem to have gotten better too. I may have to try again though, to make sure.” She gave him a flirtatious wink.
“Scent, taste, touch, it's all enhanced.” He trailed his fingertip along her collar bone, drawing a responsive shiver from her. Though used to feeling him more intensely and before he was actually touching her skin whenever her shields were absent, this was incredibly more.
“It may take me a while to get used to that. Did that always feel like that to you?” She traced an identical line over his skin.
“Yes.” He reached for the chocolate truffle and slowly brought it under her nose.
Topaz closed her eyes as she breathed in the sweet cocoa fragrance. “Sinful.”
”I planned it to be this way.” He smile was completely unrepentant.
Neither had come to pass when he woke again in the evening. Topaz was still sleeping, her breathing even, her heartbeat regular if not as strong as he was used to. He checked more thoroughly then, with his eyes as well as his mind. The fever had not returned to flush her cheeks, there was no more pain inside her, and he could sense not even a slight altercation between the magics.
Tenderly he brushed a silvery-blond curl from her cheek. Even with the ravages of the last days evident she looked even more beautiful to him now. Though it probably wasn’t necessary to do so, he gave a soft 'push' to keep her sleeping before he headed into the main suite after food. She was going to need to eat.
Lucien returned with a plate of fresh fruit, some cheeses, and sparkling water. Andre had placed a chocolate truffle next to the fruit. He sat the plate and glass beside the bed before he lay down beside her again, and released the mental push. Then, lightly nuzzling her throat, he took her into his arms. He wanted the thing that woke her be passion. If she was hungry, she should have her teeth and gain her first sustenance as a Carpathian.
“Mmm. Good morning, Lucien.” Topaz wrapped her arms around him before opening her eyes.
“Good morning to you.” A smile curved his lips as he brushed them across hers and he pulled her body against his. “Are you hungry?”
“No, not really.” His sensual caresses put ideas into her mind that had nothing to do with food. “You're giving me different ideas, though.” She proceeded to show him just what kind of ideas, thereby granting his wish for passion.
The next hour was spent in sharing a passion that flared hot between them. Topaz nipped at him, and drew first blood as Lucien groaned. She would kill him, he was sure of it. At last she bit him as a true Carpathian mate, and white hot lightning ripped through his body before he sank his teeth into her for their first exchange after her conversion. It was a sensual heaven that he never wanted to end. It did, all too soon, but he knew they had to make an appearance in Atrebla. Major derKorst had thoroughly questioned the Marchioness, and would again if he did not return her soon.
As he held her close an hour later, happily sated, he caught sight of the plate of fresh fruit. “Now are you hungry?” He asked with a warm smile before he reached for a fresh strawberry and brought it close to her lips.
“Perhaps just a little.” She smiled back. “How'd we get here? You're not berating yourself anymore, are you?” The berry found its way into her mouth.
“I brought us here after your fever abated.” He watched with a fascinated smile as her face register surprise and enjoyment, and he knew that her sharpened senses intensified the flavors for her. “You frightened me Topaz.” Before she could ask he answered her question about how much time had passed, “Three days.”
”I'm sorry I frightened you. But not for anything else.” She was firm on that, sensing that somehow he felt guilty, and not wanting him to take responsibility for something she had done.
Lucien gave her a long look. “You did it on purpose Topaz. You knew what I would do wanting you as much as I did.”
“Yes.” She gave him an unsure, almost apologetic grin. “I just had to do something before all courage left me. And this way you really didn't have to do anything but keep from stopping me.”
Lucien shook his head. “And how do you feel now that you have your own teeth?”
“They don't appear to be permanent.” She sounded disappointed.
“For you they are not.” He said with black velvet laughter. “Unlike a natural Carpathian, yours will only come out when you need to feed, or when we make love.”
“If all the food tastes that much better than before like that strawberry did...” She left that sentence unfinished. “Then again, you seem to have gotten better too. I may have to try again though, to make sure.” She gave him a flirtatious wink.
“Scent, taste, touch, it's all enhanced.” He trailed his fingertip along her collar bone, drawing a responsive shiver from her. Though used to feeling him more intensely and before he was actually touching her skin whenever her shields were absent, this was incredibly more.
“It may take me a while to get used to that. Did that always feel like that to you?” She traced an identical line over his skin.
“Yes.” He reached for the chocolate truffle and slowly brought it under her nose.
Topaz closed her eyes as she breathed in the sweet cocoa fragrance. “Sinful.”
”I planned it to be this way.” He smile was completely unrepentant.
- Topaz
- Legendary Adventurer
- Posts: 1283
- Joined: Fri Apr 02, 2004 5:31 pm
- Location: The Beacon
- Contact:
“You have? Oh my, will everything and everyone be like that?” Something in that scared her, but before she could ponder that further Lucien distracted her by touching the smooth chocolate to her lips.
“Yes, and your voice has changed, you will attract more males than I believe I can stand.” There was a scowl in his features at that thought.
Topaz gave him a warm smile. “I'll try very hard not to give you reason to blow up anyone.”
“I believe we need to find your Major derKorst. The Marchioness advised me that he was seeking you the next day.”
“I never got a chance to talk with him of the whys for the invitation to the Khut or any of the other notes I left. Poor Julian, he must have been worried sick.” She felt guilty at once. Not that she thought Julian would do a less than perfect job, but he would be worried. She’d never before left things barely started and then disappeared for any length of time, and he could put two and two together well enough to have known why she had been gone.
“He is very worried, and does not understand your conflicting messages.” Lucien frowned. “Topaz, I should have had better restraint. I endangered you.”
She tenderly brushed a hand over his hand. “You only permitted me to do what I very much needed to do. I did try telling you how miserable it was making me to have all these horrifying possibilities lay waiting. Just think how bad it might have been had you insisted on us waiting another two month or perhaps longer.” It did not bear thinking of.
He kissed her warmly. “It would not have been any different, except you would have worried more. But we had no way to know that. And we will address your pregnancy as it comes.” With a slow smile as if he knew something she didn’t he added, “and I believe it will.” He rose, then turned to look at her. “We should go, lest you desire me to keep you another night?”
“If you want us to be going anywhere, perhaps I should put on something.” She chuckled.
“Perhaps you should.” He gave her another of those slow smiles of his. “Think yourself dressed, think the details in every small matter.”
“You want me to think while you look at me that way?” She asked incredulous, laughter dancing in her eyes.
He leaned against the doorframe enjoying the sight. “Aye, about clothes no less, so I can imagine them off.”
“What good would that do then?” She was laughing now.
“Give you practice?” He gave her a teasing smile. But, residing in her thoughts, he helped her with the information as well as with the magic. It was a new experience for both of them to watch and learn how to handle the mixed magic.
“Thank you. I think I like this.” Though she was looking down the simple dress she was now wearing, her words were in regard to his residency. “Are you over to stay, I hope?”
“I am afraid you are stuck with me for eternity.”
“Wonderful. Well, it looks like I'm ready for us to head out.” She linked her arm with his and they started up the stairs. “I am amazed that you are not the least bit mad at me though. Or can you not really hear every little thought?”
“How can I ever be mad at you? You are the reason I live and breathe.”
“I'm not docile, subservient, domestically inclined or anything like that.” She charmed the shields back into existence and made some adjustments to them once they walked over to the waiting kitty .
“I am well aware, Warrior of mine.”
She smiled, starting to like his pet name for her. “And are you just as determined to keep me from your side as ever?”
“I would very much prefer that you not join hunts.” Lucien shook his head. “But, we have your friend to put at ease this night.” He handed her into the car.
“Yes. And I am curious to hear what he may have learned of your master Vampire.” Topaz was surprised to see his brows come up, having assumed he was already privy to all her thoughts.
“What who learned about the one I seek?” Lucien wanted to know as he slipped behind the wheel and touched the key to the ignition. Perhaps giving her some of the privacy she was used to was not such a good idea.
“You see, if you don't want me along, I'll just have to go on my own hunts.” She winked to him. “Oh, one of the not so clear notes I left .... I'm not at all sure that mist thing worked so well the other day. And if he's truly a master, he'd have no difficulty finding the Valley to begin with. I don't intend to lose any people I don't have to.”
Lucien sighed. “Topaz, let me do the hunting, I do not desire to lose you, and you have not given me a chance to prove that I can protect you.”
“I know you can protect me. But I am not going to sit twiddling my thumbs dying of boredom and worry while some foe or other is running about lose doing the gods know what damage.”
“I will not allow it to do damage Topaz, and there is so much more you could do FOR your people than lead or participate in such hunting.” He did not understand her stand on this topic at all. It went against every fiber of his being that she 'wanted' to participate in such things.
“I understand you need to do what you know to do, and I’ll try to consider that in my actions.” She was convinced she deserved the same kind of consideration. “But I'm also the Commander of Atrebla, and I will not have you undermine that. I well know there's more to taking care of the people than keeping them from getting slaughtered by something or other, and I am taking care of that, too. I love you and I do not want to cause you pain, but please do not think you can turn me into some house wife that has no other worry than cook dinner for her husband and is happy to stay home while he's out having all the fun.”
“I did not ask you to be any of those things.” He frowned.
“I'm sorry. Of course you didn't. I'm still having Gabriel's words to that in my mind. I should have wrung his neck like I wanted to and be done with his objections.” Her grin let him know that she wasn’t upset with Gabriel.
Lucien refused to argue the point with her, but he needed to speak to his brother. He parked the car by one of the portals he was used to using and walked around to open her door. She linked her arm with his and a moment later they stepped through the portal.
“Yes, and your voice has changed, you will attract more males than I believe I can stand.” There was a scowl in his features at that thought.
Topaz gave him a warm smile. “I'll try very hard not to give you reason to blow up anyone.”
“I believe we need to find your Major derKorst. The Marchioness advised me that he was seeking you the next day.”
“I never got a chance to talk with him of the whys for the invitation to the Khut or any of the other notes I left. Poor Julian, he must have been worried sick.” She felt guilty at once. Not that she thought Julian would do a less than perfect job, but he would be worried. She’d never before left things barely started and then disappeared for any length of time, and he could put two and two together well enough to have known why she had been gone.
“He is very worried, and does not understand your conflicting messages.” Lucien frowned. “Topaz, I should have had better restraint. I endangered you.”
She tenderly brushed a hand over his hand. “You only permitted me to do what I very much needed to do. I did try telling you how miserable it was making me to have all these horrifying possibilities lay waiting. Just think how bad it might have been had you insisted on us waiting another two month or perhaps longer.” It did not bear thinking of.
He kissed her warmly. “It would not have been any different, except you would have worried more. But we had no way to know that. And we will address your pregnancy as it comes.” With a slow smile as if he knew something she didn’t he added, “and I believe it will.” He rose, then turned to look at her. “We should go, lest you desire me to keep you another night?”
“If you want us to be going anywhere, perhaps I should put on something.” She chuckled.
“Perhaps you should.” He gave her another of those slow smiles of his. “Think yourself dressed, think the details in every small matter.”
“You want me to think while you look at me that way?” She asked incredulous, laughter dancing in her eyes.
He leaned against the doorframe enjoying the sight. “Aye, about clothes no less, so I can imagine them off.”
“What good would that do then?” She was laughing now.
“Give you practice?” He gave her a teasing smile. But, residing in her thoughts, he helped her with the information as well as with the magic. It was a new experience for both of them to watch and learn how to handle the mixed magic.
“Thank you. I think I like this.” Though she was looking down the simple dress she was now wearing, her words were in regard to his residency. “Are you over to stay, I hope?”
“I am afraid you are stuck with me for eternity.”
“Wonderful. Well, it looks like I'm ready for us to head out.” She linked her arm with his and they started up the stairs. “I am amazed that you are not the least bit mad at me though. Or can you not really hear every little thought?”
“How can I ever be mad at you? You are the reason I live and breathe.”
“I'm not docile, subservient, domestically inclined or anything like that.” She charmed the shields back into existence and made some adjustments to them once they walked over to the waiting kitty .
“I am well aware, Warrior of mine.”
She smiled, starting to like his pet name for her. “And are you just as determined to keep me from your side as ever?”
“I would very much prefer that you not join hunts.” Lucien shook his head. “But, we have your friend to put at ease this night.” He handed her into the car.
“Yes. And I am curious to hear what he may have learned of your master Vampire.” Topaz was surprised to see his brows come up, having assumed he was already privy to all her thoughts.
“What who learned about the one I seek?” Lucien wanted to know as he slipped behind the wheel and touched the key to the ignition. Perhaps giving her some of the privacy she was used to was not such a good idea.
“You see, if you don't want me along, I'll just have to go on my own hunts.” She winked to him. “Oh, one of the not so clear notes I left .... I'm not at all sure that mist thing worked so well the other day. And if he's truly a master, he'd have no difficulty finding the Valley to begin with. I don't intend to lose any people I don't have to.”
Lucien sighed. “Topaz, let me do the hunting, I do not desire to lose you, and you have not given me a chance to prove that I can protect you.”
“I know you can protect me. But I am not going to sit twiddling my thumbs dying of boredom and worry while some foe or other is running about lose doing the gods know what damage.”
“I will not allow it to do damage Topaz, and there is so much more you could do FOR your people than lead or participate in such hunting.” He did not understand her stand on this topic at all. It went against every fiber of his being that she 'wanted' to participate in such things.
“I understand you need to do what you know to do, and I’ll try to consider that in my actions.” She was convinced she deserved the same kind of consideration. “But I'm also the Commander of Atrebla, and I will not have you undermine that. I well know there's more to taking care of the people than keeping them from getting slaughtered by something or other, and I am taking care of that, too. I love you and I do not want to cause you pain, but please do not think you can turn me into some house wife that has no other worry than cook dinner for her husband and is happy to stay home while he's out having all the fun.”
“I did not ask you to be any of those things.” He frowned.
“I'm sorry. Of course you didn't. I'm still having Gabriel's words to that in my mind. I should have wrung his neck like I wanted to and be done with his objections.” Her grin let him know that she wasn’t upset with Gabriel.
Lucien refused to argue the point with her, but he needed to speak to his brother. He parked the car by one of the portals he was used to using and walked around to open her door. She linked her arm with his and a moment later they stepped through the portal.
- Topaz
- Legendary Adventurer
- Posts: 1283
- Joined: Fri Apr 02, 2004 5:31 pm
- Location: The Beacon
- Contact:
“Do you think Julian will be up at this hour?” It was not nearly as late as Lucien’s question implied.
“Yes.” Topaz took note of the guards at the door. There were three, one of them in mage robes. “Something has happened. The normal number of guards at the door is two.”
“Alright, then we need Julian to explain to us what is going on.” He searched for the man’s aura. “The library.” Lucien kept his arm around her waist even when she answered the salutes of the guards as they walked up the steps.
Inside, too, the groups of guards numbered three. They crossed the hall and entered the library where Julian turned from his study of book backs in the shelf in front of him. His frown turned into a relieved and welcoming smile when he recognized them, his practiced look missed little as he approached.
“Good evening. I am glad to see you both. Though you do look as if you have been to the seven hells and back.” Though Julian had expressed concern for both, and in his opinion they both looked as if they should be resting rather than standing here, his main concern was for Topaz.
“Your praise is well warranted Major. But, we are returned. What is the reason for the increased guards?” Lucien pulled Topaz close to his side. His predatory instincts were screaming at him, and he wanted Topaz close.
Topaz gave Lucien a quick glance, not at all pleased with his question and hopeful that he had sensed that Julian needed more than to just look at her to be certain that she was okay. Then she smiled to Julian and step forward, greeting him with a hug.
“You're skin and bones.” He whispered to her as he wrapped her into his arms, but he kept his blue-green gaze firmly on Lucien. “I'm glad everything went as well for you as it did.” When Topaz had returned to Lucien’s side he invited them to sit and though Lucien refused, Topaz was thankful for the suggestion.
Lucien hated that the Major was touching her, and a low snarl escaped him just as Topaz was released and returned to his side.
“Penkovskiy found something. Not what he was looking for, though.” Julian started once Topaz was seated on the couch in front of the fire place. He was aware of Lucien’s dark gaze, but continued to address his report to his Commander. “He had orders to sniff out information of a master Vampire, but was distracted by the trail of another on his way. Peter suggested that this one would be a few days before it was any shape to make trouble, based on having found so obvious a trail to begin with - and also that it’s possible it just needed a place to heal rather than call home. I’ve taken the usual precautions. The mages are working on adjusting the fields according to the new threat.”
Topaz nodded, absorbing the information. “Where did he pick up this trail?”
“Across the glacier first – blood spatter shows well on ice.” DerKorst continued his report to the sound of booming thunder that made Topaz flinch. “He lost the trail somewhere three miles north-west of there and suggested the severely injured Vampire started paying attention to what trail he was leaving before picking a place to rest. He gave coordinates in the written report along with some more details.”
Topaz looked up to Lucien and wondered at the red glow in his eyes. “Will you please sit with me?”
“I prefer to stand.” He turned slightly and fixed Julian with a dark look. “Is that all?” He had listened to the report with growing concern, and knew he would be hunting this night. That boded ill as he had not been to ground for three days.
Anger rose in Topaz – what was Lucien thinking, assuming command like that - and she too looked to Julian. “You do not have to answer that, Julian.”
“Who was sent on this mission?” Lucien lifted a black brow at her. He knew she was irritated, but he had been clear on the way over that hunting was his job.
“Lieutenant Peter Penkovskiy was sent on this particular mission.” She answered, her voice carefully neutral.
“You would do well to recall this Peter Penkovskiy.” His voice was black velvet and brooked no disobedience, though he knew it would raise her objections.
“What difficulties do you expect he would run into were he to keep observing?”
“It would be wiser to recall him Topaz. For his own safety.” Lucien was not providing any more details, but heard the call of the night.
“He is perfectly capable to avoid trouble. It's not like he doesn't know how to suppress instinct. Penkovskiy, besides being a werewolf, is a well trained special ops operative.”
“Call him back Major.” Lightning ripped into the ground outside and the echo of thunder reverberated through the room.
“That I cannot do.” Julian replied calmly. “He did not take a com unit along.”
Topaz was furious with Lucien, but her anger would have to wait. With a deep, resigned sigh she asked, “Well, Julian, where do you expect him to be?”
“Four to five miles northwest of the glacier.”
“Will you both excuse me?” He gave a curt not, but Topaz knew it wasn’t really a question.
“Please, do remain in touch.” But Lucien had already faded from sight. Topaz turned to Julian again with a sigh. “My aplogies, I can’t even promise that such wont be happening again.”
“Yes.” Topaz took note of the guards at the door. There were three, one of them in mage robes. “Something has happened. The normal number of guards at the door is two.”
“Alright, then we need Julian to explain to us what is going on.” He searched for the man’s aura. “The library.” Lucien kept his arm around her waist even when she answered the salutes of the guards as they walked up the steps.
Inside, too, the groups of guards numbered three. They crossed the hall and entered the library where Julian turned from his study of book backs in the shelf in front of him. His frown turned into a relieved and welcoming smile when he recognized them, his practiced look missed little as he approached.
“Good evening. I am glad to see you both. Though you do look as if you have been to the seven hells and back.” Though Julian had expressed concern for both, and in his opinion they both looked as if they should be resting rather than standing here, his main concern was for Topaz.
“Your praise is well warranted Major. But, we are returned. What is the reason for the increased guards?” Lucien pulled Topaz close to his side. His predatory instincts were screaming at him, and he wanted Topaz close.
Topaz gave Lucien a quick glance, not at all pleased with his question and hopeful that he had sensed that Julian needed more than to just look at her to be certain that she was okay. Then she smiled to Julian and step forward, greeting him with a hug.
“You're skin and bones.” He whispered to her as he wrapped her into his arms, but he kept his blue-green gaze firmly on Lucien. “I'm glad everything went as well for you as it did.” When Topaz had returned to Lucien’s side he invited them to sit and though Lucien refused, Topaz was thankful for the suggestion.
Lucien hated that the Major was touching her, and a low snarl escaped him just as Topaz was released and returned to his side.
“Penkovskiy found something. Not what he was looking for, though.” Julian started once Topaz was seated on the couch in front of the fire place. He was aware of Lucien’s dark gaze, but continued to address his report to his Commander. “He had orders to sniff out information of a master Vampire, but was distracted by the trail of another on his way. Peter suggested that this one would be a few days before it was any shape to make trouble, based on having found so obvious a trail to begin with - and also that it’s possible it just needed a place to heal rather than call home. I’ve taken the usual precautions. The mages are working on adjusting the fields according to the new threat.”
Topaz nodded, absorbing the information. “Where did he pick up this trail?”
“Across the glacier first – blood spatter shows well on ice.” DerKorst continued his report to the sound of booming thunder that made Topaz flinch. “He lost the trail somewhere three miles north-west of there and suggested the severely injured Vampire started paying attention to what trail he was leaving before picking a place to rest. He gave coordinates in the written report along with some more details.”
Topaz looked up to Lucien and wondered at the red glow in his eyes. “Will you please sit with me?”
“I prefer to stand.” He turned slightly and fixed Julian with a dark look. “Is that all?” He had listened to the report with growing concern, and knew he would be hunting this night. That boded ill as he had not been to ground for three days.
Anger rose in Topaz – what was Lucien thinking, assuming command like that - and she too looked to Julian. “You do not have to answer that, Julian.”
“Who was sent on this mission?” Lucien lifted a black brow at her. He knew she was irritated, but he had been clear on the way over that hunting was his job.
“Lieutenant Peter Penkovskiy was sent on this particular mission.” She answered, her voice carefully neutral.
“You would do well to recall this Peter Penkovskiy.” His voice was black velvet and brooked no disobedience, though he knew it would raise her objections.
“What difficulties do you expect he would run into were he to keep observing?”
“It would be wiser to recall him Topaz. For his own safety.” Lucien was not providing any more details, but heard the call of the night.
“He is perfectly capable to avoid trouble. It's not like he doesn't know how to suppress instinct. Penkovskiy, besides being a werewolf, is a well trained special ops operative.”
“Call him back Major.” Lightning ripped into the ground outside and the echo of thunder reverberated through the room.
“That I cannot do.” Julian replied calmly. “He did not take a com unit along.”
Topaz was furious with Lucien, but her anger would have to wait. With a deep, resigned sigh she asked, “Well, Julian, where do you expect him to be?”
“Four to five miles northwest of the glacier.”
“Will you both excuse me?” He gave a curt not, but Topaz knew it wasn’t really a question.
“Please, do remain in touch.” But Lucien had already faded from sight. Topaz turned to Julian again with a sigh. “My aplogies, I can’t even promise that such wont be happening again.”
- Topaz
- Legendary Adventurer
- Posts: 1283
- Joined: Fri Apr 02, 2004 5:31 pm
- Location: The Beacon
- Contact:
Julian nodded. “I understand. You’ll have to make sure there won’t be an opportunity in front of other witnesses. His heart is in the right place, though. If it had been anyone else, I’d say that giving in at this point was a mistake.”
“It may still turn out to have been a mistake.” Topaz was thoughtful for a moment, then chuckled. “To bad we won’t get to see either of their faces when they run into each other. I believe we also should touch on the subject of the Khut before I run out of energy. Have you sent off the invitation?”
Julian nodded and rose, walking behind the couch. “Yes, I have, along with a personal letter. Coffee? Anything from the kitchen?” At Topaz’s nod he prepared a cup. “I took the liberty to suggest that spring may be the better than fall for his visit.” He handed Topaz the cup. “You probably should eat something, too.”
“Thank you, Julian, perhaps later. If I do so now I won’t be able to make it up the stairs.” She waited until was seated again before returning to the subject at hand. “Spring may indeed be better.” Topaz took a sip from the cup, then a deep breath. “It would leave Atrebla with too view guards, and more importantly Guardians, were I to accept his invitation. Having him come visit will make it easier for us to display the strength he must be thinking we’re lacking and abuse him of whatever other ideas he may be having. It may even make some of his plans useless.”
Topaz sipped from her cup again. “The Beacon will likely not house all of his entourage, but we can put some of them into the inns in town. Security may be a tad a dicey, but I’m sure we can work something out. I’m thinking of having a big dance with the town invited to come up here. We can open the Rapiers Crossing for that.” Topaz paused to cover a yawn and for another sip of coffee.
“A Carnival may be something fun to do of an evening for the Khut, too. It’s been a couple of years since one came up here. The people in town should like having one again for a few days, too, and we can throw in a hunt and a couple of dinners for entertainment. It is not likely that Jengtal will stay for more than a few days.”
Julian was about to ask a question regarding the carnival, but when he saw Topaz cover a second yawn he changed his mind. “The finer details can wait a few days. You look like you’re about to drop.”
“I’m sorry, Julian. It’s definitely not the company.” She gave him an apologetic smile. “The coffee is just not working.”
“None needed.” Julian rose when she did, ready to lend a hand when he saw her waver. “Are you sure you can handle the stairs?”
“Yes, thank you.” She waited for the moment of weakness to pass. “I just got up too fast. I’m guessing that provided Lucien is able to do so he will be back before sunup. I’ll make sure you have some more details to go on within the next three days either way.”
Julian nodded. “If you don’t mind, I’ll walk up with you.”
“Not at all.” She smiled.” You may even talk me into having a slice of pie sent up on the way.”
“It may still turn out to have been a mistake.” Topaz was thoughtful for a moment, then chuckled. “To bad we won’t get to see either of their faces when they run into each other. I believe we also should touch on the subject of the Khut before I run out of energy. Have you sent off the invitation?”
Julian nodded and rose, walking behind the couch. “Yes, I have, along with a personal letter. Coffee? Anything from the kitchen?” At Topaz’s nod he prepared a cup. “I took the liberty to suggest that spring may be the better than fall for his visit.” He handed Topaz the cup. “You probably should eat something, too.”
“Thank you, Julian, perhaps later. If I do so now I won’t be able to make it up the stairs.” She waited until was seated again before returning to the subject at hand. “Spring may indeed be better.” Topaz took a sip from the cup, then a deep breath. “It would leave Atrebla with too view guards, and more importantly Guardians, were I to accept his invitation. Having him come visit will make it easier for us to display the strength he must be thinking we’re lacking and abuse him of whatever other ideas he may be having. It may even make some of his plans useless.”
Topaz sipped from her cup again. “The Beacon will likely not house all of his entourage, but we can put some of them into the inns in town. Security may be a tad a dicey, but I’m sure we can work something out. I’m thinking of having a big dance with the town invited to come up here. We can open the Rapiers Crossing for that.” Topaz paused to cover a yawn and for another sip of coffee.
“A Carnival may be something fun to do of an evening for the Khut, too. It’s been a couple of years since one came up here. The people in town should like having one again for a few days, too, and we can throw in a hunt and a couple of dinners for entertainment. It is not likely that Jengtal will stay for more than a few days.”
Julian was about to ask a question regarding the carnival, but when he saw Topaz cover a second yawn he changed his mind. “The finer details can wait a few days. You look like you’re about to drop.”
“I’m sorry, Julian. It’s definitely not the company.” She gave him an apologetic smile. “The coffee is just not working.”
“None needed.” Julian rose when she did, ready to lend a hand when he saw her waver. “Are you sure you can handle the stairs?”
“Yes, thank you.” She waited for the moment of weakness to pass. “I just got up too fast. I’m guessing that provided Lucien is able to do so he will be back before sunup. I’ll make sure you have some more details to go on within the next three days either way.”
Julian nodded. “If you don’t mind, I’ll walk up with you.”
“Not at all.” She smiled.” You may even talk me into having a slice of pie sent up on the way.”
- Julian derKorst
- Adventurer
- Posts: 24
- Joined: Tue Jul 04, 2006 11:36 pm
- Location: The Beacon
A pale gray blur topped the rocks on the Valley’s north end and shot ghostly through the still air to land on the grassy patch below, then disappeared into a copse of dark pines. The large wolf kept running, keeping to the tree cover. Every so often he paused, sat down on his hind legs and howled. He was running again while listening to the howled answers of other wolves roaming the Valley and the mountains surrounding it.
The track he had happened across the previous night had disappeared. So either he had been wrong in his evaluation, which he doubted, or someone was cleaning up after that vampire. Thunder rolled overhead, drowning out part of a warning given by one of his canine friends. He paused again and howled a warning of his own.
Minutes later he caught up with two of his temporary companions. He rubbed against each of the gray wolves as he ran with them and softly growled his thanks before he again took off on his own, toward the nearest portal. He would not return to the Beacon until after the sun was up.
The track he had happened across the previous night had disappeared. So either he had been wrong in his evaluation, which he doubted, or someone was cleaning up after that vampire. Thunder rolled overhead, drowning out part of a warning given by one of his canine friends. He paused again and howled a warning of his own.
Minutes later he caught up with two of his temporary companions. He rubbed against each of the gray wolves as he ran with them and softly growled his thanks before he again took off on his own, toward the nearest portal. He would not return to the Beacon until after the sun was up.
- Topaz
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- Joined: Fri Apr 02, 2004 5:31 pm
- Location: The Beacon
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Topaz closed the door behind her and sat down on the couch with a sigh and closed her eyes. She wanted to share life with Lucien, all of it. Not someone who told her what she could and couldn’t do and what parts were to be shared and what were tabu of his for her and forget about what she wanted. Even though he didn’t actually tell her in words, his actions did all that talking for him.
A soft knock at the door interupted her thoughts, but she chose not to reply. It would be that pie Julian had insisted on, but she did not in the least feel like eating. She was tired, but between being angry and Lucien and missing him sleep was hard to come by – and what was she doing missing him while being angry at him, anyway?
Lucien was a shadow in her thoughts even as he hunted the vampire that had taken up residence in the valley. "Topaz? You are angry with me.” His thoughts sounded far away.
"Yes. More than just a little. And hurt." But the contact made it difficult to remain angry. He also let her see what he saw for a moment. That he had not done so before was one of the things she had been upset about.
“You are angry because I involved myself in what you think are your affairs?” He searched her mind for more, but did not tread too hard in her thoughts. He wanted her to feel comfortable enough to simply voice her reasons.
"No, not because but how you went about it."
“What was wrong with 'how'?” Lucien was clearly and genuinly puzzled. He thought back over that earlier meeting with the Major, but could find no flaw in his words or his actions.
"You should concentrate on what you're doing. We can talk when you get back. I'd rather you do not get hurt." Though he had offered, Topaz thought it unwise to launch into a tirade now.
"The Master Vampire is here, shielding a lesser vampire." He had found hints earlier, but here was a definite trap set by a master and not a lesser Vampyre.
"That is very bad news. You probably should not face the master by yourself unless you definitely have the advantage." Lucien’s velvet chuckle coincided with an oily, greasy sensation that climbed through the connection. Then there was nothing, as if Lucien had closed a door. “Lucien?!" He had done it again, shutting her out just when things were getting interesting.
A soft knock at the door interupted her thoughts, but she chose not to reply. It would be that pie Julian had insisted on, but she did not in the least feel like eating. She was tired, but between being angry and Lucien and missing him sleep was hard to come by – and what was she doing missing him while being angry at him, anyway?
Lucien was a shadow in her thoughts even as he hunted the vampire that had taken up residence in the valley. "Topaz? You are angry with me.” His thoughts sounded far away.
"Yes. More than just a little. And hurt." But the contact made it difficult to remain angry. He also let her see what he saw for a moment. That he had not done so before was one of the things she had been upset about.
“You are angry because I involved myself in what you think are your affairs?” He searched her mind for more, but did not tread too hard in her thoughts. He wanted her to feel comfortable enough to simply voice her reasons.
"No, not because but how you went about it."
“What was wrong with 'how'?” Lucien was clearly and genuinly puzzled. He thought back over that earlier meeting with the Major, but could find no flaw in his words or his actions.
"You should concentrate on what you're doing. We can talk when you get back. I'd rather you do not get hurt." Though he had offered, Topaz thought it unwise to launch into a tirade now.
"The Master Vampire is here, shielding a lesser vampire." He had found hints earlier, but here was a definite trap set by a master and not a lesser Vampyre.
"That is very bad news. You probably should not face the master by yourself unless you definitely have the advantage." Lucien’s velvet chuckle coincided with an oily, greasy sensation that climbed through the connection. Then there was nothing, as if Lucien had closed a door. “Lucien?!" He had done it again, shutting her out just when things were getting interesting.
- Topaz
- Legendary Adventurer
- Posts: 1283
- Joined: Fri Apr 02, 2004 5:31 pm
- Location: The Beacon
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Another hour passed before Lucien returned to the Beacon. He flowed into the room without opening the door before he solidified and then set down on the couch next to Topaz, wrapped her into his arms and kissed her warm lips. She snuggled to him until she remembered that she was quite mad at him. Then she stiffened in his arms, broke the kiss and turned her light blue eyes to his. He lifted a dark brow at her. “You are less than pleased with me.”
“I am pleased that you have returned without any injuries. Thank you for that.” Topaz was trying to remember the speech she had composed for him earlier.
“But?” He knew she was very angry, and she needed to vent, so he waited patiently for her to give voice to her frustrations.
“But yes, I am less than pleased.” She touched her hand to his cheek. The fury from earlier was long gone, but the issues had not.
Lucien turned his head and place a kiss into the palm of her hand. To show that he was not intentionally distracting her, he offered a reminder. “You did not like my approach.”
“Not just this evening, Lucien.” She took a deep breath. “I had such a nice speach ready for yelling at you, but I can't do that when you're being so nice.”
“Perhaps it would help if I did not hold you close?” His smile was unrepentant. “Tell me what has upset you so Topaz.” He had clues, but this was important to her.
“No, yes, maybe.” She shook her head. She was trying to bridge distances, not create more distance. “I think I'll rather crawl into your lap and pester you with questions.”
Lucien leaned back as Topaz settled into his lap. “What questions?” He accommodated her comfortably, still giving her 100% of his attention.
“Well... Lucien, what makes you think you can pick and chose bits and pieces of who I am to love and to ignore the rest and hope they die if you can't make them disappear? And what makes you think I would want to do the same to you and that you need to do the picking and choosing of what bits and pieces I am to love about you and which not?” She paused for a breath.
With a truly puzzled look he took advantage of the pause. “I was not aware that you believed I was picking and chosing who you are. I love all of you without reservation. There is nothing I would wish to die as you put it.”
“But your wanting to protect only my life, not me. That's not the same thing.” Topaz insisted but she was at a loss how to explain to him what exactly made her feel torn into pieces.
“I must protect all of you from harm. It is inherent.” His job hence forth was to protect her from harm. To see to her happiness. He did not understand her thinking that he did not protect and cherish all of her.
Topaz nodded, hoping that he would give some thought to what exactly [/i] all of you [/i] consisted of. “While on the subject, I may as well get it all out. Did you say mind body heart and soul or body and bits and pieces and occasionally my mind? And did you completely forget the part that said and give you the same that is mine? And what about allegiance? Do you really think countering my orders to my officers somehow constitutes allegiance? Do they come with restrictions in some secret small print I am to be left in the dark?” Done with her speech she snuggled close to him.
“Topaz. The vows say that I take into my keeping all of you. Not parts or pieces. And by doing so, I take the responsibility to protect you. All of you. Sometimes protecting what we love means putting restrictions in place that are not liked. Think of your son, you loved him and protected him as he grew, but sometimes, you had to do things he did not appreciate that were for his own good.” He tried to show her that sometimes restrictions are imposed so that the loved one remains safe.
“But I'm not a child. Nor do I behave like one. I well know my limits.” Topaz did not agree that there should be restrictions.
“The concept is the same. I love you and will do what I must to protect you. Topaz, if anything, ANYTHING happened to you, you would condemn me to a violence you cannot imagine. If my questions to the Major have upset you, I regret that.” She did not understand that if she were injured or worse, he would become worse than the monsters he hunted.
“I love you, too, Lucien.” She gave him a wide smile, hugging his admission of love and apology to her in her thoughts, giddily happy over having received both. “You've been a batchelor for a very long time, and I don't expect you to learn to pick up your proverbial socks anytime soon, but you should know I don't like them lying around.”
Lucien frowned at the concept. “Are you saying I leave things laying about?”
“No, of course not, not clothing anyway.” She gave a soft chuckle. “I want to share life with you, mine and yours, but it can't be by critisizing my orders in front of my officers, and not by constantly cutting me out of what you're doing. What I mean is, your not used to sharing, anything with no one. Well, maybe a little with Gabriel, but that's different. But could you at least try? Please?”
“You would ask me to share the battle with vile creatures?” His look was utterly incredulous.
“Yes. Maybe for now you can just tell me about it. It would be a start.”
“I am pleased that you have returned without any injuries. Thank you for that.” Topaz was trying to remember the speech she had composed for him earlier.
“But?” He knew she was very angry, and she needed to vent, so he waited patiently for her to give voice to her frustrations.
“But yes, I am less than pleased.” She touched her hand to his cheek. The fury from earlier was long gone, but the issues had not.
Lucien turned his head and place a kiss into the palm of her hand. To show that he was not intentionally distracting her, he offered a reminder. “You did not like my approach.”
“Not just this evening, Lucien.” She took a deep breath. “I had such a nice speach ready for yelling at you, but I can't do that when you're being so nice.”
“Perhaps it would help if I did not hold you close?” His smile was unrepentant. “Tell me what has upset you so Topaz.” He had clues, but this was important to her.
“No, yes, maybe.” She shook her head. She was trying to bridge distances, not create more distance. “I think I'll rather crawl into your lap and pester you with questions.”
Lucien leaned back as Topaz settled into his lap. “What questions?” He accommodated her comfortably, still giving her 100% of his attention.
“Well... Lucien, what makes you think you can pick and chose bits and pieces of who I am to love and to ignore the rest and hope they die if you can't make them disappear? And what makes you think I would want to do the same to you and that you need to do the picking and choosing of what bits and pieces I am to love about you and which not?” She paused for a breath.
With a truly puzzled look he took advantage of the pause. “I was not aware that you believed I was picking and chosing who you are. I love all of you without reservation. There is nothing I would wish to die as you put it.”
“But your wanting to protect only my life, not me. That's not the same thing.” Topaz insisted but she was at a loss how to explain to him what exactly made her feel torn into pieces.
“I must protect all of you from harm. It is inherent.” His job hence forth was to protect her from harm. To see to her happiness. He did not understand her thinking that he did not protect and cherish all of her.
Topaz nodded, hoping that he would give some thought to what exactly [/i] all of you [/i] consisted of. “While on the subject, I may as well get it all out. Did you say mind body heart and soul or body and bits and pieces and occasionally my mind? And did you completely forget the part that said and give you the same that is mine? And what about allegiance? Do you really think countering my orders to my officers somehow constitutes allegiance? Do they come with restrictions in some secret small print I am to be left in the dark?” Done with her speech she snuggled close to him.
“Topaz. The vows say that I take into my keeping all of you. Not parts or pieces. And by doing so, I take the responsibility to protect you. All of you. Sometimes protecting what we love means putting restrictions in place that are not liked. Think of your son, you loved him and protected him as he grew, but sometimes, you had to do things he did not appreciate that were for his own good.” He tried to show her that sometimes restrictions are imposed so that the loved one remains safe.
“But I'm not a child. Nor do I behave like one. I well know my limits.” Topaz did not agree that there should be restrictions.
“The concept is the same. I love you and will do what I must to protect you. Topaz, if anything, ANYTHING happened to you, you would condemn me to a violence you cannot imagine. If my questions to the Major have upset you, I regret that.” She did not understand that if she were injured or worse, he would become worse than the monsters he hunted.
“I love you, too, Lucien.” She gave him a wide smile, hugging his admission of love and apology to her in her thoughts, giddily happy over having received both. “You've been a batchelor for a very long time, and I don't expect you to learn to pick up your proverbial socks anytime soon, but you should know I don't like them lying around.”
Lucien frowned at the concept. “Are you saying I leave things laying about?”
“No, of course not, not clothing anyway.” She gave a soft chuckle. “I want to share life with you, mine and yours, but it can't be by critisizing my orders in front of my officers, and not by constantly cutting me out of what you're doing. What I mean is, your not used to sharing, anything with no one. Well, maybe a little with Gabriel, but that's different. But could you at least try? Please?”
“You would ask me to share the battle with vile creatures?” His look was utterly incredulous.
“Yes. Maybe for now you can just tell me about it. It would be a start.”
- Topaz
- Legendary Adventurer
- Posts: 1283
- Joined: Fri Apr 02, 2004 5:31 pm
- Location: The Beacon
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“Topaz, they are vile, dark creatures, and blood and death should never touch you It should be light and joy that you know, not death and destruction.” His vows ran through his mind, she was to be cherished, not subjected to the blacker sides of his existence.
“Light has always been the destruction of darkness and vise versa.” Maybe if she ignored his objection rather than trying to change his few she’d get somewhere. “What was that totally disgusting, oily creepy thing you came across?”
“It was part of a trap set by the Master Vampire.” His answer was simple, honest, but vague.
“What did it consist of? Are we having a new species running around in the Valley?”
“Not a new species, but a very old Vampyre protecting a lesser Vampyre. It is not good news that they are working together.” She had no way of knowing that vampyres did not usually work together, and yet these two were, and it was not the first time he'd seen such cooperation.
Topaz sat up and put a finger to his chest, shaking her head, chuckeling. “Please tell me, what was the trap?”
With the faintest hint of a sigh he gave in. “It was a touch of the Master Vampyre's taint. I opened one of his traps.”
“Ah.” Topaz smiled. “Thank you. That was very good for a start.” She leaned in and brushed her lips to his for a lingering kiss. He was willing to try and she trusted that time would take care of the rest.
Lucien had pulled her close and when he freed her lips in favor of nibbling along her throat. Before he could completely distract her, she added. “Mmm, I would actually appriciate your open ear when I need to think something over regarding one order or another and your input on matters. But I really cannot allow you to counter my orders, or I'll not have any loyal soldiers left. Julian understands, but I don't think anyone else will be so cooperative.”
“I did not counter your orders.” He remembered every word he had said to the Major, and he never once over ruled her orders.
Topaz could not help but giggle. “Telling Julian to call back Peter all stormy like wasn't counter to my orders for Peter to gather information?”
“How could you send someone out to gather information on a Master Vampyre? You did not tell me you were putting him in that kind of danger.” Lucien felt her actions were not in the best interest of those involved.
“Peter's not just anyone. He's highly trained in just that sort of thing, apart from being a wolf. I mean very highly trained.” Lucien certainly was jumping to the wrong conclusions, but then again, he had not met the Lieutennant yet nor read the personel file.
“Topaz, werewolves are not the creatures you should send after this creature. Let Gabriel and I hunt him down.” It was his job to hunt this creature, and toying with it was not a good idea.
“He was not sent to hunt anything down. I was surprised he found anything just yet. There is little chance your master vampire knows to look for me here just yet.” It had been a long time since anyone had questioned her order so thoroughly.
“He will catch the scent of your spy Topaz. This one is nearly as old as I am. He is not to be toyed with.” He remembered vividly the scent of the were wolf, and knew the Vampyre would find it too.
“I'm happy to call on your help when I need it. But I wouldn't ask you to chase ghosts. No, he will not. Peter knows better.”
“You are telling me this Peter has fought 2000 year old Vampyre's?” He gave her a very skeptical look. “If he had, then he would never have been on that ridge.”
“No. Though it is possible, I do not have that information. I do know he has fought some of the things coming from the area of the broken portal, has infiltrated the enemy and returned with valuable information and the like. I bet you anything that Peter, if he was there at all, was not there for long.”
“You risk him needlessly Topaz. Because you do not know the depth of this creature. The point is, he WAS on that ridge. and his scent lingered there, for me to find. If I found it, you can count on this ancient one finding it as well.”
“I did not risk anyone needlessly. He knows every wolf in the area by name and knows how to get the most benefit out of that. And yes, I count on the ancient one finding his trace in more places than Peter could have possibly been.” Lucien was goading her into saying far more than she had wanted to. “When you can't make one trace disappear, make many to confuse the enemy.” It was a sound tactic and had proven itself many times over.
“Do not toy with him Topaz. Recall your man before someone you care for is slain, or worse.” She seemed to think we could not tell the difference between a were wolf and a wolf from scent. The Vampyre would be able to, just as I had.
“I can't.” Topaz smirked. “Peter was under orders to keep alife. He will not return to the valley if he has learned what you have until well after sun up. Perhaps I ought to practice bragging some.” Impish lights danced in her eyes, tired as she may be.
“Light has always been the destruction of darkness and vise versa.” Maybe if she ignored his objection rather than trying to change his few she’d get somewhere. “What was that totally disgusting, oily creepy thing you came across?”
“It was part of a trap set by the Master Vampire.” His answer was simple, honest, but vague.
“What did it consist of? Are we having a new species running around in the Valley?”
“Not a new species, but a very old Vampyre protecting a lesser Vampyre. It is not good news that they are working together.” She had no way of knowing that vampyres did not usually work together, and yet these two were, and it was not the first time he'd seen such cooperation.
Topaz sat up and put a finger to his chest, shaking her head, chuckeling. “Please tell me, what was the trap?”
With the faintest hint of a sigh he gave in. “It was a touch of the Master Vampyre's taint. I opened one of his traps.”
“Ah.” Topaz smiled. “Thank you. That was very good for a start.” She leaned in and brushed her lips to his for a lingering kiss. He was willing to try and she trusted that time would take care of the rest.
Lucien had pulled her close and when he freed her lips in favor of nibbling along her throat. Before he could completely distract her, she added. “Mmm, I would actually appriciate your open ear when I need to think something over regarding one order or another and your input on matters. But I really cannot allow you to counter my orders, or I'll not have any loyal soldiers left. Julian understands, but I don't think anyone else will be so cooperative.”
“I did not counter your orders.” He remembered every word he had said to the Major, and he never once over ruled her orders.
Topaz could not help but giggle. “Telling Julian to call back Peter all stormy like wasn't counter to my orders for Peter to gather information?”
“How could you send someone out to gather information on a Master Vampyre? You did not tell me you were putting him in that kind of danger.” Lucien felt her actions were not in the best interest of those involved.
“Peter's not just anyone. He's highly trained in just that sort of thing, apart from being a wolf. I mean very highly trained.” Lucien certainly was jumping to the wrong conclusions, but then again, he had not met the Lieutennant yet nor read the personel file.
“Topaz, werewolves are not the creatures you should send after this creature. Let Gabriel and I hunt him down.” It was his job to hunt this creature, and toying with it was not a good idea.
“He was not sent to hunt anything down. I was surprised he found anything just yet. There is little chance your master vampire knows to look for me here just yet.” It had been a long time since anyone had questioned her order so thoroughly.
“He will catch the scent of your spy Topaz. This one is nearly as old as I am. He is not to be toyed with.” He remembered vividly the scent of the were wolf, and knew the Vampyre would find it too.
“I'm happy to call on your help when I need it. But I wouldn't ask you to chase ghosts. No, he will not. Peter knows better.”
“You are telling me this Peter has fought 2000 year old Vampyre's?” He gave her a very skeptical look. “If he had, then he would never have been on that ridge.”
“No. Though it is possible, I do not have that information. I do know he has fought some of the things coming from the area of the broken portal, has infiltrated the enemy and returned with valuable information and the like. I bet you anything that Peter, if he was there at all, was not there for long.”
“You risk him needlessly Topaz. Because you do not know the depth of this creature. The point is, he WAS on that ridge. and his scent lingered there, for me to find. If I found it, you can count on this ancient one finding it as well.”
“I did not risk anyone needlessly. He knows every wolf in the area by name and knows how to get the most benefit out of that. And yes, I count on the ancient one finding his trace in more places than Peter could have possibly been.” Lucien was goading her into saying far more than she had wanted to. “When you can't make one trace disappear, make many to confuse the enemy.” It was a sound tactic and had proven itself many times over.
“Do not toy with him Topaz. Recall your man before someone you care for is slain, or worse.” She seemed to think we could not tell the difference between a were wolf and a wolf from scent. The Vampyre would be able to, just as I had.
“I can't.” Topaz smirked. “Peter was under orders to keep alife. He will not return to the valley if he has learned what you have until well after sun up. Perhaps I ought to practice bragging some.” Impish lights danced in her eyes, tired as she may be.
- Topaz
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- Posts: 1283
- Joined: Fri Apr 02, 2004 5:31 pm
- Location: The Beacon
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“Perhaps you will feel differntly if he winds up dead. Or worse, is poisoned by their taint and becomes something you must destroy. His orders are not strategically sound Topaz. I know you will not like to hear this, but, you have endangered one of your own.”
Topaz knew exactly how she would feel should the Lieutenant come to harm. Sometimes soldiers died in the line of duty, sometimes a lot of them did all at once. She could think of nothing worse than walking across a battle field after a battle, knowing it had been her orders that put the bodies and dying there. And yet it was necessary so that worse could be avoided. “I endanger soldiers all the time, everytime I give any orders. I can make them as sound as possible with the information at hand and as timely as possible. But it is my job to make those decissions and to give those orders. And sometimes it means ordering some on a mission that will put them at a higher risk to die so others may have a bigger chance to life. Peter was the one with a chance to accomplish the mission. That is why I sent him, and sent him allone.”
“There is no longer a need for you to bear such burdens.”
“Lucien, you only swore to protect me, not a whole principality.” Apart from that it was quite impossible for Lucien to walk in and take over as Commander. He was not even a Guardian. Perhaps she should should look into the possibilities of him becoming one.
“Protecting you means all of you Topaz. Worry and wear from such orders included. And how much pain will you feel if he's dead? These are darknesses I would spare you.”
“It's part of me, Lucien. There you go again trying to tell me which parts may exist and which have to die.” She did not want to be spared, she wanted to share.
“There was nothing about dying, it is about sparing you pain.”
But what about the pain that came with being forced to quit being oneself, she sighed. “If a child never hurts itself upon a flame, how is it to know to avoid it?” That was not quite the metaphor she needed right now, she knew the moment she had said it.
“There are vast differences between a slight burn and a house fire.”
“If you never feel rain, how do you know it is wet in little drops? Would you take from me that satisfaction that comes with a job done well, too?”
“Must you experience the hail to realize it will hurt? Must you fall from the cliff face to realize it is a long drop?” He queried back.
“You have to allow me one in order to not take the other.”
“You can do jobs well that do not engender death and horror.” There were many other things she could do if she put her mind to it.
Topaz brushed a hand over her eyes, wishing for coffee. “Life is full of oposites. One needs to know storm to appriciate calm. I would have thought you know that better than anyone, having done so long with only the bad parts. I do not want only the good, so I may forget to appriciate it.” Lucien shook his head. “You'd be killing me as surely as any enemy would, only in a more tortous way then any of them could think up.”
“I will keep you happily occupied Topaz.”
“I would be ever so happily occupied while you're hunting, if you'd allow me to come along and help you.” She winked. He certainly could keep her happily occupied while he was actually there and awake, of that she had no doubt. “No, don't argue now. I know you're no where near ready or particularly willing to allow that.”
Lucien ran his fingers through her hair. “There you are exactly right.”
“I will bring it up again and again though, not because I want to, but because I have to. Because I love you, and because you love me. I'd not be your soulmate if I was happy without being by your side.” She enjoyed his caress quietly for a time and, leaning against him, traced idle patterns on his chest. “Did you ever hear that shared sorrow is half the sorrow and shared joy is double the joy?”
“I have not heard such a thing, and I do not think it can be true. But, I would have other things in mind beside discussing pain and sorrow.”
“It is true. I know from experience. Perhaps if you see how shared joy is double the joy you may consider the second half of the wisdom.” She nipped playfully at his neck.
“I am an old dog.” He nibbled along her jaw.
“I have lots of time to teach you one or the other new trick anyway.”
“You can indeed try.”
“I'll do you one better, since I'm feeling generous just now. I was going to wear my pretty ball room uniform to say Hi to Prince Mikhail. But if you really rather, I'll wear what you pick.” With a friendly wink she added, “I'll even warn you that I plan to use those brownie points more than once.”
“I think you would be beautiful no matter what you wear. The question is what kind of image to you wish Mikhail to take away?”
“That you're the coolest thing on two legs that walks the earth and that he tells you to indulge my curiosity.”
“He will not tell me such a thing because he knows very well that my responsibility is to protect you. Not permit you to come to harm because ye wish to hunt. You must spend some time with Raven.”
“Maybe he'll have better eyes than you, though. You know, I've yet to meet your sister.” Fighting off sleep became more difficult.
“Ariel? She has a shop in town.”
“I have a statue from her, well from Azjah, in the citadel, but it's not the same as meeting.” Topaz played with his hair, twirling a silken strand around her finger.
“We will see what we can do to lure her from her workshop.”
“Or we can visit her there, couldn't we?” She wondered idly if his sister was anything as old fashioned as Lucien’s and Gabriel’s expectations of women seemed to be.
“Yes, we could.”
“Will you come with me to the tournament on Monday?” She asked with a hopeful look.
“I shall be there. Perhaps not visible all of the time, but there.”
“I will be horribly busy, but I will still feel better if you are with me.” She wasn’t so sure that she felt up to going anywhere without him. There was no telling how people would react to the changes.
“I will be there.” He reasured her and rose smoothly with her in his arms, heading for her bed.
Topaz knew exactly how she would feel should the Lieutenant come to harm. Sometimes soldiers died in the line of duty, sometimes a lot of them did all at once. She could think of nothing worse than walking across a battle field after a battle, knowing it had been her orders that put the bodies and dying there. And yet it was necessary so that worse could be avoided. “I endanger soldiers all the time, everytime I give any orders. I can make them as sound as possible with the information at hand and as timely as possible. But it is my job to make those decissions and to give those orders. And sometimes it means ordering some on a mission that will put them at a higher risk to die so others may have a bigger chance to life. Peter was the one with a chance to accomplish the mission. That is why I sent him, and sent him allone.”
“There is no longer a need for you to bear such burdens.”
“Lucien, you only swore to protect me, not a whole principality.” Apart from that it was quite impossible for Lucien to walk in and take over as Commander. He was not even a Guardian. Perhaps she should should look into the possibilities of him becoming one.
“Protecting you means all of you Topaz. Worry and wear from such orders included. And how much pain will you feel if he's dead? These are darknesses I would spare you.”
“It's part of me, Lucien. There you go again trying to tell me which parts may exist and which have to die.” She did not want to be spared, she wanted to share.
“There was nothing about dying, it is about sparing you pain.”
But what about the pain that came with being forced to quit being oneself, she sighed. “If a child never hurts itself upon a flame, how is it to know to avoid it?” That was not quite the metaphor she needed right now, she knew the moment she had said it.
“There are vast differences between a slight burn and a house fire.”
“If you never feel rain, how do you know it is wet in little drops? Would you take from me that satisfaction that comes with a job done well, too?”
“Must you experience the hail to realize it will hurt? Must you fall from the cliff face to realize it is a long drop?” He queried back.
“You have to allow me one in order to not take the other.”
“You can do jobs well that do not engender death and horror.” There were many other things she could do if she put her mind to it.
Topaz brushed a hand over her eyes, wishing for coffee. “Life is full of oposites. One needs to know storm to appriciate calm. I would have thought you know that better than anyone, having done so long with only the bad parts. I do not want only the good, so I may forget to appriciate it.” Lucien shook his head. “You'd be killing me as surely as any enemy would, only in a more tortous way then any of them could think up.”
“I will keep you happily occupied Topaz.”
“I would be ever so happily occupied while you're hunting, if you'd allow me to come along and help you.” She winked. He certainly could keep her happily occupied while he was actually there and awake, of that she had no doubt. “No, don't argue now. I know you're no where near ready or particularly willing to allow that.”
Lucien ran his fingers through her hair. “There you are exactly right.”
“I will bring it up again and again though, not because I want to, but because I have to. Because I love you, and because you love me. I'd not be your soulmate if I was happy without being by your side.” She enjoyed his caress quietly for a time and, leaning against him, traced idle patterns on his chest. “Did you ever hear that shared sorrow is half the sorrow and shared joy is double the joy?”
“I have not heard such a thing, and I do not think it can be true. But, I would have other things in mind beside discussing pain and sorrow.”
“It is true. I know from experience. Perhaps if you see how shared joy is double the joy you may consider the second half of the wisdom.” She nipped playfully at his neck.
“I am an old dog.” He nibbled along her jaw.
“I have lots of time to teach you one or the other new trick anyway.”
“You can indeed try.”
“I'll do you one better, since I'm feeling generous just now. I was going to wear my pretty ball room uniform to say Hi to Prince Mikhail. But if you really rather, I'll wear what you pick.” With a friendly wink she added, “I'll even warn you that I plan to use those brownie points more than once.”
“I think you would be beautiful no matter what you wear. The question is what kind of image to you wish Mikhail to take away?”
“That you're the coolest thing on two legs that walks the earth and that he tells you to indulge my curiosity.”
“He will not tell me such a thing because he knows very well that my responsibility is to protect you. Not permit you to come to harm because ye wish to hunt. You must spend some time with Raven.”
“Maybe he'll have better eyes than you, though. You know, I've yet to meet your sister.” Fighting off sleep became more difficult.
“Ariel? She has a shop in town.”
“I have a statue from her, well from Azjah, in the citadel, but it's not the same as meeting.” Topaz played with his hair, twirling a silken strand around her finger.
“We will see what we can do to lure her from her workshop.”
“Or we can visit her there, couldn't we?” She wondered idly if his sister was anything as old fashioned as Lucien’s and Gabriel’s expectations of women seemed to be.
“Yes, we could.”
“Will you come with me to the tournament on Monday?” She asked with a hopeful look.
“I shall be there. Perhaps not visible all of the time, but there.”
“I will be horribly busy, but I will still feel better if you are with me.” She wasn’t so sure that she felt up to going anywhere without him. There was no telling how people would react to the changes.
“I will be there.” He reasured her and rose smoothly with her in his arms, heading for her bed.
- Julian derKorst
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- Joined: Tue Jul 04, 2006 11:36 pm
- Location: The Beacon
The blond young officer looked on while Major derKorst finished his conversation with the Guard’s Captain. When the Captain was dismissed and started to walk off he made his presence known.
“Lieutenant Petrovskiy reporting back, Sir.” He didn’t bother to wipe the slightly smug grin off his face when derKorst turned toward him.
“Welcome back, Lieutenant.” Julian pointedly blinked skyward at the noon sun before turning his blue-green gaze back to Petrovskiy. “I’ll have the bad news first.”
“Aye, Sir.” Peter nodded. Bad news he had plenty of. “All traces of the wounded fledgling have disappeared. There’s a master cleaning up after him, hence the delay in my return. The Carpathian was snooping around, too.”
Julian nodded at the report. “That would be Mr. Datrazanov to you.” Peter looked properly chastised but offered no apology. Julian couldn’t really fault him for that. Lucien was encroaching on what the wolf had to consider his territory and probably had made Peter’s mission more difficult just for being around. “And the other bad news?”
“The border guard house has inhabitants again, three Kazurs; and it wasn’t raining near the broken portal. I went back by there on my way in, and it’s still not raining there. No weather related changes to the vegetation, yet.” Peter paused.
Julian had expected that the Kazur’s would populate the border house again, but the mention of the change by the broken portal put a frown on his face. This did not bode well. He nodded, “Let’s have a look at that on the map.”
“Lieutenant Petrovskiy reporting back, Sir.” He didn’t bother to wipe the slightly smug grin off his face when derKorst turned toward him.
“Welcome back, Lieutenant.” Julian pointedly blinked skyward at the noon sun before turning his blue-green gaze back to Petrovskiy. “I’ll have the bad news first.”
“Aye, Sir.” Peter nodded. Bad news he had plenty of. “All traces of the wounded fledgling have disappeared. There’s a master cleaning up after him, hence the delay in my return. The Carpathian was snooping around, too.”
Julian nodded at the report. “That would be Mr. Datrazanov to you.” Peter looked properly chastised but offered no apology. Julian couldn’t really fault him for that. Lucien was encroaching on what the wolf had to consider his territory and probably had made Peter’s mission more difficult just for being around. “And the other bad news?”
“The border guard house has inhabitants again, three Kazurs; and it wasn’t raining near the broken portal. I went back by there on my way in, and it’s still not raining there. No weather related changes to the vegetation, yet.” Peter paused.
Julian had expected that the Kazur’s would populate the border house again, but the mention of the change by the broken portal put a frown on his face. This did not bode well. He nodded, “Let’s have a look at that on the map.”
- Topaz
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- Location: The Beacon
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Broken Portal
Topaz had spent a few hours at the Beacon earlier in the day, catching up on paperwork, talking with her senior officers, making plans and issuing the necessary orders. In the afternoon she had returned to the Palazzo for a much needed nap and to be there when Lucien woke up. The sun had traversed toward the horizon, and in the darkness there came an in drawn breath, followed by a heart beat, and then a second. Topaz studied Lucien’s face. Odd as it may be, she'd not seen him wake up before now.
Color slowly returned to his features as he moved toward her, wrapping his arms about her. “You returned.” He still had his eyes closed. His cold body slowly began to warm as his heart resumed beating.
“Of course.” Tenderly she brushed the dark silky hair from his cheek, then followed up with a soft brush of her lips against his. “Good morning, Lucien.”
Now his obsidian eyes opened to study her features. “I do believe it is late afternoon.” There was a hint of a smile on his features.
“But you are just waking up.” She countered with a soft chuckle. “I missed you.”
“Mmhmm, and I woke up hungry.” He nibbled at her throat.
“Did you now.” She had intended to make him privy to the issues that had cropped up and the plans she had made to deal with them, but that intention took flight at his nibbling.
“I did.” He pulled her closer, his lips traveled over her skin.
”We should do something about that.” She slid her through his hair.
“Mmhmm, we should.” He rolled under himself.
A thought occurred to her and she giggled. “Is this a case of spoiling your appetite for dinner with sweets?” Not that she would mind.
“Perhaps.” He nuzzled down her throat.
“I always preferred having dessert first, too, and rather leave dinner untouched.” If he spoiled his appetite , he’d not leave without her later. That certainly was a plus in her book.
“Good,” Came the rumbling purr as he spent the next hour hungrily devouring his dessert.”
Sated for the moment, the ability to think returned. “I believe I figured out what to do with Jengtal.”
“You have?” Lucien glanced at her. He laid on his side studying every nuance of her face.
“Yes. The one motivator for his showing interest in Atrebla at all is for him to check if "the price" has dropped enough to where he's willing to pay it for what he thinks the empire has to gain. I'll just show the value has dropped as much as the price we'd be able to extract.”
“A very shrewd idea. How will you 'drop' the value?” He toyed idly with a lock of her hair.
“I studied some of your home's history. You've some emperor avoid your place and go around it to - was it Austria? - because of someone sticking heads on pikes on the way up to the castle. Jengtal sort of reminds me of that emperor. Of course I won’t be sticking any heads on pikes.”
Topaz had spent a few hours at the Beacon earlier in the day, catching up on paperwork, talking with her senior officers, making plans and issuing the necessary orders. In the afternoon she had returned to the Palazzo for a much needed nap and to be there when Lucien woke up. The sun had traversed toward the horizon, and in the darkness there came an in drawn breath, followed by a heart beat, and then a second. Topaz studied Lucien’s face. Odd as it may be, she'd not seen him wake up before now.
Color slowly returned to his features as he moved toward her, wrapping his arms about her. “You returned.” He still had his eyes closed. His cold body slowly began to warm as his heart resumed beating.
“Of course.” Tenderly she brushed the dark silky hair from his cheek, then followed up with a soft brush of her lips against his. “Good morning, Lucien.”
Now his obsidian eyes opened to study her features. “I do believe it is late afternoon.” There was a hint of a smile on his features.
“But you are just waking up.” She countered with a soft chuckle. “I missed you.”
“Mmhmm, and I woke up hungry.” He nibbled at her throat.
“Did you now.” She had intended to make him privy to the issues that had cropped up and the plans she had made to deal with them, but that intention took flight at his nibbling.
“I did.” He pulled her closer, his lips traveled over her skin.
”We should do something about that.” She slid her through his hair.
“Mmhmm, we should.” He rolled under himself.
A thought occurred to her and she giggled. “Is this a case of spoiling your appetite for dinner with sweets?” Not that she would mind.
“Perhaps.” He nuzzled down her throat.
“I always preferred having dessert first, too, and rather leave dinner untouched.” If he spoiled his appetite , he’d not leave without her later. That certainly was a plus in her book.
“Good,” Came the rumbling purr as he spent the next hour hungrily devouring his dessert.”
Sated for the moment, the ability to think returned. “I believe I figured out what to do with Jengtal.”
“You have?” Lucien glanced at her. He laid on his side studying every nuance of her face.
“Yes. The one motivator for his showing interest in Atrebla at all is for him to check if "the price" has dropped enough to where he's willing to pay it for what he thinks the empire has to gain. I'll just show the value has dropped as much as the price we'd be able to extract.”
“A very shrewd idea. How will you 'drop' the value?” He toyed idly with a lock of her hair.
“I studied some of your home's history. You've some emperor avoid your place and go around it to - was it Austria? - because of someone sticking heads on pikes on the way up to the castle. Jengtal sort of reminds me of that emperor. Of course I won’t be sticking any heads on pikes.”
- Topaz
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- Joined: Fri Apr 02, 2004 5:31 pm
- Location: The Beacon
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“Probably a good idea, and I believe you are speaking of Vlad Tepes.” He slid a finger tip along her shoulder.
“I'm not that good with names.” She grinned. “But I'm going to stick the mages in very nice dress robes for the official events and let them wear their normal uniforms otherwise, and I’ll invite Bridgit to fly overhead a few times. Apart from that we'll just include the town in some festivities.”
His expression clearly said he did not know who Bridgit was. “Oh, Captain Bridget Artrides, she has a sky-ship and usually parks it on the lawn of Le's hospital.”
“Will not the presence of such a thing increase the value of your valley?” He was considering her proposal, but the thought of such a thing in the skies overhead would speak of strength and finances.
“No.” Topaz chuckled softly. “She's not part of the Valley, which I will be happy to point out to Jengtal, right along with that Le's hospital has the protection of The Lady.” Jengtal was certainly intelligent enough to draw the right conclusions and decide that Atrebla really was not worth the effort.
“So what plans do you have to make your beautiful and prosperous valley appear less than it is?” He could not imagine how she would cover the prosperity of the land for this Jengtal, although he considered several options that would cloud Jental's vision of the landscape.
“That's the beauty of it, I don't have to.” She smiled. “He'll get to hear the farmers and merchants complain, that'll do the trick all on its own. And there’s the location. He’ll see all the issues he’d have to overcome on his trip here and that his sky-cats won’t be all that much of an advantage either. Now all I have to worry about is the stupid broken portal and those pesky vampires. It really wouldn't do if the emperor came to harm while visiting.”
“Broken portal?” He knew about the two vampyres, but what broken portal?
“Yes, the one that used to connect the Valley to Krondor, it's been steadily getting worse and all attempts to destroy it have failed. And now it stopped raining in the area around it. It's been raining there for years. I believe the Sisters may have had something to do with its original malfunctioning. But there's never been any positive prove.”
“Will you show me this portal?” He slid his fingers slowly down her arm.
Topaz hesitated. “I can,” but she would not be able to stay for long. “You should know that in the area around it any magic has unpredictable outcomes.”
“It is a fine night for a walk, show me.” He nibbled at her shoulder.
“If you say so. Just don't step through that portal.” Then added teasingly, “Of course we won’t get far if you keep this up.”
He answered with black velvet laughter. “Then you might wish to get dressed.”
“Yes, sir.” She winked to him before she moved and grabbed the first dress she comes across that has no trace of magic in it and slipped it on. She may dislike wearing anything another woman had picked out, but her normal outfit wouldn't do for this outing. And there was a real chance at least one dress would get ruined this evening. “I'm ready.”
Lucien thought himself clothed in black trousers and a black silk shirt. “Shall we?” When her arm linked with his, he shifted into mist with her and they flowed quickly through the house and into the night toward the portal used to gain access to Atrebla.
“I'm not that good with names.” She grinned. “But I'm going to stick the mages in very nice dress robes for the official events and let them wear their normal uniforms otherwise, and I’ll invite Bridgit to fly overhead a few times. Apart from that we'll just include the town in some festivities.”
His expression clearly said he did not know who Bridgit was. “Oh, Captain Bridget Artrides, she has a sky-ship and usually parks it on the lawn of Le's hospital.”
“Will not the presence of such a thing increase the value of your valley?” He was considering her proposal, but the thought of such a thing in the skies overhead would speak of strength and finances.
“No.” Topaz chuckled softly. “She's not part of the Valley, which I will be happy to point out to Jengtal, right along with that Le's hospital has the protection of The Lady.” Jengtal was certainly intelligent enough to draw the right conclusions and decide that Atrebla really was not worth the effort.
“So what plans do you have to make your beautiful and prosperous valley appear less than it is?” He could not imagine how she would cover the prosperity of the land for this Jengtal, although he considered several options that would cloud Jental's vision of the landscape.
“That's the beauty of it, I don't have to.” She smiled. “He'll get to hear the farmers and merchants complain, that'll do the trick all on its own. And there’s the location. He’ll see all the issues he’d have to overcome on his trip here and that his sky-cats won’t be all that much of an advantage either. Now all I have to worry about is the stupid broken portal and those pesky vampires. It really wouldn't do if the emperor came to harm while visiting.”
“Broken portal?” He knew about the two vampyres, but what broken portal?
“Yes, the one that used to connect the Valley to Krondor, it's been steadily getting worse and all attempts to destroy it have failed. And now it stopped raining in the area around it. It's been raining there for years. I believe the Sisters may have had something to do with its original malfunctioning. But there's never been any positive prove.”
“Will you show me this portal?” He slid his fingers slowly down her arm.
Topaz hesitated. “I can,” but she would not be able to stay for long. “You should know that in the area around it any magic has unpredictable outcomes.”
“It is a fine night for a walk, show me.” He nibbled at her shoulder.
“If you say so. Just don't step through that portal.” Then added teasingly, “Of course we won’t get far if you keep this up.”
He answered with black velvet laughter. “Then you might wish to get dressed.”
“Yes, sir.” She winked to him before she moved and grabbed the first dress she comes across that has no trace of magic in it and slipped it on. She may dislike wearing anything another woman had picked out, but her normal outfit wouldn't do for this outing. And there was a real chance at least one dress would get ruined this evening. “I'm ready.”
Lucien thought himself clothed in black trousers and a black silk shirt. “Shall we?” When her arm linked with his, he shifted into mist with her and they flowed quickly through the house and into the night toward the portal used to gain access to Atrebla.
- Topaz
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- Joined: Fri Apr 02, 2004 5:31 pm
- Location: The Beacon
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There had been no word of the Vampires having been destroyed or that they had left, so the guards were still on alert and patrolled in groups of threes. Topaz pointed in a north-westerly direction as they cleared the portal from Rhydin. “The broken portal is in the mountains over that way.”
Lucien took note of the guards and slid his gaze over Topaz. “There is no one out searching?”
“Peter is keeping his snooping to daylight hours for the time being, and there are patrols out in small groups. It is their duty to protect the people in town and on the farms, if necessary by dying in their stead.” Topaz hoped that it would not come to that, though. “So far there were no casualties. It would be nice if the undead keep going hunting somewhere else.”
“They will not, not if they can feed here.” His gaze swept over the area, as though seeking something in the night.
“Then I can only hope they prefer a fit soldier to a fat farmer. It is of course possible that they take one down.” Topaz hoped that they would. The patrols certainly were equipped to do so and though they may not be Carpathian hunters, they were not as powerless as Lucien made them out to be.
“They only care about causing pain and suffering. I will hunt them. Now, let us see this broken portal.” She had done what she could, but he knew that a Master Vampyre would be more trouble than she might imagine. The lesser vampyre did not worry him, but the Master did. He would need to be found.
“Flying should be fastest.” Topaz dropped her shields. She'd rather have a warning should something untoward approach before it was close enough to touch.
“As you wish.” Lucien smiled, then shimmering wings sprouted from his shoulders. Lucien took her hand and let her lead the way. He had not even criticized her orders she noticed with a smile as they flew over the valley and she admired his new fairy wings. Though she had liked the grayish wings from months ago just fine, these made him appear a real fairy.
“We should walk from here on.” Topaz suggested once they came to the effected area near the portal.
“Magic is unpredictable, but does the portal still allow transference?” They touched down lightly.
“We've not tried in about six or seven years. Back then we first noticed that it transfers to different times. Which time, too, is unpredictable. We tried with objects for a while, but it was a futile undertaking - time could have wrought destruction to those objects as well as the transference itself.”
Lucien nodded and they continued on quietly. Without whipping rain the going was fairly easy - too easy, Topaz thought – but the evidence of constant rain was still everywhere.
“I've not been this far in years either.” Topaz stopped just as the portal was within sight. She was not at all comfortable this close to that portal and absently brushed a hand over her arm in a futile attempt to wipe away whatever it was that made her skin crawl.
It rained for six years?” The arm Lucien mentally wrapped around her did not have the desired effect of easing her discomfort from the portal’s aura. Even the fae bits of magic remained at rest.
“Yes, almost, sometimes storming, other times a mere drizzle, but it had never just stopped, not even in the winters, when by rights there should be snow.”
Lucien nodded and allowed the area to flow into his essence. The fae magic within him was immediately agitated and he coaxed it to silence as he listened and probed. Though what permeated the area wasn’t chaos, it had the flavor of it and he noticed it attempting change in as many dimensions as it might for the sake of change rather than any greater purpose.
“Wild magic indeed.” He frowned at the lack of patterns.
"I need to get away from here." Her voice was insistent as she could make it.
“As you wish.” Lucien nodded. He gave the portal a last look before they moved back toward the valley. It did take Topaz every ounce of discipline to walk away rather than fly. But she knew flying here was dangerous. Lucien’s telepathy enveloping her in warmth helped somewhat with that, though she wanted to scream at him to stop with the magic use. “We will be away soon enough.
Topaz found the shortest way out by listening to her fae senses rather than what her eyes were telling her, for the appearance of the wooded slope was constantly changing, slowly for the most part, but enough so to get one lost. She stopped once they were clear of the area to catch her breath.
“Well, at least we didn't come across any nasty new creatures.” Lucien pulled her to him for a kiss to stop her heart or, failing that, to take her mind off the broken portal.
“Where to next?” His fingers traveled slowly down her back.
“I'd love to show you the town, but if you keep this up I'll want to go home.” He gently nipped her neck in the way of a reply. “I'm sure shopping for the Beacon can wait another evening.” Topaz chuckled softly.
Lucien took note of the guards and slid his gaze over Topaz. “There is no one out searching?”
“Peter is keeping his snooping to daylight hours for the time being, and there are patrols out in small groups. It is their duty to protect the people in town and on the farms, if necessary by dying in their stead.” Topaz hoped that it would not come to that, though. “So far there were no casualties. It would be nice if the undead keep going hunting somewhere else.”
“They will not, not if they can feed here.” His gaze swept over the area, as though seeking something in the night.
“Then I can only hope they prefer a fit soldier to a fat farmer. It is of course possible that they take one down.” Topaz hoped that they would. The patrols certainly were equipped to do so and though they may not be Carpathian hunters, they were not as powerless as Lucien made them out to be.
“They only care about causing pain and suffering. I will hunt them. Now, let us see this broken portal.” She had done what she could, but he knew that a Master Vampyre would be more trouble than she might imagine. The lesser vampyre did not worry him, but the Master did. He would need to be found.
“Flying should be fastest.” Topaz dropped her shields. She'd rather have a warning should something untoward approach before it was close enough to touch.
“As you wish.” Lucien smiled, then shimmering wings sprouted from his shoulders. Lucien took her hand and let her lead the way. He had not even criticized her orders she noticed with a smile as they flew over the valley and she admired his new fairy wings. Though she had liked the grayish wings from months ago just fine, these made him appear a real fairy.
“We should walk from here on.” Topaz suggested once they came to the effected area near the portal.
“Magic is unpredictable, but does the portal still allow transference?” They touched down lightly.
“We've not tried in about six or seven years. Back then we first noticed that it transfers to different times. Which time, too, is unpredictable. We tried with objects for a while, but it was a futile undertaking - time could have wrought destruction to those objects as well as the transference itself.”
Lucien nodded and they continued on quietly. Without whipping rain the going was fairly easy - too easy, Topaz thought – but the evidence of constant rain was still everywhere.
“I've not been this far in years either.” Topaz stopped just as the portal was within sight. She was not at all comfortable this close to that portal and absently brushed a hand over her arm in a futile attempt to wipe away whatever it was that made her skin crawl.
It rained for six years?” The arm Lucien mentally wrapped around her did not have the desired effect of easing her discomfort from the portal’s aura. Even the fae bits of magic remained at rest.
“Yes, almost, sometimes storming, other times a mere drizzle, but it had never just stopped, not even in the winters, when by rights there should be snow.”
Lucien nodded and allowed the area to flow into his essence. The fae magic within him was immediately agitated and he coaxed it to silence as he listened and probed. Though what permeated the area wasn’t chaos, it had the flavor of it and he noticed it attempting change in as many dimensions as it might for the sake of change rather than any greater purpose.
“Wild magic indeed.” He frowned at the lack of patterns.
"I need to get away from here." Her voice was insistent as she could make it.
“As you wish.” Lucien nodded. He gave the portal a last look before they moved back toward the valley. It did take Topaz every ounce of discipline to walk away rather than fly. But she knew flying here was dangerous. Lucien’s telepathy enveloping her in warmth helped somewhat with that, though she wanted to scream at him to stop with the magic use. “We will be away soon enough.
Topaz found the shortest way out by listening to her fae senses rather than what her eyes were telling her, for the appearance of the wooded slope was constantly changing, slowly for the most part, but enough so to get one lost. She stopped once they were clear of the area to catch her breath.
“Well, at least we didn't come across any nasty new creatures.” Lucien pulled her to him for a kiss to stop her heart or, failing that, to take her mind off the broken portal.
“Where to next?” His fingers traveled slowly down her back.
“I'd love to show you the town, but if you keep this up I'll want to go home.” He gently nipped her neck in the way of a reply. “I'm sure shopping for the Beacon can wait another evening.” Topaz chuckled softly.
- Topaz
- Legendary Adventurer
- Posts: 1283
- Joined: Fri Apr 02, 2004 5:31 pm
- Location: The Beacon
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New Developments
Topaz was in the ring, dueling with Bran the lizard when her attention shifted to the predator just making his way down the arena steps. He had something familiar about him. When she got a look at him she knew what he was, too: He was a Carpathian, garbed in black leather pants and black silk shirt that clung to sculpted muscles that shift beneath the material as he moved toward the bar. He must have noticed her glance for he was nodding toward her. Then Bran’s thrust reminded her that her attention should be on him instead of on some stranger. Her curiosity would have to wait.
Bran won that duel with a defensive maneuver and Topaz had to grin at the delight evident on the scaly features. That expression more than made up for the loss. Her blade sheathed she left the ring and searched the arena for the stranger to say ‘Hello’ to. She spotted him at the table she was sharing with Rena. Jaleeisa was sitting at the table now, too.
Topaz approached slowly, taking in the scene unfolding at the table. Jaleeisa and the Carpathian were eyeing each other, even while Jaleeisa was replying to Rena’s question.
“Fair evening, Milord.” Jaleeisa was greeting the Carpathian as Topaz slid into her seat.
Topaz leaned over to Rena and whispered, “This ought to be interesting.”
“Why?” Rena asked just as softly. Not that the Carpathian was paying any attention to either of them or too much of anything or anyone besides Jaleeisa.
“Just observe.” Topaz grinned. Time appeared to have taken a rest for the Carpathian. “I've a sudden craving for popped corn.”
“Don’t I always?” Rena grinned back. “Too bad Moyr isn't around...he would have conjured you up some.”
"Good Evening Milady. Might I join ye?" The Carpathian asked politely.
“Erm... aye…” Jaleeisa appeared startled by the request but motioned to a seat. “I'm Jaleeisa Windstar, Jal, if you please. I've not seen you about here before.”
“Yes, he may have.” Topaz watched Jal and the stranger with a bemused grin before whispering to Rena again. “Do you think Jal will introduce us?”
The man reached for the fourth chair at the table and pulled it right next to Jaleeisa's then sat himself protectively close to her. "I am Chereylen. I have not been here for quite some time. It is good that you have met me at last. Are ye dueling this night?"
Jaleeisa jumped then blinked as Chereylen and moved her chair away with a slight scoot. “Good that I've met you at last?” Jal did not appear pleased. “A little ... full of yourself, aye? And I'm not really sure if I'm going to duel or not. Did you want someone to knock you around the ring?”
“I miss Lucien.” Topaz remarked with a soft sigh. She had tried to tell him of the new arrival, but found that he was once again blocking her out of his mind. Curiously there was no other indication that he was hunting.
“I wish I had that problem.” Rena said wistfully as she took the water bottle from the serving lad and dropped some coins on the tray.
“Be careful what you wish for!” One really should not be wishing for problems, Topaz thought.
Chereylen had frowned when Jaleeisa scooted her chair away from his and now simply reached out and picked her up to place her on his lap. Then he wrapped an arm around her waist and tucked her beneath his broad shoulder instead. "If ye wish I will duel ye."
“Hasn't happened yet...why should it now?”
“You never before wished so in my presence.” Rena had wished for other things, though, and those had come true.
Jaleeisa was squirming and wriggling in Chereylen’s arm. “Hey! Wait just a minute here! Just who in the nine seas do you think you are? Just a bare name and you think you're going to dandle me on your lap?” She was getting angrier, too, to judge by the stormy grey of her eyes. “I've heard of grabby men, but by the depths you take the prize!”
“Maybe Lucien isn't so much a cave man after all.” Topaz smiled and turned to Rena again. “But you really shouldn't wish to miss someone. It's not at all fun.”
Chereylen held Jaleeisa steady very gently as he lowered his head to brush his lips against the nape of her neck while he whispered softly to her. "Why do ye struggle so? I mean ye no harm. Ye are safer with me than with anyone else in this world."
“Safer?” Jaleeisa replied in a way that made Topaz feel sorry for Chereylen. He was not off to a very good start. “No one else here was manhandling me you… you…” Jaleeisa was still trying to remove his arm from around her middle.
“That's not going to do you much good, Jal.” Topaz grinned.
"It is my right to protect ye now that I have found ye. Pray calm yeself." The Carpathian male finally noticed that she was rather frantically prying at his arm and shifted it to let her move it where she will.
Topaz was in the ring, dueling with Bran the lizard when her attention shifted to the predator just making his way down the arena steps. He had something familiar about him. When she got a look at him she knew what he was, too: He was a Carpathian, garbed in black leather pants and black silk shirt that clung to sculpted muscles that shift beneath the material as he moved toward the bar. He must have noticed her glance for he was nodding toward her. Then Bran’s thrust reminded her that her attention should be on him instead of on some stranger. Her curiosity would have to wait.
Bran won that duel with a defensive maneuver and Topaz had to grin at the delight evident on the scaly features. That expression more than made up for the loss. Her blade sheathed she left the ring and searched the arena for the stranger to say ‘Hello’ to. She spotted him at the table she was sharing with Rena. Jaleeisa was sitting at the table now, too.
Topaz approached slowly, taking in the scene unfolding at the table. Jaleeisa and the Carpathian were eyeing each other, even while Jaleeisa was replying to Rena’s question.
“Fair evening, Milord.” Jaleeisa was greeting the Carpathian as Topaz slid into her seat.
Topaz leaned over to Rena and whispered, “This ought to be interesting.”
“Why?” Rena asked just as softly. Not that the Carpathian was paying any attention to either of them or too much of anything or anyone besides Jaleeisa.
“Just observe.” Topaz grinned. Time appeared to have taken a rest for the Carpathian. “I've a sudden craving for popped corn.”
“Don’t I always?” Rena grinned back. “Too bad Moyr isn't around...he would have conjured you up some.”
"Good Evening Milady. Might I join ye?" The Carpathian asked politely.
“Erm... aye…” Jaleeisa appeared startled by the request but motioned to a seat. “I'm Jaleeisa Windstar, Jal, if you please. I've not seen you about here before.”
“Yes, he may have.” Topaz watched Jal and the stranger with a bemused grin before whispering to Rena again. “Do you think Jal will introduce us?”
The man reached for the fourth chair at the table and pulled it right next to Jaleeisa's then sat himself protectively close to her. "I am Chereylen. I have not been here for quite some time. It is good that you have met me at last. Are ye dueling this night?"
Jaleeisa jumped then blinked as Chereylen and moved her chair away with a slight scoot. “Good that I've met you at last?” Jal did not appear pleased. “A little ... full of yourself, aye? And I'm not really sure if I'm going to duel or not. Did you want someone to knock you around the ring?”
“I miss Lucien.” Topaz remarked with a soft sigh. She had tried to tell him of the new arrival, but found that he was once again blocking her out of his mind. Curiously there was no other indication that he was hunting.
“I wish I had that problem.” Rena said wistfully as she took the water bottle from the serving lad and dropped some coins on the tray.
“Be careful what you wish for!” One really should not be wishing for problems, Topaz thought.
Chereylen had frowned when Jaleeisa scooted her chair away from his and now simply reached out and picked her up to place her on his lap. Then he wrapped an arm around her waist and tucked her beneath his broad shoulder instead. "If ye wish I will duel ye."
“Hasn't happened yet...why should it now?”
“You never before wished so in my presence.” Rena had wished for other things, though, and those had come true.
Jaleeisa was squirming and wriggling in Chereylen’s arm. “Hey! Wait just a minute here! Just who in the nine seas do you think you are? Just a bare name and you think you're going to dandle me on your lap?” She was getting angrier, too, to judge by the stormy grey of her eyes. “I've heard of grabby men, but by the depths you take the prize!”
“Maybe Lucien isn't so much a cave man after all.” Topaz smiled and turned to Rena again. “But you really shouldn't wish to miss someone. It's not at all fun.”
Chereylen held Jaleeisa steady very gently as he lowered his head to brush his lips against the nape of her neck while he whispered softly to her. "Why do ye struggle so? I mean ye no harm. Ye are safer with me than with anyone else in this world."
“Safer?” Jaleeisa replied in a way that made Topaz feel sorry for Chereylen. He was not off to a very good start. “No one else here was manhandling me you… you…” Jaleeisa was still trying to remove his arm from around her middle.
“That's not going to do you much good, Jal.” Topaz grinned.
"It is my right to protect ye now that I have found ye. Pray calm yeself." The Carpathian male finally noticed that she was rather frantically prying at his arm and shifted it to let her move it where she will.
- Topaz
- Legendary Adventurer
- Posts: 1283
- Joined: Fri Apr 02, 2004 5:31 pm
- Location: The Beacon
- Contact:
“Right? I don't even know you? And what do you mean "now that you've found me?" Jaleeisa was back in her own chair and glared daggers at the handsome male. “Why’s it not going to do me any good? Do you know him, Topaz?”
“No, I don't know him.” Topaz did not like the way Jaleeisa was eyeing her blade and a little relieved when Chereylen pulled her, chair and all, back to his side and away from her blade. “But I know Lucien and Gabriel.”
Chereylen’s gaze shifted to the one that was Lifemate to another of his kind, yet was out without him which was surprising to him although in this place he had seen things that were stranger during the times he had paused here in search of the woman who would save him from the beast within. A brow arched as she named the ancient dark ones. "The Dark Ones are here? It is true?"
“Is he related to Lucien and Gabriel?” Jaleeisa wanted to know.
“Why don't you ask him, seeing as you're the one sitting practically on his lap?” Topaz winked to Jal with a wide grin before answering Chereylen. “Yes. I'm Topaz by the way.”
Jaleeisa glanced back to the man. Her eyes were still stormy but obviously she decided to mind her manners for the moment. “Topaz is my friend and boss... Topaz, the grabby one here is Che.”
Chereylen stood and offered a formal bow to the fairy then retook his seat. "I am Chereylen. I am honored to meet the Lifemate of one of our males."
“Chereylen.” Topaz said with a charming smile. “That would be Lucien. It's a pleasure to meet you.” Jaleeisa was eyeing her sword again. “Did you happen to come into town with the court?”
"No, I came alone. I am too close Topaz." Her being a Lifemate he thought she would understand what he meant by that.
“Congratulations then.” Topaz nodded with a smile.
“Could someone tell me just what I'm missing here... and what's going on and who this man is... and why he's grabbing me and sitting me on his lap?” Though Jaleeisa was addressing no one in particular, Topaz was of the opinion that Chereylen should answer those questions, but all he was doing was to stare at Jal.
“You're going to be spoiled rotten, Jal.” Topaz gave her what she hoped to be a reassuring smile.
“Spoiled? Manhandled, perhaps!” Jaleeisa snorted, not sounding at all reassured.
“What if she doesn't want to be his lifemate?” Rena asked.
“Why wouldn't she want to be? Doesn't everyone want to be with their soulmate?” Try as she might, Topaz couldn’t imagine anyone preferring not to be with his or her soulmate.
“Lifemate? Too close? Aye... dragging a stranger's chair... not to mention picking her up like a sack of grain and dropping her on your lap!” Jaleeisa wasn’t making much sense.
“Does she know she is his soulmate?” Rena
“Obviously not yet.” Topaz replied before she turned to Jal again. “Maybe if you kissed him, Jal...?”
“Kiss him?!? I don't even know him!” Jaleeisa blinked at Topaz.
“But he's cute.” Topaz giggled. “Not as cute as Lucien, but Lucien's mine!”
“Because he's cute, she should kiss him?” That did not appear a good enough reason for Rena.
“No, Rena, but it may make her learn what she doesn't know yet.” Topaz suggested.
“Aye.” Jaleeisa agreed grudgingly with Topaz. “Mayhap, but…” She eyed Chereylen again. “I... who...” She threw up her hands. “So, explain then!”
"When ye have finished then I shall attempt to get a word in." He actually chuckled as she continued her tirade against his faults while he propped an elbow on one muscled thigh and rested his chin on his fist while studying her as she ranted and raved.
“No, I don't know him.” Topaz did not like the way Jaleeisa was eyeing her blade and a little relieved when Chereylen pulled her, chair and all, back to his side and away from her blade. “But I know Lucien and Gabriel.”
Chereylen’s gaze shifted to the one that was Lifemate to another of his kind, yet was out without him which was surprising to him although in this place he had seen things that were stranger during the times he had paused here in search of the woman who would save him from the beast within. A brow arched as she named the ancient dark ones. "The Dark Ones are here? It is true?"
“Is he related to Lucien and Gabriel?” Jaleeisa wanted to know.
“Why don't you ask him, seeing as you're the one sitting practically on his lap?” Topaz winked to Jal with a wide grin before answering Chereylen. “Yes. I'm Topaz by the way.”
Jaleeisa glanced back to the man. Her eyes were still stormy but obviously she decided to mind her manners for the moment. “Topaz is my friend and boss... Topaz, the grabby one here is Che.”
Chereylen stood and offered a formal bow to the fairy then retook his seat. "I am Chereylen. I am honored to meet the Lifemate of one of our males."
“Chereylen.” Topaz said with a charming smile. “That would be Lucien. It's a pleasure to meet you.” Jaleeisa was eyeing her sword again. “Did you happen to come into town with the court?”
"No, I came alone. I am too close Topaz." Her being a Lifemate he thought she would understand what he meant by that.
“Congratulations then.” Topaz nodded with a smile.
“Could someone tell me just what I'm missing here... and what's going on and who this man is... and why he's grabbing me and sitting me on his lap?” Though Jaleeisa was addressing no one in particular, Topaz was of the opinion that Chereylen should answer those questions, but all he was doing was to stare at Jal.
“You're going to be spoiled rotten, Jal.” Topaz gave her what she hoped to be a reassuring smile.
“Spoiled? Manhandled, perhaps!” Jaleeisa snorted, not sounding at all reassured.
“What if she doesn't want to be his lifemate?” Rena asked.
“Why wouldn't she want to be? Doesn't everyone want to be with their soulmate?” Try as she might, Topaz couldn’t imagine anyone preferring not to be with his or her soulmate.
“Lifemate? Too close? Aye... dragging a stranger's chair... not to mention picking her up like a sack of grain and dropping her on your lap!” Jaleeisa wasn’t making much sense.
“Does she know she is his soulmate?” Rena
“Obviously not yet.” Topaz replied before she turned to Jal again. “Maybe if you kissed him, Jal...?”
“Kiss him?!? I don't even know him!” Jaleeisa blinked at Topaz.
“But he's cute.” Topaz giggled. “Not as cute as Lucien, but Lucien's mine!”
“Because he's cute, she should kiss him?” That did not appear a good enough reason for Rena.
“No, Rena, but it may make her learn what she doesn't know yet.” Topaz suggested.
“Aye.” Jaleeisa agreed grudgingly with Topaz. “Mayhap, but…” She eyed Chereylen again. “I... who...” She threw up her hands. “So, explain then!”
"When ye have finished then I shall attempt to get a word in." He actually chuckled as she continued her tirade against his faults while he propped an elbow on one muscled thigh and rested his chin on his fist while studying her as she ranted and raved.
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