
Tales from the Atreblan Valley

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Post by Topaz »

Finally the duel came to an end and she hurried through the formalities, then flew from the ring and into Lucien’s arms. Their lips met for a lingering kiss.

“Shall we sit, or do you desire another match?” He really didn't like the crowds, but Topaz was a social creature.

“Sitting down is probably a good idea.”

“Good. I have you to myself for a few minutes then.” He led her to a table in the shadows.

“Good choice.” She grinned. He would have her to himself for more than just a few minutes if she had anything to say about it. “Do I have time for coffee?”

“Of course.” Lucien motioned for Marcus and ordered her favorite chocolate coffee as she slid into a chair at the table. He scanned the crowd briefly.

“That's even better than coffee.” Then she added with a decidedly impish wink, “Of course I like your use of wine, too.” Lucien’s answer was a slow smile that promised much. “Will you not sit down?”

Instead of taking the seat next to her he moved a loveseat from the wall and settled onto it. “How about you get off that hard chair and join me?” His smile was sinful as he teased her.

“You could have said something about those intentions sooner.” She joined him on the couch with a soft chuckle, sinking into comfortable cushions.

“It was more fun to taunt you into joining me here.” His smile was warm as he slid an arm around her..

“Obviously.” She enjoyed his friendly teasing as much as his arm wrapped around her shoulders and leaned against him when Marcus had delivered the chocolate coffee. She brought the cup to her lips and took a slow sip from the hot brew, feeling Lucien’s chin rest lightly on her head and breathing in the aroma rising in the steam from her cup.

“It's taking some time getting used to new tricks.” She offered at length with a glance toward the dueling rings.

“Yes, you have been using both means of sensory input then?” His curiosity was peaked, and he wanted to know just what she saw/felt from the fey bits.

“That's not the difficult part, so much anyway. Sight's different and movements have new nuances of speed. I really should try harder to talk into some practice matches.” She had tried before, but he had seemed set against it. But at the time they had only talked of dueling. Her current concern, however, went beyond the sport. “Dueling really only goes so far in preparing for real situations.”

Topaz was glad for the interruption of Rena’s arrival. Greeting her gave her a few extra minutes to think of the additional arguments she had to convince Lucien that practice was truly necessary.

“We may desire to practice some of your new skills. Help you adjust.” He was outwardly sensible, but the feeling of mischief remained.

She smiled with surprise and delight at his words. “I take that as a definite yes, you know that, right? That was much easier than expected.”

“How is the coffee?” He brushed a light kiss on her cheek. “When would you like to practice? And do you desire to practice against me, or with me as a coach?”

“Very warm and fresh and perfectly sweet. Would you like a taste? The sooner the better.” She needed a little longer to answer the rest of his questions. Him coaching would be most beneficial, but doing so would still leave her without a sparing partner. “I would of course prefer to practice with you. But I know I've a long way to go before coming close to being able to best you. If you were the coach, who'd I practice against?”
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“Gabriel?” He suggested with a soft laugh.

Topaz gave him a look that suggested that he had lost his moorings. His twin was just as good a hunter as he was and being his brother did not protect him from Lucien’s desire to destroy anyone who came too close to Topaz. “Same difference there. I might as well get to enjoy your company exclusively. You knew I'd say that, didn't you?” She then heard Lucien snicker for the first time ever. It was an enjoyable sound.

“Well, you would not desire it to be too easy, would you?” He gave her a slight shrug of his shoulder.

“Of course not. At least not once I can keep from falling over my own feet or running into walls.” She chuckled. Gabriel might be a useful sparring partner after she had learned a few things, but definitely not before then. “I've a feeling that you will find at least the first practice rather hilarious.”

“Even I need amusement now and then.” He suddenly sounded very sober.

“Of course you do.” She very much agreed with him and gave him a gentle squeeze. He had done without amusement and comfort for way too long. “And perhaps a massage?”

“You have but to desire a massage, I do have experience.” His faint smile was promising once they had no audience.

“But I wasn't the one in any major battle.” She insisted despite knowing the earth that had healed his wounds made that excuse invalid. But there were wounds to soothe the earth could not and she planned on doing just that.

“We could give you easy fodder and let you fight Dyson.” He suggested with half a smile, distracting both of them from the pleasant thoughts of massages. “Dyson is the Palazzo's Major Domo, an elderly gent. Not much of a fighter per se.”

“Julian's pretty good, so long as magic doesn't come into it.” Only magic was very much a component of the battles she thought she needed to be ready for.

“But if he hurt you, I would have to retaliate.”

“No, you would not. He wouldn't retaliate either.”

“You do not expect me to allow him to wound you?”

Topaz was surprised and relieved that Lucien had not jumped at the second part of her ill timed statement. She turned her light blue gaze up to his dark eyes. “If he does hurt me during a practice, which he hasn't in all the years he's been at Atrebla, mind you, it will be by accident, and quite possibly be caused my current lack of control.”

“Then you must practice against me.”

“Yes, I must.” The mock frown accompanying her words turned into a delighted chuckle almost immediately.

Lucien shook his head. “You are a blood thirsty faerie.”

“Not really, but I do like to be prepared.” She decided to leave that opening for a flirtatious comment unused.

Lucien brushed his fingertips along the edge of her wing, setting them to warm and vibrate under his touch. “We need to talk about this.”

“I also like to have the guards prepared should some society people come snooping around.” They needed to talk about many things, but flying from one subject to the next would not be helpful.

“Do not underestimate them Topaz.” He underlined his words with a low growl. “They are deadly.” Lucien did not let his experiences with the Society flow to the surface for her to see.

“Yes, they can be. And I am responsible for a fortress and town full of people.” Simple, but welcoming and trusting people that would make all too easy pray for anyone of the society if what she learned of them so far was even half true.

“Should they suspect you, which sooner or later they will, you too will be in danger.”

“So I had better learn quickly.”

“Yes. You should. Now, tell me a bit about these bits that stick and cling to me.”
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“What would you like to know?” There was so much to tell, Topaz didn’t know where to start.

“How much information do they relay to you? I know what they give to me, but what do you learn?” His curiosity wanted to pull the information from her thoughts, but he couldn't do that to her.

“Probably the same as you, only I'm more used to it. I know the feelings on the surface like warm, cold, hungry, thirsty, and the like, and if you’re anticipating a change as well as the deeper more steady emotions. The link will grow over time, providing more details.” Her thoughts provided a deeper insight that words would have taken hours to communicate.

“So I need to listen better?” He mused aloud. Emotions, there were trouble at the wrong moments, and fighting the Vampyre was no time to have feelings.

“Listening helps at first, and knowing yourself from what's not you, or you may find yourself at Gunther's ordering pastries.” She grinned at the image that came to mind of him with a confused a look at Gunther’s pastry counter. “You may find the sentient magic acting on your behalf.”

“When I battle the Vampyre, there is only reflex, I focus on the task at hand. But I will work on this new process.” He quirked a brow at her. “I very much doubt that. Unless they are for you.” He thought about the pastries she so loved, but did not understand the attraction at all.

“Intent can be a feeling, too.” She searched for an example to make the extend of this link more clear to him. “Do you remember the things we hunted on the isle?”

“In great detail.” And that was a hunt he did not wish to ever repeat.

“I knew what they wanted to do before they acted on it, because that too is a feeling.” When they had hunted those creatures she had dropped her shields that she usually wore when around people to keep her fae senses from overloading.

“I see. Feelings are new to me. I have not learned to 'listen' to them.” He could see the danger in them more than he could see the advantage, with the exception of his feelings for his mate.

“I would not have known had they thought something else coldly or detached. That made the witches less predictable.” She had been able to sense a lot from them even with her shields in place. “Only, on the Isle it was because the shields were absent. What's between you and me is on the inside, independent from senses.” There was no shield to block any of those perceptions. They would both have to learn to handle those some other way. “Perhaps I can help you with the listening and deciding what to listen to and what not to.”

“That would be appreciated.”

“When would you like to give that a try?” She asked with a smile, ideas as to how to go about that already forming in her mind. “I shall try and make it amusing.”
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“I have commitments for tomorrow evening, but after that, I am all yours.” He knew they were facing several Vampyre, and one of them was an old friend. A boyhood friend, and now the feelings made him realize that putting these in eternal rest would be much harder.

“Commitments?” The amusement had gone from her voice. She finished off the coffee and sat the cup down.

“Yes. There are several Vampyre's in the area. When they come, it is Gabriel's and my job.”

“Be careful.” Though she was absolutely confident in his and Gabriel’s abilities and skills, she couldn’t help but worried. Being convinced the he would return home and that the battle would be as successful as thousands that had come before did not mean that they would come away unscathed. He would likely have to go to ground early instead of being with her. His prolonged absences had become an agony she did not like at all.

“Of course. I have a reason now to come home.” She welcomed the mental hug he wrapped around her. “You worry too much my love.”

“I don't like missing you.”

“I do not like missing you. I will come home to you Topaz.” He wrapped her in an emotional blanket of soothing thoughts.

“It would be too much to hope for that you return from those commitments without a scratch, wouldn't it?”

“I do not try to gain injuries, but the Vampyre is a formidable foe.” He gave her a slight smile.

“That it is.” She smiled back. She was rather proud of him; his skill, his sense of duty and honor, and the way he managed to handle this duty laid upon him by his prince. “I'll be listening for the end of the battle and meet you at home. Do you have anything you still need to get done this night?”

“Perhaps we should find some use for those oils and some quiet?” Lucien had read that wish from her eyes rather than her thoughts , and he longed to feel her skin beneath his hands.

“I do believe we should.” She gave him a suggestive wink and rose, taking his offered arm as he stood as well.

“The kitty is outside.” He gave her a smile.

“Kitty?” Rena quirked a brow. Topaz had not yet had a chance to tell her friend that the Scaglietti had finally been delivered.

Lucien glanced at Rena. “I was given a blonde and blue kitty.”

“She helped me shop for it, Lucien.” Topaz was delighted at his obvious enjoyment of the gift.

“Hopefully it purrs just right.”

“So I have you to thank as well? Yes, it has just the perfect purr.” He was pleased to know that Rena and Topaz had a friendship that she was comfortable sharing with another.

Rena gave another soft chuckle. “That’s good.”

“Good evening Rena. Now I have a date with my mate.”

“Good night, Rena.” Topaz just had enough time to wave to her friend, then she and Lucien were on their way home.
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Post by Topaz »

Jaleeisa’s Party

Lucien was out hunting with Gabriel, so Topaz had to attend Jaleeisa’s welcome party without him. It was the second hunt in only three days, and this one would be worse than the previous one. Topaz’s hold on composure was weak at best, and she hoped Jaleeisa’s party would help lighten her mood. She greeted the few people that were already by the rings when she arrived with a practiced smile. Rena looked splendid, wearing a layered skirt of different colors. Cory was already at the buffet and Jaleeisa was ready to call duels. Several blankets lay scattered around.

“Buffet is off limits!” Cory said as soon as the fairy neared the laden table.

“What do you mean it’s off limits? You mean I can't have any of those pastries to go with my coffee?” This wasn’t starting out well.

“Cory, if you eat everything on that buffet, you're going to be as big as the Citadel.” Jaleeisa chuckled.

“Fine by me.” Cory turned his gaze from Jal to Topaz. “I go' 'ere firs' so I staked my claim on the food. Maybe iff'n ya ask nicely.”

Topaz turned to greet Azjah and Klinton instead, which had just arrived, then started looking for a dueling opponent. “Is anyone interested in spell casting?”

“Tha' was too easy.” Cory gave the fairy a mistrusting look.

“Take her on Cory.” Azjah suggested. “Of course, we could ask Gabriel to come play with her in the rings.” Azjah teased with Klinton.

“Play would be the correct word, too.” Topaz grinned at Azjah’s suggestion.

“Duel fo' te pastries? I'm game.” Cory sounded too pleased.

“Sounds good to me. Of course if I cast nonsense like yesterday, your pastry will be quite safe. Perhaps I should work out a consolation deal, too.” Topaz teleported into the ring.

“So, are we eating, or dueling, or heckling Topaz?” Azjah was asking of Klinton just as Topaz sent a wall of flames toward her ill prepared opponent and she missed Klinton’s reply.

Cory settled back into his corner. “Oh... I see how it's gunna be.” He rolled up his sleeves.

“I guess Gabriel wouldn’t let me turn him into a torch.” Somehow Topaz could not picture Gabriel in a dueling ring anymore than she could Lucien.

Azjah chuckled. “Not likely Topaz, but perhaps we could talk to him and see if he'll play target practice.
“He'll just turn to mist at the most inconvenient moments.” She did hope that the brothers did make the Vampyre experience similar frustrations.

“Or something even worse. Have you seen them shift into some of the other 'things' they do?” Azjah called her attention back to the here and now.

“No.” But Topaz did make a mental note to ask Lucien about that when the next opportunity presented itself, and turned into something similar to mist, only to watch Cory copy her.

Klinton was laughing as Cory’s and Topaz’s mind whips entangled. “I must root for Topaz...but, I will heckle her.”

“She needs a good heckling. Wait until she has to join us for the whole group thing.” Azjah answered her husband, tempting Topaz to miss Cory.

“Group thing?” Being distracted by ringside conversation was definitely preferable to being distracted by Lucien’s battle.

“Oh yes. You have to be introduced you know.” Azjah remained vague.

Topaz’s aim was true, the ray struck Cory. But Cory’s aim was just as accurate and Topaz was busy dealing with his meteors. But that did not keep her from overhearing the couple’s conversation.

“I don't believe you'll be drinking that.” Klinton said as she was about to take a sip of her standard scotch.

“I won't?” Confusion clearly evident in her features.

“You are fully aware of our current adventure. Drinking at any time during the next 9-12 months could be terrible.” Klinton was more adamant than was his usual mein.

Again Cory had the same idea as her and Des wasn’t the only one looking forward to a baby, the thoughts jumbled in her mind as the ring filled with thick clouds.

“I believe the Dubrinsky's are coming.” The name Azjah mentioned was not one Topaz had heard before. The duel had picked up speed though and further questions would have to wait until later.
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Post by Topaz »

Having won her duel Topaz went to pick up her prize, a pastry stuffed with fruit and cheese and a cup of coffee before walking over to Azjah and Klinton. But Harris was distracting them. Azjah’s expected visitors would have to remain a mystery for a while longer.

“You two can't *still* be together, can you?” Harris gestured between Azjah and Klinton. “I need someone to fill my trophy mistress position.”

“There must be tons of women petitioning for that position Harris.” Azjah’s patience with the blue-haired human was admirable.

“What was I talking about again?” Harris had distracted himself with a sneeze.

“You were looking for an opponent, Harris.” Topaz suggested helpfully.

“Why are you always trying to fight me, Topaz? I mean, I like my women aggressive, but sheesh. Unless you're applying for my trophy mistress position.”

“Not a chance.” Topaz didn’t know if to be amused or to wring his neck.

“But the pay is good.” He was perseverant, she had to give him that. “And you get to be seen with me!”

“Only once.” Topaz was definitely not amused anymore and wandered off, away from Harris.

She found a quiet spot with a view of the rings and the portal and sat down to enjoy the rest of her pastry and coffee. Rena joined her after a while and Topaz was glad for her company.

“How are you this evening, Teacher?” Rena asked with a grin.

“Miserable.” Topaz answered honestly but with an apologetic smile. “Lucien's not here.”

“Topaz, this is my friend Taneth! Taneth, my boss and current Arch Mage, Topaz.” Jaleeisa brought the excitedly bouncing and scampering youngster to their attention.

Topaz rose to issue a formal and friendly greeting. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Taneth. Welcome to Twilight Isle.”

“An Arch Mage.” She said dreamily, then spun around to greet a friend.

“What's new in your life, Rena?” Topaz wanted to know as she sat back down, still grinning after the exuberant youth.

“Nothing new,” Rena chuckled softly, “except the new pet I found...or it found me.”

“What kind of pet?” Topaz smiled, grateful for Rena having changed the subject.

“A skunk.” Rena’s laughter was contagious. “After I had it deskunked...or whatever, it's right friendly.”

“Oh my. And driving all the kitty cats wild, I presume?” Topaz grinned back.

“No...Not yet anyway. It likes roaming the church though.”

“A fun place for mischief, to be sure.” Topaz’s grin turned impish.

“For sure.” Rena laughed. Just then a woman accompanied by three handsome young men, each carrying a tray of rolls, stepped from the portal.

Topaz’s gaze was drawn toward the aroma of warm cinnamon and sweetness. “Oh, those look good.”

“Uh oh.” Rena grinned.

“The rolls, Rena.” Topaz laughed.

“I know, Topaz.” Rena waved over a goblin and whispered into his ear. A moment later he ran off to do her bidding, returning with a tray of those rolls. Topaz smiled from the goblin to Rena, then looked up when she noticed Azjah approaching.
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“Thank you. Those smell heavenly.” Azjah accepted Rena’s silent invitation to join them. “Not certain I want to fight the Arch Mage for them, but they smell so good, I am going to have to try.”

“You won’t have to fight me for them. I don't at all mind sharing the rolls.” Topaz smiled graciously and accepted a fresh cup of coffee from another goblin.

“My apologies for getting distracted Topaz, but I need to ask you to keep some time free in two weeks.” Azjah took the seat Rena had pulled out.

Topaz nodded with an understanding smile. She too was rather more distracted than she liked this evening. “Is that when you're having Kyndra's party?”

“No, I do not believe so. We are having visitors. You will be needed.” Azjah chuckled at Rena’s remark of cinnamon buns and beer making for an odd combination. “That must be interesting.”

“Visitors... Would that be that group thing you mentioned, Ariel, per chance?” Topaz was looking forward to meeting Lucien’s sister.

“Out of town visitors. Though I suspect Ariel will be there too.” Azjah took a bite out of her cinnamon roll before continuing. “Now, we will be doing this formally Topaz.” She continued, but the vagueness remained, as though she had thought Topaz knew, but was rapidly gaining the realization that Lucien hadn't told her yet about the upcoming event.

“We will be doing formally what?” Topaz gave Azjah a blank look, certain she was missing a chunk of vital information.

“Our guests will require a more formal setting. Have you been to Court before?” Azjah's question was not unkind, but clearly she did not realize Topaz had once been wed to a ruler.

“Yes.” Who or what Azjah was talking about Topaz still could only guess at, but an uneasy feeling was setteling in the pit of her stomach. “I've been Queen for a while and have been to the Khut's court. Though the visit with the Khut was, uhm, informal.” Informal was perhaps not exactly the right word for having him had kidnapped and made to read her intelligence reports.

“Good. That will make it easier.” Azjah sipped from her sparkling water.

“So what high born almighty visitors will you be having?” Topaz still wondered why Azjah would need her for dealing with any of her visitors.

“Prince Mikhail and his consort, Raven.” She replied with as much nonchalance as she could muster.

“Ugh.” Topaz paled instantly. “Whatever for?” Her stomach knotted in earnest at the possible implications rushing through her mind. The cinnamon roll that moment ago had appeared so desirable now seemed to be made of straw dust and she sat it down with a stunned look. “I mean, how delightful.”

Azjah lifted a pale brow at her, “It is not every day he gains a mate for one of his best Hunters.” came her explanation.

“Lucien.” Had it been possible, Topaz would have paled further. They were expecting a fully mated couple; her to be a Carpathian, a celebration, and in two weeks at that. They would be disappointed, more so if they expected to meet her. This was not good.

“Of course. They announced their intention to travel yesterday.” Azjah grew uncomfortable now that she realized Topaz had no inkling of how important this event would be.

“Gods, Azjah. There's nothing certain yet.” This visit was a complication she’d much rather do without. Lucien and her certainly had enough to worry about without a royal affair.

“Not certain?” Azjah gave them both a puzzled look.

“Lucien might never initiate the third exchange.” Topaz fought against the tears she felt rising to her eyes. “This is all wrong.” Every fiber in her rebelled against such a formal introduction and so soon. “Their timing is very, uhm, premature.”

Azjah furrowed her brows. “Well, he'll have to get with the program. I believe Gregori will be arriving right before Mikhail and Raven.” She took another bite of the roll in her hand. “These are sinful.” It was a clear change of subject.

Topaz nodded and gave a heartfelt sigh. Running off and being unavailable was tempting. Only she would have to be very good at it to make that work. Azjah seemed to be of the opinion that the visit was something to look forward to. Topaz wondered if she would be sick and took a few measured breaths. “Well, I might as well prepare for this. What should I expect?”

“Well, the first meeting will be to present you to the family of course. And while they are very nice, there is protocol to follow. From there it will all depend on the Prince's plans.” Azjah focused on the cinnamon roll and her water, giving Rena an occasional glance.

“Family? Lucien insists he's no member of the royal family.” Topaz held back a groan, a first meeting suggested that more than one was expected. Lucien was a loyal subject, and she was immediately apprehensive about what plans the Prince might conceive. Perhaps she should concentrate her efforts on planning an escape after all. “A protocol, is there a written one I could study?”

“I should leave you two to your conversation that I intruded upon. He's not. But he serves a Prince.” Azjah began to rise from her chair.

“Leave?” Topaz asked incredulous. “Oh my. And I've so many questions.”

“We have time Topaz, and I know you will do splendidly.” For a moment Topaz could only stare.

“ have her lost now.” Rena had listened attentively.

“Time to learn a protocol maybe, but I can't like the time pressure on everything else.” Topaz gave Rena a thankful look.

“They are very nice, and this is such good news for them.” Azjah offered to Rena.

“News that haven't happened yet.” Topaz shook her head and tried to remember what she had done with Maelin’s medallion and if she could coax it into opening another portal.

“There is question?” Azjah refocused on Topaz. “Why?” To Azjah's view, there was only the formality of the third exchange, and then the introductions to the Prince and his Consort.

“Because I happen to be a Fairy and Lucien's a Carpathian.” Topaz gave Azjah the knowledge of Le’s lab results and autopsy report telepathically. This information was not something he wanted to mention out loud.

Azjah quirked a brow at her. “How long have you known this?”

“A couple of weeks. Lucien may say I worry too much, but he's not ready to take the risks.” The more Topaz thought about it, the stronger her desire to avoid the formal affair became. She definitely did not want any of the pressure on Lucien or her.

Azjah took a deep breath. “I need to go. Please excuse me?” With that, she rose and gave Topaz no time to raise another topic. The information troubled her and she wanted discussion with Gabriel. And perhaps even Gregori.

“Of course.” Though Topaz did wonder what Azjah had in mind, she was also fairly certain that telling the royal couple to delay their travel plans was not it.

“Good evening.” Azjah nodded at Rena and headed for the portal.

“I'm afraid I can't stay either, Rena.” Topaz wasn’t just talking about the party.

Rena nodded, having expected that. “Save travels, Topaz.”

“Thank you, Rena, and for understanding.” Topaz rose from her seat, turned and headed down the beach.
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Post by Topaz »

After the Party

Darkwood Forest seemed to call to her and Topaz saw no reason to resist the call. But when she arrived the peaceful aura of the place refused to settle her and she remained restless. She needed to talk with Lucien about the news Azjah had dropped into her lap, instead of conjuring up all kinds of disasters looming in the uncertain future.

The fairy examined her promise to Lucien. It consisted of her listening for the end of his battle and to then meet him at home. No mention was made about where from she would be listening nor had he made her promise to stay away. The battle felt far from over, too. She could listen to the end of the battle just easily from where they were fighting as from anywhere else, she thought, more easily actually. Perhaps she could even hurry it along.

She dropped her shields and reached for Raven, the enchanted rapier she had inherited from Caelan and stashed here just in case Lucien would have need of it (The blade as well as the familiar existing within it already had proven their abilities to destroy Vampyre), and extended her senses. As soon as she received a lock on their location she flew to meet the twins and their foes.

Arriving by air allowed her to assess the battle from above as well as sending a burst of organized sentient magic ahead of her. Four undead were fighting the twins, currently all of them were in their natural forms and none of the six remained without battle injuries. They all were moving incredibly fast, and though Topaz could easily discern the twins from the Vampyre by their aura’s alone, she decided that to use spells that depended on perfect aim would be unwise. Already the first burst of magic energy was sinking into one of the undead creatures, even as Topaz charmed the newly gathered energies into being helpful.

Topaz watched as hordes of scorpions poured out of the rock, stingers up, and swarmed toward the twin closest to them. But it was already too late to re-direct this set of sentient magic. These, like the burst before them, would seek entry into one of the Undead to form globes of daylight inside it.

Lucien was suddenly attacked by two of the Vampyre, one from the front, one from behind, the other flew at Gabriel. Topaz barely had enough time to place a shield between the one who had been singled out first by her magic and Gabriel, when the thing screamed in agony and light radiated out of its open maw. The second burst of magic energies disappeared into the Vampyre on Lucien’s back.

Faster than the eye could follow, Lucien's fist stabbed through the chest wall of the Vampyre in front of him and pulled the blackened and withered heart from it's chest. The creature dropped to the ground but, to Topaz’s amazement, it crawled toward Lucien, seeking to regain its heart before the hunter could destroy it instead of lying motionless.

Topaz set a second shield designed to protect from daylight between Lucien and the Vampyre still attacking him from behind before she turned her efforts toward gathering more of sentient magic to her. The process was slower now as she had to draw in the energy from further away.

Gabriel sent a shaft of tentacles shooting from the ground to impale the dying Vampyre while blue-white lightening ripped from the sky, incinerating the heart in Lucien's hand before he directed a second lightning strike to incinerate the vanquished Vampyre. Topaz had not paid any heed to the clouds above the battle and knew a moment of fear for her own safety, but that was gone when she saw the Vampyre rake its claws through Lucien’s shirt and the skin beneath, seeking to open his chest to get as his heart. Without conscious thought Topaz loosened a mage bolt at the creature, even while instructing the gathered sentient magic to do something more potent.

Two more lightning bolts streaked from the sky. One incinerated the tentacle impaled creature, another leaped onto Gabriel, who shifted into a wildcat with ripping claws and tearing teeth, then into a bear when the Vampyre leaped onto his back.

Though in a hurry, Topaz did take the time to ensure that the magic knew not to harm either twin before she sent it off to bless the remaining two Vampyre with daylight from the inside and regretted that there was less of the magic to work together now. There also was no more of it close enough to call on in a hurry. Having found those resources temporarily exhausted she drew Raven and watched the scene below for an opening.

Lucien looked directly at her and time seemed to stop. For a moment she could feel his attention as a warm touch, gentle yet stronger than the sensation of claws tearing his skin. He should be doing something – anything – about the creature clawing at his back instead of distracting them both. “Concentrate on the battle.” She wanted to scream at him, but she could not force the air from lungs to form the words.
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Then the motion of battle separated their gazes. Lucien set himself for the Vampyre’s next attack. Topaz froze the scorpions in their track with a well placed spell and then darted toward the Vampire clinging to the bear that was Gabriel. But just as she was within striking distance the pair became a blur of movement and she had to pull the thrust that a split second earlier would have slipped the blade between the Vampire’s ribs and speared his hart. Topaz fluttered up again, glad that she had not struck Gabriel instead.

A bubble of energy wrapped around her just before Lucien shifted into a jawed creature with sharp talons and a snarling visage. Blood poured from the wounds in Lucien’s chest as the Vampire came in for the kill, tearing at Lucien’s ribs yet again. Lucien impaled it on a tree branch while Topaz was still checking the energy field’s nature.

Another bolt of lightning split the scene before striking the impaled beast, but the scream thundering as if in response originated from the Vampyre fighting with Gabriel. Lucien reached for his ribs, covering the worst tear and looked up. Topaz knew then that the end of the battle was a mere formality and flew down to Lucien, feeling his obsidian gaze sink into her with disapproval even as she examined his injuries.

“You should not be here.” His voice was tight with pain, and came out rougher than he'd intended.

“You should have told me about the prince visiting.” Her words lacked conviction. She was too aware of his wounds and the pain torturing him to worry about the visitors.

“You should have trusted me to come to you when this was finished. You were in danger here.” The energy field around her dissipated and he struggled to remain upright.

“I have not a scratch on me. You however...” His comment irked her and she abandoned the idea of the warm greeting she had intended.

Gabriel had completed his study of the surroundings, seeking the presence of any others who may have laid in wait and lifted a black brow at his twin. “Are not Lifemates supposed to remain safe while we hunt?” His question cutting coldly into their discussion.

“Are not lifemates supposed to be helpmates as well?” She struggled against the urge to verbally tear into Gabriel.

Lucien winced. “Helping me would have been to allow me to deal with this, to have faith that I will and not have me worrying about you. Topaz, it is not chauvinism that keeps our mates home, it is trust and faith in one another.” He had tried to explain to her that it was a Carpathian's NEED to keep their mates safe.

Topaz could but stare at him for a long moment. How could he even for a moment doubt her trust or faith in him and with the same words tell her he had none whatsoever in her abilities. She found her voice and battled down the tears before they could rise to her eyes. “I don't know about Carpathian misses, but I find waiting behind with nothing to do intolerable.”

A slight cough from behind reminded her that this was neither the place not time for what should be a private argument. “We should be leaving this place. There is another waiting.” Gabriel's eyes were on a distant point in the forest.

“To bear tales. He won’t attack by himself.” It wasn't Topaz’s fae senses, but her practice and experience of command and special ops operations that gave her that insight. There was a certain comfort to slipping into the familiar role of command.

“This one is a Master Vampyre. He is too well cloaked, and he did not tip his hand for this fight. He sent his minions, and did not like the odds, but with you here, he may try.” Gabriel slowly turned obsidian eyes on
her, his expression clearly telling her that she knew nothing of fighting the Vampyre.

Topaz idly wondered if Gabriel guessed how often she had listened to similar reports even while she was surprised that he should honor her with his report after his earlier disapproval. It made her carefully suspicious. Though she knew Gabriel’s report to be true, try as she might she could not locate the Vampyre he spoke of. “Silly really to block me out. Had I known this sooner I'd have had a more fitting target for the magic.”

Lucien began seeking the richest soil near the trees and, mixing the soil with his healing saliva, he began packing the slash wounds with the mixture.

“Lucien, you need to train your mate in the ways of our people.” Gabriel confirmed the fairy’s suspicion and received an icy glare from her. His black eyes locked with hers. “We must go.”

At that moment Topaz resolved to wear her full formal dress uniform to that royal visit if she would attend at all. “As you wish.” She acquiesced too easily and with a sweet smile that were totally at odds with the hard ice in her eyes.

Lucien shook his head at Gabriel. “Take Topaz with you.” Blood continued to seep through the soil bandage as Lucien came back.

Topaz snapped her gaze to Lucien and wondered if she had heard correctly. He did not usually suggest that she leave anywhere with anyone other then him. She missed Gabriel's offered hand and his verbal invitation. “Is that what lifemates do, abandon their partner?”

“I cannot help you maintain mist Topaz... Gabriel will have to.” There was weariness in his demeanor and it was telling that he would allow Gabriel to touch her at all.

“I got here on my own.” Their constant belittling ground at her nerves and hurt more deeply than she cared to admit to.

“I am trying to keep you with us, not let you go home alone.” Lucien staggered as he returned to them both and Topaz squelched the rising anger inside her for the moment to meet Lucien part way. He wrapped his arm around her waist, but leaned heavily on her, more so than ever before. His words were soft. “Topaz, I cannot do this to help you, let Gabriel help you maintain mist. It is the best way not to leave a trail for the Vampyre that even now is probably watching us.” He brushed his lips to her forehead. “When we get home, then you can yell at me.”
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Post by Topaz »

“You will need to sleep.” She did not like the prospect of having to wait yet another day for answers or spending it by herself and regretted that she could do nothing about his wounds. She did however extend tendrils of energy into him to ease the pain.

“He will need to have those wounds packed thoroughly.” Gabriel had set a trap into the rocks where the other four had holed up, weaved the wards and set them to fade into the rock face before turning around to face Topaz..

“I will, but you have a lot of questions that I can answer.” Lucien's color was fading as his blood continued to run out of the deep wounds.

“We can argue if you should sleep or answer questions once we get there.” With that she took to the air. “Well, Gabriel?”

Gabriel arched a black brow at her. Surrounding her in mist, he sought to help her form the image in her mind and hold the details as her body shifted and faded into the glittering mass of droplets. Only the fae magic proved to be unresponsive to his attempts and reluctant to Topaz’s gentle coaxing.

Lucien slowly faded into mist that was tinged with crimson.

“Flying would be faster.” Though Gabriel intended to help, his efforts had a reverse effect on the degree of cooperation from the sentient magic.

“Yes, but would leave more trails for the Vampyre to follow.” Both were adamant that mist was the best way to make certain the vampyre could not follow them.

Topaz still had not entirely succeeded with her continuous efforts of charming and convincing the reluctant bits of the fun and benefits of being mist when the Palazzo loomed into their sight. She sighed with relief even while she wondered if it had not been a better idea to have separated from the twins before they got close to town. Her shields were back in place even before her feet touched the ground.

“That was a fine effort.” Gabriel praised with a bow to Topaz.

“Thank you.” Topaz gave him a surprised smile, sincere but distracted. The crimson mist solidified and Lucien grasped the fountain. Instantly Gabriel and Topaz were at his side.

“Let's go little brother.” Gabriel supported him while Topaz resumed to sooth the pain as she opened and closed doors on their way through the Palazzo to Lucien’s suite.

As soon as Gabriel had helped Lucien to the couch he started to get to work on dressing his brother’s wounds. Topaz contented herself with watching attentively and as she felt the pain ease from Lucien she turned her efforts to the one kind of healing she was actually any good at: that of the soul.

“I'm going to be alright, thank you Gabe.” Lucien sounded much improved for Gabriel’s administrations.

Gabriel nodded before he turned and bowed to Topaz. “Call if you have need.”

“Aye, thank you, Gabriel.” Topaz puzzled at the change in Gabriel’s treatment of her. Two bows upon their return to the Palazzo without a trace of sarcasm in them were definitely remarkable. She went to sit down beside Lucien as soon as Gabriel faded from sight.

Lucien reached out to caress her cheek, “I have had much worse, Topaz.” And slid his fingers through her hair, closing his eyes. “You may find holes in my soul too big to sooth Topaz.”

“Give me some time, love.” No one could hope to repair damage left behind by two millennia in a few hours or days.

He gave her a faint smile. “You are truly the light to my darkness.” Weariness and pain clouded his eyes, but he remained there, waiting for her to exlain why she had come to them during the fight.

“You know my opinion on dead shells. They all died long before you got to destroy the trash.” She brushed her lips against his cheek.

“Yes, but why would you come and put yourself in danger?” He turned to catch her lips with his, efficiently keeping her from answering for the time being, and slowly wrapped both arms around her, seeking to comfort her where he sensed turmoil. His lips left hers and nibbled along her jaw a moment before he took a deep breath and softly stated, “Well Topaz, you are very unhappy at the moment.”

“Hmm, yes.” At least she was earlier, before he had kissed her. “I was lonely for you. The news of those visitors is horrible and you would not talk with me.”

A brow went up. “How did you learn about Mikhail?”

“Azjah told me on the isle. For some reason she thinks it's something to happy about.” Though to her the news seemed more akin to a death sentence.
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Post by Topaz »

“It is something to be happy about Topaz..... It is a rare gift for any of us to find our mate.” Lucien was totally confused by her reaction.

“Ah yes, that. Two weeks.” In two week’s time the royal couple expected to congratulate him on having found his mate. Only he had not completed the ritual. Prince Mikhail would be disappointed. “But that's certainly better than not at all.”

“Yes. Why do you fear this?” Her voiced objections were not the heart of the matter, and he needed her to tell him what was amiss.

Topaz dreaded telling him all of her reasons even while wondering why he had to ask. “Why do you?” She gently brushed the black hair from his neck, stalling for time to order her thoughts.

“I do not fear it. Our Prince is a wonderful man, you will be welcomed into our world.” Lucien tried hard to slow his breathing and heart rate to keep the blood from draining too quickly.

Of course, in order to be welcomed, she’d have to survive that long. “He’ll be expecting a full mate at your side.” Her fingertip traced down the side of his neck.

A tremble shivered through him. “You are my mate Topaz.”

“Not completely, not a Carpathian, though.” She brushed her lips along that same trail.

“We will not do the third exchange until we know it is right Topaz. I cannot lose you, but there is no doubt you are mine. “

Topaz pulled back, the rejection in his words sent a jolt of hurt through her. “We will not.” She repeated his words in a whisper, tears clouded her sight.

Lucien pulled her closer to him. “I cannot lose you. Ever.”

“When will you know it is right?” She dug her teeth into her bottom lip in a futile effort to keep the tears from spilling.

“When you no longer draw your own blood with your teeth.” He slid his fingers through her hair.

She stopped worrying her lip and the tears spilled over. “ That won’t improve the odds.”

He reached up, tracing the tears. “Come, lay with me in the arms of the earth.” He needed to sooth her but he needed a little time to think of how to best accomplish that. Taking her hand, he slowly led her to their room and lay on the bed.

“This is not the soil.” Careful of his injuries she lay down beside him.

“No, it is not. I will heal more slowly here, but I need you beside me this day. And I need to hear what is bothering you.” He gently pulled her to him.

“I wanted there to be time, more time than just two weeks. I do not like the pressure of this ultimatum. They will expect you to be happily settled. It is not good to disappoint one’s prince, even if it is none of your doing. I don’t like the pressure such a visit must be putting on you, either. You’ve seen Le’s report and must have drawn conclusions. I’m not looking forward to the very real chance of death or worse, turning into one of the creatures you must hunt. But neither am I content with leaving things half done. Missing you when you’re not with me is getting worse every day and even death won’t appear worse for very much longer than this state, especially when on top of everything else you keep blocking me out for most of the time. I’ve not even felt quite that alone when Azjah dropped those news in my lap than when I had to make the decision of what battle to pick against the Empire. Then you tell me that there will be no third exchange and that you are unwilling to accept my help. Not even your brother likes me much.” The words spilled from her as if a dam had given way, she had not even paused to take a breath.

Her words were voicing what he felt in her thoughts, and he did not know how to remedy her fears. They would not have more time, the Prince would come, but she was so worried about disappointing Mikhail. She was also not happy with having things, 'half done' as she put it, and he nuzzled her hair. "Topaz, what if the third exchange turns out badly? What if Gregori is wrong? Would you have me risk you to please a Prince? Would you condemn me to eternal torment knowing I had been responsible?"

She snuggled closer to him, gently resting her hand on his chest. "No, I would not. To please you is a different thing though. I want for us to find a way to make it possible to be true mates. The royal visit only adds a time limit to meet or miss."

He held her close as the sun began to rise, and lethargy began to pull the curtains over his thoughts. "I am sorry I did not tell you before the Marchioness, and everyone likes you, including Gabriel. He simply says what he believes, and what are the traditions of my people. We will make it through, together Topaz. Together." His words began to slur together.
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Post by Topaz »

Lucien faded into the visible spectrum just as Topaz stepped from the ring after a successful duel and she hurried over to him. He snaked an arm around her. “A fine win, Topaz, a fine win.” He was protecting his left side as he made certain he wrapped his right arm around her first.

“You saw?” She beamed a smile up to him, hugging him, still careful of the injuries he had received a couple nights ago. Though usually he healed over the course of just a single day, he had not gone to ground since the last battle and therefore took longer to recover.

“Indeed, but I waited until you were finished to distract you.” He had learned, that though she could tell the difference between him being near by and far away without concentrated effort, she did actually have to look to pinpoint his exact location.

“That might have been a good thing.” Her soft chuckle as he pulled her close to him sounded happy. With a whisper she added, “And I've not had tempted you so.” She was referring to the compassionate hug she had given her opponent, trying to comfort him after his sound loss.

Lucien gave her a slow smile that made her forget all about dueling. “You tempt me every moment of every day.” His gaze held hers with complete sincerity.

“You're giving me ideas of some other temptations I should try.” She whispered against his lips after a lingering kiss.

“Good, because I have my own to try out on you.” His smile was sinful in the most delicious of ways.

“Do tell.” Her light blue eyes shone with a light he had come to miss.

He leaned closer and lowered his voice. “I was rather thinking about a banquet under the stars, with you as the main course, the appetizer, and the dessert.” His breath was warm against her throat has he whispered.

His suggestion called color to her cheeks. “That sounds absolutely delightful and I missed dinner.”

“Perhaps a bit of chocolate drizzled over dessert?” His gaze promised a feast unlike anything she'd ever experienced.

Her heart skipped a beat. “That depends on the dessert. Are you offering?” She kept her voice light even as she wondered what exactly he was offering and batted her lashes ever so prettily up at Lucien. “Or did you want to taste chocolate?”

“I have no desire to taste of your chocolate. You, that is another story.” His accent was more obvious now.

“So you were offering.” She smiled.

“If you can manage, yes.” He gave her a slow smile that revealed his canine teeth to full advantage.

“I shall most certainly enjoy the opportunity to try.” That sounded more serious than she had intended and she winked to gloss that over. She enjoyed the light mood and wanted very much to keep it. With a decidedly impish wink she added, “I might try to do more than nibble.”

He gave her fanged smile. “You may try.”

She had to make she had understood his invitation correctly. “You won't mind?”

“If you can find your teeth on your own? Certainly not. But I will be distracting you to the best of my ability.” His promise was black velvet passion wrapped in simple words.

She chuckled softly, accepting his challenge. “I had better bring Raven along then.”

He pulled her into a brief hug. “I need to do something before returning to the Palazzo, will you be here?”

“May I not come with you?” It was not her insatiable curiosity that had her asking.

“It will not be very exciting.” He offered his arm. “But if you so desire, you may of course join me.”

“I do so desire.” She linked her arm with his. “With you it doesn't have to be, it always is anyway.”
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At the Beacon

Julian derKorst, still in uniform, entered the lobby from the library just as Topaz and Lucien arrived and offered a formal bow. “Good evening Commander, Mr. Datrazanov.”

“Good evening, Julian.” Topaz added her greeting with a warm smile. She had hoped they would run into Julian so she would not have to look for him.

“Major derKorst.” Lucien bowed just as formally and, moving closer to Topaz, put himself between Julian and Topaz. He did not want the man too close to her.

“Before you ask, you have a couple rather urgent items on your desk, Topaz.” There always was something marked urgent and the normal safety routine required her to ask. Julian having offered the information was an expression of trust in Lucien.

“I guessed that much.” Topaz nodded to Julian then turned to Lucien in time so see his raised black brow. “Would you like to come see my office, or would you rather enjoy the library?”

“I believe I will join you in your office.” Lucien linked his arm with Topaz’s. He knew the Major wanted to speak to him, but remaining at Topaz's side was more important to him than the discussion he knew derKorst intended.

“We may catch up with you later then, Julian.” She gave Julian a warm smile. He would have to wait a while longer for an opportunity to speak with Lucien.

The Major nodded respectfully and returned to the library. Few things escaped his practiced eyes. This was particularly true in regards of Topaz. He had seen beyond the happy glow and knew the issues were far from resolved. Not that she had told him of them, but his educated guesses were never far off and more often than not right on the dot.
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Lucien’s obsidian gaze took in all of the details around him as they climbed the winding stairs, then walked down the long hallway. The stone her was near white like in the lobby below, but lacked the polished gleam. Wooden doors at uneven intervals left and right interrupted the undecorated white and torches in wall brackets offered light. The guards on duty came to attention when they passed and he heard their heart beats quicken slightly.

“I believe Julian was itching for a few words with you without me present. Did you know and are you avoiding him on purpose?” Topaz asked with a private whisper as they turned the corner and she opened the first door to the right, marked Head Commander Topaz Datrazanov.

Lucien didn’t respond until after they had entered the spacious room and the door was closed behind them and he had a quick look around his mate’s office. The opposite wall was dominated by a large window, with a desk below, a comfortable chair each in front and behind it. Lucien’s gaze quickly swept over the little paperwork on the desk, beside an ink pot, writing feathers, sealing kit and other writing utensils, the potted plants forming a living wall to the left of the desk, the small couch grouping and low table on the other side of the plants, the lidded crystal bowl on the low table half full with chocolate pieces. To the right of the maple desk, half way down the wall towards the door, stood a shelf filled with books and scrolls. Between the shelf and the door was a side board with coffee things on it. The wall opposite the desk was also covered with shelves, equally stuffed with books and scrolls.

“You do like your coffee.” Lucien indicated the coffee fixings and turned to regard Topaz. She had sat down behind the desk, presumably to have a look at the urgent papers. “If the Major desires words with me, he has but to ask.” There was a hint of amusement in his eyes.

“Yes, I do. I'd offer you a cup…” She winked, knowing he would decline. “Ah, but that would be so direct.”

“I like directness.” Lucien prepared a cup of coffee for her while she scanned the papers. “Ugh. Jangtal repeats his invitation.” She muttered as she read.

“Who is this Jangtal?” This was a name he had not heard her utter before.

“The Emperor of the Black Throne, the Kazur empire.” She kept reading.

“You do not wish to go?” It was more statement than question, but her actions clearly said she was not desirous of meeting up with the man, and that suited Lucien just fine.

“It's complicated.” What she wished was not a consideration. “We kidnapped him once when he still was the prince of the western provinces. Julian was at his crowning ceremony while we were at Des' wedding. Jangtal forgot protocol to the point of giving most of an evening's time to Julian, pestering him with questions about me.”

“And now this Jangtal desires you to enter his kingdom?” It was standard practice, and one that needed to be thwarted.

“He should be gently discouraged.” Topaz was not at all certain that the emperor’s flowery compliments were to be taken at face value. The good of the empire, which always had to be his first priority, did not include an alliance by marriage to a leader of a very minor principality. “Atrebla will never be part of the Empire. Well, I'm guessing he has more than one reason to be persistent.”
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“One is that he desires your land to become part of the empire, and the second is that he would like to add you to his list of potential mates?” The concept was an old one, and most emperors sought to expand their influence and lands, and a woman in the mix always made it sweeter.

“At least that. He also must have heard of the currently low number of Guardians. I'm certain he has contingency plans.” Topaz suspected that the emperor was evaluating any suspected hidden strengths she might admit the Guardians to have or lack. “His timing certainly couldn't be much worse.”

“Invite him here.” It was spoken softly.

“Here? Hmm.” Topaz gave that suggestion due consideration, going over the available resources and political implications in her mind.

“Yes, he can see you, you can put on a show of strength, and he will not be on his own turf.” Taking away his confidence in his home setting would help dissuade him, and Lucien had plans of his own to dissuade this emperor.

“We would have to do that soon or not until spring and we may have to put some of his entourage up in town. The Beacon's not that big.” She reached for pen and paper and made some notes, wondering how big or small an entourage to expect. “Such a counter invitation should come as a surprise at the very least. So should my new signature.” She giggled, picturing the look on Jangtal’s face when he received what would have to be an unexpected invitation.

“Force him out of his comfort zone, that will minimize his intentions.” Lucien remained unmoving as she considered his words.

“Is that coffee there for me?” Topaz looked with longing to the cup in Lucien’s hand.

“Yes, it is.” He sat the cup down before her as he stepped behind her, then leaned over her shoulder, brushing her wings lightly with his chest, and left a kiss just below her ear.

She reached for the cup and sighed softly, “You should come to my office more often.”

“Distracting you is my mission.” His soft velvet voice promised more.

“I wasn't referring to the distraction.” Though Lucien definitely was succeeding. “Having Jangtal as a guest means a lot of expense and a lot of extra work for a lot of people, but it is certainly less and more pleasant then some of the alternatives could be. It is a very good idea.” She quickly put her signature to the second sheet of paper before Lucien could distract her more.

“It is simple tactics. You know part of what he desires, set the stage to your advantage.” And too Lucien could be better prepared for this visitor if he came to Atrebla. By then, he would know the ins and outs of this land and stronghold.

“There, the rest can wait until morning or the day after.” She set down the pen and rose from the chair.

“Does this mean I need to speak with the Major?” His smile sparked other ideas in Topaz’s mind.

“Not unless you want to.” She wrapped her arms around Lucien. “He will tell you to be nice to me, most likely.”

“There can be any question?” Both his brows winged upward.

“Julian does know me well, Lucien.” Her simple answer implied much.

“Do let us get this completed then.” The Major had remained below, biding his time, and Lucien knew the man would have his say sooner or later. May as well let him speak now so they could be away.

Topaz chuckled softly. So Lucien didn’t like to leave things half done either. “I wonder how much he will mince his words for me being along to listen.”
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