Super 70s Style Drow

Everything else, including the kitchen sink.

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Super 70s Style Drow

Post by Vasvrae »

So... my friend Kevin called me this morning.

"Hey, Lauren... I'm doing a drag show at the end of the month and wanted to check and see if you had any blue-ish make-up I could use. It's going to be an aquatic type theme. Can you help me out?"

Sure, Kev! I'll check my stuff and call you back.

So, I started going through my stuff and mixing colors with oil paints and shimmer tones... and then I started actually mixing to a theme.

Well, I decided to try and do a drow thing since I had to test this stuff anyway and I didn't have a white wig laying around anywhere....

....but I did have a blonde fro wig. So, for your viewing pleasure: Super 70s Style Drow.

(On a sidenote Kevin asked to come over in half an hour and I told him I'd been out with the dogs and would need to shower first. So... need to make it about an hour.)

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Post by Vasvrae »

Here's one more. Personally, I'm still trying to figure out how I'm going to explain the purple washcloth in the laundry.

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Napoleon Bonarat
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Post by Napoleon Bonarat »

That's awesome. :) But the wig makes me snicker thinking about disco drows. Thanks for posting!
Napoleon Bonarat
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Post by Cory »

Thought if maybe I stepped away for a bit and came back I might see it differently. No. I still see a resemblence to a drowned Bette Midler. LMAO all over again! Disco drow...
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Anjolie Quinn
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Post by Anjolie Quinn »

Bette Midler... drag queens... they go hand in hand, really. I mean, the majority of Midler fans who are men aren't exactly on the straight and narrow. ::snicker::
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