Gav and Des Wedding.

The Adventures of RDI Bartender and DoS/DoF Caller, Tera Destre La Fontaine.

Moderators: Tera Destre, Gavilean

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Post by Gavilean »

Xenograg: In the name of all the gods and powers of light, love, fidelity, and honor, I hereby bless this union. May it grow and flourish without end.

Tasslehofl: May it grow and flourish without end.

Gavilean: ::nods in full appreciation of the blessing::

Tera Destre: ::smiles radiantly at the blessing::

Xenograg: So say we all! :: looks to the assemblage to repeat the last line ::

Misty: So say we all!!!!!

Artemus Kurgen: So say we all!!!!

BrigathC: So say we all

Fayalki: So say we all ::quietly::

Tasslehofl: so say we all

Amaltea: So say we all!

Antonio Falconne: Selah - so be it

Imp: ::wails loudly, pulling on his ears::

SEEKER: :: nods , repeting Xenos words :: so say we all :: bright warm smile ::

Icer1978: So say we all

Cassandra: So say we all.

wyheree: So say we all...

Lady Kyndra: So say we all

Topher Kalen:

Azjah: (s) so say we all

Lucy Ravenlock: Lucy waved her hand, "Ditto."

Amaltea: ::blinks at Imp::

Lucius DeAuster:
So say we all.

Xenograg: :: removes the binding sash and stands ::

:: hands the sash to Amanda ::

Danae: :smiles and rises in her seat, clapping for the happy couple::

LordErichVonLocke: ::His gaze shifted, momentarily, toward Danae. If she were more aware of herself, she might have felt bared to the whole assembly gathered. His gaze lingered a moment, features impassive, before he returned his regard to the couple in their last stages of ceremony.::

Danae: ::Blinks, then ducks quickly, her cheeks flaming with a crimson blush...she'd been SO sure that the ceremony had concluded!::

( -= to be continued =- )
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Post by Gavilean »

SEEKER: :: puzzled , wonders when the kiss happens during this type of ceromony ::

Xenograg: :: he then looks towards the side door and claps his hands twice ::

::hanky to nose, hoooonk!::

Xenograg: Gavilean of Westridge, I bid you stand.

Gavilean: ::stands::

Lady Kyndra: ::smiling..she watches Gav rise while Des remains kneeling::

Tera Dawn Destre, I bid you stand.

Tera Destre: ::rocks back on her heels and rises in a fluid motion to stand at her full heigh of four feet eleven inches::

Gavilean: ::offers a hand to Tera as she stands::

Tera Destre: ::using the hand that was offered to her::

Xenograg: It is with the greatest joy that I declare you husband and wife!

:: grins ::

Tera Destre: ::lets out a rebel yell that would do her momma proud!!::

Gavilean: ::smiling from ear to ear:: Do I get to kiss the bride now?

Imp: ::cries::

Tasslehofl: (s) No.. I do! ::he grinned::

Xenograg: Yes. :: wondering if Gavilean is thinking straight ::

SEEKER: :; cups her hands around her lips and yells :: oh just kiss her for goodness sake

Gavilean: Not yet, Tass. ::With eyes filled with love and awe as he surveyed the perfect beauty of her radiant countenance, he gently cups her face in his unworthy hands and lowers his mouth to hers. The fragrance of her skin, the taste of her mouth, the softness of her lips transport him to a place where only he and Des exist, as he kisses his wife.::

::gives Lucien's arm a getle squeeze::

Misty: ::sheer force of will was holding the cheering in:: ::and there it went!!!:: Yahoooooooooooo!

Artemus Kurgen: ::Waits for the moment where they all erupt in applause and whistles and all that good stuff::

Topaz: ::Smiles and looks up to Lucien::

Lady Kyndra: ::grins as she hears they are husband and wife...for more than one reason::

Amaltea: ::stands and applauds::

Icer1978: ::She bit her tongue, as Tera let out a rebel yell::

Tasslehofl: ::he, of course, claps and smiled.. but is waiting his turn to kiss the bride::

Imp: nooooo ::wails::

( -= to be continued =- )
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Post by Gavilean »


Fiona DeAuster: ::a quiet clapping of her gloved hands and smiles serenely with a glance over at Lucius::

Lucy Ravenlock: Instead of opting for the obvious dramatic exit. She went for the sly one. She sunk away into her own shadow. Gone~la~

A glance of his head directly to the left, seeing that Lucy was off in her own shadow. La~Gone~Bah.

::As it was, she felt buck nekkid so intense was her embarassment... using the behind-the-scenes manevering of the wedding party as a mask, she slips towards the door::

Lain Amthras:
Oh, whoop. There she goes too. I mean, as her seat left, she had to follow, yes? After the pimpin' trio, boots clanging, head hanging. Laters, jerknuts.

AlexRavenlock: Annnnnd then to the right. Auto-doll was in full effect, wasn't she? Sigh. He shuffled a bit to rise from his seat, hand outstretched to take the cane into a hand.

Gavilean: ::raises his hand and voice to get everyone's attention:: MAY I HAVE EVERYONE'S ATTENTION! PLEASE, I NEED YOUR ATTENTION.

Artemus Kurgen: You May!

Tasslehofl: You've had mine since you first kissed me, Gav::chuckles::

Gavilean: ::kicks Tass:: I now have a most wonderful wife, but Westridge needs a Queen.

Tasslehofl: ::he took the kick, favored the leg, but snickered none the less::

Misty: ::her attention he got, but she's still lookin' at him funny as she's hangin' upside down and swinging a little::

Icer1978: ::One eye swivelling to Misty as she smirked, then tapped her tail on the floor, easier that applauding and possibly sticking herself with a talon::

LordErichVonLocke: A grand spectacle indeed. I found its worth to be as grand as the occasion. ::He paused a moment, turning to face Kairee then:: Though, I do wonder if this is to be the end.. or if there shall be a ball afterward.. .::He fell to silence at the attention gatherer. Gaze snapping to the groom::

SEEKER: :: grabs the snake pin given to her by Brigath , oh so long ago , and whispers his name ::

Artemus Kurgen: ::laughs at Tass's remark, waiting on this announcement::

Gavilean: If everyone could take their seat for just a few more moments.

SEEKER: :; the slow gentle flutter of flower petals sprinkle down over the crowd as she steps out into the night ::

Kairee: The invitation said nothing about a ball....or a coronation.

Misty: :: oh pooh. . .dropping down and sitting, tail twitching like crazy::

Kairee: ::watching the proceedings: It would be a shame if there is no ball... I love to dance

LordErichVonLocke: Shh.. ::He lifted his hand, according due respect to the man on his wedding day. A pointed glance to Kairee.. :::

Lady Kyndra:
::chuckles a bit at Tass and Gav::

Woop. Little Nexus slip, there.. his steps continued, carrying him towards the door. He had no interest in leaving, just yet. There was still... a few moments worth of things to watch.

( -=- to be continued =- )
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Post by Gavilean »

Icer1978: ::She remained sitting, eyes back on Gavilean::

Kairee: ::blink a the shushing::

Topher Kalen: ::moving through the crowd towards the front, ready to take the stage::


Xenograg: :: 14-year-old Princess Erwyn of Eldicor and 7-year-old Mystic Suleir walk on to the dais from the side each carries a burgundy pillow. Erwyn's holds a crown, scepter, and vial. Erwyn's holds just a crown ::

Xenograg: Erwyn of Eldicor and Mystic Suleir, I bid you enter this circle.

Xenograg: :: quickly gives each the blessing kiss upon their foreheads and withdraws to the back of the circle ::

Kairee: ::eyes back to the ceremony::

Cassandra: ::Her eyes drifted for a moment to the man heading towards the door, then back to the dais for whatever was happening next.::

Gavilean: “Will the High Council please arise.”

The Lord High Steward, The Lord High Constable, The Lord Great Chamberlain, and the Knight Marshall, Sir Arch Fane, all rise from their seats in the first row on the groom’s side.

Gavilean: He looks to Erwyn and Mystic to bring his crown and Queen’s crown. Also on the pillow is anointing oil and a golden scepter. He takes his crown from the burgundy velvet pillow with two hands, a hand on each side of the crown. He lifts it to his head, the High Council bows as he sets the crown upon his own head.

“God save thee, Your Majesty” is heard from the citizens of Westridge.

Tera Destre: ::smiles as she plays with the ring on her finger outwardly serene but inwardly a bundle of nerves::

Topher Kalen: ::slows to a stop in the middle of the...::

Gavilean: ::moves close to Tera and takes her hand:: Are you ready to be a queen?

Artemus Kurgen: ::So that was the group of stiffs that had been sitting down a ways from him! Nods slowly to himself as emeralds lifted to watch Gavilean::

Topaz: ::Watches closely::

Gavilean: ::looking to his wife, smiling::

Tera Destre: ::takes Gavilean's hand and smiles softly to him while holding his gaze steady with her own for a moment before nodding slowly to him:: (q) For you, anything, A'maelamin. [Beloved.]

Xenograg: :: looks to his own wife with a loving expression ::

Amaltea: ::smiles back at her husband::

Gavilean: He moves in front on Tera, a burgundy cushioned stool is in front of them. “My love, my wife, please kneel upon the cushion.”

Tera Destre: ::carefully holding her dress she does as instructed::

Gavilean: He looks down upon his wife and smiles; couldn’t be more in love or more proud.

::giving Fayalki a kiss, she slipped her feet back into her moccasins after admiring the happy newlyweds, she slipped out::

( -= to be continued =- )

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