Anne Ellis Xile

Transplanted Rigelian and her adventures in the Nexus world of RhyDin and

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Post by Anne »

I sat on the couch with Christopher and Katharine. Caleb was out for some reason, he was very secretive and wouldn’t tell me anything except ‘he was going for a walk’. The trial had just gone downhill, and they had found out about a couple more crimes that I had committed. The duration of this torture had extended even further so they could accommodate all of the evidence against me. I spent all my recreational time with the kids and Caleb. I new my life was limited and no one would fool me into believing otherwise.

Caleb and I had been wed as planned and sometimes I wonder what I was thinking. When I had eventually said yes during the ‘ceremony’ I couldn’t help wondering what sort of fate I had sealed. It had been a month since Rhaine had started to heal my eyes. I only take the cloth off during the evenings so my eyes can adjust. It’s very bright and I still have troubles seeing colors clearly.

Vincent is still pressing to take my children. I don’t understand why a man that used to call me friend would try to do this. I love my kids and I do the best I can for them. But I’ve heard other people talking, about how he’d provide a better home for them. Sometimes I can’t help but think he’s right. They would have a stable home wouldn’t they? And he’s had good morals up till now…but I can’t bear to let them go.

Time will tell what happens, but it’s quickly running short. In two days the final day of trial will be held. I can all ready feel my soul being claimed by Davy Jones.
Anne Ellis Feren
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Post by Azjah von Drachen Walde »

Klinton has been busy and I have not seen much of him lately. Sitting at the Palazzo has been utterly boring, and tonight I decided to go to the Isle. It has been some time since I have stepped into a ring as a contestant.

The Arch Mage was there, as was Steven, and though I was on the cusp of moving up, I accepted a match with Wulfson.

Somehow Klinton discovered where I was, and I waved happily to him from the ring as Wulfson cast a spectral hand that had me running to the far side of the ring in fear. I contemplated the noxious fumes for my next spell. Brig says I do not use that spell enough. I heard Klinton say "come on Azjah." trying to encourage me.

I flashed him a smile, "you do know who this is, right?" Since Klinton's not a huge fan of magic, I was not certain he recognized the Arch Mage.

He gave me a reassuring smile, "I do! But I know who you are too. You will not go down easily."

Wulfson and I continued to throw spells at one another for the full 15 rounds, and ended in a tie. Wulfson announced he was pulling rank on me and was going to see to it I didn't win. I am content with a tie.

After thanking both Steven and the Arch Mage, I left the ring to go sit on Klinton's lap. We talked about Vincent's actions trying to take Anne's children. Abruptly he asked me if I wanted to have them. I gave him a startled look. "I want Anne to have those children first and foremost. Vincent is trying to take them from her no matter what."

He had a thoughtful look as he said, "I know that."

Something in his expression prompted me to continue, "and only if that cannot be, then I want Anne's wishes fulfilled. Anne should have the say how her children are brought up, and she trusts you and I."

He nodded thoughtfully again, "I know that as well."

I looked at Klinton, "what Vincent is trying to do is simply unbelievable."

He gave me a consoling squeeze, "I am fully aware of that fact."

Linking my arms around his neck, I still felt he was waiting for something more. "I want Anne to survive this. Those children belong with her. If that cannot be, then yes, they should come live with us."

"Good." was all he said.

Face's questions were still eating at me. Why should it matter if we already had children? "but the way Face was acting, it was almost as though he was in Vincent's corner." The last thing we needed was for Vincent to be lobbying.

Klinton pulled the picks from my hair, "yeah, it is going to be a battle. Unfortunately, Anne has a history of not making the best decisions, at least politically. And people will see those decisions and assume this is another one of those."

Unfortunately in my heart, I know Klinton's right. "We all make mistakes. She's just had some real loo-loo's."

He nodded again, as though lost in some thoughts all his own before adding, "it will work out well. I have to trust in that."

A terrible thought struck me, "he wouldn't steal them away, would he?" Somehow I could not put it beyond the realm of feasibility.

Klinton looked at me sharply, "I wouldn't ut it past him. Is there anything I can do with my position? I mean, I know I have no authority here, but is there anything you can think of?"

There was precious little we can do here beyond setting security even tighter, and wrap those children up tightly within the walls of the Palazzo.

Conservation shifted as I asked if he'd any news of Gabriel. He'd been gone for weeks now, and Lucien was close lipped regarding his twin.

Klinton had no news either.

Rhaine arrived and I realized we'd had the isle to ourselves for the entire conversation.

She was looking for Steven, and asked if I knew where Anne was. I told her Anne would be at the Palazzo, and she asked me to give her a message. "If you see her, could you please tell her she can start removing the blindfold? Just make sure she does it when it's dark."

I promised to let her know in the morning.

With that, I rose, "I suppose I should head back. There is a lot to do before morning. " Turning to look at Klinton, "Are you going to head to the Outback?" I know he prefers blades and fists to magic, but he shook his head, saying he would return with me. There was a distance in that discussion, but I do not know what the root cause was.

We returned to the Palazzo in silence, and I pondered how best to keep Vincent from getting Anne's children.
Azjah Telyria Danaan
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Post by Anne »

I sat in my stone cell and looked out the barred window to catch the last glimpse of sunlight. The trial hadn't ended in my favor. I was excused on second-degree murder concerning Eliza's death but first-degree murder considering Black. I did the world a favor in getting rid of that man but of course, justice is justice. My sentence will be handed out less then a week from now. The jury has deemed me guilty but the punishment can vary. Life-long, or twenty-five years, in prison or the gallows. Personally I'd rather burn on a ship.

Caleb has been told to stay with the children. They need to know who their father is. They need to know how much I love them. If they go with Vincent they MUST know that Caleb takes precedence over him. Katharine and Christopher have grown vastly concerning their mental intelligence. They speak like they are twelve, look like they're five but in reality they aren't even a year old.

I've left a key to a chest that is within the cargo hold of the Death Mage. It contains my will, a few letters, and a picture of my mother and father. I know what's coming and I'm not about to fool myself that I've got a life left. I'm ready.
Anne Ellis Feren
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Post by Anne »

I sat in my stone cell and looked out the barred window to catch the last glimpse of sunlight. The trial hadn't ended in my favor. I was excused on second-degree murder concerning Eliza's death but first-degree murder considering Black. I did the world a favor in getting rid of that man but of course, justice is justice. My sentence will be handed out less then a week from now. The jury has deemed me guilty but the punishment can vary. Life-long, or twenty-five years, in prison or the gallows. Personally I'd rather burn on a ship.

Caleb has been told to stay with the children. They need to know who their father is. They need to know how much I love them. If they go with Vincent they MUST know that Caleb takes precedence over him. Katharine and Christopher have grown vastly concerning their mental intelligence. They speak like they are twelve, look like they're five but in reality they aren't even a year old.

I've left a key to a chest that is within the cargo hold of the Death Mage. It contains my will, a few letters, and a picture of my mother and father. I know what's coming and I'm not about to fool myself that I've got a life left. I'm ready.
Anne Ellis Feren
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Post by Anne »

I paced in my cell. I've heard word that things aren't going well with the custody battles. Vincent has always had the kids best interest in mind, but I don't see how taking them away from me is good for them. I'm not an A-Class mother, I'll be the first to admit it. However, I'm learning, and I am trying my best. The crimes of my past have been forsaken and I haven't so much as stolen a candy bar since I killed Black.

The kids came to visit me today. They're worried about me. I told them that it's okay to be afraid. Courage doesn't mean the absence of fear, it means overcoming it. That's one of the few things I remember my mother telling me. I asked them, as I did every day, who their father and mother were. "You mommy! And he's daddy!" They would say pointing to myself and Caleb in turn. Good. I would tell them the stories of sailing, ones without thievery or fighting. I would tell them all that I knew about how to sail ship. They brought me cookies that I taught them to make one day. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes as they talked about their studies that Nathaniels wife was giving them. Katharine loved her maths, sciences, and music. Chris enjoyed writing, socials, and art.

Visiting hours closed too soon. I put my hand up to the unbreakable glass pane between us. Each hand was placed over mine before they left. However, I would not escape so easily. "Mommy?" Chris asked. "Why are you in there?" I choked as I searched for an explanation to give my children. My eyes met Calebs a brief moment before I looked back at Chris. I wouldn't lie. I promised myself never to lie to them. "Mommy wasn't a good girl when she was younger. But she's a good person now. They might not let me out though, because they don't think I'll stay good. I'll let you know what happens okay? Remember, you can never get away with doing something wrong."

The small boy accepted the answer, but I could still see he had questions in his eyes. If only I could change the past.
Anne Ellis Feren
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Post by Anne »

Klinton stepped to the meeting room, giving a nod to Anne, picking up the phone to speak to her through the glass between them. Anne reached for her phone and smiled shakily.

“Evening Klinton.”

He smiled back. “Hey there Anne. I wanted to discuss some issues with you.” Klinton paused a moment. “Vincent and I spoke the other night.”

The convicts smile dropped completely. “What did he say? What does that back-stabbing low-life want?”

Klinton sighed softly. He didn't want this to turn into a 'whose side are you on anyway' argument. He'd had enough of those with Azjah. “He wanted me to give you some terms. If you agree to them, he'll drop the custody case.”

“What terms.” Anne replied flatly.

“He wants to be designated the father on the actual birth certificates. He wants to be granted visitaion rights, off grounds, and unsupervised. And he wants to be referred to as their father, even by them.”

In response to each question, in order, Anne answered. “No. He already had those rights. And definitely not.” Taking a deep breath she elaborated. “First of all, he isn't their birth father nor has he seen enough of them to be considered as such. Second, I've never objected to him visiting the kids. Thirdly, Caleb is there father. I've engrained that into them and I will not go back and what I've taught.”

Klinton nodded. “Okay. I will let Vincent know.”

Quickly and decisively Anne uttered a resounding “No.” “I Will. He needs to hear this from me, and I want some answers. He's backstabbed me and I won't settle for it.”

The man on the other side of the glass nodded again, not wanting to get into this here, now, with Anne as well as Azjah. “Alright. I'll let you talk to him.”

“Azjah may com...”


He looked up. “Yes?”

“You are just a messenger right?”

He sighed quietly. “Yes. I am just a messenger. I do see his point of view, I suppose, but I will stand by whatever decision you make. I do not want anything that will take these kids from you.”

“Well, thank you for your support. I'm sure he thinks he's doing the right thing but ...” She pursed her lips to keep from saying something she'd regret.

Klinton nodded. “I do not think it is the right thing. I just understand why he wants the kids....I do NOT think he has a right to them though.” Anne admitted that there was always two sides and thanked him for coming. “You are welcome. Azjah may come to speak about this as well. She's not to pleased with me. I have been staying at the Outback.” Anne was not pleased that her situation had created this rift between two of her friends.

“Perhaps it is best if I don't see either of you for a while then? And decline the use of Azjah’s lawyers?”

“No no no...That will work itself out. It always does. Azjah and I are magnetic...we push and pull, but, we always end up back together. Use her lawyers, they are the best. Azjah and I will work it out. I think the best step is for me to stay away from Vincent.”

Anne replied crisply. “If he gains custody, I want you as close to him as you can get.”

Once Anne was back in her cell it didn’t take long for Azjah’s laywers to come down and explain to her the consequences of letting into Vincent’s demands. She assured them there was no chance of that happening. It was time to see Vincent once more, and find out what his plans were.
Anne Ellis Feren
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Beginning of the End

Post by Anne »

Anne paced back and forth in her cell. She had requested Vincent to come, and they had a rather interesting, even civil, discussion. They began with the demands he had made…

“I'll drop my case, if a couple of conditions are met. And given your current situation, I think it's in your best interest. One, I am listed as the father on the birth certificate. Two, I am referred to as their father. Three, we agree on a joint custody.”

“I thought you wanted just to be able to visit them off grounds without supervision, not joint custody.”

“I could continue my case and win full custody if that's what you'd like to see. But I'd like to avoid that if possible.”

She recalled her response. What were his grounds for the title of father? Why should he have that claim?

“Having cared and looked after them in loco parentis while you were off gallivanting around. Legally, I have grounds.”

Gallivanting. Yes that was the word he had used. While she was being hunted and threatened by Black, a man who was a serious danger to her children, she had asked Vincent to take them to Algol Siento. A haven where they could not be reached. Gallivanting indeed. Then the issue of Rigel was brought up. Anne thought that point to be null since Artemus and Shandren were watching them.

“… It's even more startling that as soon as you got them back, you shipped them off to someone else.”

“It wasn’t immediately after. I had a couple of months with them. I was requested to go to Rigel for a marriage ceremony, which turned out sour. As I recall, shortly after I was there my kids ended up joining me. I spent plenty of time with them while at Rigel. But that's beside the point. Once more, where are your grounds for being designated the father?”

It had been a mistake to mention the kids had ended up in Rigel. Vincent began to use that against her, but there were holes in his theories and explanations. Holes that could prove useful during the custody battle.

“The fact of the matter is, for two weeks at most, you cared for my children while I was abolishing a certain threat to them and myself. Secondly, you have not been in the same sort of contact with them as I have. Third, Caleb has spent plenty of time with them and they all ready consider him their father. You are, pardon, were a family friend. I had given you all the rights to seeing them that you request now. You had everything you are asking for in court besides the title of father. So what exactly are you trying to accomplish here?”

“Making sure my children are taken care of.”

“Once again we come back to the fact that you have no grounds to claim them as your children. Do you think two weeks with them makes you a parent?”

Vincent snorted looking disgusted and disgusting in Anne’s eyes. “I think I'm better qualified to care form them than a convicted murderer, an assassin, and an arms dealer.”

“A convicted murder because I killed a man threatening them and myself. An assassin no longer since he has made certain promises to myself. And an arms dealer, because it is her business, doesn't make her a criminal. They will be well taken care of, rest assured. And if caring for them is all your worried about then it seems reasonable to me that if you'd like you can come and check in on our family all you want.”

“Will they? I would hate to see something happen to them because you failed to see my wisdom.”

The debate continued until they reached her death sentence.

“I would like a chance to speak on your behalf at the sentencing, if you don't mind.”

“Really? So you can assure them I'm guilty and that the death penalty is none to harsh?”

“Actually, I was going to ask for leniency, given your circumstances.”

This was an interesting twist in the plot. Anne didn’t see why it wouldn’t be easier for a man in his situation just to let her be killed.

“You're assuming that just because I want custody of the kids, that I wish for bad things to happen to you.”

“Taking custody of my kids is worse then death.”

“"Joint" custody implies that both parents are around.”

Anne shook her head. “You aren't their father Vincent. I want them to have a father and mother that live together, love each other, and that are married.”

A rather unpleasant smirk crossed Vincent’s face. “I can fix that.” Their discussion soon came to a conclusion. “I just hope you know I'm doing this because I feel it's in the kids' best interests, not because I have any vendetta against you.”

“I can't let you do this. You know that. You can visit them all you like, but you cannot be their father. As for making a statement at my sentencing ... I'd rather you not. I will not be indebted to you for my life."

He sighed, looking rather human for once. “I had no intentions of making you feel indebted. I was simply going to speak on behalf of someone I consider a friend.”

“Am I your friend Vincent?”

“I should hope so, given all we've been through together.”

“This is really stretching that friendship Vincent.”

“I have my reasons. You'll understand when all this is over with.”

“Before you go, you must understand, that even if you win this battle, Caleb will always be their father. You cannot change that. And I don't think I'll ever understand why you've done this to me, to my family.” Anne looked rather pained as she finalized her thoughts. “Our friendship ends here.”

“I'm sorry to hear that.”

“As am I.”

So that was that. A friendship was in ruins, a life was on the line, and the custody of two children was up in the air.
Anne Ellis Feren
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Post by Artemus Kurgen »

It had been far too long since Artemus had spoken or seen Anne. Sure, he had kept track of the course her proceedings had taken; watching the court room activities from a distance. After all, he wanted to keep as clear of the zoo as he could, and not appear to take any sides on the issue of her children.

While he was not overly fond of Vincent's actions so far, he could see where the man was coming from. However, he did like Azjah to an extent, but he frowned on her chosen occupation. Making her money off of other men and women's thirst for death and destruction. To the druid in him, Azjah was accountable for every life her weapons stole. Whether those people were innocent or not.

Dressed in a suit which he felt cost more than the material used to make it, he headed into the Rhydinian Municiple Building to begin the arduous task of filing a petition to be granted visitation rights to see Anne Ellis Xile. There was more involved to this act than he had originally anticipated. Specifically since this happened to be his third visit to the Municiple Building. To get visitation rights, he had had to present a birth cirtificate, which he did not have before. That adventure had been a headache. And of course, to have a birth certificate, he had to then purchase a photo ID.

"Why must this process be so complicated?"

Then they took his fingerprints to make sure he did not have a criminal record. Artemus was still unsure if that had been neccessary at all. But he didn't have any choice in these matters.

So it was that on this day he walked into the building that confused him, and those that did not distinctly understand its inner workings, to finalize the paper work required to visit Anne. One of the few friends he actually had. The proper papers had been sent to the Jail Keeper, the Judge, and the lawyers involved with her trial. The last bit was for Anner herself to give permission for him to be able to visit her and add his name to the list of people that were allowed to come and see her.
Artemus Allonan Kurgen
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Post by Anne »

The lawyers came to Anne and informed her about Artemus request. She was being sentenced that afternoon and this really wasn't the time. Yet again, what other time would there be? She replied that he was allowed a brief visit after her sentancing. Anne didn't want distractions, not now.
Anne Ellis Feren
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Death Sentance

Post by Anne »

"Anne Ellis Xile we hereby sentence you for the petty theft against Charles Wallace, Karen Alin, Rodigre Lanky, four incidents of trespassing, one charge of piracy, Grand theft of the Golden Sun, the Manslaughter of Eliza, and Murder of the First Degree of Shadem Black."

"The sentence is the Penalty of Death."

"The manor of which will be a hanging."

Anne immediately voiced her concern. "Your Honor, I have a specific
request as to the manor of my burial."

The judge raised an eyebrow. "Proceed."

Calmly she gave a folded piece of paper to the guard beside her, who walked up to the Hon. Judge Morgan and placed it in the mans outstretched hand. The hardened eyes scanned the pained scrawl that outlined her specific requests.

"This is quite a specific outline Mrs. Xile."

"Yes it is your Honor."

"You will be hanged April 1st at 09:00 hours. The burial will proceed at
Anne Ellis Feren
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The Hanging

Post by Anne »

The drum beat steady and slow. Anne was lead up to the gallows, her head was held high and her face was set. Various people were in the crowds, though most were at the arena. She didn't mind. She didn't want a big crowd.

Caleb was there, thankfully the kids were not. Old Onasis, or Kendrick as it were, was hidden in the crowd too. Azjah was there. Anne could see the anger, frusturation, and maybe some mixed feelings of sorrow. Before she knew it the executioner was asking if she had any last words.

"Yes, I have three." Anne's reply was unexpected. Most only had one thing to say.

"The first, is that I love my husband, Caleb, and I expect and trust that my kids will remain in his care. The second, is that I have suffered enough and that long before this trial I began to change my ways. The final thing I would like to mention, is that I will always remain alive. Be it in the memories of those I know or through my children or by some other means."

At the last statement people whispered and wondered. Anne felt the coarse rope around her neck. Her eyes fixed on Caleb, never wavering. Those green eyes remained on target when the ground beneath her dropped and a sharp crack signaled the end of Anne Ellis Xile.
Anne Ellis Feren
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The Burial

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The judge, two assistants, and a priest made sure that the body was locked up tight within the coffin. With some effort it was heaved onto the schooner Anne used to sail often. The schooner was sailed out of the bounds of RhyDin by one of the assistants and the priest. A smaller vessel with the judge and second assistant followed.

Once out of the RhyDin’s docks the priest sprinkled some incense and spices on the coffin. A few words were said. "May she fulfill her dreams and rest in peace." The priest and assistant left to the other vessel. A flare was thrown over to the schooner. In moments it burst into flames and began to sink down into the depths of the sea. The judge took out the slip of paper that Anne had given him.

"The dead live through the memories of others. As long as they be remembered they are."

The instant the judge finished the ships flames flashed a blue-green colour then returned to normal. By the time the sun set Anne's body was buried with the fish of the sea.
Anne Ellis Feren

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