The Battle for New Haven

Notices and stories concerning events in the legendary basement of the Duel of Swords.

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The Battle for New Haven

Post by Skyler »

::Impaled to the wall of the Arena, just beside the message board where everyone would see it, hung the lifeless carcass of a massive male lion. The beast weighed nearly five hundred pounds. Huge railroad spikes pierced its paws, each of them dripping with blood. This lion had been killed recently. One of the spikes went directly through its huge head, keeping its dead face tilted up, so that everyone could see its once proud eyes droop and rot. There was an expression of tremendous sadness and misery on the lion’s face, as if it had been killed unjustly, by some shadow in the night. Amidst the fur of its mane, there was a huge bullet hole, with a small entrance wound on one side of its neck, and a large exit wound on the other. Flies were beginning to buzz around its head.::

::Written on the board next to the animal, in the lion’s own blood, was the following message.:

To the Community:

The battle to decide who controls the Barony of New Haven will be fought this Friday, March 31st, at 10:30 PM EST.

Apparently, Rakeesh doesn’t like the way I run my Barony. It seems he doesn’t approve of ruling with an iron fist and keeping the citizens in line with terror and power from the shadows. I encourage everyone to attend and watch me do to Rakeesh what I’ve just done to one of his kindred here.

Here is a message for all of you at the "Adventurer's Guild." Keep this in mind, losers – in real life, the good guy doesn’t always win. In fact, the villain often defeats the hero with his vile tactics and dark devices, as he’s often more clever and devious than the noble fool he’s facing.

Also, we will need a caller. Any volunteers? I’ve decided the match will be a Best of Three, as I long to punish this challenger as much as possible.


Skyler Jackson Chamberland
Vile Villain
Baron of New Haven
“I kill liontaurs.”
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Post by Face Loran »

::Shakes his head in disgust::

Skyler... You are more dense than I ever guessed. The villain may win over the hero when they are clever, but thats simply not the case here. You are nothing but an immature punk who thinks hes in the big time. I was hoping the Roman got first shot at you, in fact thats why I didnt challenge you to begin with, but I wont mind watching Rakeesh smack you around for a couple duels.

Face Loran

::Growls as he walks away from the boards::
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Post by Rakeesh »

Rakeesh Sah Tarna kneeled before the body of the slain lion. All creatures were beautiful to him, and though this innocent lion shared obvious qualities with the Paladin, it was the intent that really burned.

Rakeesh said his prayers to the God, Sekhmet, and rose solemnly to read the message. As he scanned Skyler's profane script, the whites of the liontaur's eyes began to slowly fill with clouded black. The dark opal hanging around Rakeesh's neck, ShadoWeaver, began to glow as if angered by the words.

Rakeesh took a deep breath, turned away from the board and began to head back to the Guildhall. Left behind on the cold ground were a few drops of blood. This blood, though, dripped from wounds on the liontaur's hands. Wounds created by clencing his powerful fists tighter that should have been possible.

"I will forgive him", Rakeesh whispered to himself as he began to leave; whispered in an unconvincing, almost murderous tone.
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Post by Harris »

Can't we have Skyler arrested for littering or something? That's seriously not cool.
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Post by Rollo »

On his way to the Orphanage, Rollo stopped by the boards to see the latest news. At finding a crucified lion, he merely shook his head.

"Those who do not respect life, do not deserve life." He pondered a while where that quote came from, but merely shrugged it off and continued on his way.
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Post by Karen Wilder »

::Karen had a few soldiers haul off the lion's carcas and help clean up the remaining mess.:: This only further serves tae show th' Baron's lack o' worth... ::Shaking her head, she went back about her business... she had to act quickly to take advantage of the opportunities presented by being Overlord again.::
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Post by Elijah »

Shouldn't Overlords who barely have been in the title for a few days and might be out of it in a few days be making such long term plans?
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Post by Charlie Nausikaa »

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.
I Peter 5:8

Perhaps the Arena will implode.

- Charlie
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Post by DUEL Shard »

In a Best of Three, Rakeesh defeated Skyler for the Barony of New Haven.

The new Baron has aligned himself as Renegade.

All hail the new Baron of New Haven. May his reign be long, and peaceful.

Skyler dueled as the Vile Villain, Killer of Lions, Baron of New Haven. No ladies. No second. Midnight blue is the color
Rakeesh dueled under the white banner of the Adventurer's Guild. ShadoWeaver was his second, and his lady was Aenlyn Hollow in absentia.

Round One

DUEL Shard (9:44:08 PM): Challenge, Round One. Skyler neatly pushes away the direct approach of the lionataur. (lp/th, .5-0 Skyler)
DUEL Shard (9:45:58 PM): Challenge, Round Two. Skyler tries to pull some fancy dance moves, but Soulforge gets in the way. (f ss/lc, 1-.5 Rakeesh)
DUEL Shard (9:48:17 PM): Challenge, Round Three. Apparently, the Lionataur took better dance lessons. (lp/fss, 2-.5 Rakeesh)
DUEL Shard (9:50:54 PM): Challenge, Round Four. Skyler busts a move, yet again, but Rakeesh falls for it. (f ss/th, 2-1.5 Rakeesh)
DUEL Shard (9:52:38 PM): Challenge, Round Five. Rakeesh just stands there, but Skyler still misses him. (th/sh, 3-1.5 Rakeesh)
DUEL Shard (9:54:04 PM): Challenge, Round Six. An eye for an eye, and a cut for a cut. (lc/hc, 4-2.5 Rakeesh)
DUEL Shard (9:55:50 PM): Challenge, Round Seven. Skyler disses Rakeesh's dance moves. (dis/f ss, still 4-2.5 Rakeesh)
DUEL Shard (9:57:55 PM): Challenge, Round Eight. DENIED! (th/f cp, 5-2.5 Rakeesh)

DUEL Shard (9:58:08 PM): Final: Rakeesh def. Skyler, 5-2.5 in 8.

Round Two

DUEL Shard (10:00:42 PM): Challenge, Round One. Skyler dances, and Rakeesh falls for it. (ss/th, .5-0 Skyler)
DUEL Shard (10:01:52 PM): Challenge, Round Two. 50/50/90 strikes again! (lc/f lp, 1.5-0 Skyler)
DUEL Shard (10:03:20 PM): Challenge, Round Three. Rakeesh just stands there, yet again, and still Skyler misses him. (th/sh, 1.5-1 Skyler)
DUEL Shard (10:05:47 PM): Challenge, Round Four. Skyler aims low, and skewers a ducking Rakeesh. (lc/ f du, 2.5-1 Skyler)
DUEL Shard (10:07:40 PM): Challenge, Round Five. Rakeesh swings low, Skyler swings high. Slice N' Dice ! (hc/lc 3.5-2 Skyler)
DUEL Shard (10:10:03 PM): Challenge, Round Six. Can we say, "Quack"? (f du/f du, still 3.5-2 Skyler)
DUEL Shard (10:11:42 PM): Challenge, Round Seven. Skyler fends off Rakeesh's flailing. (sh/sl, 4.5-2 Skyler)
DUEL Shard (10:13:59 PM): Challenge, Round Eight. They defend, offensively! (lc/lc, still 4.5-2 Skyler)
DUEL Shard (10:15:05 PM): Challenge, Round Nine. They both stand and stare at each other. (sh/sh, still 4.5-2 Skyler)
DUEL Shard (10:17:01 PM): Challenge, Round Ten. They both dance, but Rakeesh looks better. (ss/fss, still 4.5-2 Skyler)
DUEL Shard (10:18:53 PM): Challenge, Round Eleven. Rakeesh gets brained. (hc/sl, 5.5-2 Skyler)

DUEL Shard (10:19:03 PM): Final: Skyler def. Rakeesh 5.5-2 in 11.

Round Three

DUEL Shard (10:21:01 PM): Challenge, Round One. Skyler falls for it again! (th/sh, 1-0 Rakeesh)
DUEL Shard (10:22:52 PM): Challenge, Round Two. Rakeesh pins the low cutting Skyler. (lc/th, 2-0 Rakeesh)
DUEL Shard (10:24:17 PM): Challenge, Round Three. Skyler dances his way to a full point. (f ss/f lp, 2-1 Rakeesh)
DUEL Shard (10:25:50 PM): Challenge, Round Four. Skyler stands there and gets a little payback on Rakeesh. (sh/th, 2 all)
DUEL Shard (10:27:39 PM): Challenge, Round Five. Rakeesh parries high, and Skyler gets denied! (hc/f lp, 3-2 Rakeesh)
DUEL Shard (10:29:23 PM): Challenge, Round Six. OUCH! (f du/lc, 4-2 Rakeesh)
DUEL Shard (10:32:29 PM): Challenge, Round Seven. 50/50/90 strikes again! (lc/f lp, 4-3 Rakeesh)
DUEL Shard (10:33:47 PM): Challenge, Round Eight. Rakeesh dances... and gets brained. (hc/f ss, 4 all)
DUEL Shard (10:35:19 PM): Challenge, Round Nine. Rakeesh does it again! (th/sh, 5-4 Rakeesh)

DUEL Shard (10:35:31 PM): Final: Rakeesh def. Skyler 5-4, in 9.
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Post by G »

Uh ha. Haha. Hahaha. Haahohohee! Bwaaahaahaa!


Anyway, Well done Rakeesh. Let's see who goes for you first.

Skyler, Hahahahaha! I mean... There's some nice gutters on the outskirts of town...

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Post by Skyler »

Skyler, Hahahahaha! I mean... There's some nice gutters on the outskirts of town...

Indeed. You may find yourself lying dead in one shortly.

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Post by G »

Skyler wrote: Indeed. You may find yourself lying dead in one shortly.

You obviously mistake me for someone considers you either dangerous, or a threat. As I never have before, it would be idiocy to do so now.

Good evening.
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Post by Xerzes »

Skyler continues to suck.
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Post by Koyliak »

Considering New Haven housed the majority of her wealthier clientele, Koy took the opportunity to tack up a message of her own. She was a one-man promotional powerhouse these days, trying to generate as much business as possible for the Boutique.

Well, now that that's all over, might I suggest throwing a gala of some sort to celebrate? The citizens of New Haven haven't had an excuse to party in almost a week and they're getting restless. Any black-tie affair should do the trick.

Koyliak "The BobCrusher" VanDuran-Simon
Owner of the Heavenly Boutique
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Post by Alais d Nitesong »

News traveled fast that the youth Skyler had been defeated by the noble Rakeesh.

There is some justice in the world after all.

Well done Rakeesh.
Lady Alais d' Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe
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