Tower of Earth.

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Artemus Kurgen
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Tower of Earth.

Post by Artemus Kurgen »

Time's up Vanion. I'm coming for the key before the separation anxiety hits.
Artemus Allonan Kurgen
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Post by DUEL Topaz »

The challenge is valid and may proceed.

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Vanion Shadowcast
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Post by Vanion Shadowcast »

Foreseeable, though perhaps you did not learn your lesson before. Keepers should be required to prove themselves through tested mettle and skill, not luck. While being challenged by a non-mage is nearly laughable and a waste of my time, win or lose, I accept.

Be expecting a few suprises, though.
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Post by Artemus Kurgen »

You keep bringing up luck. Why is that? Only fools hide behind such a feable concept. Attributing every win or loss to luck good or ill is childish and beneath the maturity level that is expected of a magic user, let alone a mage. I'm done talking Vanion, do your worst for I will do mine. I'll let my magic speak for me.
Artemus Allonan Kurgen
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Vanion Shadowcast
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Post by Vanion Shadowcast »

Your magic is pathetic, and I do not(and have not) needed the auspecies of the "rings" to show that to you in the past. But as I said, be prepared to be suprised.
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Post by Farek »

There is nothing wrong with luck. It's the one variable that is not subject to progression like the skills with the blade, fist, or magic.
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Post by DUEL Brig »

Artemus and Vanion have agreed on Friday, March 31 at 8:30 pm eastern to meet and settle this challenge.
DUEL Shard
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Post by DUEL Shard »

Final Results: Vanion Shadowcaster successfully defended against Artemus Kurgen.

However, the Keeper of Earth has retired the key after this defense...

Round One

DUEL Shard (7:40:01 PM): Round One. The Keeper's bolt falls short as Art fills him with terror. (ft/mb, 1-0 Art)
DUEL Shard (7:42:34 PM): Round Two. They compare protections, but Vanion's looks better. (sh/rf, 1-.5 Art)
DUEL Shard (7:45:21 PM): Round Three: Art manages to cover his nose in time. (ar/ff, 1.5-.5 Art)
DUEL Shard (7:47:14 PM): Round Four: Again, Vanion's bolt falls short. Apparently, Art likes to put the fear in him. (ft/mb, 2.5-.5 Art)
DUEL Shard (7:49:49 PM): Round Five: However, Art's armor isn't enough to protect him from the invisible whippings of Vanion's cruel mind. (ar/mw, 2.5-1.5 Art)
DUEL Shard (7:52:19 PM): Round Six. Art gets all fuzzy looking, and Vanion shields up. No joy. (gf/sh, still 2.5-1.5 Art)
DUEL Shard (7:54:12 PM): Round Seven. Trying to be savvy, they instead run right into each other. (dp/dp, 3-2 Art)
DUEL Shard (7:56:34 PM): Round Eight. Vanion sends it right back towards Art. (mw/rf, 3 all)
DUEL Shard (7:58:31 PM): Round Nine. Vanion calls fire from the sky, but Art is ready for it. (sh/im, 3.5-3 Art)
DUEL Shard (8:00:10 PM): Round Ten: Apparently Mage bolts are heat seeking. (dp/mb, 4-3.5 Vanion)
DUEL Shard (8:03:03 PM): Round Eleven: However, Mind Whip is not. (ff/mw, 4 all)
DUEL Shard (8:05:21 PM): Round Twelve: Again they compare defense. Again, Vanion's is a little better. (sh/rf, 4.5-4 Vanion)
DUEL Shard (8:07:54 PM): Round Thirteen. Again, Mind Whips aren't heat seeking. (mw/ff, 5-4 Vanion)

DUEL Shard (8:08:15 PM): First Round Final: Vanion Shadowcast def. Artemus Kurgen, 5-4 in 13.

Round Two

DUEL Shard (8:12:55 PM): Round One: Art's armor just barely absorbs some of Vanion's spellcasting. (ar/im, .5-0 Vanion)
DUEL Shard (8:15:33 PM): Round Two: Vanion has better showmanship! (sh/rf, 1-0 Vanion)
DUEL Shard (8:17:25 PM): Round Three: I think the term is "slag". (wb/im, 2-0 Vanion)
DUEL Shard (8:21:00 PM): Round Four: Vanion covers his nose in time. (ff/sh, 2.5-0 Vanion)
DUEL Shard (8:22:46 PM): Round Five: Heat seeking missiles! (dp/mb, 3.5-0 Vanion)
DUEL Shard (8:25:07 PM): Round Six: They compare defenses, but no joy. (gf/sh, still 3.5-0 Vanion)
DUEL Shard (8:26:48 PM): Round Seven: In a great show of his Tower's abilities, Vanion buries the touchy-feely Art (ft/ef, 4.5-0 Vanion)
DUEL Shard (8:32:36 PM): Round Eight: No joy. (dp/rf, still 4.5-0 Vanion)
DUEL Shard (8:34:05 PM): Round Nine. The blades found their mark. (ff/wb, 5.5-0 Vanion)

DUEL Shard (8:34:57 PM): Final: Vanion Shadowcast def. Artemus Kurgen, 5.5-0 in 9
Take away the phantom, and one sees nothing - one admits that himself. Yet, take away seeing, and one sees a phantom - one forgets that.
--- Soren Kierkegarrd
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Post by Alais d Nitesong »

::glances at the announcement with a sad shake of her head::

't ist verra li' Vanion tae d'file all tha' 'e doth touch......
Lady Alais d' Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe

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