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Transplanted Rigelian and her adventures in the Nexus world of RhyDin and

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Post by Gabriel »

Gabriel's mood was as black as his eyes as he sat in Ariel's shop office. Rain pelted down in cold, hard drops that felt more like hail than rain. As his mood darkened, the rain beat down with increasing ferocity.

"I should have known her sense of right and wrong would deviate at the most inopportune time." He was not looking at Ariel as he finally started to speak.

Ariel let him rail. "So, tell me what happened," her gentle prompt would help her brother vent and look at the situation in a new light.

He ran his hand through midnight black hair that had remained untouched by silver for nearly two millenia. When he started speaking again, Ariel nearly missed it because he spoke so softly. "I met her at the Red Dragon and this time she was not in a human disguise. I had the proof she had demanded that Tuebingen was in RhyDin. He is associated with Siewelt and Mc Pherson, and that can no longer be challenged. She in turn gave me information she had gotten from Tuebingen on Rigel." He gave a short laugh remembering the setting for their meeting. A cemetary. How very droll. "She felt information for information was a fair trade. She had contacted the man about doing some work for her so she could evaluate his talents and the extent of his skills.'

Gabriel did not go into details on Rille. He had learned a lot about Rhaine's skills as she had explained who and what the girl was. Her talents were impressive just from her description of that 'experiement'. Ariel did not need to know those things. He realized too late that he may have insulted her by telling her that she looked to be around 35 human years of age, but it would be significantly out of character for the woman to refuse to help based on a perceived slight such as that.

He sat as still as death as he told Ariel about the next meeting. "She arrived in her Asmodean robes rather than casually for this meeting. Her first words to me were, "and why am I never surprised to see you Gabriel?"

"I could tell she had made a decision that I was not going to like. Her manner and bearing said it all. So, I asked her if she had any further news since there is no point beating around the bush with Miss Rustovich."

"Gabriel, how obsessed are you with killing that dhoine?" Her question was not the one Gabriel was expecting. In point of fact, there is no obsession with killing the man at all, but the way she asked the question showed that she is not going to help deal with the man. She was satisfied with her solution, what ever that may be.

"He is not to be killed by us, merely returned to Rigel for justice," Gabriel could have slain him several times over since his arrival in RhyDin, but that was not the point at all.

She swirled what smelled like a Chardonnay in her glass, "He was not the one who sent your boss that dumb lipstick thing. I have received the results of the test I set up for him."

She had spoken to him, and it was clear that he had gained some of her respect, and that he was not the principle player in the attempt on the Marquess. She made it clear that she felt my focus was now misplaced, and that I should be looking elsewhere to find the culprit. When Gabriel had
reminded Rhaine that Tuebingen has killed enough people to fill a grave yard, she tipped her hand.

"Gabriel, he did perform 3 excellent assassinations. But he is not the one coming for your bosses head."

Well, the assessment that he was an excellent assassin was telling. She found his work 'excellent'. Therein would be a dangerous respect.

"I do not care about the previous Kaiser nor his cronies, but the man is wanted, and for his guilt at the slaying of the Marchioness' parents, I will see him returned to Rigel." The ethical thing to do is see the man sent back for his charges and let the courts deal with him.

She argued that it was too late to catch him for those two older murders, but there is no statute of limitations on murder, and so it was imperative that he be brought to justice for the five known murders in the laws of his homeland. When Gabriel had told Rhaine that it sounded to him as if she would no longer be helpful, she told him that she could only help when she knew she was doing the right thing. She believes that putting Tuebingen in jail will not make the Marquess' life any safer. And that may be true enough, but justice awaits the man for his crimes as they are. "I thanked her for her help by telling her that her assistance had been valued." Gabriel looked finally at Ariel before continuing.

"He has not lied in a single word," Rhaine was quite certain of that. And she seems to think this was reason enough for me to leave him alone, to let him go.

Gabriel shook his head, he had told Rhaine that just because Tuebingen had not lied did not abrogate his deeds. The fact that the new Kaiser was not complicit does not exonerate Herr Albrecht.

Rhaine had given him a cold look, “This does not make him an assassin you are trying to convince me he is. This guy does not murder for money, and we did speak of this.”

Whether he murders for money, or glory, he remains a killer who is currently outside of the laws of his homeland. Laws he needs to face for his activities. Gabriel had told her that “I will see him returned to Rigel Miss Rustovich; his talents not withstanding.” She was looking at his talents more favorably than expected. She had found Tuebingen’s ‘foolish, idealistic sacrifice’ something to be respected. He hardly sacrificed anything!

We exchanged acerbic words over her opposition to my intention to return the man to Rigel. “I should not consider that his fate is your concern.” With her current view of the man, it was time for her to step back from our search. She had helped determine that he was not the maker of the poison intended for the Marquess, but now she was wavering dangerously close to supporting a man who needed to face justice.

She called him a ‘colleague’ and Gabriel realized that their paths have diverged completely. If she considered him a kindred spirit, she could interfere with his plans to return Kendrick to Rigel, and that simply could not be allowed to happen.

Rhaine had asked Gabriel to give the new Kaiser time before turning Albrecht in, but he cannot do that. They parted company on a very chilly note.

Gabriel had finished telling Ariel what had happened and he looked into the streets to find his rain had turned into a blinding snow storm.

“Well, what do you think Ariel?”
Gabriel Datrazanov
Kendrick Albrecht
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Post by Kendrick Albrecht »

Kendrick's computer lit up, someone was trying to contact his secured email account. He hit the buttons and there was a waiting message from the woman he knew as Rhaine.

If you have time and no urgent projects, I would have a few questions to ask. Not too urgent, but I would prefer asking them in person. Any location is okay except for web-based chats.
R. Rustovich

He typed in a short reply, 15 minutes. Where I first spoke to Gair. and then settled in to wait. It was only a minute or two before his cameras showed her strolling unconcernedly into the graveyard. He smiled at the woman's confidence and poise. She would have done well on Rigel, though he may not have survived the experience. He concentrated and felt his body shift again. It was becoming easier all the time, well practice makes perfect. The old man had pounded that into him again and again. It was time to go.

About 10 minutes later an old black man came hobbling up the road muttering to himself. He entered the graveyard and went directly to a grave marked Angela Onasis that stood two graves down from where Rhaine waited. He bent over stiffly and began to speak to the grave in a muted whisper, nodding and shaking his head as if in response to some unheard queries.

Rhiane watched this with a look of amusement. After a few minutes he slowly walked over to her and in a raspy voice he addressed her with a smile, "Morning missy. What's a nice lady like you doing in a place like this? Old Onasis, he's here talking to the dear old missus but you look too young to be having a beau." Kendrick finally dropped the pretense and smiled. He switched to his normal voice, "besides I said fifteen minutes not ten."

She grinned slightly, "I prefer waiting at graveyards. Right place to speak to those of Kindred, we appreciate the humor."

Kendrick nodded, "At least some of your kind has a sense of humor. Now what can I help you with on your quest for knowledge?"

She sat down on a tombstone, "Azjah seemed to mad at you, and that's because some old double murder. Don't get me wrong, I'm just curious. How did it actually happen and most important, why?"

His face went instantly cold, "I'm afraid that there are certain things I don't discuss. Is this why you asked me out here?"

She nodded, "Wanted to know why she's so mad at you. I have seldom seen her that furious."

"She blames me for the death of her parents. I understand why this would make her angry. If I thought someone had killed someone I cared about I would respond in a manner that would make her look downright calm," He paused for a moment as he fought down his memories, "However I would not have held back for eighteen years."

Rhaine nodded, "I see." She hesitated as a frown creased her face, "That makes things difficult. Gabriel and I have been rather friendly, but he was ready to bite my head off when I suggested him to switch to catching actual threat, not you."

Kendrick smiled humourlessly, "Gabriel follows his mistress like a well bred hound."

She shrugged, "He has reasons to."

"I have no doubt, but she believes me to be guilty so he does too."

"While he is usually rational, on this issue he was," she searched for the right word, "almost as irrational as a woman, and is she not correct when she believes you guilty?"

Kendrick considered Rhaine for a moment. He did not think she was here for any ulterior motives but he couldn't be sure, "How are your kind conceived?"

The question obviously caught her off guard, a fact he was somewhat pleased with as he had begun to think it wasn't possible to do. She gathered her thoughts before she spoke, "Most of us are born mortal, but initiated into this...state...through death." she explained haltingly.

"So you were once human."

She watched him intently, dark eyes covered by pale mist, "Of course."

"Do you remember your parents?"

She nodded, "Of course yes." She quickly followed up with, "But if you think I would have killed someone who harmed them, you're wrong. My father pushed my mom into being lynched by a crowd that hated those gifted magically."

He noticed the change in the tone of her voice when she mentioned her mother, "And if your mother asked you do to something," he re-thought the question, "No told you to do something. As a child would you have done it if you could?"

She smiled slightly, her face becoming almost human for a moment, "Yes. I trusted her."

"My father was a harsh man but I trusted him too." He stared straight into her eyes and for a moment she saw his eyes change color as he momentarily lost control, "Regardless of what you may think of me personally, I have only killed once in anger and that was not Azjah's parents."

She shrugged, "I was trained to think based on facts. Not on some stupid assumptions." She waited for a moment, "So, that was a murder, and somehow connected to your trust to your father? Why, did he ask you to do this? Was that some kind of family feud?"

He was silent for a moment and in a voice as cold as death, "I never said any of that. Nor will I." His voice resumed it's normal carefree tone, "As I said earlier, some things I do not discuss."

She shrugged again, It's only your choice. There are many things I do not discuss, and I'm glad you're not touching any of these subjects."

"They do not concern me," he stated simply. "I understand the need for privacy."

She smirked, "Privacy and to some extent, security."

"That is also a necessity in life."

She grinned, "Unfortunately it is. I'm surprised you manage to hide from the Fanged Duo."

"I've spent much of my life learning to avoid the gaze of my enemies, this is simply the final exam."

Rhaine laughed, "Thus, the modifications I noticed? And what after the final exam?"

"After, if such a time exists, I will no longer need to hide. I will be free or I will be dead. There is no middle ground. I only stay here to fulfill one final promise after that we will see what occurs."

Curiosity caused her eyebrows to rise, "Hope you don't mind me watching the events. Quite curious, you know. Even magic isn't almighty."

"Of course." He grinned to himself, "With the performance I'm about to give, I wouldn't feel right without an audience."

"And when you're finally free from whatever you're trying to be free, what would you do? bio-design? or some other fun field?"

"I would like to see this wine of yours come to life," his mind flew back to a conversation with Anne, "I also think I'd like to go for a cruise, but that like so much else is uncertain."

She nodded smiling slightly, "I wonder what you would think when you are hundreds of years old. Plan short-term projects, or weave webs that might last for decades."

"It is highly unlikely that I will see such an age. I am mortal. Ten years of planning seemed so long. To see the plans of centuries take shape," he shook his head, "I can only imagine."

"Anyone is mortal." she said with a laugh, "Even Kindred are killable."

"I will have to take your word for it."

"I hope you don't need a walkthrough on killing one of them."

"No, I would not ask that of you." his smile grew, "Security being a necessity."

She nodded, "In more than one way. And there are other ways to live a very long life. Other than being one of Kindred. Ever considered employment, long-term employment with great deal of freedom?"

"Are you offering me, a fugitive from half the bounty hunters in the galaxy, a job?" he said barely controlling a laugh.

She shrugged, "I can not offer such a job. It's not my choice to offer it. I merely know that you can be quite fit for it, and you might be very useful.

"And whom would I be working for?"

"Someone I also work for."

"So far I am merely asking you to consider this as an option. The job is part-time, so you don't have to spend all the day on it. Benefits of this job. Well, new skills, and rather long lifespan, longer than human. Drawbacks. Army-type discipline is sometimes required. And the assignments are sometimes dangerous.

"Sounds like my formative years all over again."

"Might be. Though you see, I have enough time with this job even to kill time dueling, and to take vacations."

"I'll think on it."

She nodded, "Never asking to do more."

"Oh and one of these days, I've got to learn that disappearing trick of yours. He grinned and slipped back into his raspy old man voice, "But for now missy, I have a trial to prepare for." He began to move off, walking stiffly.

Good luck with that." She said and faded into nowhere.

Kendrick continued back towards town. He thought about Rhaine's offer and wondered exactly what it could mean.
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Post by Rhaine »

Slowly, yet surely I was recovering from the strain of the Ritual. I could not let Raevyx and Vitus to get all the energy streaming through them. Raevyx will be needed with future projects of the Temple, and Vitus... I love my brother. Even though we don't have any common blood. Letting him risk in this insanity of energy, when so little time passed after his Binding, could be dangerous. He is the only one in this realm I feel close to...
It was time to start work. And I knew who could be the first candidate... Talented, intelligent, cunning.... The man has no magical skills, but are Vit and I not of Bound ones? I turned on my comm, and messaged....
"If you have time and no urgent projects, I would have a few questions to ask. Not too urgent, but I would prefer asking them in person. Any location is okay except for web-based chats. R.Rustovich."
Within minutes I received a response. "15 minutes. Where I first spoke to Gair." Smart human. I remembered the meeting - noon sun, pain in my eyes, but nothing I couldn't stand. I opened a rift. I actually like graveyards, the tranquility and silence. Humorous that a human would talk to a vampire in such a location, but probably he figured I am not one of Kindred.

Leaving my skeletal bodyguard in the Temple, I entered the silence of the familiar place. Opening a rift to a nearby location, so that he won't have a chance to see my ways of transportation, I walked to the grave. Some electronic device was already active there. Not that I care much. In 10 minutes a dhoine arrived, he might have looked black to other dhoine, judging by the melanine concentration, but... can someone fool a being of my kind? The modifications were the same, and I smiled, watching his performance near a grave of some dhoine female. His voice was raspy. "Morning missy. what's a nice lady like you doing in a place like this? Old Onasis, he's here talking to the dear old missus but you look too young to be having a beau."
I almost laughed. Too young... But he switched to normal voice, and I told him about the reason I requested a meeting. I needed to know about the double murder Azjah is so mad about. Sitting down on a tombstone, I told him about my attempts to stop Gabriel. My favorite vampire turned almost irrational when I talked to him... why? But Kendrick seemed disinclined to discuss this.

"How are your kind conceived?" he asked suddenly. That caught be a bit off-guard. Does he realize I am no vampire? or... he still thinks I am one of them?
"Most of us are born mortal, but initiated into this ... state... through death."
I hate lying, and this was a half-truth. Initiation of a Bound is as good as death. Sometimes - as tormenting death.
"So you were once human"
Watching the human, I nodded. Of course... memories of my home in long-dead world of Awyrran poured into my mind, vivid as ever. Sometimes I hate having enhanced memory...
"Do you remember your parents?" I heard as if through a thick fog. And heard my own reply.
"Of course yes. But if you think I would have killed someone who harmed them... you're wrong. My father pushed my mom into being lynched by a crowd that hated those gifted magically"
"And if your mother asked you do to told you to do a child would you have done it if you could?"
Not the time for human weaknesses, but the memories were painful. My father - a mediocrity, a brute, an inferior being - and he tortured my mother, he had thrown her into the claws of bloodthirsty human crowd...
"Yes. I trusted her." I could say no more.
"My father was a harsh man but I trusted him too. Regardless of what you may think of me personally, I have only killed once in anger, and that was not Azjah's parents"
Kendrick's voice was icy. Good control, human. I regained my normal stance. "I was trained to think based on facts. Not on some stupid assumptions". I wonder, how good he'll be after a few centuries. This dhoine can truly be an asset. He was deliciously evasive and almost as paranoid on security as I am. Shifting to lighter subjects, I inquired about his plans for the future, after this "exam" on hiding from Gabriel and Lucien.
"I would like to see this wine of yours come to life...I also think I'd like to go for a cruise but that like so much is uncertain," the human replied. Short-terms... at least compared to the plans my kin make. Crystal time!
"I wonder what you would think when you are hundreds of years old. Plan short-term projects, or weave webs that might last for decades..."
Never met a dhoine who would resist the temptation to live longer than their kind usually does. I baited him, clearly baited, and I do not feel ashamed of it. Even mortals serving the Lord always received a sort of energy feed that allowed them to live longer.
"It is highly unlikely that I will see such an age. I am...mortal. Ten years of planning seemed so see the plans of centuries take shape... I can only imagine," the human replied.
"Anyone is mortal. Even Kindred are killable", I laughed, and continued the baiting. "There are other ways to live a very long life... other than being one of Kindred. Ever considered employment... long-term employment with great deal of freedom?"
"Are you offering me...a fugitive from half the bounty hunters in the galaxy...a job?"
Yes, human, that is a job. A dangerous, challenging job... but we love it. In the end, any religion is an agreement - between the deity and His followers. Our loyalty and faith in exchange for His support. That's when you take the emotional compound out of this. Blasphemy? Probably. But behind any emotional motivation humans usually have some standard selfish thought. Leaving him to play with the option of gaining a job, I left.

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