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Post by Frog »

This idea just popped into my head and I was curious to see what others think about it . . .

Why not, as a reward to those characters who hold higher ranks such as Baron, Overlord, Opal, Diamond, etc, have them set up on a salary which comes with their title? It could be like a third job, or even take the place of one of their two jobs.

For example: Let the character have its maximum of two jobs, but, if that character becomes Baron, automatically assign said character a third job title simply called "Baron" and have it come with a preset wage awared every five days, just like the other jobs. Something higher than the maxiumm 100 nobles per five days, but not something outrageous. Off the top of my head I suggest 200 for Barons, 400 for the Overlord, although the specific amounts would need to be discussed. Because, you know, from what I gather about the setup of the DoS Baronies, it really seems like the Barons are the political authority of their respective districts, so the income could be desrcibed as taxes.

An advantage of this idea would be that it might inspire more interest in the higher ranks, generate more challenges, etc.

A disadvantage to this, I do realize, would mean more work for the site administrator in keeping up with changes of baronies from character to character.

So . . . Good idea? Bad idea?
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Post by Alais d Nitesong »

Interesting idea. I'm wondering if the system could be programmed to add the salary to the baron's automatically? Cut down on the manual input?
Lady Alais d' Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe
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Post by G »

I, too, like the idea, but it shouldn't be held to Just the Baronies. What about the Opals and Keepers?

Opals, as far as I know, get powers from their rocks. I'm not too knowledgable about that there.

Keepers, They get a tower, and I guess an elemental power from their title, but again, I'm not too knowledgable about the benefits.

Barons get a Manor, land, and an extra fancy. So, they do get benefits(For those who decide to actually RP out the new land and all)

So, I'd suggest that if it is possible to grant Baronies a wage, why not to Keepers and Opals, Diamonds and Archmages, too? :)

It's still an interesting idea.
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Post by Jake »

G wrote:Barons get a Manor, land, and an extra fancy. So, they do get benefits(For those who decide to actually RP out the new land and all)
Well, officially, the only thing the Barons have is a manor. While the manors are located in the 7 respective districts, that assignment did not specifically given them any authority over that district.
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Post by Amaltea »

Alais d Nitesong wrote:Interesting idea. I'm wondering if the system could be programmed to add the salary to the baron's automatically? Cut down on the manual input?
I was thinking, not just give the job and salary, but also move the rank icon from one player's inventory to the new holder.


All these special ranks can be part of a player's profile and show on a special field under the avatar when they post and it can be linked and done automatically when the histories are updated... ::goes off to write a wishlist::
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Post by Alais d Nitesong »

So the higher/special ranks could be shown and the salaries automatically accrued if I read that right.

Is it something fairly simple to accomplish, or more difficult than it sounds to those of us who don't do any programming? :D
Lady Alais d' Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe
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Post by Alais d Nitesong »

Jake wrote:[Well, officially, the only thing the Barons have is a manor. While the manors are located in the 7 respective districts, that assignment did not specifically given them any authority over that district.

It would be nice to see more of the barons rp the 'authority' over their districts. And even the Overlord.

Karen Wilder did a nice job of rping looking out for the security of the city and 'citizens'.

Cassius played with it during the dragon invasion of his district.

The concept of playing out a guardianship using the 'warlords' (read that fighters) of the city and the Barons and Overlord seems for me to flow naturally as a source of keeping the dueling IC with a commonizing thread.

Kudos to those to choose to play with that concept. The more the better in my view.
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Post by Elijah »

I definitely think this idea has some merit worth exploring.
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Post by Jake »

Alais d Nitesong wrote:
Jake wrote:[Well, officially, the only thing the Barons have is a manor. While the manors are located in the 7 respective districts, that assignment did not specifically given them any authority over that district.

It would be nice to see more of the barons rp the 'authority' over their districts. And even the Overlord.

Karen Wilder did a nice job of rping looking out for the security of the city and 'citizens'.

Cassius played with it during the dragon invasion of his district.

The concept of playing out a guardianship using the 'warlords' (read that fighters) of the city and the Barons and Overlord seems for me to flow naturally as a source of keeping the dueling IC with a commonizing thread.

Kudos to those to choose to play with that concept. The more the better in my view.
FYI, this was one of the biggest sticking points that helped prevent the idea from being executed a *long* time ago. People did not want to be "forced" to RP being in charge of an area.
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Post by Alais d Nitesong »

Jake wrote: FYI, this was one of the biggest sticking points that helped prevent the idea from being executed a *long* time ago. People did not want to be "forced" to RP being in charge of an area.
I'm certain there are those who do not want to play that way, but it is nice to see people who do and what they can do creatively with the "authority" of the Baron's titles.

I'm not suggesting that it should be 'mandatory', but certainly could add color for those inclined to take it and run with it.
Lady Alais d' Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe
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Post by Jake »

Alais d Nitesong wrote:I'm certain there are those who do not want to play that way, but it is nice to see people who do and what they can do creatively with the "authority" of the Baron's titles.

I'm not suggesting that it should be 'mandatory', but certainly could add color for those inclined to take it and run with it.
No argument from me. That's why I've been in favor of the idea for many years.

It's really the only sort of thing that would ever give me reason to try for a Barony.
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Post by Karen Wilder »

Jake wrote: FYI, this was one of the biggest sticking points that helped prevent the idea from being executed a *long* time ago. People did not want to be "forced" to RP being in charge of an area.
Ah, but that's just it...

Let's say some character "Lazy Pete" (Just making up a name) became a Baron. There's nothing requiring him to RP being "in charge" of his territory... in fact, he could even RP completely neglecting his "duties"!

Or someone else like "Dirty Lou" could RP setting up criminal activities in that territory, because it was known that the current Baron wasn't showing any interest in what was going on.
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Post by Mistress Azhrae »

I do believe a stipen of some sort should be given out. Would it not make more people interested in keeping their titles as well? More dueling and such as well as thicken some of the stories?
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Post by Panther »

Mistress Azhrae wrote:I do believe a stipen of some sort should be given out. Would it not make more people interested in keeping their titles as well? More dueling and such as well as thicken some of the stories?
Only if they "care" about the money they earn here on the forums.

I don't think this would give those who haven't been taking advantage of the RP opportunities any more incentive to do so. But it would give another outlet for those who do RP out the various aspects to do so.
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Post by Alais d Nitesong »

Jake wrote: It's really the only sort of thing that would ever give me reason to try for a Barony.

Oh my gosh, there is a very scarey thought..... the half Orc as Baron?


I'll be looking forward to that day Jake.
Lady Alais d' Arma Graham d' Nitesong Sidhe
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