
Transplanted Rigelian and her adventures in the Nexus world of RhyDin and

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Azjah von Drachen Walde
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Post by Azjah von Drachen Walde »

Where did an entire month go? The summons from the Kaiser had given me a month to make arrangements, and now I discover there is no more time!

Thank G~d for Dyson! He’s overseen the packing, and a multitude of ancillary things that simply HAD to be done.

I have only today received my costume from the seamstress, my chosen feathered form will be that of a Harpy Eagle. The raptor provides a presence that cannot be denied. I will not be one of the useless, brightly colored birds from some rainforest somewhere that most of the women will mimic. I prefer the image of a predator. Dark. Dangerous. Capable of rampant destruction with razor sharp talons, and recurved beak.

The gown is a fitted, shimmering black silk that has swept sleeves that nearly touch the ground in draped folds that almost look like wings. A train trails the floor with the look of fanned out tail feathers, and the feathers are created by illusion using deep dark grey silk embroidery. The gloves are dark grey, almost a charcoal grey leather with the look of curving talons at the finger tips. The hat is the striking ivory plumage of the Harpy when the feathers are raised in curiosity or triumph. The mask is also done in the ivory plumage, rimmed in black silk with glittering golden eyes. It is dark elegance, without the gaudy colors and glitz many of the guests will be wearing. I cannot see myself in the plumage of a prey animal. I wonder what Klinton will think, and I wonder just how the night will go.

There is no time for this reverie, and the young woman packing my last two garment bags secures the costume in one and then I catch sight of the garment bags that have arrived from Koy. My heart stuttered. In that set of bags delivered today are my wedding dress, and my investiture gown.

I have been single for 33 years. Never have I had to be accountable to anyone but my liege lord, and parents. When we return to RhyDin, this will all be changed. Forever more. My hands went cold. Would I be any good at being a wife? After so long alone, would I adapt to such a change in my world?

Dyson knocked upon the door. It was time to get going to the hangar. My guests would be arriving soon, and I needed to have the craft flight checked and ready. I glanced into the mirror, seeing a woman there in deep blue flight suit, and pale blue eyes that for once looked back at me in uncertainty. The usual air of complete confidence was missing.

Dyson coughed discreetly, and I followed him out of the Palazzo.
Last edited by Azjah von Drachen Walde on Sun Nov 13, 2005 5:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Azjah Telyria Danaan
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Last Duel Free

Post by Azjah von Drachen Walde »

Flight prep was completed. Route filed. All systems verified. Everyone's baggage stowed.

I was a bundle of nerves, and it was several hours yet before departure, so I went to Twilight Isle. It was the first time I'd ever gone to any of the venues in a flight suit rather than silk, and Artemus gave me an odd look when Klinton followed me through the portal, also wearing a deep blue flight suit and carrying his helmet.

I grinned at him from my ring, and the Keeper I faced. "I see Dyson set you up?"

He smirked back at me, "if by setting me up you mean giving me a helmet 2 sizes too small, then yeah."

I had wondered how he'd take the snug flight suits and head gear, "you look good in that, not your usual attire, but still looks good." The fitted suit was needed when we were in zero gravity to help maintain proper blood flow, but they are not very comfortable for people unused to the snug fit of a deep space flight suit. And it didn't hurt that it showed off his duelists body to fabulous advantage.

He took a table near the rings to watch, and I quipped, "you get that ostrich costume made yet?"

As I faced off against Farek, he shocked me by saying, "shaved my legs and everything."

I did a quick double take at him. "You did not!"

He proceded to pull his pant leg up to prove his point. He really had shaved his legs! With half my focus on Farek, and half on Klinton, I told him he'd likely regret that choice since it would itch like mad when it grew back, but I couldn't help but wonder just how far up his legs he'd shaved!

My ongoing battle with Farek ended after fourteen rounds, in its usual manner. That man's luck is simply unbelievable.

Returning to Klinton, I dropped lightly onto his lap after spotting Syous - "Ah, the elderly one!" He stopped in his tracks hearing me, and I flashed him a grin.

Klinton happily let me settle onto his lap, "if I'm old, you don't have to marry me!"

Giving his cheek a kiss, "not you, that one - Syous, besides, it's too late, you are stuck with me."

I leaned against his chest, whispering conspiratorially, "I don't think that Syous likes being called old." Then sobering slightly, "the pre-flight is complete."

His arms snaked around my waist as he told me good, but then he asked me if I was certain that I wanted to go through with it.

How could he know I'd spent the afternoon contemplating that very subject? Or worse, was he having second thoughts? I forced a quick smile, "you getting cold feet?"

He kissed my cheek back, "certainly not, but it is a change, do you not agree? And I can't say I'm not a little nervous."

Looking into his face intently, I agreed that it was a huge change, and I admitted to having spent the afternoon pondering just how huge these changes will be; however, I did not give voice to my worries.

Worries. Now there is an understatement. Near terror might be a better descriptor. What if I cannot adjust to being a wife? What if this does not work? A Writ of Dissolution is much harder to obtain from the Kaiser since the peerage is supposed to represent our society. The Kaiser does not grant Writs of Dissolution very readily. As these thoughts chased themselves around in my mind, Klinton chimed up, "I'm excited."

Harris, ever the one to twist a comment, turned toward Klinton, "dude, keep that to yourself, or buy some bigger pants, either/or."

Klinton laughed, and I could feel my cheeks warming, but Harris continued, "you're gonna shame some of the non-alpha males present, myself not included."

He and Klinton exchanged a few comments back and forth before Klinton turned back to me, and I thought I had enough time to regain some composure until Klinton said it was about his bed time. Harris, never having learned when to keep silent interjected loudly, "Klinton has a bed time? How old are you, three?"

Klinton gave Harris a grin, "anytime is bed time when I'm going to bed with Azjah."

Harris raised an eyebrow at him and I turned several shades of pink. "She's faking." Harris pronounced.

Xerzes, the termagant, added "Harris is absolutely correct."

But the piece d' resistance was when Klinton shocked us all by saying, "she very well may be, but I'm not!"

I have no idea how bright pink I got, but I dropped my head onto his shoulder, whispering, "I think it's past time to go."

He gave me a quick squeeze before setting me on my feet. Thankfully there were no more quips from Harris.

Faking it?!! Clearly Harris doesn't know what I do about the man I share my bed with, and I intend to keep that aspect entirely to myself. That aspect of our life together is not a point of concern. It is everything else that preys on my mind as we prepare for departure.
Azjah Telyria Danaan
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Something Amiss

Post by Gabriel »

Departure. Systems executed flawlessly. The Star Dragon and her passengers left RhyDin at 8:00 PM sharp. Coordinates set into the computer, autopilot available, but the Marchioness remained at the controls of the ship.

She seemed almost relieved when Klinton excused himself to check on their passengers and guests.

Lucien faded from view, watching her. Something was amiss. She was not herself.

She spent hours alone in the cockpit when the autopilot could easily have done the flight. This was very uncharacteristic for the woman who managed her life with such conviction and certainty.

Lucien watched.

Mr. Caer came and went from the cockpit, Anne came once, Duchess De Winters came twice. The Marchioness was unfailingly polite, answering questions, chatting amiably, and yet, remaining mostly alone.

Lucien does not like it.

I do not like it.
Gabriel Datrazanov
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Post by Anne »

The trip to Rigel was ... dull. The ex-pirate ended up circling the room her mind somewhere far away.

Her first train of thought led to the children. Chris and Kat were with Shandren and Artemus right now, and perfectly safe ... but: Were they okay? Were they having fun? Were they eating Shan out of house and home?

Pacing back and forth Anne ran through another train of thought. How on earth was she going to behave appropriately? Azjah had talked about a Kaiser, the be all end all. Good impressions would be a smart idea. Anne sucked at good impressions, unless they dealt with picking up men or dealing shady business. It was a safe bet that the Kaiser didn't need a date and that he wasn't involved with the black market.

That fete was another problem. Imps costume was all right; she had found a pleated brown skirt to replace the thong. Yet the fete was going to be a courtly affair. Her past experience with courts was crashing the party and collecting certain valuables.

Searching to ease her mind Anne found the way to the cockpit. 'If I were Azjah right now, I would be scared stiff.' That was Anne’s opinion before and after her visit with the Marchioness. Oh Azjah looked, acted and seemed fine but then again, she was a very good actress. In the mean time, the ex-pirate spent her time worrying.
Anne Ellis Feren
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Cold Feet???

Post by Klinton Caer »

I had just finished putting on the flight suit. Looking in the mirror, I took a deep breath. Azjah is the one. I know that. I was excited and nervous. I did one last check around the room, making sure everything I needed was packed...although I knew it would be. I didn't even have to mention what I wanted going...it was all just taken care of. I took one last deep breath and heard the sound behind me.

"Something is amiss." I stopped in my tracks, turning to see Gabriel.

"Talk to me Gabriel."

"Have you noticed anything unusual about the Marchioness?"
"Nothing that would be out of ordinary considering we are to be married shortly."
Gabriel mentioned that she had been spending time alone. More than usual. I had attributed it to the fact that she has a business to run, and with me training. It hadn't occured to me to be anything other than that. But we are getting married. There is to be some nervousness about that right?

"Uncharateristic silences, a preference to being alone when there are other options. Watch. You will see."

I watched Gabriel for a moment. "Keep her safe. We are both changing major things in our lives.....do you think she's second guessing this?"His response was yes, if he had to guess.

"I will try to talk with her."

"She won't admit to anything. Weakness is not something she will admit."

"I am soon to marry this woman, Gabriel, I know how she reacts to such things." My tone must have hinted at impatience, although I did not mean to.

"You are, of course, correct. My years of knowing her lend me a perspective you may not yet know. I meant no offense."

"None taken Gabriel. We both know Azjah, and we know that her gut will tell her to deal with this privately."

"Privately yes. This silence is not the woman I've watched launch new companies, and leave Rigel. This is not the woman who faced down a mob that sought to murder Lucien and I. But, now I need time to hunt. The preflight is complete, coordinates are programmed in. You are ready for departure."
I had not been aware of Azjah facing down a mob. I had never inquired as to how she had met her employees. But I did know her strength. I knew she could do anything, and I knew she would first turn to herself to solve her problems, not anyone else.

Gabriel disappated from the room. I grabbed my flight helmet, and made my way to the ship...I depend on Azjah. This is a new world to me...she will have to guide me through it.
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Duty Summons

Post by Azjah von Drachen Walde »


My Home World.

We approached quickly, and there will be little time to spare once we land.

Dyson has arranged for us to be picked up by the Triberg staff and taken to the family home in the Capitol city of Festungsmauer. We will be a short distance from the Palace wher tomorrow I must present Klinton to His Majesty officially. Two days hence, we must face the Masque, and on the following Saturday, investiture.

The Monday after Samhain however is the day that most concerns me. The Kaiser has decreed our betrothal be sealed with vows, before peers, on that Monday. Because the Masque officially ends The Season, our vows will be done in late morning, with an early dinner for guests. Peers. At investiture, I will have been wed before G~d and Emperor almost a full week!

First things first. Arrival.

The Star Dragon docked at 1:00 PM 5 days after departure from RhyDin. Customs was cleared, including Anne on special visa, and as the group exited the area, there were waiting for them three black Maybach vehicles, clearly identified by the familial crest of the Triberg Holdings. Crowned griffon rampant clutching sword in one claw, and mistle in the other. Supporting standards of stylized oak leaves bracket the rampant griffon.

Azjah and Klinton were escorted into the first, Duchess De Winters, Kaja and Gnort into the second, and Anne and Caleb into the third. Within 20 minutes, they arrived at the city home. It is reminescent of Bavarian architecture, rising 3 stories behind intricate iron gates. Terra cotta appearing tiles roof the structure, and the timber frame home has several balconies littered with cascading flowers from each tier in shades of iridescent blue, sun flower yellows, and brilliant rose reds. The plants themselves are not immediately recognizable as none grow in RhyDin yet.

The walls of the Imperial Residence rise above the roof lines of the homes of the upper middle class merchants of Rigel, as well as the homes of the Imperial Peers and their city dwellings. As they arrive beneath the portico, Baumann immediately had guests shown to their rooms. Duchess De Winters was shown to the Rose Suite, Kaja and Gnort were set in side-by-side rooms on the second floor, and Anne and Caleb in adjoining suites at the other end of the hall from Kaja and Gnort.

Tea would be served at 3:00 PM promptly in the library on the first floor.

Baumann had the bags delivered to each person, and a young woman was busy unpacking when Azjah showed Klinton to the third floor private residence area of the house. Here the Danaan's were able to maintain some resemblance of privacy away from the comings and goings of the guests or other family members in residence.

The view from the balcony showed the city gently falling away as they were perched along the crest of one of the taller hills in the city. Trees lined the streets, and in the distance was a glittering blue lake. It has the look of a Summer City. Bright, airy, with a lot of color from gardens and parklands. It is a jewel in the Rigellian landscape.

She stood looking out over her home, both hands clasping the ballustrade, "tomorrow we present you officially to the Kaiser. He begins audiences at 10:00 AM. Can you be ready?"

Tomorrow they would be thrown headlong into the intrigues of Court life. Her friends would see first hand the forces that shaped her personality.

Lucien knocked. Tea was being served downstairs in the library. They were required.
Azjah Telyria Danaan
Marchioness von Triberg
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Some things never change

Post by Azjah von Drachen Walde »

I don't know how he does it. How Klinton knows just when to say the things that re-assure me, but somehow when I need his love and moral support, it is there.

Lucien had come to call us for 3 PM tea, and while I would have left our talk to go down, Klinton would let them all wait. How very different our worlds have been. Mine, driven by rules and protocol, his by completely separate precepts. We will need a balance I think.

Our tea was interupted by an unexpected visitor, and when Baumann brought the Earl's calling card, I wanted to believe it was a cruel jest, but my staff would not do such a thing. Waiting in the foyer was the peer I least wanted to see. The Earl of Tuebingen stood waiting to gain entry into my home. No doubt to cause more mayhem and pain. I'd warned Klinton not to trust the weasel, but had not had opportunity to warn the others.

I excused myself. If there was any way to keep the Earl out, I would do so. I found him pacing the foyer with Lucien keeping a cold eye on him. there was no sense wasting time with false pleasantries. "Your Grace, what brings you to my home today?"

He whirled around to face me. His appearance always reminding me of a weasel or ferret. "Marchioness" he sneered, "I heard you'd returned and have come with a betrothed. You reject elegible peers in favor of..... some commoner?"

Well, he certainly knew how to start a conversation off on the right foot! "My fiance is not your concern Earl. What do you seek here?" My patience was growing quite thin given our long past of mutual antagonism, and Lucien gave me a steady look. He'd toss the Earl out on his backside if I would but give him a nod.

The Earl gave me an odd look, "why Marchioness, I've come to welcome you home, and offer my services to show your guests around our fair city."

Yeah, right! Just how did he know we'd arrived back, and that I'd come with friends? Did the man have spies all over the planet? Right about then, Duchess De Winters joined me. Now I would have no choice but to make introductions to the Earl. With an inward sigh, I escorted the Earl into the Library. As formally as possible, I made introductions, but when I got to Anne, the Earl's eyes went cold and calculating. Something set off warning bells in my head, and I could see Caleb's features behind his shades solidify. He'd seen it too.

The Earl is going to be trouble, I can just feel it!

My un-announced visitor departed in a socially decent time. He may flirt with the edges of social acceptability, but he would not dare be flagrant, not with his peerage equal present. The Duchess' presence kept the Earl from being too blatant in his dislike for me.

After his departure, I took our guests on a tour of the city center. Dinner would be served at 8:00 PM, so we had several hours to roam around the city. I also sent Lucien to Goehring's to place an order for me. I hope Holger can obtain it before Monday.

The city tour took us through the main shopping district and past the Imperial Residence. In the main square, surrounded by 2 rivers was the office complex for running governmental affairs. There is a stark difference between the almost medieval looking Imperial residence and the chic, ultra modern complex of offices of State.

The city is an intriguing blend of very ancient and cutting edge technologied styles. Many of the Peers enjoy the look of medieval fortresses, but with all of the modern conveniences inside. The Kaiser maintains the air of longevity by keeping the crenellated fortress that dominates the tallest hill in the city.

We returned by 7:00 PM to allow everyone time to refresh and dress for dinner. I have instructed Baumann to keep meals as informal as possible since Cara is the only one used to the formal aire of ceremony, and I wish our guests to be comfortable, not stressed out over protocol. I think the 'official' tea time came as a bit of a surprise for some.

I did have to smile when 8:00 PM arrived, and our 'informal' dinner turned out to be set in the dining room with a 5 course meal waiting everyone! The chef had created a meal that was beautiful to look at, and simply wonderful to consume.

After dessert, Baumann showed the gentlemen into the library for brandy and cigars while the ladies were expected to retire to the solar for sherry. I exchanged a mirthfilled smile with Cara. Somethings never do change!
Azjah Telyria Danaan
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Post by Anne »

Rigel. It is a fascinating place. I've been enjoying myself yet with a slight touch of ... caution. It's a marvelous world and I wish I could see it. During the first day or so, I had the pleasure of being introduced to an Earl. He was polite to me and I enjoyed chatting with him. However, something made me uneasy. I don't know what it was, but it was there.

Perhaps it was the fact that I was uncomfortable in this new place. Courtly affairs bother me, because I really am not a courtly person. After the Earls visit we took a tour of the city. Even though I couldn't see a thing, the others described it to me beautifully.

I was both famished and exhausted after the tour. The dinner was huge and delicious, filled with five courses that I could barely eat. Follow the meal the men and women were supposed separate. The women to leave for sherry while the men smoked cigars. Azjah, Cara, Kaja and I talked for a little while but within the hour I was falling asleep. Excusing myself politely I left.
Anne Ellis Feren
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Working through nerves.

Post by Klinton Caer »

The trip to Rigel was mostly uneventful. Per Gabriel’s suggestion, I did watch Azjah. He was right. During the entire journey, I feel like I hardly spent 20 minutes alone with her. It seemed we were either with everyone else, or she was disappearing to be alone. I had certainly caught my attention.

The ship landed, and Azjah and I were escorted to the first of 3 Maybachs. I approached the subject as we sat close together in the car.

“You’re home. How does it feel?”

“Foreign. I’m not sure how it should feel right now.”

“Are you nervous?”

“About?” She asked. Typical Azjah…I would have to press the issue a bit.

“Being back? Presenting me? Marrying me?” I gave her a few moments, when she didn’t respond I simply added, “Seeing me in an ostrich costume?”

She smiled finally. “I never liked living here. The rules are stifling. We will be expected to maintain protocol. I have great pride in the task before us, but we will face a hostile group of peers. Most notably the Earl of Tuebingen.”

I nodded. “Azjah…” My voice trailed and I lost my train of thought as I glanced out the window. “It’s beautiful here. I wasn’t expecting different species, although I guess I should have been.”

I kissed her forehead. “What are the sleeping arrangements exactly?”

“Baumann has set up adjoining rooms. The 'image' is important, but everyone knows we've been living together. We will have the third floor to ourselves. The other will be in the second floor guest rooms.”

My nerves were now getting the best of me. “I hope I can live up to your expectations Azjah. What are the chances of the Kaiser saying no?”

She shushed me by placing an index finger on my lips. “He has already said yes Klinton. This is a formality so he will know you the remainder of the festivities.”

I grew bright red, realizing now what I had done on this trip. “I shaved my legs Azjah. I have set myself up for total humiliation. What was I thinking?”

“You were immersed in your costume. You embraced the idea whole heartedly. You don’t have to be an ostrich if you don’t want to.”

I sighed. “I suppose I would be less happy if I were unable to be myself. The ostrich stays. It is who I am.”

“Be yourself. You’re the man I chose, not a man created for a place like this. A place I don’t even like.”

“I hope you know that I love you.”

“How do you always know when to say that? I love you to, I only regret that you have to run this crazy place. There our family city home.”

I gasped, but tried to hide my amazement. “Yeah, you’re right. It’s not that spectacular.”

“You don’t mind that we are sealing vows on Monday?”

I smiled. “Azjah, my vows have been sealed for weeks.”

We had arrived. I tripped slightly, trying to play it cool as I gawked at the beautiful house I had just entered. We were escorted to our rooms. I covered my eyes as we realized a young girl was unpacking Azjah’s wedding gown. I promised her that I did not see a thing.

Azjah led me outside to the balcony. The view was breathtaking as it showed the whole city. Placing her hands on the balustrade, she looked to me. “The Kaiser begins audiences at 10. Can you be ready?”

“I am at your disposal.”

The logistics of attire were discussed, and Azjah then began to ask a question. “Klinton, what if…” Lucien knocked and stepped through the doorway, interrupting.

“Tea is about to be served Madam.”

I turned. “We will be down directly. Give us just a moment.”

Lucien stepped out. “What if what, Azjah?”

“We shouldn’t be late to our first engagement, but, what if I’m not any good as a wife?”

I smiled. “You’ll be wonderful. You have never let me down before, and I know this will not change that.

“Maybe that’s the issue. I don’t want to start letting you down.”

“You intrigue me Azjah. The more I know you, the more I want to know you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

As we stepped out, Azjah informed me that I was to not trust the Earl of Tuebingen. I assured her I would not, but, I must say I am eager to meet this man.
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In Righteous Fealty to G~d, Emperor, and homeland

Post by Azjah von Drachen Walde »

Morning broke early, flooding my room in brilliant rainbows of color through the leaded glass. Klinton's arm was thrown over my waist, and for those precious moments, all was right and peaceful with the world.

A knock at my door soon broke that idyll as a young woman entered, prepared to assist me in preparation for our trip to the Kaiser. As Klinton stirred, she practically squeaked as she made a hasty exit, vowing to return in 30 minutes.

And so it began. The complete lack of privacy. The constant comings and goings of staff. One of the reasons I am only on Rigel for required affairs. RhyDin was so much more comfortable.

Shooing Klinton back into his rooms, I began preparations to face His Majesty for the first time in nearly a year. Having incurred Royal Displeasure by choosing a partner from outside the peerage would be stress enough. I needed to be flawless for this meeting. Somehow, I suspect we will se a bit of the Royal Temper today.

The young woman returned as promised, and I learned her name was Katarina. She proved quick with her hands as she coifed my hair and did the makeup. The dress for today's audience was a sky blue silk chemise with a fashionably low cut bodice. An overlay of royal blue sheer was slit and parted to show intriguing bits of pale blue as well as glimpses of leg beneath the translucent overdress. Jewelry consisted of 3 golden hair picks with sapphires, sapphire earrings, gold and sapphire necklace and matching bracelet. I decided to wear only the diamond ring Klinton had given me on my hands- clearly making a statement for His Majesty. Completing the attire, a pair of royal blue silk stilettos, matching fan and silk gloves.

Thanking Katarina, I knocked lightly on Klinton's door. The man simply takes my breath away. He was dressing in formal morning suit, white gloves, and was stunning to behold. We went down stairs to meet the others for the drive to the Kaiser's audience chamber.


We arrived and were escorted to a large antichamber where there were already several of Rigel's peers waiting. We waited near one of the many statues of former Kaisers, and well away from the others. I was not of a mind to talk to them before we'd been presented. Call it superstition if you like.

Anne and Kaja both seemed slightly nervous as we were left to cool our heels and await the Kaiser's pleasure. About 30 minutes passed before the Major Domo summoned us.

I set my fingertips atop Klinton's arm as we were announced, walking behind the young lad who carried the flags of Triberg and Drachen Walde. As the lad stepped to the right off the carpeted aisle, I sank into a formal curtsey before my liege lord, Kaiser Joachim the Third.

"In Lehenstreue und Ergebenheit fuer Gott, Kaiser, und vaterland." My head bowed, I dared not move until bidden to do so.

That command was a long, long time in coming.
Azjah Telyria Danaan
Marchioness von Triberg
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Oh Kaiser, what a pleasure to finally meet you!!!!

Post by Klinton Caer »

I glanced quickly over to Azjah as she dipped into a curtsey, bowing her head. I immediately dropped into a bow as well. I began to rise again, then realized that she wasn't rising. I dropped my eyes to the ground and waited.

I have no idea what was happening behind me. From the sound of the Kaiser's voice, it was not good. He was ruthless, commenting to Azjah about the lack of respect that he was recieving with this group. The term commoner was tossed about several times by him. If he only knew how uncommon this group of people before him was. My thoughts were wandering a bit. I simply wanted this moment to be over. I reached across my body and placed my hand on Azjah's, which was gripping my forearm. The Kaiser was continuing his rant:

"So because they are your friends, that excuses you from informing them of the proper protocol of this court?"

"My Liege," Azjah replied, "in your vast experience I felt you would wish to meet the real people who have helped me, rather than people who do not exist."

I'm sure that if the Kaiser could see my face, it would be red with anger. Luckily my head was still bowed. I took a few deep breaths. Azjah continued.

"You are so often courted by false behaviour. This group represents the real people who have aided one of your vassals."

Who was this woman...and what has she done with Azjah? I have never seen her dance like this before. This man might of just as well be a puppeteer. Truly, this is a side of her I have never seen. Quite frankly, I do not understand it. I have almost had enough of this...

"Real," the Kaiser replied to Azjah, "Because they are real does not exuse them, nor you, Marchioness, from recognizing, and executing proper ettiquette."

Tap, tap, tippity, tippity, tap. Azjah's dance continued, "Forgive my mistaking your desire, Sire."

I was growing very sick of this, and prayed to G-d that I might hold my tongue. I kept telling myself that I was here for Azjah, for formalities sake, and we would soon be back in Rhydin.

"Rise. I grow tired of looking at this commoner's heaving back." So...he had noticed the deep breaths. I rose, dropping my hand to my side again. I met the Kaiser's gaze with my good eye. I knew my face was red, I could not help that. All I could do was meet his gaze.

It was Anne that spoke next...I'm sure something she regretted doing in hindsight. "Milord, My Leige. It is not the Marchioness' fault...I take full responsibility for my breech in protocol. She forewarend me, and told me what was expected. I failed to comply and do what was absolutely necessary."

The Kaiser's gaze was lifted from me. I took the moment to blink.

"Did I give you permission to speak? You're complications of sight does not provide any excuse for the flapping of your tongue."

I bit my lip, my gaze resuming on the Kaiser. I could not see Anne, who stood behind me, but his comment had silenced her.

Ladies and gentleman, presenting for your viewing pleasure, Azjah Danaan. Watch carefully as she dances expertly.
"My Lord. May I introduce these people who now stand before you?"

"At this time, I have no desire to know the names of those who show no respect. It is only because of your newly raised status that I allow them to continue to stay in my presence."

Thier was some movement, sudden shifting, behind me. I could only assume that one the other's, most likely, Caleb, was about to go off.

"Their unfamiliarity is my failing Liege. You bade me present my betrothed on this day milord."

"I did. Present him then."

"My Liege, may I present Mr. Klinton Caer, of RhyDin, to your Majesty."

I am here for Azjah, that is the only reason that I resumed my bow before the Kaiser.

I rose again, dancing a bit myself. "Thankyou for accepting us into your court today my Lord."

I could feel the heat from the Kaiser's burning eyes. "I do not recall accepting you."

I nodded, knowing very well where I stood with him, and there would be no changing that at this point. So I might as well tell him a bit of what I think. "Well, then, thankyou ffor allowing us the grace of your presence today. And please forgive my friends. Where we come from, respect is normally earned. Not given blindly to those in power."

The statement would have had much better effect if I could have mustered a smirk, but, with Azjah's hand on my forearm, I could not.

"We are not 'where you come from', commoner."

I started a response, but was interrupted by the Kaiser. "I highly suggest you exercise silence, before I choose to revoke my acceptance of your marriage."

That is the one card that the Kaiser will have over me. And it will be more powerful than anything else. I will jump through any hoops he presents, if it means not doing so would lose Azjah.

Azjah presented the others. I stepped to the side slightly to allow the Kaiser a better view. I thought we may get out of their quickly, with no further harm done, until the Kaiser said, when turning to Caleb, "You have brought an assassin with you to court?"

Azjah continued. Claiming all of us as friends. I give her credit, never once did she ever deny us in front of her Majesty. She is an honorable woman. I was glazing over. I admit, I didn't really hear the ensuing discussion on the assassin in the court. Anne started to run out of the room, I told her to stay, the kaiser had the royal guards block the door. The Kaiser screamed, slamming his hands on his chair. "ENOUGH!" I took Azjah's hand as the Kaiser put as all under house arrest until the issue with the assassin was solved. We backed out of the room.

House arrest huh? That house is huge...oh the fun we could have.
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House Arrest

Post by Azjah von Drachen Walde »

We stopped at our place, and with my right hand resting on Klinton's forearm, I sank into a deep curtsey as I pledged my fealty once more to my liege lord. Klinton followed suit slightly after I made my obeisance.

Silence reigned, and I was forced to maintain the frozen curtsey. From where I knelt, I could just see the Duchess out of my peripheral vision as she too dropped nearly to the floor in an elegant court curtsey. I could feel my hands tremble. This was a side Klinton and the others have never seen - subservience. I know my unease was transmitting to Klinton, but the Kaiser's silence was ominous.

At length, "it would seem that the entourage you have brought before Us have a good amount of a lack of respect Marchioness."

My head still lowered, he'd not given me leave to rise, "Forgive my liege, they are not from a homeland with such needs. Only the Duchess and I."

The Kaiser's words were cold, "yet you brought them before Us, and thus, are responsible for their actions!"

Klinton cleared his throat, and I prayed he would not speak up just yet. He'd not been introduced, and that too would be a grave insult.

I lowered my head further, "yes Liege, they are my friends, and have helped me in RhyDin." I was praying that by reminding him of the increased revenues from my expansion, he would soften some, but he did not. "So, because they are your friends, that excuses you from informing them of the proper protocol of court?"

I was deeply into the soup, "my Liege, in your vast experience, I felt you would wish to meet the real people who have helped me, rather than people who do not exist."

Klinton tensed beside me, taking several deep breaths.

I continued cautiously, "you are so often courted by false behavior. This group represents real people who have aided one of your vassals."

His voice fairly shook the hall, "REAL... because they are real does not excuse them, nor you, Marchioness, from recognizing and executing proper etiquette toward Us!"

My legs were screaming from being forced to hold the curtsey for so long. "Forgive my mistaking your desire, Sire."

At long last, "rise, We grow tired of looking at this commoner's heaving back."

We rose and as I looked up at His Royal Highness, I discovered his attention was riveted on Klinton. "Milord, my liege, "

Anne's voice broke the stillness. "It is not the Marchioness' fault. I take full responsibility for my breech in protocol. She forewarned me, and told me what was expected. I failed to comply and do what was absolutely necessary."

The Kaiser's gaze fairly shot to Anne, "did We give you permission to speak?"

I needed to keep his ire focused on me, "My lord, may I introduce these people who now stand before you?"

He, the Kaiser, remained fixed on Anne, "your complications of sight does not provide any excuse for the flapping of your tongue!" The Kaiser turned once more to me, leaving Anne in the tortuous curtsey.

"You bade me present my betrothed on this day milord." I carefully reminded him.

He glowered at me, "at this time, We have no desire to know the names of those who show no respect. It is only because of your newly raised status that We allow them to continue to stay in my presence."

"Their unfamiliarity is my failing Liege." Somehow we had to get the introductions done, or we could not go about in public!

At length, he mused, "So We did, present him then."

Relief flooded through me, and I turned slightly, resting my fingertips upon Klinton's are once more, "My Liege, may I present Mr. Klinton Caer, of RhyDin to Your Majesty?"

Klinton bowed, and the Kaiser gave a curt nod. His ire evidenced in his remaining silent. But, he'd acknowledged the introduction, which meant that Klinton could be out in public life on Rigel now.

Klinton rose, "Thank you for accepting us into your court today my Lord."

But the Kaiser was not feeling well disposed toward us, "WE do not recall accepting you!"

Klinton nodded, and I could tell he was growing ever more upset with the Kaiser, "Well then, thank you for allowing us the grace of your presence today. And please forgive my friends. Where we come from, respect is normally earned, not given blindly to those in power."

I winced.

The Kaiser's eyes smoldered, "We suggest you exercise silence before We choose to revoke Our acceptance of your marriage."

Klinton started to speak, but the threat of revocation silenced him in mid-word.

I glanced at Anne, and whispered to Cara, but Caleb was there to lift Anne from the killer position she'd held for too long.

I spoke up, "My lord, I have introduced you to my betrothed, now please meet Duchess Cara De Winter," Perhaps her proper formality would help soften him somewhat.

He studied the Duchess for long minutes as she once more gave the Kaiser a beautiful court curtsey.

I continued quickly, "and behind the Duchess Liege is Miss Anne Xile, and Mr. Caleb Feren."

Anne dropped once more into a curtsey, but Caleb remained upright. BEDAMNED!

Fire roared into the Kaiser's eyes as he watched Caleb's ongoing show of disrespect. Then he slowly swung that wrath filled gaze at me.

"Milord, they have come at our request to participate in your generosity during this time of closing the Season."

His next words sent terror into my heart. "You have brought an assassin to Court with you, Marchioness." His tone was deadly. If he chose to assume Caleb was here to make an attempt on his life, we could all be summarily executed for treason!

Cara and I both knew this, I do not know if the others realized the import of those words.

Anne's voice was meek, "that would be my fault my Lord. We shall leave Rigel if that so pleases you."

I groaned. If the Kaiser thought Caleb was here for him, we would none of us leave. Execution would be our fate.

I spoke up quickly, this HAD to be salvaged and quickly, "My Liege, these are my friends. As a Marcher, it is my right, granted by you, to extend my influence into areas normally not attempted. I claim my friends, including an assassin. And I claim them as a loyal vassal to Your Majesty."

Caleb spoke softly to Anne, but in the audience chamber, we all heard him, "no, it is not your fault. If the pompous ass can't see that I am no assassin, nor have I been for quite some time, then perhaps his royal rump can come down here and take a closer look."

Cara's eyes widened with every word, and if it was possible, she went even whiter.

The Kaiser slammed his hands down on his chair, standing in a trembling rage, "ENOUGH!"

I jumped, and I felt Klinton flinch.

Anne unwisely continued, "we will depart, your Majesty. Our paths shall not cross again."

Oh dear.

"WE said enough!" thundered the Emperor.

Anne rose and grasped Caleb's elbow as if to leave before being dismissed, and I groaned. We were all going to be locked up in the Imperial dungeons!

Caleb spoke softly to Anne, "Stay Anne."

She tore her arm away and headed for the door, turning her back on the Emperor! The Kaiser motioned for the guards to close and bar the doors just as Lucien walked out of the shadows to stand beside the Duchess. Thankfully, the Kaiser either didn't see his arrival, or chose to ignor Lucien's unorthodox appearance into the audience chamber.

"Marchioness, your action of bringing this.... thing... to Our court comes close to treason. You will report, along with this.... thing... "as he waved vaguely in the direction of Caleb.

I nodded, "If that is your wish Sire." and I can only hope and pray that Caleb will comply.

The Kaiser continued, "WE have had enough of this circus, you are all dismissed. Oh, and Marchioness, consider your house, and your guests under house arrest until this matter is cleared."

Dread whispered along my spine. House arrest was not a good sign. If this investigation went the wrong way, we might all pay an ultimate price for coming to Rigel. "So noted Majesty." I began to back away from my liege lord, never turn your back upon an emperor, it is disrespectful enough to get you shot on sight.

We returned in silence to the house, and already there was one of the Kaiser's uniformed guards standing at attention at the front door.

Baumann met us, and I explained the House arrest status, and that it included the entire staff. No one could go home, no one could leave.

Baumann nodded once as he let our guests into the library. I apologized to my friends for the situation before retreating upstairs. Closing my suite's doors, I stood looking out over the capital city as foreign feelings washed through me.

Reaching up, I felt tears slip down my cheeks.

Azjah Telyria Danaan
Marchioness von Triberg
Baroness von Drachen Walde
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Post by Anne »


The word didn't describe the meeting well enough. I had gone over everything too! Curtsy, be respectful, and don’t interrupt...everything Azjah had told me. I failed at everything. Every. Last. Thing.

I'm sure that my life right now is the only thing I can be grateful for...and even that is a stretch. I should have never come here with Azjah; the whole thing was my fault! If I hadn't come then Caleb wouldn't have come; and we were the prime factors that Azjah was in this mess.

When Azjah apologized I tried to tell her that everything was my fault. No use. Furious at myself I walked up to the second floor and entered my room. House arrest or not I was packing my bags. The moment this situation was resolved I was leaving. Fete or not, masque or not, I was gone. With only the bare necessities unpacked I left to find Caleb. It wasn't too hard considering the man still shadows me.

Taking him aside I spoke softly to him but my words cut harshly. "You better not screw up this second meeting with the Kaiser Caleb. If you do, I will never forgive you."

An hour later I searched for a servant that could deliver a letter to Azjah. A young woman named Katarina informed me she would locate the Marchioness and deliver the letter.



You need to know, you ABSOLUTELY need to know, that NONE of this was your fault. I listened as you negotiated with the Kaiser in a diplomatic way that I couldn't even imagine. You were phenomenal.

I stand by what I said to the Kaiser. What happened was my fault. You warned me, you warned everyone on behavior. It is my failure for not having obeyed those instructions. Clearly, bringing Caleb here was the worst of all mistakes. He would not have come if I had not wanted to join you. That issue will be resolved instantly.

Please, if you can find a way, inform the Kaiser that anything I can do to better the situation will be done. Whether it is leaving Rigel, becoming his maidservant, or whatever else he may come up with even execution. Death isn't foreign to me.

Once again Azjah, this isn't your fault. Please, I beg of you, you must know and understand that you did your absolute best.

Love Anne


The letter wasn't perfect; it didn't describe what Azjah needed to know in the best way. I only hope that she doesn't blame herself.
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Meeting on the balcony.

Post by Klinton Caer »

I stepped toward Azjah's door. Katarina interupted me in the hall. She blushed slightly, I can only imagine she must be somewhat embarrassed about this morning. This morning, that moment seemed like days ago. Katarina gave me a message for Azjah, saying it was from Anne. I smiled, taking it, and then knocked on Azjah's door.

I heard no response, so I knocked again and then entered. I had already had Baumann bring up wine to the room, so I wheeled the cart in behind me. "Azjah?"

"Out here, on the balcony."

I stepped quietly out to join her. "I passed Katarina in the hall. She asked me to give you this. It's from Anne." I was embarrased about the days events. I could hardly look Azjah in the eye. I did not know where this conversation would go. Azjah has given me every indication that this world is not really important to her. But today went about as bad as it could. I would understand completely if she totally called things off.

Azjah quickly wiped her cheek. I could tell she had been crying. Yet another response from Azjah that I am not used to seeing. I did not know if she wanted me around right now. So I just asked. "Did you want to be alone?"

"Yes and no. I don't want to be downstairs right now, but I don't want you to leave. I have made a muddle of things Klinton."

"I have made a muddle Azjah. I take full responsibility. I put this burden on you."

Azjah breathed deep. "You are not the problem. Tomorrow I'll go with Caleb, and we'll see what we can do to remedy this."

I stepped back into the room. "You want wine? I had Baumann bring some up."

"That would be lovely."

"Ya know Azjah, I feel this all originates with me."

"It doesn't in my view. You had no way of knowing. I didn't properly prepare any of you. "

I poured the wine, walking back out to her.

I handed her the glass. "We knew Azjah. You wanred us. It is my failing."

Azjah handed me the note, asking me to read if for her.

I opened the note and read:


You need to know, you ABSOLUTELY need to know, that NONE of this was your fault. I listened as you negotiated with the Kaiser in a diplomatic way that I couldn't even imagine. You were phenomenal.

I stand by what I said to the Kaiser. What happened was my fault. You warned me, you warned everyone on behavior. It is my failure for not having obeyed those instructions. Clearly, bringing Caleb here was the worst of all mistakes. He would not have come if I had not wanted to join you. That issue will be resolved instantly.

Please, if you can find a way, inform the Kaiser that anything I can do to better the situation will be done. Whether it is leaving Rigel, becoming his maidservant, or whatever else he may come up with even execution. Death isn't foreign to me.

Once again Azjah, this isn't your fault. Please, I beg of you, you must know and understand that you did your absolute best.

Love Anne"

I gave a slight chuckle. "It seems we are both prepared to bear the burden."

"You see, you both want to do that, but neither of you is to blame."

"If I had n," I stopped short. I really didn't think I would ever be saying what I almost said. I shook my head.

Azjah turned to face me. "If you had not done what? Proposed to me? Come to Rigel? Met the Kaiser? Klinton....this is not your fault, unless you believe you should not love me, nor I you."

"That's right Azjah. Any one of those things. You would not be facing this." I was feeling weak now. I didn't want this to go this way. "I feel responsible. I feel guilty...and worst of all, I feel like I am not worth this."

I could tell I had hurt Azjah. The words hit her hard..."You'd rather....not....." She paused, as if words would not come. Finally, she continued. "You want out?"

"I have caused you pain Azjah. The last thing I wanted." I was still feeling weak. I dropped to my knees before her, my head bowed. She sank to the tile, taking my chin in her hand., lifting my head to meet her gaze.

"You look me in the face when you tell me you want out of this."

"I do not want out Azjah. I was embarrassed tonight. I embarrassed you. The funny thing is, I tried to walk on eggshells in there, and I still ended up looking pretty Sh#$#%."

"Then what do you want Klinton? You never looked like that. The kaiser was angry with me. Only me. He took it out on all of you."

"I wanted to punch that man Azjah. I wanted to drive my sword through his heart."

Finally, Azjah smiled. "Now...that IS treason."

"Nobody deserved what we went through Azjah."

"We only need to get through this week. We will, but not if you don't want to."

"I do not want to deal with this week. But I do want to have you, by my side, forever. That cannot happen withough this week. We much plug away."

"So, we just have to deal with the Royal Temper. We need to get to Anne. She cannot go on believing that she is to blame. The Kaiser is truly only angry with me."

"If she has not already snuck out, I believe she will leave at the first opportunity."

Azjah stood up, offering me a hand. "If she did, we'll have more trouble."

I rose as well. "She would know about how much more trouble we'd be in. She would not leave."

Azjah put her untouched wine glass on the ballustrade. She hugged him. "I can't let any of you feel this is your fault."

He squeezed her back. "We cannot let you think it's yours."

"Klinton, we are under house arrest. Does everyone understand that if we can't convince the Kaiser that Caleb is not here to assassinate him, we could all be executed for treason? It's not as simple as Anne thinks...just go away and not come back."

"You heard the note. She's prepared for execution. I understand the situation. It's Caleb we should fear. I do not see his attitude changing much. We should speak with him before your meeting tomorrow."

"If he will even go. I may have to face the Kaiser without him. He won't leave Anne."

"We certainly need to speak with him. Him not there will only make it worse. The Kaiser requires his presence."

"Klinton? I'm sorry to put you in this boat. I really am."

"Hey babe, I proposed to you remember? Two or three times I might add." Azjah blushed and I smiled. "You certainly took convincing."

"Well, life hasn't been dull. Shall we go find Anne?"

I nodded. "And Caleb."

"Any ideas what to say to him?"

"For Anne. He needs to do this. It will make Anne feel better. And for our sake as well....but Anne will have more pull."

Azjah left to fix her makeup, and then, arm and arm, they stepped downstairs to see thier guests.
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Post by Azjah von Drachen Walde »

The Kaiser was proving to be more angered than I had anticipated. I had not known that Caleb had been an assassin, but you don't contradict the Kaiser in public anyway. But, it seems the man has had a past that would be questionable for such a meeting anyway.

He is however, one person that Anne depends on, and as such, welcome in my homes. Now, how to convince my liege that there is no threat to him in that association?

Klinton and I went downstairs again, only to find that the Earl of Tuebingen had once again called, leaving a gift for Anne. Wonderful. More complications!

We entered the library, and found Anne and Caleb. The summons in the morning to meet again just Caleb and I was not voluntary, but I'm not certain Caleb will comply. Klinton planned on reminding him that Anne would also be endangered if he declined, which may be the only reason Caleb might consent to the audience.

I hesitated a moment before handing Anne the package and card from the Earl. "This was left for you, I would not trust the man if I were you."
Azjah Telyria Danaan
Marchioness von Triberg
Baroness von Drachen Walde

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