Team Twilight seeks duelists.

Events and announcements from the enchanted isle of the Duel of Magic.

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Team Twilight seeks duelists.

Post by Esperwind »

Team Twilight presently has two openings for duelists for the upcoming Team Dueling League season. Interested parties please apply with Etherean Esperwind at the Tower of Fire, Twilight Isle.
Artemus Kurgen
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Post by Artemus Kurgen »

After reading Esper's message on the Cork and heads for the Tower of Fire.

Waiting patiently, he stays just a step beyond the tower's natural defenses, knowing that Esper will be alerted by one of the many elementals and by the tower itself.
Artemus Allonan Kurgen
Headmaster of Arcanum Academy
Proprietor of Dark Wolf and Leopard Jewelers.

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