The Phoenix Guard

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The Phoenix Guard

Post by Lothar Blacklance »

"Alright, listen up, you maggots! Front and center! Get your asses in gear and form a line! I want your bright, shining faces up here and paying attention!"

A scurry of bodies burst into motion, scambling over bunks and footlockers to reach the open floor in the center of the barracks chamber. Lothar glanced about, sizing up the other recruits as they gathered before the bellowing priest. The men around him were from various backgrounds. Lothar recognized none of them, but that didn't surprise him since he himself was so new to the city.

The priest who was doing the bellowing stood at the doorway to the room, and waited impatiently for the men to line up. "I'm waiting...I'm WAITING!..."

Some of the men snickered a little, which provoked an immediate reaction from the priest. Lunging forward, the priest was in front of the man who snickered first in the blink of an eye. "DID I SAY SOMETHING FUNNY?!"

"" the surprised recruit began stammering.

"DID I SAY YOU COULD SPEAK?!" the priest bellowed at the man. The priest was a hulking man, standing nearly half a head taller than any other man in the room, and his build suggested he was something more than a mild prayer-giver.

The recruit snapped his mouth closed and stood staring at the priest.

The rest of the men had gone silent, perhaps mostly from surprise.

"My name is Brother Osberic." The priest began a slow pacing down the line of men, giving them all a once over. He met each man with a penetrating gaze that both assessed them, and challenged them. "I am chief brother in charge of the temple guard, and guard training." He reached the end of the line and turned smartly back around to walk the line again, this time glancing at no one. His pace was long and powerful.

Lothar suspected that the priest was demonstrating just how big he was and waiting to see if anyone was going to challenge him.

"While you serve in the White Lady's Temple Guard, you will receive your direction from me, or one of my appointed assistants. Failure to heed my will has unpleasant results. Do you understand me?"

The men remained silent, unsure if they were supposed to respond.

"WELL!?!" the priest bellowed at them from the end of the line. "Do you understand me!"

One of the braver men dared, "yes, Brother Osberic!"

"WELL?!?" Again the bellow. "Is he the only one that understands me? WAS I SPEAKING TOO QUIETLY?!"

"Yes, Brother Osberic!" a chorus of voices responded. "Yes, Brother Osberic, we understand you."

The brother glared at them, clearly unsatisfied with the cacophony of their answers.

"Your training begins tomorrow at sun-up. You will be on the grounds in front of the barracks for weapons training promptly. Anyone missing from that training will be dismissed from the guard." The brother moved along the line a final time and then strode to the center of the room.

When he was centered opposite the line of men, Osberic ran his eyes over the men and then his features softened, but only from the hardness of granite to that of limestone. "The White Lady has need of strong soldiers to help defend her temple, her acolytes, and the way.

"You have each volunteered to serve the White Lady. It is my job to harden you, and ensure that you are able to fulfill that role." The brother swept the line of men again with his gaze. "I am a hard man. I will not be easy upon you. I will expect hard things from you. If you lack the iron within you to deal with me, then you are not fit to be a part of the temple guard."

The men shifted nervously. Lothar watched with interest. Long a veteran of soldier camps and their training, this discipline was nothing new to him. He suspected this was the first time some of the men had ever been a part of a formal military organization.

"If you don't think you have the iron to be a temple guard, tonight is your opportunity to leave. Those that meet me tomorrow morning will begin their training, and we'll see just who's got it in them to serve the White Lady."

The brother turned and began marching towards the doorway. Just before exiting, he turned back to the men. "You may rest up for the remainder of the evening. I recommend those of you that have not yet visited the Arena to do so. The White Lady places high stock in those that have skill at arms and encourages her warriors to engage in the bloodsports."

Lothar was mildly surprised to hear that dueling would be encouraged. From the murmurs around him, the other men were equally surprised.

Brother Osberic turned to them fully. "The White Lady understands that those who study the blade, know what it means to commit one's life to an ideal. Your lives will be the armor that will protect the temple. The White Lady must know that you do not fear to spill the blood of others, or to risk the spilling of your own. Within the rings, you may prove yourselves both to her, and to me."

With that, Osberic turned and marched from the room.

The men relaxed immediately and glanced about at each other. "Well ain't that a fine thing to hear...we're allowed to brawl and mix it up while off duty." Some of the men chuckled. Lothar smiled and returned to his bunk to stow his gear. Maybe being a guard might be fun after all.
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Post by Lothar Blacklance »

Lothar held the lad by the collar of his tunic, his fist clenched in the cloth just tight enough to keep the lad off balance. Any time the boy tried to escape, Lothar shook him a little. "Cut it out, boy. You don't want to piss me off."

"Peace, Lothar, we don't need to harm the lad. They are simply misguided children." Brother Jacob stood off to the side, tending to the minor injury suffered by the other guardsman, Trevan, from a thrown rock.

Most of the boys who had been defacing the statue had fled when the guard had arrived. One boy had been snagged by Lothar. Another had thrown a rock at his fellow guard and then fled.

Lothar shrugged and shook the boy again. "Don't piss me off." He growled under his breath to his prisoner.

Then to the white-robed brother. "So what are we going to do with him?"

Brother Jacob finished attending to the lump on Trevan's head. "What shall we do? We shall let him go."

"What? Are you serious?"

"What else should we do?"

"I don't know...give them a good beating?" The boy stiffened in Lothar's grasp and tried again to break free. A quick yank put a halt to it.

The brother smiled. "That will not be necessary, Lothar. The White Lady has believes all children deserve our indulgence."

Lothar grunted under his breath.

Brother Jacob approached Lothar and the boy. "The White Lady forgives you, lad. Do not fear that any harm shall come to you."

The boy's body was rigid with distrust. Lothar remained alert in the event the boy got any stupid ideas about attacking the brother. He kept his hand on the hilt of knife just in case.

"Do you understand what is wrong in your actions, lad?"

The boy squirmed. "She's just some Overlord. Besides, people say she was evil!"

Lothar would have cuffed the boy, but Brother Jacob stopped him. "We should not judge so quickly, lad. All of the Overlords are worthy of respect. It is in showing respect that we prove ourselves worthy of the respect of others. This is why we protect all of the memorials to the Overlords." Lothar suspected that comment was as much directed at the guardsmen as it was to the lad.

Trevan poked at his forehead gingerly. "I'd like to teach the boy a little about respect."

Brother Jacob actually chuckled. "Then we must respect the boy's ignorance and show him a better way." He placed his hand upon the boy's shoulder. "Listen to me, lad. I will be calling for other brothers and sisters from the temple to clean the memorial. They will bring with them a repast in which you may share if you will stay and assist them in the task. Will you do this?"

Lothar gaped. He was offering the boy food?

The boy stared into the brother's face. Perhaps searching for a hint of danger. Brother Jacob just smiled at him reassuringly.

"um...mmm...ok...", the boy got out.

Lothar was amazed. Did the boy really mean to stay and help clean the statue just because the brother asked him to do so, for the reward of the food? It was then that Lothar noted the skinniness of the boy. Perhaps he was a street urchin. It was possible that regular meals were rare for him.

Brother Jacob beamed at the lad and then looked to Lothar. "You may release him."

Lothar kept his hand on the hilt of his knife. He let the boy go, expecting him to run. But instead, the boy just stared up at the brother. Was there something different in his expression? Hope? Was that possible?

The veteran soldier could not rule it out. He himself was jaded about religion, but perhaps the words of the holy man had touched something within the boy. Lothar shook his head in disbelief.

"Trevan, please return to the temple and ask Sister Naomi to send out a some of the brothers and sisters, along with a meal, to help in our task."

Trevan came to attention and saluted. "Yes, brother." He strode off at a brisk pace back towards the temple.

Brother Jacob turned his attention upon the tall memorial to Overlord Shakira. "Come, lad, help me begin our task." Saying that, the brother took out a cloth from his robes and began to clean the surface of the statue.

Lothar watched as the boy joined him. The boy alternated his attention between the brother and the work upon the memorial.

"Keep an eye, Lothar. Perhaps the other lads will join us as well. What do you think?"

Lothar shook his head and smirked inwardly. Religion was a powerful thing.
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Post by Vinny »

It was a good morning. The sun was shining, the breeze was light, and Vincent was actually in a good mood as he walked through the temple. He made his way to visit some of the guards who were training at the moment, whistling happily. He stood there watching for a few more minutes before calling them over. "I have a job for you all this morning. Put your weapons away and meet me back here in 15 minutes in uniform."

The guards, surprised by this sudden announcement, hesitated a moment before running off. There were some whispers amongst them as they all tried to figure out what they could be doing. None of them had any idea, but they all knew that if they were not back in time, they'd be in trouble. Fortunately for all of them, they made it back in time.

Vincent looked them over. "I'm sure all of you are wondering just what we're doing this morning. We're going out not to spread the word of the White Lady, but to do good in her name. We will feed those who are hungry, heal those who are sick, give shelter to those who have none. In return, we will ask nothing, save for their thanks. If they choose to come to the temple afterwards, that is their choice. But we will not require it of them."

One of the guards spoke up. "Um, sir? Pardon my asking, but I know that none of us have any serious medical training. So just why are you taking us with you?"

Vincent stared at him for a moment. "I know that you're capable of handing out food, and I'll be handling most of the work anyhow. But think for a moment. Imagine a child who's living on the streets, scraping for a warm meal and a place to sleep. Now imagine the joy in her eyes when she sees a smiling guard walk over to her with a loaf of bread and some fresh fruit. She'll know that we were there for her where other's were not. Now imagine this on a larger scale. Two people. Five. Twenty. One hundred. Each of them will experience the goodness that is the White Lady
through us, her loyal followers. That is what we're going to accomplish. Now let us go, while the day is still young."
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Post by Vinny »

Vincent led the men through the streets surrounding the temple, calling out for those who wished help, whether it be food or shelter. It was quite the spectacle, and it did draw out a few people, even it it was just out of curiosity.

Finally, one of the people spoke up. "This involves joining you guys, right? I'm sure you mean well and all, but most of us don't want to leave our homes for some crackpot temple that just sprung up."

Vincent stopped his men and smiled. "No, you don't have to join us. I'm sure that you all have some very large attachments to your homes and I wouldn't think of asking you to leave unless you wanted to. I'm simply offering a free meal and some work done around your house, couretesy of the temple and no strings attached."

The man was still skeptical of the whole thing. It smelled too good to be true. "Look, how do I know that this isn't some kind of trick? I mean, I don't know you from...." His eyes caught sight of one of the guards. "Adam? What in Sam Hill are you doing with these people?"

Adam glanced at Vincent quickly, and upon getting a nod, stepped out of line. "I signed up last week as part of the guard. I'm not really a part of the temple, but they give three square meals, put me up in the barracks, and train me every day." He thumbed over at Vincent. "This guy's legit. Just let him show you and you'll see."

The man looked back at Vincent. "Well...ok. But what do you plan on doing, making food drop out of the sky?"

Vincent laughed. "No, I'm not that good. Just bring me some trash that you've got lying around."

The man raised an eyebrow, wondering just what he could do with a pile of trash, but did get together a few things rather quickly and brought them back.

Vincent nodded and rolled up his sleeves. "Thank you. Now if I could ask you to stand back for a moment." He extended his hands and focused in on the pile for a moment, getting a read on it's structure, feeling it's essence, and slowly began to make changes to it. Eventually, after a few minutes, the trash had turned into a small ham hock.

The man stepped forward and grabbed the ham. He was quite amazed, not used to seeing this type of thing, but still looked at Vincent with an air of skepticism. "This is as big as you could make?"

Vincent shook his head. "No, I'm quite capable of making more than that, but I just need a bigger pile of trash." He turned to the guards. I know that many of you have friends here. Go help them clean up this place. Give them a hand in bringing their trash here so I can make a meal of it for them."

And so it began. For the next few hours, the guards helped people bring stuff in, and Vincent turned it into all sorts of foodstuffs. Ham, turkey, fish, fruits, vegetables. It was a veritable feast. Word spread like wildfire. More people started coming out. Vincent did what he could to keep things straight, having some of the guards keep the line organized. But after a few hours, he felt drained, tired, and had one bugger of a headache.

"I'm sorry, but these next three people will be the last that I can do for today. But I promise, we'll be back another day."

Some of the people in the line mumbled. "Figures. We get here and he stops for the day. Some all-powerful mage this guy is...."

Vincent stopped and strode over to the people who said this, making eye contact with all of them and almost staring holes in them. "No one's capable of doing everything. I'm mortal, and have my limitations. I just put my faith in the White Lady, so that she may help me overcome these limits someday. You're more than welcome to do the same, if you really wanted to make things better."

With that, he gathered up the men, wished everyone a good night, and went back to the temple to get some rest.
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Post by Vinny »

Vinny walked over to the barracks, dressed simply in his robes. After losing to Lothar in the Talon, he decided to take him up on his offer. Swords had never been his strong point, especially when he couldn't augment it with some of his magics. If he could get a little improvement, it certainly couldn't hurt. Likewise, he could teach them some of the more magical arts, which certainly wouldn't hurt them in the field. He just hoped Lothar was around.
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Post by Lothar Blacklance »

Lothar returned from his morning patrol to discover Vincent at the barracks. "So, decided to wander by and get in a little practice after all?"

After putting aside his sword and gulping down some water, the warrior gestured towards the practice yard. As they stepped into the yard, Lothar grabbed up one of the wooden practice swords and swung it a time or two and then moved into a ring.
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Post by Vinny »

Vinny loosened up a bit as he walked out into the yard, doing a bit of stretching before grabbing a practice sword. "Yeah, I figured I'd stop by. Somehow managed to find some spare time between the six impossible things I'm assigned before breakfast."

He tossed his cloak aside onto the ground as he stepped into the ring, taking a few light swings and givinga wry grin. "Make sure you don't hurt me too badly. I'm not allowing myself to use magic for this."
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Post by Brother Zed »

Brother Zed glanced through the reports and recommendations on his desk. Operations at the Sisters of Light Hospice were going well. Zed was pleased with the work Sister Alia had been doing. Activity reports at the orphanage were less promising. Perhaps Sister Alia could spend part of her time at the Orphanage as well. It was something to discuss with the high priestess.

A clock on the wall chimed the hour, reminding Zed of his appointment with Brother Osberic. As the last chime ended, a soft knock at the door drew his attention. Sister Naomi stood in the partially opened doorway, undoubtedly to announce the arrival of Osberic. Zed gestured her and the brother in. "Come in Brother Osberic. Come in."

The heavily built brother marched into the room at a military pace, outstripping the sister's own entrance. Zed smiled to Sister Naomi. "Would you please bring us some tea?" The sister dismissed herself and exited the room. Zed turned his attention to Osberic. "I am pleased to see you Brother Osberic. I have read your proposal." Zed motioned to a pair of reading chairs situated near the fireplace. "Shall we discuss the idea?"

Osberic visibly hesitated. As a man of action, Zed knew that sitting was not something Osberic spent much time doing. An ordinary day for the drillmaster started before the sun rose, and did not end until well into the evening when the night patrols had been assigned. The man was always on the move. He managed to be everywhere at once when it came to managing the guard. When not in the practice yard running sword drills, he was inspecting the barracks, or the armory, or performing a spot check on a patrol, or checking the security of the grounds of the temple, the hospice and the orphanage.

Finally, Osberic relented and moved to the chair. He settled himself uncomfortably as Sister Naomi entered quietly and set out tea for the both of them. Zed smiled to himself. "I understand you have concerns about recruitment."

"Yes." Osberic wasted no time waiting for an invitation to expound. "We have enough men for our immediate needs, but with events within the city, our resources will be stretched thin should we be called upon to serve new missions."

Zed nodded in agreement with this point. The news of fires witing Dockside, Dragon's Gate, and New Haven were...unsettling. Some agency, sources reported a dragon, was going to great lengths to cause havok within the city.

"Do you believe the temple is in danger?" Zed asked the soldierly brother.

Osberic shook his head. "No. Bother Vincent's magical wardings should prove more than sufficient to protect the temple from incidental fire."

"Even against dragonfire?" Zed inquired knowing as he did that the nature of dragonfire was different from normal fire. Dragonfire was as much mystical energy was it was ordinary fire, a characteristic that made dragonfire very difficult to resist.

"Between Brother Vincent's wardings, and the high priestess' own enchantments, I've been assured that even dragonfire could not cause harm to the temple. However, the orphanage and the hospice are not as powerfully protected."

Zed spent a moment pondering this news as he sipped at his tea. A hint of some exotic fruit softened the bitterness of the tea. Zed could not place the fruit for the moment. He would have to inquire with Sister Naomi later.

While he considered the tea's flavor, Zed made a mental note to find a more proactive solution to protecting the temple and its grounds.

"You'd like to expand recruitment efforts?" Zed resumed.

"Yes. Even if the grounds are protected, I foresee a need for more guards. As the White Lady instructs, we must protect the Accepted, and if we are to do so effectively we must expand." Osberic gave up sitting and got to his feet. He paced militantly before the fireplace as he spoke.

"Which is why you propose a barracks in each of the city's districts?"

"Yes. We can respond more quickly if the guard is stationed in other parts of the city."

"You will require captains for these stations?"

Osberic nodded. "In time."

"Have you begun considering who among your current complement may be ready for such an assignment?"

"There are some that may suit. Though none are ready at this speaking."

Zed nodded, accepting the information.

"And you wish to rename the guard?" This part of Osberic's proposal had been the most interesting.

"Yes. I wish to give the guard a concrete identity. We exist to serve, but soldiers of all kinds wish to be recognized for their service. I wish to give them a name, and a badge, something they can wear with pride to demonstrate their allegiance and commitment to a calling.

Zed smiled. "And you have already chosen a name?" Zed knew the answer already, since the information was in the written proposal Osberic presented days earlier.

"I'd like rechristen them the Phoenix Guard."
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Post by V. »

He entered the temple and looked about the place. He'd heard some of the tales about them. Such as a guard that acould turn trash to food. He was skeptical himself, not really so much as the guards abilities, but about the temple itself. However making it by in this city might be hard and joining the guard would help him with several things. One of which being he could do alot of good for people as a guard then on his free time he could go back to his regular profession which seemed to be dying out. He wandered the temple half lost however as he searched for whoever might be in charge or a place to sign onto the guard. He kept his giant Zweihander upon his back the whole time. A black blade with yellow runes running down it's flat edge.

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