Rule Updates and Clarifications (November 2018 -> April 2020) [old]

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Rule Updates and Clarifications (November 2018 -> April 2020) [old]

Post by PC »

Time goes on and things change! Here's where current rule-updates will be posted from now on.

For the full list of Duel of Swords Gameplay Rules check :arrow: here!
Want to see the older rule updates? Please check :arrow: here!
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Re: Rule Updates and Clarifications (November 2018 -> Current)

Post by PC »

Retirements and Inactivity portion of the DoS Rules have been changed from...
Retirements and Inactivity
Inactive/Retired Duelist List

1. If a duelist goes through a cycle without a duel you will be taken off the standings and placed on the Inactive Duelist List. This includes all title holders.
a. If a title holder is inactive for an entire cycle, their title shall be considered abdicated and that title shall be placed in the appropriate tournament as a prize. (See specific titles for the type of tournament.)
2. Duelers who no longer on the standings due to inactivity or retiring may duel at last recorded rank as shown on the Inactive/Retired Duelist List, provided they inform the caller on duty prior to the start of any duel that they are listed on the Inactive/Retired Duelist List and link them to the above thread.

3. This list will be provided as a sticky under the DoS OOC folder and a link will be provided to it from the DoS standings.

4. Duelers from the Inactive/Retired Duelist List will be moved to the Active Standings after they have finished a single duel. Reinstatement does not apply until the Standings are updated.

5. The Inactive / Retired Duelist must continue providing any new caller with this information until such time as they are placed back on official Standings.

6. There is no requirement to contact the standings keeper, unless a discrepancy is found.
Retirements and Inactivity
  • 1. If a duelist goes through a cycle without a duel you will be taken off the standings. This includes all title holders.
    • a. If a title holder is inactive for an entire cycle, their title shall be considered abdicated and that title shall be placed in the appropriate tournament as a prize. (See specific titles for the type of tournament.)
    2. Duelers who no longer on the standings due to inactivity or retiring may duel at last recorded rank as shown on their Historical Record, provided they inform their opponent prior to the start of any duel that they are listed on the Historical Record.

    3. To check a duelists Historical Record: Direct Message the Nexus Guide with the command ?ranks "Character Name". A duelists Historical Record can be found on the standings as well.

    4. The inactive / Retired Duelist will be moved from the Historical Records to the Active Standings after they have finished a single duel. Reinstatement does not apply until the Standings are updated.

    5. The Inactive / Retired Duelist must continue providing any new opponent with this information until such time as they are placed back on official Standings.

    6. There is no requirement to contact the standings keeper, unless a discrepancy is found.
Reason: Necessary updates for Discord integration.
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Re: Rule Updates and Clarifications (November 2018 -> Current)

Post by PC »

Anything related to Thursday in the rules have been updated to say Sunday.

Standings will be updating on Sunday.
Title reigns will officially begin/end on Sunday, when it comes to mod usage and barony transitions.
Start of Cycles will begin on Sunday(s).

Reason why can be seen here: link.
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Re: Rule Updates and Clarifications (November 2018 -> Current)

Post by PC »

I've updated two spots in the rules to add a link to the callers list. One under The Barons Rank ( Link ) and the other in the Overlord ( Link ) section.

DoS Available Callers (Link)
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Re: Rule Updates and Clarifications (November 2018 -> Current)

Post by PC »

The following rule has been changed.
3. A challenge is not considered complete until the results are posted in the Standings. Standings are considered official at 6 pm EST on Sundays. Where not specifically addressed all challenges must be answered within one week of validation (by the date and time the validation notice is sent out) and dueled within two weeks of the response. Any challenge not responded to within one week, setting a time and place, shall be considered a forfeit. (See Title Forfeiture below )

3a. The date a challenge is fought will be considered the official date of defense of that title and is not subject to the date of the Standings to become official.
Has been replaced with,
3. A challenge is not considered complete until the results are posted in the Standings. Standings are considered official at 6 pm EST on Sundays. Where not specifically addressed all challenges must be answered within one week of validation (by the date and time the validation notice is sent out) and dueled within two weeks of the response. It is the responsibility of the challenger to secure an official for and to post the agreed-upon date before the challenge takes place. The caller chosen must be agreed upon by all parties directly involved in the challenge. DoS Available Callers (Link)

3a. Any form of response to the challenge thread by the title holder is considered acceptance.

3b. The date a challenge is fought will be considered the official date of defense of that title and is not subject to the date of the Standings to become official.
Reason: Better clarification and to match with what is written under the Duel of Swords Overlord / The Baron Rank portion of the rules. The forfeiture portion of the rule also felt too extreme. PLEASE be sure to include information on your challenge time, date, and caller of choice before your challenge takes place though. This rule is being relaxed but if it does become an issue it could possibly be brought back.

The updated rule can be found here: Link
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Re: Rule Updates and Clarifications (November 2018 -> Current)

Post by PC »

The following rule has been removed.
4. Warlords are unable to challenge the same Barony twice in a row. (I.E. Seaside, and then Seaside again.)
Reason: The reason the rule was put into place at first was under the thought process that constantly challenging a single baron could possibly be used as a way of harassment. In a way the fear of harassment overshadowed the possibility of story line progression, achievement hunting, or friends simply wanting to challenge one another more than once. I don't think it's right to allow fear to get in the way of others fun, as well as it not being a rule within the other two sports, and for that reason the rule is being removed. The rule is also flawed, since it did not cover the chance a player with multiple warlords could challenge for the same title should one of their characters fail -- as well as only being in place for Barons and not the Overlord.

Harassment and even the idea of harassment is a serious issue and it's something that will not be ignored or tolerated, so the removal of this rule does not mean the Duel of Swords staff will accept harassment. Please see what to do about harassment under the site Guidelines (link).

Much like the rule posted before this one. This rule could very well be reinstated should abuse happen.
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Re: Rule Updates and Clarifications (November 2018 -> Current)

Post by PC »

The DoS rules have been updated to reflect the changes to the Challenge Right system. As the Overlord Grace period is still being tested, it was not included.
Regaining Challenge Rights
  • 1. A Warlord may regain Challenge Rights by way of regulation dueling should they fall below the maximum of two (2) Challenge Rights.

    1a. To regain Challenge Rights a Warlord must duel in regulation Duel of Swords matches. For every five (5) duels won a Challenge Right will be awarded to the Duelist.

    2a. Warlords may regain Challenge Rights the night following a failed/won challenge. Title holders may regain any used Challenge Rights through the same process as well.

    2. To use these regained Challenge Rights the challenging Warlord must list their winning regulation matches in the challenge thread (Please see the example below).

    Thread Subject: Challenge for Dockside!
    I'm challenging for Dockside!

    Proof of Regained Challenge Right
    PC .def. Lisa Takamine, 5-2 in 10, DoS
    PC .def. Hope, 5-4 in 8, DoS
    PC .def. Claire Gallows, 5-4 in 9, DoS
    PC .def. Goldglo, 6-5 in 12, DoS
    PC .def. Nat Candle, 5-3 in 14, DoS

    Important Note: Please remember that a challenge isn't officially finished until the standings are updated, so keep that in mind before you challenge with any regained challenge rights.

    3. A maximum of two (2) Challenge Rights can be held at a time.
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Re: Rule Updates and Clarifications (November 2018 -> Current)

Post by PC »

The Overlords Grace has been added to the rules here.
Overlord Grace
  • Should an Overlord have a Majority of Loyal Barons then the Overlord will be given a 30 day grace period after successfully defending their title against a Warlord. No other duelist of the Warlord Rank will be able to challenge them*. The grace period will end should there be a change to a Renegade majority.

    1. Renegade Barons will still be able to challenge for Overlord, and their challenge will supersede this 30 day grace period.

    2. The rules for banished Loyal Barons will be the same as they are written now -- in other words, a challenge made by a banished Loyal Baron will supersede all other challenges.

    Special Cases: Warlords who win an Overlord Challenge Grants from the Warlord Tournament, Madness, or any special events, will supersede wait periods. This will also count as a normal Warlord challenge and the grace period will be rewarded to the Overlord for successfully defending. Should the Overlord have been within grace, and the grant user supersede it, then grace will reset back to 30 days once the challenge process is complete should the Overlord defend.

    The Overlords 30 day grace period will begin when the Official Standings are updated to reflect the challenge results (Sunday's at 6 PM EST). Should the Official Standings be late, the 30 day grace period will still begin at 6 PM EST on the Sunday after a successful challenge. Challenges to the Overlord by Barons or special grant holders will still need to follow the challenge process in those rare times standings are updated late (a challenge isn't considered officially over until the official standings are updated).

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