Hostile Takeover

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Hostile Takeover

Post by DUEL Tex »

Braxxx rolled the car into the back garage and was out before the engine finished knocking. He had tried TSC’s cell phone but there had been no answer. All in all it might have been a blessing that the phone went unanswered. This was the type of stressful information that required total attention to the conversation at hand. Operating a fast moving two-ton vehicle while waving your arms around and screaming usually resulted in a person becoming a grease spot on the highway.

He took the back steps two by two and swung the door open that he had neglected to lock before leaving. His eyes hit upon the floor man’s backside as he fished through the refrigerator looking for an early afternoon snack. One hand groped between the various food items while the other hung on the door cigarette still clutched between his fingers.

“I thought people who smoked didn’t eat so damn much?” Robert’s annoyed voice found it’s way past the floor man’s backside, the bottle of mayonnaise, the half eaten apple pie, until it finally reached his ear. Startled TSC removed his head from the fridge like a circus freak removing his head from a lion. He blinked rapidly and stared at his boss who had a decidedly unpleasant expression on his face. “I guess your breakfast didn’t go any better than mine?”

Robert grunted and moved forward so that he could lean on the island. TSC moved closer as well tapping his ash into the ashtray that was resting on the island’s countertop. “So Roy doesn’t want to be involved in collecting our outstanding debts anymore?” The floor man spoke between quick drags his eyes not quite meeting Braxxx’s. If he had failed in another venture TSC sure didn’t want to look confrontational about it. While he kept his eyes averted his tone was not as generous as it normally would have been. He was still riding the high of telling the tart in the parlor off; it was hard not to keep that kind of momentum going.

“I told you Robert he has become a pretty important person since you went away. If you had bothered to pick up a newspaper while you were inside you would have seen the masterpiece he did to that mayor’s family in Cerrito.” TSC scrunched up his nose and tapped more ash into the quickly filling ashtray. “You know they found one of the wife’s legs in the pool and the other on the roof? Don’t ask me what possessed him to do that. Still after that nice bit of work Lamar has only thrown premium jobs his way. Collecting from us would almost be insulting for him now.”

Robert let his employee drone on because he had not heard of the poor mayor’s family who had been hacked to pieces. “Well you know what job Roy will be taking care of now? He will be sure we will be paying this.” Robert slid the paper across the island that Roy had handed to him just a while ago. “It appears our good buddy Roy isn’t totally out of the collection racket now is he?” Robert’s hand slapped hard on the counter top as the rising anger was becoming more and more difficult to control. TSC should have known all about this, this should not have come as a surprise, what the hell was he going to do now?

TSC quickly took up the paper and his mind began wrapping around the figures that were neatly printed on the small scrap. His mind mulled over the numbers crunching them over and over again. No matter what way they were computed they painted a very grim picture, most of it in red, which is what the Jasmine would be always close to if it followed this payout structure.

He wasn’t sure why he said it but the floor man looked at Robert whose normally even-tempered disposition in the times of crisis was beginning to show small signs of panic. “The girl is here.” He didn’t look at Robert choosing rather to continue scanning the paper in the hopes that he had misread them for the millionth time.

“What girl?” Robert asked stupefied. He had expected TSC to begin wailing over the price and at least share in the misery that had been dropped in his lap without the benefit of a stiff drink.

“Your girl” The floor man replied evenly, taking the moment to stamp out his cigarette. “I didn’t catch her name but she was the same one from the hot tub. She is in the parlor.”
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Hostile Takeover Pt. 2

Post by DUEL Tex »

Robert straightened and pulled himself together. He looked at TSC and shelved the questions he wanted to ask him about his interaction with Q. While he was curious how the two might have gotten along there were more pressing matters to deal with. “Well we should go join her. This is going to affect her too.”

Robert and his floor man left the kitchen single file and prepared to deliver a business update to the Jasmine’s new hostess.

The two men made their way down the long hallway in silence. The mood in the Jasmine had taken a decidedly funeral like air. No one had the desire to speak and when they did they could not formulate the words that would properly fit the occasion. As they made their way into the card room Robert noticed Querylon still sitting alone in the parlor. He looked at her with a mixture or sadness and frustration. He was really not in the mood to explain to her what was going on. The answers he would have to provide would be lengthy and despite his best effort he kept thinking back to Roy and the immediacy in which he was being forced to act.

A cough from TSC reminded Robert that they were both standing in the hallway essentially staring at the girl. Robert jumped a bit from the sound of the cough breaking up his thoughts but recovered quickly enough to plaster a smile on his face that was hardly heartfelt. “Well I see we are all here, let’s go into the card room and have a little chat. I have some updates on our current operation that will be of interest to you.’ With that Robert turned and headed into the card room not bothering to see if the two were going to follow him. He was positive his cryptic prologue was enough to entice Querylon to follow him and TSC’s star was hitched to his own. A full house in the card room was a forgone conclusion.

All the players in the Jasmine’s new high stakes game took their positions in the room. After walking to the bar and grabbing a bottle and three glasses Robert placed himself in the dealer position at table one. TSC following his bosses lead set himself right next to him in first position, he attempted to hide the nervousness he was feeling, his poker face was strained and if one looked closely they could see the fear deep within those deep brown eyes. Querylon set herself right across from the floor man in fifth position at table one. Her concern for Robert, her recent debate with TSC all still etched upon her soft warm face.

Robert uncorked the bottle and sloshed the whiskey between the three glasses. He pushed one to the seat next to him for TSC and across the table to Querylon. It was just barely noon and frightfully early for anyone but Robert to be drinking but given the news he was about to deal Robert thought it only fitting that everyone have a bit of liquid courage next to them just in case.

Robert was surprised to see his floor man grab for the glass and upend the contents into his throat with Braxxx like efficiency. Slamming the glass down he wheezed out the words “Quit with the production Robert just tell her already.”
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Hostile Takeover Pt. 3

Post by DUEL Tex »

Braxxx nodded and began to dispense the information to the eager players. “I had a meeting today with an old friend.” Robert wasn’t entirely sure he could call a man who was so close to killing him a friend, but it was important to judge Roy by his past not the present uncomfortable business they were currently engaged in.

The strain that TSC was enduring with this retelling clearly caused him to act out of turn. His chocolate brown eyes narrowed, the sweat in his palms as he held the table for support was not just from the sudden rush of alcohol in his system. “God damn Robert you keep going at this pace we will all be dead by the time the story is done.”

For the first time in the last few days Robert deferred to his floor mans judgment. He allowed the floor man to have the floor without a word of resistance. TSC was the pillar of efficiency and what was needed now was a military briefing not a bed time story.

Seeing that Robert was willing to yield and defer to him on a matter of importance for once gave the floor man more confidence than a thousand bottles of whiskey. He straightened up in his chair and leveled his head at Querylon.

“I am sure Robert told you that before he returned to the Jasmine he had been in prison.” TSC didn’t wait for a response; he knew that Robert would have told her. Robert was fond of using his jail time as an excuse for any lack of tact on his part. The excuse usually ran “Oh, sorry well I have been locked up for some time, I must have forgotten my manners.”

TSC continued on not willing to think further on Robert’s romantic schemes. “Robert was set to stay in prison for life. One day I received a package containing some items from an anonymous source that secured Robert’s early release from his sentence.” TSC left an appalling amount of details out and the look on Robert’s face clearly showed that. If Braxxx has been behind the wheel of the telling of this story he would not have glossed over so much but in deference to his floor man he allowed him to continue.

For his part TSC still didn’t trust the girl and expected her to be gone by the time the conversation was over anyway. There was no need to waste time giving more details to someone who didn’t merit them, so he continued on. “Shortly after Robert’s release we began to get notes from sources identifying themselves as Robert’s benefactor and that it would be gentlemanly of him to pay back the debit he owed. “ Robert heaved a grunt and it took an amazing amount of self-control to keep his comments to himself.

TSC took the bottle and poured himself another slow drink. Despite the fact that he was up to his neck in trouble right along with Robert he was enjoying himself. Robert was in check and following instructions and Querylon was hanging on his every word. As he lifted the glass slowly to his lips he decided this was what people meant when they said, “make the best of a bad situation.”
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Hostile Takeover Pt. 4

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Setting the glass down he cleared his throat and moved along with the tale “Robert was given an address of a person to meet and discuss settling the terms of the debit. Robert met with this person.” The floor man shot a look at Robert for silence and once again an amazing amount of details were managed to be glossed over before the floor man picked up the conversation again. “The meeting did not go overly well and there were.” TSC fingers snapped a few times trying to find the appropriate words “Difficulties” He looked at Robert again whose green eyes merely rolled in response.

TSC couldn’t help but grin a bit at his boss’s reaction but he was quick to turn his attention back at Querylon “Apparently the person Robert met was not the benefactor merely a representative. In any….” Robert interrupted for the first time looking at TSC with the eyes of a man trying to remember something “Did we send him flowers? I forgot what hospital he was in.” TSC quickly nodded “St. Jude, the little emergency room downtown we sent the Peaceful Thoughts Bouquet, it was really quite lovely” Robert nodded “That does sound nice.”

TSC had only paused long enough because Robert asked him a question regarding his job. He was not in the mood to have a full contact discussion regarding floral arrangements for flunkies whom Robert had sent to the hospital. Shooting a nod over to Querylon to remind Robert that she was in the room and impatient to have the details of this mess told he started again “In any event this led to a series of meetings with all kinds of different individuals none of whom were responsible for Robert’s release. Even though the people Robert was meeting with did not set him free they all demanded the same thing. They all wanted the Jasmine opened immediately and a percentage of the Jasmine’s total profits”

TSC paused because this now led to the current state of affairs “All of the meetings Robert had before were with people that we could easily handle and easily ignore. Today however, Robert had a meeting with a gentleman that we can’t ignore. The gentleman’s name is Roy and he is a representative of a rather large contract killing firm.” TSC wasn’t sure if this dainty woman had any idea what he was talking about. It’s not everyday that someone had a group of people following them whose sole purpose was to make sure you died. “People in a contract killing firms are hired to make sure you either die, or make sure you do what you’re told in an effort to keep from dying.”

TSC stumbled around a bit at this point because he was still digesting the information for himself “Years ago Roy used to do collections for us, shaking down degenerate gamblers to be sure they paid their debts to us. Since that time Roy has become an efficient and highly sought after killer. Today Roy was kind enough to let Robert know that if he did not fulfill his obligation to his mysterious benefactor than he would end up quite dead.”

There was a long break in the conversation as TSC concluded. It was a lot of information to digest even with the floor mans selective retelling of the events. It was Robert who spoke first after the few moments of dead air. “I asked you once and I am asking you again TSC, who is doing this to us?”

"It could be anyone Robert. We have no shortage of enemies." The floor man wasn't being entirely accurate with his assessment of the situation.. TSC didn't have any enemies (at least that he was aware of) and he was very careful with the few that he did have. Robert on the other hand was a walking, talking, mass of confrontation and did not seem to mind in the least if he pissed off half the population in the course of a 24-hour day.
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Hostile Takeover Pt. 5

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Realizing that Querylon was staring at him prompted TSC to continue in an agitated tone "For all we know Robert there is some 14 year old kid on the internet behind this whole conspiracy."

Robert mulled over the idea of a 14 year old mastermind behind the fall of the Jasmine and looked at his floor man with a cock eyed expression " A 15 year of perhaps, but never a 14 year old. For the love of Christ TSC do you have any helpful suggestions or should I consult the stars?"

TSC avoided the obvious bait luring him towards an argument and struggled to come up with a few names from the literal cast of thousands that met the possible criteria "Well we both knew that at some point Walter Anhorn was going to find his way back into the equation"

Braxxx looked over at Querylon and attempted to head off the inevitable plethora of questions she would have. "Walter Anhorn is the warden of Long Larten penitentiary, my last residence before returning here. I was sentenced to die in another prison before sweet Walter saved me and transferred me to his prison. "

Annoyed by the syrupy sweet retelling of Braxxx's incarceration TSC continued, "All this because Robert here thought Warden Anhorn's daughter would make a fine." TSC's finger pointed heaven ward towards the third floor.

“It’s not Anhorn” Braxxx cut off his floor man quickly in an annoyed voice. This was just more information he would need to explain to Querylon in private and it did nothing to help the current situation. “I am sure Anhorn will come up but this is not him and we both know it.”

“What you are going to have to do TSC is hit the street and find out what you can about what is going on. It was a waste of effort when we were dealing with small timers but now that Roy is involved that changes everything. We have to get some information on just who or what we are dealing with. You hit the streets while Querylon and I open the Jasmine. Until we figure out exactly what’s going on we can’t risk not following through on the demands Roy gave me.” Braxxx was thinking quickly now trying to fit the puzzle pieces together. It was time to make hard choices and Robert loved the pressure of trying to make everything happen at once. He still wasn’t too hot on the whole dying prospect if he failed, but it was a game of high risk and he didn’t mind throwing all his chips into the center.

TSC was taken aback “What do you mean you and Querylon will stay here and run the Jasmine? Do you have any idea what you are talking about? Why…why don’t you send her into the streets to gather information? She would be just as unqualified to do that as she is to assist you with the Jasmine!” The rage was building up in TSC and he could feel himself shake. First Robert was reducing his duties, now Robert was sending him away completely. How much more could his old friend take away from him? Didn’t the man have any heart at all? Didn’t he have any concept of what it meant for him to be roaming some dark streets scrounging for bits of information instead of rebuilding the reputation of the Jasmine?

“You need me here Robert, let me open the Jasmine with you, let me be here on opening night.” TSC didn’t want to sound like this in front of Querylon, he knew he sounded like a beaten man and he didn’t want to give the bitch the satisfaction of seeing it. This was her fault, all of it. His brown eyes stared hard at her and he had to fight the reflex to go and strike her. If Robert wanted to know who was behind the pressure being placed on the Jasmine than he needed to look no further than the frumpy girl in the old purple dress. Very convenient she showed up around this time, very convenient that she would have Robert’s ear on all matters. He could just see her naked body wrapped around Robert’s like a serpent in the middle of the night whispering venomous words that caused this whole mess.

Robert could dismiss Anhorn as a suspect but to TSC the presence of Querylon presented perfect tool of revenge. Anhorn had felt the sting of seeing his daughter turned into a prostitute now he had sent a woman to sting Robert back. He would give Robert everything he loved back to him, the Jasmine, his good friend TSC only to send a woman to rot everything out from the inside. Using Roy and financial pressure was all a front. Anhorn had no intention of watching Robert die, he wanted to Robert to suffer humiliation and loss just as he had. Anhorn had six long years to keep Robert caged while he plotted this all out. TSC knew he would only have a fraction of that time to figure this all out and convince Robert.
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Hostile Takeover Pt. 6

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Braxxx took the turmoil that TSC was going through in stride. He knew the floor man would be upset and disappointed so he fired off his ready-made explanation “You know she can’t do that TSC. You also know that I can’t leave. If Roy is involved than I am sure we are being watched. If I disappear for days on end it will be noticed and we can’t run that risk. TSC are you listening to me?” Robert stared hard at his friend when he finished. He had been working on this response since TSC had first started the tale and couldn’t hold his annoyance when TSC didn’t properly acknowledge the wisdom in his words. If Robert had taken just a few moments to really look at TSC he would have noticed that something was very wrong with his floor man. He would have seen the wild theories that were brewing in the man’s head instead of just an employee who was taking reassignment poorly.

“Yeah, yeah Robert, sorry.” TSC didn’t want to distance himself any further from Robert than he already had. He pulled his rage filled eyes away from Querylon and forced a smile back at Robert “Just would have liked to have been here for opening night, you know how it is.”

This was the response Robert expected so he continued on with his ready-made response. He walked over and put his hand on his floor mans shoulder and gave it a squeeze. “I know you want to be here buddy, I want you here. Look, we got a few days before we can open, hit the streets bust your ass and you can still make it back in time.”

TSC’s eyes turned a bit glassy, he couldn’t remember Robert being so nice to him especially in front of another person. He had to tell him, he had to tell him right now what this witch was doing, he had to save his friend. “Yeah Robert…..I’ll do that. You can count on me.”

In the end TSC knew Robert would never listen to him or believe him. Robert would want proof and TSC had none but a bunch of suspicions. It would only hurt his standing in Robert’s eyes to reveal what was going on without solid evidence. He would go find out information all right, he was going to find out just who this Querylon was and where she came from. He would spend every waking moment of his life digging for all the little secrets this little angel had. Then he would come back to Robert and let him know that his angel was nothing more than a succubus.

He felt Robert slap him on his arm again and he knew that he said something in response. His hand was fishing for the keys to his car and he could feel his feet walk one in front of the other. He didn’t pack a bag, he didn’t leave Robert with detailed instructions like he normally would have, he just walked out in a daze. The only thing that registered in his brain was his hatred for the Jasmine’s new hostess and the sound of the two voices talking behind his back as he was forced to leave.
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Post by Querylon »

“A few days…” Querylon mused out loud. Her dark blue gaze followed TSC to the door. “I would feel better if I knew he would make it back in time.” She was more worried about opening day happening without TSC and herself committing some grievous error that would get Roy that much closer to fulfilling his contract than she was about the undisguised look of pure hate in the floor man’s eyes.

She had immediately dismissed the idea of Roy receiving his orders from Walter Anhorn the moment she heard it. But she did not know enough details to speculate with any accuracy on who the culprit might be. She looked to Robert. “What may I do to help to have the Jasmine ready?”

His eyes narrowed in thought as he pondered the amount of details that needed attention. Not everything could be gotten to, it would not be a seamless opening, but it would have to occur as best as he could make it happen. "You will go need to talk to the girls, be sure they have everything they need. Make sure there are no problems." His brow furrowed thinking of the countless times he had sorted out the girls various problems personally "No doubt they will keep you busy."

It occurred to Querylon that she had not yet heard of him or TSC hiring any of them yet and she had yet to meet one of them. "Where do I find them?"

Robert's upper lip twitched involuntarily as he considered the question. He had just lost his floor man and it would not do to annoy his new hostess the only person who seemed willing to do as she was told. Still he could not help but let a little sarcasm spill from his lips "There is a reason why they are called 3rd floor girls Querylon."

“Of course. What was I thinking.” Disappointment carried in her voice as she rose and turned to leave the card room. She would have preferred that Robert had introduced her to each one of them individually, had expected that actually. He had not even told her yet how many there were or any names. But this certainly was not the time to ask for a list.

Robert watched the young woman’s face fall and he stood and watched her leave. She was eager to learn the job and part of the job as Robert saw it was dealing with adverse situations. All the girls knew who she was, he had spoken to each one privately. He had instructed them to let her take her lumps from the customers as they would come to see how she would handle it even if the girls would find it a touch uncomfortable but to not be cruel or they would hear from him. "Sometimes life doesn't go to plan." Robert muttered thinking of his own long list of duties. Surely he didn't think he would be in such a bad spot with Roy and whoever the hell else was out roaming the night but here he was. Robert had to handle his bit and he remained confident that he would work it all out somehow. It was now time for Querylon to go learn that same kind of confidence. The confidence that only came from the hard knocks life sometimes deals you.
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Post by Querylon »

Climbing the stairs Querylon thought about how to best go about this latest test Robert had set before her. She discarded the idea of emulating the nuns before she was half way up the first set of stairs. There was no hope that she could believably copy their self-righteous stare, high-handed manner, or penetrating voices. There was equally little hope that she would somehow acquire the sophistication Robert implied she should have as the Jasmine’s hostess by the time she reached the top of the stairs. Anyway, he had liked her well enough when they had first met. She would not lose herself as well as her heart, Querylon told herself as she arrived at the third floor, therefor she would be simply herself.

Querylon turned left and rapped at the first door she came to. As she waited for a reply she noticed a modest plaque attached to the door. Querylon just had time to read the engraved name before the door opened. The woman that faced her with an annoyed look was not at all what Querylon had expected. Rather than stunningly beautiful and attractive, she looked like a little gray mouse dressed in a tight gray skirt and a dove gray blouse. The only thing on the woman not gray was her black hair twisted into a bun at the nape of her neck.

“What d’ya want?” The pouty mouth in the otherwise pointy face turned into an apologetic smile and the gray eyes softened somewhat as the woman spoke again. “Oh hullo there, I didn’t expect you until sometime tomorrow, I’m Carmen.” Some of Querylon’s surprise must have shown on her features, for the woman rattled on. “No worries, I’ll put my face on before the gents start showing up.

Querylon gave a quick nod. “I am pleased to meet you. There has been a slight change in all of our schedules. The grand opening will be in a matter of a few short days instead of in a few weeks.” Querylon paused briefly but continued before Carmen could comment. “There are still a great many things left to do and we do not yet have every position filled. To make all our jobs yet more difficult, we will have to manage without TSC for perhaps up to a week. May I therefore beg your help with a couple of tasks?” she finished with a shy smile.

Carmen was surprised. More so by Querylon's open honesty and her sincere request for help than by the news and she found herself nodding her head before she remembered Mr. Braxxx's instructions. But considering the changed circumstances and seeing the Lady's relieved look she asked. "What can I do to help?"

“It would be great help if you would pass on the news I just related to you to the others and convey to them my regards. I am afraid there will not be enough time for me to meet everyone before hand. Further, I would appreciate if you could ask everyone to make a list of the items each still needs and problems that need to be taken care of prior to the opening night. Do you estimate it would be a terrible hardship to ask you all to prioritize and truly limit yourselves to only list what is absolutely necessary?”

Carmen found herself warming further to the Jasmine’s hostess as she listened to the soft-spoken words. She was looking forward to tell the others about this meeting and of just how different this hostess was from what they had speculated her to be. “No worries. We’ll do that. By when do you need the lists?”

“I will be here to collect them tomorrow afternoon.” Querylon offered a thankful smile and the women shook hands. “I very much appreciate your help, Carmen.”

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