“ . . . I just had a vision! An inspiration! This giant ball of artistic expression has built up inside me and I have to let it out!”
Gren walked into the Kennesaw Studio, not wearing his traditional grey Ranger’s cloak, but with a white artist’s smock. His brunette, amber eyed girlfriend, Izira followed behind him, wearing a white blouse and grey pencil skirt with white strappy heels.
“The idea popped into my head a few days ago. Our Guild was trying to raise awareness about the rare RhyDin Round-Leafed Birch Tree, when it hit me! If I could paint its likeness so that everyone could see its beauty, then we could get more people to support our conservation movement! I got the image of it right *here*.” Gren tapped his forehead for emphasis. He found a nice spot in the second floor studio with a blank canvas and easel and settled down to begin his masterpiece. Izira was gently carrying some cooking magazines she found at a market stall and found a seat next to Gren, neatly crossing her legs. She thumbed through the magazine while occasionally peering curiously over his shoulder.
“Now then. We need Brown, and Forest Green. Plenty of Forest Green.” He squirted some of the oil paints onto a palette and held his thumb up as if trying to find the proper artistic angle. “Now we paint a happy little tree. These son of a guns just live in your brush, you just have to push them out . . . whooooop!” Gren slid his paintbrush along the canvas to make a leaf, while doing his best Bob Ross impersonation.
Izira glanced up from her magazine with a raised coppery eyebrow, before glancing back at her article again.
Gren went from sticking his tongue out the side of his mouth, to holding both his hands up like someone was going to kick a paper football through them in his effort to do the tree justice. After getting more paint on his smock than the canvas, he finally finished. “Done!”
Izira glanced up from her last magazine and gave the painting a questioning look. It looked like Charlie Brown’s Christmas Tree when it was completely bent over after putting one bulb on it.
“Is . . . that the way a Round Leafed Birch is supposed to look?” she asked.
Gren’s smile fell a bit and he looked at the painting again. He sighed and slumped his shoulders when he realized he had failed.
“You tried your best, dear.” Izira said reassuringly, laying a hand on his shoulder.
“How am I supposed to contribute to the tree’s preservation now?” he lamented.
Izira lifted her magazine and turned it to show Gren a recipe for Luscious Lemon Bars.
“Bake Sale”, they said together. Gren and Izira returned to the Inn to begin their cooking.
Originally posted by Gren Blockman on Sun Jun 11, 2017