Challenge for the Overlord Title

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Challenge for the Overlord Title

Post by Jackson »

Hey OverSal! We both know why I went rogue, so why don’t we have at it in the rings?
I Jackson Baron of Dockside, Keeper of The Tower of Air, and Minster of Public Safety challenge you for the title of Overlord
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Alasdair Galloway
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Re: Challenge for the Overlord Title

Post by Alasdair Galloway »

- Title holder acceptance must be publicly posted within 5 days of this validation.
- The challenge must be fought within two weeks (14 days) of validation.
- This tool will assist in helping verify the required dates.
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Re: Challenge for the Overlord Title

Post by Delahada »

Baron of Dockside -

Clearly, you're an idiot, and want me to gut you.
Bad move. I'll see you in the rings.

- Sal Delahada
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Re: Challenge for the Overlord Title

Post by Jackson »

It will take place Friday December 3rd 9pmEST with Tenball as the caller
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Re: Challenge for the Overlord Title

Post by Tenball »

This challenge happened tonight! I was there!

Overlord Salvador Delahada dueled under the banner of a golden crowned tribal sun rising over a line of water on a field of red. His Second el Gatito Lindo,and he fought for his own honor.

Baron Jackson Payne raised up a banner of seven black halos on a field of red. His Second [/i]in absentia[/i] was Szuzak Mos, and he fought in honor of Myra, Zylith, Rena, and Alexis.

To the surprise of no one, the Overlord chose to test the renegade Baron, appointing Mira Burke, Squire of Dragon's Gate, as his Champion. Arriving just in time, Baron Hope Naharis of Seaside stepped in as Challenger's Advocate, which was likely no surprise either. Champion and Advocate met in the ring, and after a dynamic match that swung between breather and action rounds leading to Sudden Death, Hope took the match and cleared Jackson's path to face Salvador.

Ring Moonlight: Hope vs Mira Burke in a dos duel. Begin when ready!
Ring Moonlight 1: Mira Burke scores! (TH / SH | 0 - 1, Mira Burke leads.)
Ring Moonlight 2: Mira Burke scores! (FCP / HC | 0 - 2, Mira Burke leads.)
Ring Moonlight 3: Hope scores! (TH / LC | 1 - 2, Mira Burke leads.)
Ring Moonlight 4: Hope scores! (LC / FDU | 2 - 2, Hope and Mira Burke.)
Ring Moonlight 5: No action this round. (FSS / SH | 2 - 2, Hope and Mira Burke.)
Ring Moonlight 6: No action this round. (SH / FCP | 2 - 2, Hope and Mira Burke.)
Ring Moonlight 7: Everybody scores! (TH / TH | 3 - 3, Mira Burke and Hope.)
Ring Moonlight 8: Everybody scores! (LC / HC | 4 - 4, Mira Burke and Hope.)
Ring Moonlight 9: No action this round. (FSS / SH | 4 - 4, Hope and Mira Burke.)
Ring Moonlight 10: Hope scores! (TH / SL | 5 - 4, Hope leads.)

FINAL: Hope def. Mira Burke, 5 - 4 in 10 rounds. - dos

Before their match began, Sal asked Jackson just why he decided to challenge, and the young man assured him it was nothing personal, he just thought it would be a good way to relax.

Yes, that's right, the kid is so badass1 that he challenges the Overlord to relax. He got the first hit, too, after a mutually quiet opening round. Once Sal took Jackson's measure, though, he barely let up for the rest of the match, allowing the Baron only one more point and clinching the defense 5-2 in 8 rounds.

Ring Preachers: Jackson vs Delahada in a dos duel. Begin when ready!
Ring Preachers 1: No action this round. (FSS / SH | 0 - 0, Delahada and Jackson.)
Ring Preachers 2: Jackson scores! (HC / FSS | 1 - 0, Jackson leads.)
Ring Preachers 3: Delahada scores! (SL / SH | 1 - 1, Delahada and Jackson.)
Ring Preachers 4: Delahada scores! (FSS / LC | 1 - 2, Delahada leads.)
Ring Preachers 5: Delahada scores! (LC / TH | 1 - 3, Delahada leads.)
Ring Preachers 6: Delahada scores! (TH / FSS | 1 - 4, Delahada leads.)
Ring Preachers 7: Jackson scores! (FCP / LC | 2 - 4, Delahada leads.)
Ring Preachers 8: Delahada scores! (SH / HC | 2 - 5, Delahada leads.)

FINAL: Delahada def. Jackson, 5 - 2 in 8 rounds. - dos

Well challenged, Jackson! Well defended, Salvador!

Closed captioning for the broadcast of tonight's challenge was made possible by a grant from the Shanachie Theater. Be sure to see their production of Peter Pan Goes Wrong, playing now through December 11th.

1 - Or possibly crazy, or both.
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Re: Challenge for the Overlord Title

Post by Anubis Karos »

.....Why was there a rock in the challenge ring to begin with?

Terrible, terrible janitorial work.

~Anubis Karos
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Re: Challenge for the Overlord Title

Post by Ebon Ilnaren »

The staff apologizes for the appalling negligence of the Arena cleaning crew. Please rest assured that we shall endeavor to ensure that all rings are clear of loose rocks, LEGO pieces, banana peels, and other items that might lead to unsure footing or other troubles.

The above post reflects the opinions of its poster only and not the official policy of Duel of Swords staff.

It is entirely possibly that Ebon is just trolling Anubis.
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