Challenge for Dockside

Notices and stories concerning events in the legendary basement of the Duel of Swords.

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Challenge for Dockside

Post by Partly Cloudy »

Baron Chae,

As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.

You sharpened me when last we met and I’d like another pass on the whetstone. I challenge for Dockside.

Squire of Seaside
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Re: Challenge for Dockside

Post by Tippletoe »

- Title holder acceptance must be publicly posted within 1 week of this validation.
- The challenge must be fought within 2 weeks of the title holder's acceptance.
- This tool will assist in helping verify the required dates.

A Tip-Top Gnome from Tip-to-Toe: I'm Your Tippletoe!
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Re: Challenge for Dockside

Post by MC »


Philosophy isn't my strong suit. This time let there be blood.

I accept.

Morgan Chae.
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Re: Challenge for Dockside

Post by Partly Cloudy »

This challenge is currently set for Monday, 22 February 2021 at 10 PM EST. Tenball will be calling.

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Re: Challenge for Dockside

Post by Delahada »

Tonight’s challenge is being personally catered by Baron Salvador Delahada of Seaside, consisting of the following very simple menu.

Main Course: Soondae (Korean Blood Sausage), Ssam style (with rice, not pictured).

Side Dishes: Blood Orange Kale Salad and Roasted Asparagus with Blood Orange.

Dessert: Bloody Mummy Crepe Cake

Additional drink specials provided for by the Wolves Den Bistro, paid for on the Baron’s tab and therefore free to spectators for the night.

Walker Blood Sangria, a Basic Bloody Mary, and Blood Orange Margaritas.
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Re: Challenge for Dockside

Post by Tenball »

I called this challenge tonight!

First off, Anya stepped up with her intercession grant to test Gatito, but Salvador stood as his champion in a seesaw match where they alternated points, back and forth!

Ring Platinum: Delahada vs Anya de la Rose in a dos duel. Begin when ready!
Ring Platinum 1: Anya de la Rose scores! (TH / SH | 0 - 1, Anya de la Rose leads.)
Ring Platinum 2: No action this round. (SH / FDU | 0 - 1, Anya de la Rose leads.)
Ring Platinum 3: Delahada scores! (FLP / TH | 1 - 1, Anya de la Rose and Delahada.)
Ring Platinum 4: Delahada scores! (LC / FSS | 2 - 1, Delahada leads.)
Ring Platinum 5: Anya de la Rose scores! (FDU / TH | 2 - 2, Anya de la Rose and Delahada.)
Ring Platinum 6: Delahada scores! (LC / LP | 3 - 2, Delahada leads.)
Ring Platinum 7: Anya de la Rose scores! (SH / HC | 3 - 3, Anya de la Rose and Delahada.)
Ring Platinum 8: Everybody scores! (TH / TH | 4 - 4, Delahada and Anya de la Rose.)
Ring Platinum 9: Delahada scores! (LC / FDU | 5 - 4, Delahada leads.)

FINAL: Delahada def. Anya de la Rose, 5 - 4 in 9 rounds. - dos

With his path to challenge clear, Gatito stepped up to the plate, and Morgan stepped up to face him. After a quick start, they fell into a bit of a lull before Morgan picked up the momentum and ran with it for three straight rounds. Gatito avoided a shut-out with a point in the seventh round, but then the Baron reversed things to secure the victory.

Ring Mandrake: Partly Cloudy vs MC in a dos duel. Begin when ready!
Ring Mandrake 1: MC scores! (HC / TH | 0 - 1, MC leads.)
Ring Mandrake 2: No action this round. (LC / LC | 0 - 1, MC leads.)
Ring Mandrake 3: No action this round. (LP / FLP | 0 - 1, MC leads.)
Ring Mandrake 4: MC scores! (LC / TH | 0 - 2, MC leads.)
Ring Mandrake 5: MC scores! (TH / SH | 0 - 3, MC leads.)
Ring Mandrake 6: MC scores! (FLP / FDU | 0 - 4, MC leads.)
Ring Mandrake 7: Partly Cloudy scores! (FSS / FCP | 1 - 4, MC leads.)
Ring Mandrake 8: MC scores! (FCP / FSS | 1 - 5, MC leads.)

FINAL: MC def. Partly Cloudy, 5 - 1 in 8 rounds. - dos

Well defended, Morgan! Well tried, Gatito!

Of course, the real champions tonight were everyone who got to enjoy the fantastic--and bloody--buffet that Salvador provided! The man can cook, folks!
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