Dockside Alignment / Challenge Queue, sponsored by >:[

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Dockside Alignment / Challenge Queue, sponsored by >:[

Post by Static Rest »

To whom it may concern,

In a matter entirely unrelated to any ongoing audits into the finances of the VOTE >:[ campaign, or the location of said finances, myself and my associates will be relocating to the DeluxeCorp Office Park at New Haven East. There we will have more room for our infinitely expanding backlog of old merchandise, license to excavate to unlimited depth, and an entirely incidental distance from any fiscal regulatory or investigative body in RhyDin.

To that end, I am realigning the Barony of Dockside to Renegade in order to more rapidly find a new owner, who would be welcome to any money that they may find hidden within the warehouse manor, that are definitely NOT misappropriated campaign funds.

After confirming with Arena staff, I am inviting a queue of THREE challenges to be resolved in a single night if at all possible: Sunday the 24th of January at 8:00 p.m. RST ((EST)). Challenges will be taken on a first come, first serve basis, as is customary. If I remain Baron at the end of three challenges, I will be resigning the Barony and turning its fate over to the Arena staff, and incidentally beginning a vacation VERY far from the purview of any investigative or regulatory authority here.

Good luck and good >:[.

I remain

Your best possible business partner,
Olaf von Trunk, Esquire
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Jaycy Ashleana
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Re: Dockside Alignment / Challenge Queue, sponsored by >:[

Post by Jaycy Ashleana »

Sure, why not.

I owe you for my attic.

I’ll join the queue.

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Re: Dockside Alignment / Challenge Queue, sponsored by >:[

Post by MC »

You ran over Neekylah, I think it is time I get my shot at vengeance.

Count me in on the Queue.

Morgan Chae

This message was written on Rhyapple Cellular Device
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Re: Dockside Alignment / Challenge Queue, sponsored by >:[

Post by Static Rest »

As an addendum, in light of the unusual format, I will be securing a caller for the evening.

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Re: Dockside Alignment / Challenge Queue, sponsored by >:[

Post by Doran Ilnaren »

I join this challenge queue. If you bring out another cannon, though....

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Re: Dockside Alignment / Challenge Queue, sponsored by >:[

Post by Conner Reid »

1. Jaycy Ashleana - Valid
2. Morgan Chae - Valid
3. Doran Ilnaren - Valid

- Title holder acceptance must be publicly posted within 1 week of this validation.
- The challenge must be fought within 2 weeks of the title holder's acceptance.
- This tool will assist in helping verify the required dates.

Have fun out there, mates.
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Static Rest
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Re: Dockside Alignment / Challenge Queue, sponsored by >:[

Post by Static Rest »

The brilliant corporate mastermind Skid will be calling.

May the gods have mercy on your souls.

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Re: Dockside Alignment / Challenge Queue, sponsored by >:[

Post by Conner Reid »

Oy mates - with this here challenge queue, the Line thought we would do a little special betting line.

How to Bet

Iffin betting be new to you, here be a quick explanation on how to be reading the odds:

1 to X = for every single noble bet, the book pays out X

X to 1 = for every X nobles bet, the book pays out X

In other words, in the 1 to X format, the higher the X number is, the less likely the book thinks it will occur. In the X to 1 format, the higher the X number is, the more likely the book thinks it will occur.

Tonight's Odds

3 to 1 odds that Olaf defeats his first opponent, Jaycy Ashleana
2 to 1 odds that Olaf defeats his second opponent, Morgan Chae
1 to 3 odds that Olaf defeats his third opponent, Doran Ilnaren and retires the title

2 to 1 odds that Jaycy is the next Baron of Dockside
1 to 1 odds (even money) that Morgan is the next Baron of Dockside
3 to 1 odds that Doran is the next Baron of Dockside*

*odds primarily set on the likelihood of Olaf surviving three-in-a-row rather than on the strength of his opponents

1 to 8 odds that Olaf defeats an opponent with a shutout
1 to 2 odds that someone lands a slash
1 to 10 odds that someone lands a fancy slash
10 to 1 odds that Olaf hits someone with footwear
1 to 10 odds that Olaf hits someone with an automotive vehicle
5 to 1 odds that Olaf flees the Arena pursued by the Watch

As always, we welcome your proposed sideline bets. See you at the fights mate.
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Re: Dockside Alignment / Challenge Queue, sponsored by >:[

Post by Skid »

Tonight we had Olaf’s challenge queue, brought to you by Trusty Trunk Incorporated and probably the Duel of Swords! We had three challengers lined up: Governor Jaycy Alexander, Morgan “Chae” Chae, and Doran “wish we could’ve seen some go-kart jousting” Ilnaren!

In the first match, Jaycy brought out a car to meet Olaf’s Bobcat in a destruction derby for the ages! There was wreckage and wildness, but after all was said and done the Trunk took the match! We moved on to the second.

Jaycy Ashleana - Static Rest
1. TH 1-0 HC
2. LC 1-1 FCP
3. TH 2-1 LC
4. LC 2-2 FCP
5. FDU 3-2 FLP
6. TH 4-3 TH
7. LC 4-3 LC
8. FSS 4-3 FSS
9. LC 4-4 FCP
10. TH 4-5 SH

Nexus Guide BOT 1/24/2021 at 8:49 PM
Ring Laurel 10: Static Rest scores! (TH / SH | 4 - 5, Static Rest leads.)
FINAL: Static Rest def. Jaycy Ashleana, 5 - 4 in 10 rounds. – dos

In the second match Morgan Chae used a hoverboard, inflatable flamingo float, and a glittery pool noodle to take on the mostly-wrecked earthmover! Proving that less is more sometimes, the maneuverability proved to be Olaf’s downfall, as despite a slow climb back from a 4-1 lead, Chae clinched the match in Sudden Death and took home the Barony of Dockside!

MC - Static Rest
1. HC 1-0 FSS
2. FCP 1-1 HC
3. LC 2-1 SH
4. SH 2-1 FLP
5. TH 3-1 LC
6. FLP 4-1 HC
7. SL 4-2 FSS
8. FSS 4-3 HC
9. HC 4-4 FDU
10. LC 5-4 FSS

Nexus Guide BOT 1/24/2021 at 9:27 PM
Ring Chaos 10: MC scores! (LC / FSS | 5 - 4, MC leads.)
FINAL: MC def. Static Rest, 5 - 4 in 10 rounds. – dos

Well tried Olaf and Jaycy, well-won Morgan, and sorry we didn’t get to see that sweet Go-Kart in action, Doran!
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Re: Dockside Alignment / Challenge Queue, sponsored by >:[

Post by MC »

Posted via Rhyapple device to the Virtual Cork

Dockside will stand Loyal to Overlady Hope.

-Baron Morgan Chae.
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Re: Dockside Alignment / Challenge Queue, sponsored by >:[

Post by Andrea Anderson »

A package will be waiting for Morgan outside the Dockside Manor once he is officially in place as its Baron.
Levin Twin Blades
- Andrea

One blade will always seek out the other. By leaving one blade (through various methods that are up to the wielder) at any distance, so long as the owner of the blades is holding its twin, they can instantly travel through the levin path and teleport to its location.
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