Challenge for Seaside

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Anya de la Rose
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Challenge for Seaside

Post by Anya de la Rose »


I have this challenge grant to use and I don't want to miss my chance.

Besides, we never have managed to get in the Rings together. Let's make the first time count?

I challenge you for Seaside. 50 nobles if you draw first blood.


(("This grant" refers the to Yule Grant: viewtopic.php?p=199098#p199098))
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Conner Reid
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Re: Challenge for Seaside

Post by Conner Reid »

- Title holder acceptance must be publicly posted within 1 week of this validation.
- The challenge must be fought within 2 weeks of the title holder's acceptance.
- This tool will assist in helping verify the required dates.
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Re: Challenge for Seaside

Post by Delahada »

Sloppily crawled on the exact same paper Anya used to post her challenge,
written in what appears to be black Sharpie, is the following message:

keep your money
I acept

- Sal
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Anya de la Rose
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Re: Challenge for Seaside

Post by Anya de la Rose »

The posting was updated again:

January 31, 10 PM ET
Caller: TBA Skid
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Anya de la Rose
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Re: Challenge for Seaside

Post by Anya de la Rose »

A new note was added to the cork, pinned directly under the original challenge.

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Re: Challenge for Seaside

Post by Skid »

In a surprise twist, Salvador opted to Test Anya with his Squire, the Gatito! Baron of Dockside Morgan Chae stepped in to intervene on Anya’s behalf, and we had a showdown between Dockside and Seaside to determine if the challenge would proceed quickly or if Anya would need to face down a pair of opponents! After a tense back-and-forth, the Gatito managed to fend off the Baron, and was then able to administer his test!

MC - Partly Cloudy
1. LC 1-0 FLP
2. FSS 1-0 DU
3. FCP 1-1 HC
4. TH 2-2 TH
5. LC 2-2 LC
6. HC 2-3 FLP
7. FDU 2-4 TH
8. LC 3-4 FLP
9. FSS 4-4 TH
10. HC 4-4 HC
11. TH 4-5 FCP

Nexus Guide (BOT) Sunday, January 31, 2021 at 10:45 PM
Ring Whisky 11: Partly Cloudy scores! (TH / FCP | 4 - 5, Partly Cloudy leads.)
FINAL: Partly Cloudy def. MC, 5 - 4 in 11 rounds. – dos

Our second match saw Anya taking on the Gatito, looking to pass the test and move on to face the Baron of Seaside at last. In a whirlwind of a match, Anya shut out the Gatito and passed her Test of Worthiness with flying colors!

Anya de la Rose - Partly Cloudy
1. CP 0.5-0 LC
2. FLP 1.5-0 HC
3. TH 2.5-0 LC
4. FSS 3.5-0 FLP
5. SH 4.5-0 TH
6. LC 5.5-0 FLP

Nexus Guide (BOT) Sunday, January 31, 2021 at 11:26 PM
Ring Foxtrot 6: Anya de la Rose scores! (LC / FLP | 5.5 - 0, Anya de la Rose leads.)
FINAL: Anya de la Rose def. Partly Cloudy, 5.5 - 0 in 6 rounds. – dos

In our final match of the night, Anya was able to take on Salvador for her shot at the Ring of Seaside and the Barony that goes along with it! After a staggered climb that saw advantages change hands faster than.. Something really fast, and a suspenseful final handful of rounds, Salvador took the final point with a well-timed thrust and held the Barony of Seaside!

Anya de la Rose - Delahada
1. LP 0.5-0 HC
2. FCP 0.5-1 FSS
3. HC 1.5-1 SH
4. TH 2.5-1 LC
5. FLP 2.5-2 SL
6. FSS 2.5-3 LC
7. TH 3.5-3 FDU
8. LC 3.5-3 LC
9. FSS 3.5-3 SH
10. TH 3.5-4 FCP
11. LC 3.5-4 LC
12. SH 3.5-4 FSS
13. HC 3.5-5 TH

Nexus Guide (BOT) Monday, February 1, 2021 at 12:15 AM
Ring Hemlock 13: Delahada scores! (HC / TH | 3.5 - 5, Delahada leads.)
FINAL: Delahada def. Anya de la Rose, 5 - 3.5 in 13 rounds. – dos

Well tried, Anya, and well won, Salvador!
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