Challenge for Seaside

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Challenge for Seaside

Post by Rhiannon Brock »

Hello Jewell,

According to the rules:
5. Loyal Barons need only defend their title once per calendar month. The Loyal Baron can waive this option.
Research into similar circumstances ( i.e. the challenge issued from Claire Gallows to Dimitri Sixtus for Dockside in Aug 2016) shows that is not a thirty day period, but a month according to the Rhydinian calendar. Penny Escobar and you met in the ring in June. I look forward to meeting you in the ring in July.

I look forward to the possibility of building sandcastles on Seaside's beach with my husband and our three children.

Rhiannon Brock Túr Gairdín
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Re: Challenge for Seaside

Post by PC »


- Title holder acceptance must be publicly posted within 1 week of this validation.
- The challenge must be fought within 2 weeks of the title holders acceptance.
- This tool will assist in helping verify the required dates.
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Re: Challenge for Seaside

Post by Bailey Raptis »


I think someone just out-Faed (Did I spell that right? Is that even a word?) a Fae.

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Re: Challenge for Seaside

Post by Rhiannon Brock »


It's not a secret that my mother is of faery blood.

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Re: Challenge for Seaside

Post by JewellRavenlock »


You're welcome to come build sand castles whenever you want with your kids. The beach is awesome.

Of course, I don't promise that no one will smash them after but you're still more than free to build away.

You didn't have to challenge me to a fight first, but since you did? I accept.

The Empress
Jewell Ravenlock
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Aren't these long lists popular?
I think I read that somewhere...
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Re: Challenge for Seaside

Post by Rhiannon Brock »


I appreciate the offer, however, I would rather earn the right to be there. I'm sure that you can understand that being invited to visit isn't the same as having your name in the history book next to the title attached to Seaside manor and its beach. While I appreciate the invitation, I would rather not bring my children there during your tenure as Baroness. I couldn't help but notice your discomfort around children or is it just the presence of my niece, Maggie, that troubles you? Perhaps, she is a reminder of someone lost to or stolen from you.

That's an impressive list of titles and sobriquets. I rarely use mine unless it's a title I currently hold and/or it's a matter of formality. I think it would be pretentious to write such things as Olympian Princess, demigoddess, Heiress Apparent to the Irish Freehold of Navarra and Keeper of its Otherworld Gates among others.

If you have a preference for callers please let me know. Due to family concerns and activities, I currently have the following dates open 13-15 July and 20-24 July. 9PM or later by the eastern clock is best for me. While my mixed heritage has allowed me to not suffer ill effects from cold iron, I will exercise proper manners and not bring such a weapon to the ring for this match.

Rhiannon Brock Túr Gairdín
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Re: Challenge for Seaside

Post by JewellRavenlock »


Sunday the 21st at 9pm

You can fight with cold iron if you want. I could give two fucks about your supposed manners. And for the record? I don't like your niece because she's a precocious little brat meddling in a game meant for adults and then playing the child card when it suits her.

The offer to use the beach still stands.

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Re: Challenge for Seaside

Post by Rhiannon Brock »

Damn, Jewell, too much information! Someone might accuse you of bragging! I do not want to know how many of those you have given or gotten!

Do you feel better that you have gotten those words out in the open? That's why I won't bring my children to Seaside Beach while you hold it. They have the potential to be very gifted empaths. They are all under five years old and, as I am sure our mutual friend, Eless, can attest, the onset of such a gift, no matter one's age can be overwhelming. Some of us don't get to choose; we get a huge pile of shit tossed at us and either conquer it or drown in it. Those in that position often have to savor the times when we are allowed to be who we want to and not what the Moirae and Morrigan have decided for us.

For the record, I am the original child duelist. Believe me, I have heard it all. All the excuses from various adults: too young, too small, not big enough, too fragile, not smart enough, not dexterous enough. Like I said, heard it all. The most troublesome were those that thought they had a say in the raising other people's children. The only sensible thing I recall being said by the second Queen of Westridge was that not every race had the same standards in size or age. When a rule is created regarding those things, it excludes people. Her name is unmentioned so it won't be used as an invocation. I'd sooner face the Erinyes. Those that knew her probably understand why I think they would have better luck walking a tightrope over Scylla and Charybdis than dealing with her.

My mother was not much younger than Maggie when she made a crucial life choice. Take up arms or stand by, watch her sister be carried away, and face being be the next victim. She conquered the shit pile and gave her children the tools to defend ourselves. It isn't just about the duel or challenge match.

My uncle wants to know how many fish you want and do you want delivery by tide, surf, or tsunami.

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Re: Challenge for Seaside

Post by JewellRavenlock »


So you start with throwing my dead children in my face and now move on to (attempted) slut-shaming? Wow! With manners such as these… I guess I can see where Maggie gets it from. What other painful memories do you want to dredge up for me? With all the dirt you've managed to dig up, I'm sure you know all about what the Temple of the Divine Mother did to me, maybe you want to mention that? How about my heart almost giving out last year? That wasn’t so bad in the end though so probably not painful enough for you to mention. How about my parents dying? Nah, too long ago. What about my brother selling me as a bride to gain political advantage? That still stings sometimes.

Take your pick and continue to show people how tactful and morally superior you are. It’s really working!

As for the fish, I must say that I’m impressed that your uncle has control of every sea and ocean in the entire multiverse. The party goers on Seaside Baronial Beach say a mahi mahi grilling night sounds great, so how about delivery by tide? Thanks in advance! I know they’ll appreciate it a lot.


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Re: Challenge for Seaside

Post by Vaeluthil Whitevale »

Lady Túr Gairdín,

For all of my positive interactions with your niece, I truly expected better from her aunt. To call upon wounds that might never close is lower than low, no matter how might one feel about one's opponents or even enemies. A most unfortunate stain upon what could have been an otherwise well matched, well fought challenge. I should only hope that nothing ill ever befalls a child of your family going forward, lest you too learn to bear a wound deeper than any a blade could ever inflict.

What a shame.

And to Lady Jewell,

Past aside, I wish you well.

Lady of Larkspur
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Re: Challenge for Seaside

Post by Mairead Harker »

Lady Vael,

I thank you for saying you have had positive interactions with me and I hope it will continue to be the case. If you have been offended by my nickname for you, Flutterby, please let me know as I have recently been made aware such things are not always taken as complimentary.



If you have any advice on calming bees before collecting their honey, I'd appreciate hearing them!
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Re: Challenge for Seaside

Post by Mairead Harker »

Aunt Rhi, Baroness Ravenlock,

The two of you need to, as the kids at school say, take a chill pill. I was going to stay out of this. However, I was reminded of a bit of history from another place and time. There was a king on his deathbed who learned his wife had given birth to daughter. He said, "it came wi a lass, it'll gang wi a lass." His family's right to rule had come through a woman; he believed it would end with his daughter. He was right and wrong as his grandson carried his own father's surname. The point? This whole thing started with an insult to me, has snowballed, and maybe it will end with me or be tempered by me. Before my grandmother channeled every crotchety old woman living and dead from all corners of the multiverse, goddess help us all, and added her own words, I told her that I, meddling or not, was going to speak for myself. I also had to have Aunt Ariana bring lots of chocolate. Sometimes, the only person that can your grandmother to cool down is another grandmother.

Written words are powerful. They don't always tell the reader if something is meant with sincerity, sarcasm, or any other emotion. No matter how we write something, people will see what they wish. Some, if asked, will take offense instead of explaining as they were asked. It's interesting to me that all of this is a chain of people being upset or annoyed in some way because they saw what they believed was an injustice to someone else. Aunt Rhi heard about the brown-noser business and was offended on my behalf. She never asked me about it. Hope said she heard about the mouths running. It was only Aunt Rhi, but Hope made it look like everyone in my family was up in arms. Hope challenge me because she didn't like what a relative said. That's what I meant about words being powerful. There are consequences for our actions and words that are delivered without fully thinking it out. I firmly believe that Hope didn't think it through when calling me sweetie, scornfully or not, and arranging for our play date. Adult women might have been offended by being called by what are normally terms of endearment by someone they barely know let alone inviting them to a play date; mothers would have been wary of such a person saying it to their children. Duels are not play dates to me. The buzzing through the town is that I'm not supposed to be offended when someone says something that I find inappropriate. Rude, like brown-noser, I can handle. Explaining it didn't work, apologizing for it being misunderstood didn't help either. As Gran says "It is what it is."

Baroness, I don't think my aunt meant to be hurtful when she wanted to know if I reminded you of someone you lost. It would have explained why you've avoided me and some other kids. How I look is something I'd rather not change. Younger people or those less able to protect themselves from painful emotions or vibrations from others might have been confused or harmed in that circumstance. Alinar, Colleen, and Brian are a good example. It doesn't mean that the angry or upset person meant to harm them. Knowing you were uncomfortable around me, I did my best to avoid you until Matt Simon called you to be his Champion. I have nothing against Mr. Simon, he's always been kindly toward me. I don't like his practice of constantly testing challengers when he holds the title of Overlord. Had it been you that was being tested and I was a Renegade present, I would have stepped up for you, too. Sometimes, it's the principle that's important. I have lot more I would like you to know, but I'll write you a letter as some things shouldn't be discussed in public. I hope that you will take the time to read it. In the meantime, if Uncle Idon isn't the ruler of the seas here, he either knows who is or has a relative here that can do a thing or two.

Aunt Rhi, not cool, you should have explained that some of the weapons you normally used are forged that way are bringing something else instead of making it come off like a threat. I know you meant it as a courtesy, but like I said ... people read things like they want to like you did that F bomb. I get that you might have been trying to be a smartass, but she didn't. As for Alinar, Colleen, and Brian, well, after reading about people trying to put their noses into how other people raise their kids, I got what you meant, but you should've explain it instead of going all Uncle Ares, Aunt 'thena would have been a better choice. Having had her own children, I think the Baroness would understand your point of view about needing to protect yours. She's gone all Mama Bear and they crossed over; she must have been tigress fierce before they left. Having seen Gran in action, a threat to their kids can bring out the worst in mothers. You let Great Grandmother Hera come out in you. Don't. Do. That. She got angry at lot of people because Great Grandfather Zeus had a wandering eye.

Lady Vael extending the hand of friendship to Baroness Ravenlock is a good thing, but I hope it's not the only good thing that comes out of this.

This started out politely enough then the pair of you went all standing on hind legs Mama Bear. I get that! I do! I've already talked to Gran, Uncle Idon, Aunt Ari, and Aunt Nikki. Barring objections from the Baroness, they'll arrange the food for the challenge and thought a hukilai might be fun for everyone. Just, please, somebody make sure Aunt Nikki is not in charge of the spatulas or grill tongs! The dolphins will be lining up for snacks and she'll give them to them!

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Re: Challenge for Seaside

Post by Vaeluthil Whitevale »

Lady Harker,

Smooth jazz and lavender incense should do the trick and if you're so inclined, they usually like singing if they're honeybees. Speaking kindly to flowers helps them to thrive, much the same can be said for the bees that partake of their nectar.

Hope that helps,

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Re: Challenge for Seaside

Post by JewellRavenlock »

Maggie and Rhi,

I've thought about this for like... three days, and all I keep coming back to is that this is exactly what I was talking about.

This is such a fabulous example of brown-nosing! It's amazing. The comment that started it all brought to life on these very boards. Thank you, Maggie, for once again sticking your cute little nose in where it does not belong.

I also have to say that I find it interesting (re: weird) how this whole situation has evolved. You really are all trying to out-Fae me, as Bailey said. Rhi shows up saying cruel, awful things in public just so Maggie can swoop in and play the voice of reason and then we'll all forget that she said weird shit and basically implied that Hope is a pedophile before backtracking because she's clearly so wise!

10/10 for inventiveness on the plan but a 4.5/10 for execution because having a little girl try to play the voice of reason to two adults is just plain obnoxious.



Lady Vael,

Thank you for the kind words. I am truly sorry that my actions of this spring caused you any pain or sorrow as that was never my intent. It was an honor to face one of the greatest duelers of our time in the rings.


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Re: Challenge for Seaside

Post by Mairead Harker »

Right, got it, no food.

"And those who have not swords can still die upon them." - Eowyn, shieldmaiden of Rohan
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