Letter to the Barons

Notices and stories concerning events in the legendary basement of the Duel of Swords.

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Letter to the Barons

Post by Goldglo »

The following letter was delivered by hand to the Baronial Manors, personalized for each Baron. Letters were not sent to Overlord Isle or Battlefield Park. Gloria, holding title in the Arena and Isle, received one letter addressed to her as Baron and the other as ArchMage.

Dear <Baron>,

After the events of Diamond Quest 99, Jewell, Kheldar and I have been working tirelessly to determine the root cause of what transpired. Since that time, many of you have directly or indirectly experienced additional incidents (Gren’s odd behavior, strange dreams, etc.) that we believe are attributed to the Opals.

We appreciate your vigilance in recent weeks and ask that you remain watchful and attentive for any odd occurrences in your district, especially in the days just prior to, during, and after Diamond Quest 100. In fact, we would greatly appreciate your attendance at the Diamond Quest, either as participant (if eligible) or spectator.

Although we have no specific reason to believe anything unfortunate will occur close to or during the Diamond Quest, we are making these requests as a precautionary measure. We hope that you are able to join us for this landmark celebration and milestone event.

Thank you,
Matt, Kheldar, Jewell
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Gloria Blaze
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Re: Letter to the Barons

Post by Gloria Blaze »

::Gloria's response to the writers was sent in magical triplicate with a copy posted in the public notices::

I am pleased to attend DQ100 and intend to bring FireStar with me.

Please note that I have had it in a magical stasis field while I have studied it in the Celestial Tower. True, it has properties as do many magical artifacts, and I have noticed it's latent sentient behavior when its been embedded in my circlet. It still appears to strangely have a connection with it's previous holder although I am not sure if that connection is fading over time. Please consult the esteemed Koyliak to determine if that connection still exists or is broken.

With respect,
Gloria Blaze,
House Royal
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