Public Notice: New Training Facilities Needed

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Public Notice: New Training Facilities Needed

Post by JewellRavenlock »

“...then we do our best to make sure people are strong enough, trained enough, to handle these rocks.”
-Jewell Ravenlock, September 2019

Public Notice: The Duel of Fists staff are looking to purchase two to three new training facilities to provide easier access to space and guidance for those who wish for additional training in hand-to-hand combat.

The staff is open to the purchase of properties already used as gyms, dojos, and training facilities but we are also willing to renovate properties as needed. We are looking for a variety of types of facilities catering to the wide range of fighting styles practiced by participants in the Duel of Fists as well as facilities located throughout the city for better accessibility.

If you know of or happen upon a suitable property, please direct information regarding it to any of the Duel of Fist staff members:
Matt Simon
Kheldar Drasinia
Jewell Ravenlock


Duel of Fists Staff

((Please see this thread for more information on the facility search. Also, feel free to include any IC posts looking for property in this thread.))

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