Heart of the Dragon: General Rules and Event Information!

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Heart of the Dragon: General Rules and Event Information!

Post by Mart »

Heart of the Dragon

July 17 - August 4

"With the defeat of the Twilight Dragon’s Champion, the treasures possessed by you and your fellow competitors will have the potential to house great and wondrous powers! Through my research, I’ve found that the very Opals of the Outback possess powers compatible with the Celestial Hoard’s treasures! In response to the call of these treasures, the elemental essence of the Opals has begun to manifest in the Outback’s rings.

Gather these elemental essences by pitting yourselves against one another in physical combat! By the strength of your fists you may claim the essence the Opals have provided in their or any other rings, and once you have what you seek, return to me so that I might bring out the power in your treasures!”


Ferghalicous, Hermit Wizard of the Isle, has ascertained that the essence of each Opal and Element shall provide a distinct benefit during your future trials - including the first test within the Arena rings on the 6th day of August in their grand King of the Ring tournament! Thusly, you have been tasked with gathering a number of essences within and without the varied and specialized rings that make up the Outback.

Ten (10) essences shall be sufficient to empower a single treasure.


We have determined that the glorious powers range and can offer only hints at their utility:

FireStar - The power of FireStar is combative, strong, and eager. By harnessing their anger and rage, you can redirect an attack to someone else. (( Max 2 Uses. Instead of sending a move, you redirect an opponents attack to a target of your choice. Must be used while there are three or more players in the tournament. ))

IceDancer - Use the essence of IceDancer to turn someone's offense against them. (( 3 Additional Starting Fancies. ))

MoonBeryl - With MoonBeryl you can transcend the present and navigate the wonders of time, allowing you to repeat tactical maneuvers. (( Repeat your primary move. Max 3 Uses. ))

PathFinder - With the energy of PathFinder you can restore and invigorate your life force. (( Regain 1 Stamina. Max 2 Uses. ))

ShadoWeaver - The power of ShadoWeaver allows you to create a beguiling glamour, fooling your enemies. (( Disappear from combat for that round. Max 2 Uses. Must be used while there are three or more players in the tournament. ))

At least one essence must be connected to the power you wish to grasp, and each item may be imbued by only one Opal’s essence; should you find yourself looking towards a path you’ve yet to tread, seek out your companions in and around the rings and barter. When you are ready, seek the Hermit Wizard or one of his apprentices at the Outback to complete the imbuement ritual.


(( Important Information: Items gained from the cache may be imbued with one (1) specific Opal’s power, and that power will grant you a mechanical benefit at the DoS King of the Ring Tournament on August 6th, 2021!

How do you gather essences?
  • Dueling in DoF Fights. Any DoF fight will give both competitors essences but element-specific essences drop from special rings used in the Outback during Diamond Quest on July 17th and during Wednesday and Sunday Outback dueling nights. All other DoF fights will award “generic” essences.

    The Boiler will award FireStar essence, the Pond will award IceDancer essence, the Wheel will award MoonBeryl essence, the Fern will award PathFinder essence, and the Pit will award ShadoWeaver essence.
  • Writing stories. Each story containing the following elements will be awarded 3 generic essences. 1) the character finding/using/exploring/explaining their item; 2) accomplishing a feat/task/ritual to acquire the essence; and 3) reporting to Ferghalicous or one of his wizards that essences have been found. If a player or pair of players completes three (3) such posts, they will be awarded a tenth (10th) specific essence of their choice to complete the empowerment of their item.

    If a player or pair wishes to write one (1) post to imbue their item, they will be eligible to receive the icon but will not be able to use the item in the King of the Ring tournament, nor will they receive the achievement for completing the event.

Essences will drop from DoF fights starting with the Diamond Quest on July 17th through the end of regulation dueling on August 4th. Those wishing to use imbued items during the King of the Ring tournament must post redemption of their essences/imbuement of their items to this thread no later than 8pm ET on August 5th. ))
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Re: Heart of the Dragon: General Rules and Event Information!

Post by Mart »

Essences have begun appearing near duelers after the Twilight Dragon’s cache was fairly won!
Story posts for essences are now being accepted! As a reminder, here are the elements to receive essences through writing. Essences may be found anywhere that duelers go - from the dueling venues to a kitchen to the Wilds!

Each story containing any of the following elements will be awarded 3 generic essences. 1) the character finding/using/exploring/explaining their item; 2) accomplishing a feat/task/ritual to acquire the essence; and 3) reporting to Ferghalicous or one of his wizards that essences have been found. If a player or pair of players completes three (3) such posts, they will be awarded a tenth (10th) specific essence of their choice to complete the empowerment of their item, provided they have included all 3 story elements throughout the course of their adventure.

If a player or pair wishes to write one (1) post to imbue their item, they will be eligible to receive the icon but will not be able to use the item in the King of the Ring tournament, nor will they receive the achievement for completing the event.

Submit story posts as a reply to this thread! All stories posted between July 17th 12:01am ET and August 4th 11:59pm ET will be awarded essences.

Below is an example of the one (1) post imbuing their item (the Onyx Elephant of Ferghalicous). The author of a post like this would be eligible to receive the icon but not use the item in the King of the Ring event nor receive the achievement for completing the event. All three (3) elements of the story must eventually be included across a total of three (3) posts to receive the full nine (9) essences as well as the tenth (10th) specific essence.

Finding a Pulse

The Moon Elf had spent some time around the various special rings of the Outback this evening, scribbling out circles in chalk, letting the little swirling motes of energy fade in and out of the visible spectrum within them. Finally, though, he was about to finish a line of runic scribbling that went all the way around The Pond. As the final line of chalk met the place where it had begun, the circle sealed and a brilliant flash revealed thousands of swirling motes of blue light, interspersed with pale white and grey sparks.

"Oh, my."

Something had kept Jaycy from actually going straight home from the Inn; some restless urge to come back to the office and work on some paperwork (because, despite the words of Mimi and Droet, she had no complaints about working late on Fridays or any other days). She hadn't come directly here from the Inn, however, and had wandered.

However, it seemed her timing was serendipitous; the left of the double doors opened just a moment before the familiar voice sounded its surprise. "Mart?" The redhead blinked, just inside the door.

"Ah, Jaycy!" Mart straightened as the light show continued on behind him. "Your timing could not be better. I have just codified our little friends, here! An old acquaintance was able to offer some insight." He gestured to the other side of The Pond, where an old man in flamboyant amethyst and sapphire robes was taking notes. His beard reached his belt, and his eyes had almost no definition- just a soft, blue glow. "This is Ferghalicous. He leads a hermetic group of Magi who are based primarily on the Isle."

"Yes, yes. Good evening, Jason." The old Wizard didn't look away from the sparkling lights, even for a moment. "Er.. Jaskier. I'm sorry, what was your name, again?"

Jaycy didn’t sigh or roll her eyes. But ... mages. "Heyas, love." Making her way forward, the green-gold eyes drifted over the Outback and took stock of just what they'd been up to. "And well met, Ferghalicous. I'm Jaycy. Welcome to the Outback." If her voice was a little dry, could you really blame her? At least she was polite!

"What can you tell us?" He didn't seem like one for small talk, so she wouldn't start down that road.

"Ah, the President! Yes, yes, cheers." The incalculably old man finally tore himself from The Pond when Jaycy asked him about the essences, and his focus was held by the subject, if nothing else. "Well you see, it's really the most fascinating thing! Your Opals, young Mart's informed me, never fully reformed when they were restored those days... Months? Back.

"This has resulted in a somewhat cheeky ambient level of elemental magic permeating not just the Outback here, but a good bit of the city!" He chuckled to himself in a way that, despite his appearance, somehow further betrayed his age.

"Yes, we believe that the recipients of the Opals' shards are the common factor here. They sort of ferried the Opals' essence across the city's dueling venues." Mart tried to fill in the gaps where he could.

"I swear I'm going to throw those damned things away." Her first response wasn't quite muttered under her breath and then she did sigh. "So... duelers are kinda bringing them around?" Attempting to paraphrase to show some understanding, her brows knit as she puzzled through their combined explanation.

"They reformed over a year ago - why now? How is the battle and cache of items connected to all of this? MoonBeryl said they were somehow but wasn't exactly ... helpful." Friggin' Opals.

"Time, such a bothersome concept. You know, if I’d been around, I could've simply.." Ferghalicous trailed off as Jaycy turned to Mart.

"Did you find the elephant I brought back from the cache?" She'd left it in the offices but was still wearing the silver bracelet she'd slipped around her wrist. Jaycy, unfortunately, didn't notice the motes settling - both in vision and out - along its smooth circle.

"Oh, yes! Wait until you see.." The Moon Elf jogged off to the bar, where he'd left the little onyx statuette, then brought it back to Ferghalicous and tried to hand it off as the wizened caster continued to ramble. He hadn't noticed that Mart stood at his side, realizing so only after being prodded with the elephant that the Elf was even there.

"Oh, Mart! When did you get here? Ah! The Onyx Elephant! Do pass that over, so I can show the Prime Minister what we've discovered, eh? Good lad." He patted Mart on the head once or twice before taking the statuette, and heading back to The Pond to stand at its center. "Are you ready, Minister?"

Really? Brows lifted toward the Moon Elf in silent question as Jaycy padded closer - but not without some trepidation. "As ready as I'll ever be. Is there anything I need to be aware of or ready for or look for something specific?" That might help me know what and where to look and focus on it." Finally she ended next to Mart, peering at the statue in the old man's hand.

"He really is quite brilliant, you know. I believe he has sacrificed some things.." He tapped at his temple, "to strengthen others." Maybe it was Wizard humor, but the Moon Elf was smiling as he shrugged and watched on.

"Yes, yes! Do take care to watch the lights! The rest will be, ah, self-evident!" As he strolled across the surface of the water, he began to speak low and slow in a rather rough language. The motes of light, blue and a few white, began to swirl down and around him, finishing their journeys when they reached the statuette on his palm.

As he reached the center of The Pond, he let out a few words in a loud, booming voice and held the statuette aloft. The energies snapped and crackled around the little Elephant, then Ferghalicous chucked it a few feet forward into the waters, and began to take a few slow steps back.

"I'm glad you have Morgan to keep you grounded in the real world, love." She didn't even bother to lower her voice but the quip did bring a smile to her face once more. Jaycy eyed Mart a moment before dutifully turning her attention to the old mage and his excitement.

What seemed to be a bit theatrical had her brows rising once more and she folded her arms. But he said 'pay attention to the lights', so her gaze followed movement of motes until she focused more intently on the little figure in his hands. "... what..." she trailed off.

Mart chuckled, then his face seemed to scrunch up as he puzzled out why Ferghalicous would just.. Throw the Elephant into the water. "I think... It should be just a moment?"

And a moment or so later, they were rewarded for their patience! The water began to surge and swell, and from its surface broke the massive stone body of the now life-sized Onyx Elephant! Water streamed off its chiseled surface, pouring back into The Pond, as its trunk rose into the air and it trumpeted victoriously, now complete with a fine blue sheen of elemental energy.

"See, see! There it is! The Twilight Dragon's hoard has the unique ability to absorb these ambient elemental essences, and use them to manifest spectacular effects when they've been imbued with the Opals' powers! Their being reintroduced into the world must've caused these essences to begin to manifest more completely! Like a magical bomb has been detonated in the city!"

"Whoa!" She'd leapt back at the eruption in the water, seeming to miss half of the explanation as she stared at the loud and seemingly living elephant in the water! It took her a moment but she eventually recovered from the recoil and stepped in, a hand extending out and pausing several inches from the animal.

"So... the items from the cache can become like ... mini Opals? Thanks to all of the extra energy that's just been sitting around here for a year?"

"Yes!" Mart put his hands on Jaycy's shoulder, clearly excited. "When the items are used in the city's dueling rings, though especially here where the concentrations are strongest, they can absorb the ambient energy. Once they have taken in enough, Ferghalicous or members of his order can "activate" them, so to speak!"

"Quite right, young Mart! We'll be on-hand for a few weeks at least, I'd say!"

She spared a smile back to Mart at his touch and then finished her journey to brush fingertips over the elephant, featherlight and almost reverent. "This won't hurt anyone, aye?" The question was aimed toward the elder mage.

"Should we tell people about it? Do we want to encourage this? Does that mean the items need to be personally on them? Or would them being in the rings themselves be enough, since you said the duelers were the common factor?" Withdrawing her hand from the caress of the elephant, she turned to peer more fully at the pair.

"I'd say that depends on the wielder. A regular old sword in my hands wouldn't do much against a seasoned warrior, but this fellow.." He patted the Elephant's stony skin, "Would need to be reckoned with, wouldn't you say?" As he said it, he pointed at the bangle on Jaycy's arm, and how the motes were glowing not just around it, but her as well.

"The holder will accumulate essence as long as they're running about, but they'll need their items when they visit me or the lads, so we can bind one and the other together."

"I believe this will be a great opportunity for the community to come together. We may yet find a greater purpose for these new, empowered items." Mart nodded along, excited at the prospects.

The bangle, unnoticed until now, caught her attention. She blinked, lifting her arm until it was parallel to the ground. Not only were motes glowing, but so it seemed they were becoming corporeal. White flecks, visibly crystal, rested on her wrist just under the bangle. Jaycy blinked and plucked them off her patchwork sleeve, curving her palm around them so she could examine them more minutely.

"Huh... and it seems like we can share them with each other before they're bound into the item, aye? Say, if ... if I like ShadoWeaver better than MoonBeryl, I might want to see if I can get some mini ShadoWeaver powers?" Once more she looked to the fellows for confirmation, extending the hand to show them the pieces in her palm.

"Indeed, though if you've had no luck coaxing them out, you might have to get them from someone else. Mayhaps offer a trade? I'm sure there'll be some that want a MoonBeryl more than a ShadoWeaver, so on, so forth. If it helps, the lads can oversee that. Keep things neutral." He stroked his beard just once, which really took quite a long while.

"That sounds like a plan." She nodded, closing her hand around the motes and ducking them into the pocket of her jeans. "Thank you, both, for figuring out what was going on." She paused, tilting her head. "Mayhap tomorrow, at Quest, we can make sure everyone only uses these main rings to draw these ... essences of Opals ... out?" Her words took her attention to Mart's face, her question for the 'younger' mage.

"That sounds like a wondrous idea! We could use the event to let everyone know what is going on, as well, so that they might focus their attentions as the situation continues to develop!" He looked back to Jaycy, smiling.

"If I can manage it, I'll show up to answer any questions the youths might have. That sound alright, Governor?" One out of four isn't so bad.

"That sounds perfect. I'll do the announcement and everything." Ferghalicous received a tired but fairly relieved smile from the redhead. "We'll convene here tomorrow, aye?"

"Aye." The Wizard nodded, before he and the Elephant vanished!

"Very We-" And Ferghalicous was gone! "Well, then!" He turned back to Jaycy. "How very exciting! Would you like to walk home with me?" He'd already offered an arm and everything!

The smile Mart saw was much sweeter, fonder, and aye, exhausted, and her eyes softened at the gesture. "Aye, that sounds lovely." Stepping forward, she took the graciously-offered arm and curved her own around it. "Lead on."

And so he did!
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Re: Heart of the Dragon: The Great Essence Adventure Begins! (Part 1)

Post by Watanabe Twins »

The Great Essence Adventure Begins! (Part 1)

"I thought this was going to be a little more easy," complained Kiko.

"Maybe Hana knows something?" said Mako.

This is what led the Watanabe twins to the Zama Shrine. Their wait turned into around fifteen minutes as it appeared the shrine priestess was currently busy with older visitors. The twins idly lingered by the rabbit enclosure and attempted to feed the rabbits while they waited.

"Hope I didn't keep you two for long. How can I help you?" said Hana.

It didn't take long for the shrine maiden to be graced with a bag of chocolate, which she happily took! "Do you want another fortune?" Hana asked. After all — what better way to scrub a bad fortune clean than to bribe the priestess in charge of the shrine?

"Nope!" — "Nope!" exclaimed both of the twins.

"We want information!" — "We're helping Kuwabara," — "and she's looking for these essence things," — "They're magical? Something happened on the magic Island!" they then came together and said, "Twilight Isle!"

Hana seemed confused but nodded along.

"There's magical essences that need to be found, and they're appearing all over the place. I think?" Mako looked to her sister and Kiko shrugged in return.

"So! Where are they?" Kiko asked.

Both of them looked to Hana expectantly.

".. Ah.. Well," Hana began.

The twins leaned a little closer.

"I don't know..?" the shrine maidens confusion was written all over her face. She then called to the shrine guard posted nearby, Yuki.

"Yuki~!" Hana called out and asked, "Do you know anything about essences? These two are looking for some."

Yuki pondered as she came near and said "There's a roller skating place in Seaside called Something-Essences. Maybe that's the place you're looking for?"

"I need to get back to work! I hope that helped!" Hana said cheerfully.

It didn't really help.. but Mako did feel like going roller skating later. Kiko felt the same.

"What are we going to do?" Kiko lamented as she watched both Hana and Yuki walked away to visit other shrine guests.

"Maybe the rabbits will know. They are children of the kami, right?" Mako's question brought both of Kiko's hands together in clap as she answered, "That's true!"

This led to the two of them leaning well into the rabbit enclosure with a phone flashing a map app on the screen.

"Shi-chan," began Kiko "Ma-chan," said Mako "Can you help?" the two asked.

Both of the small rabbits seemed to be staring at them now while the two balanced their best on the fence (All to make sure they wouldn't go falling into the enclosure).

This balance act continued for a good three minutes before the black rabbit inched closer, as if appearing to sniff the phone, then bounced away — as did the white rabbit, minus the sniffing part!

"I guess the bunnies don't know either.." Mako said after the two of them ended their fence balancing. "Should we just look around?" Kiko said with a defeated groan.

"Wait! There's a smudge here!" the other sister pointed out the small rabbit-nose-smudge on the smart phone! It pointed toward a spot in Seaside!

"Maybe Yuki was right!" said Kiko excitedly.

and to Seaside they went!

The smudge mark wasn't anywhere near the Disco Essence skating rink (but the twins did skate around in there for an hour or so..). The two sisters sat on a bench overlooking the beautiful Seaside beach. ".. We didn't find anything.." — "And I'm hungry.." — "Me too.."

Which then led them to a BBQ Restaurant. As they sat there waiting for their dinner something caught Kiko's eye. "Hey, something is in that fire.." she said with a point toward the fire-lit sign that greeted guests to the BBQ Shack. Quickly the two of them scrambled, though Kiko did take her drink with her! As they neared the fire-lit sign they saw what looked to be oddly shaped shards of something that looked well out of place compared to everything else around the sign!

Mako acted as the look out and covered her sister while Kiko carefully reached to snatch up a few of the crystals!


"Let's eat first, then we can go see the wizard!" one sister said while the other nodded in full agreement.

Two more hours passed before they made it to the Outback with three essences in hand!

"Hello wizard!" one said while the other added on with, "We are victorious in our quest!"

"Now what do we do?" said the both of them.

The wizard chuckled and smiled, "Now you must find 6 more!"

Kiko and Mako looked to each other and whined out ".. Six more?!"
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Re: Heart of the Dragon: General Rules and Event Information!

Post by Watanabe Twins »

Essence Adventure! (Part 2)

"I can't believe we haven't found anything." Kiko said as she lounged on top of a couch.

Both Mako and herself were busy at the Takamine's mansion in the Gloaming District. And by busy, they were just lounging around most of the day since they spread out cleaning the large place throughout the week and only clean a room each day.. and the bigger spaces were left for last (Smart indeed),

"It would probably help if we looked around in other places and not here." Mako replied from her own lounging spot in a chair.

"Maybe we should look around outside? We haven't checked there yet!"

"Good idea!"

The amazing idea found the Watanabe Twins switching from living room lounging to beach lounging, though they had changed out of their outfits and instead were twilight-bathing in their swimsuits.

"I can't believe we haven't found anything." Kiko said as she lounged on top of a beach towel.

Deja Vu.

"Yeah. We looked everywhere out here!" Mako replied. They indeed looked in the general area of the beach they were now lounging on, and if looking meant scanning around from their beach towels.

"What did Kuwabara want these essences for anyway?" Kiko said while lowering her sunglasses.

"She said something about some chainmail? That she won it here after beating the dragon-person that was flying around last week." said the other twin with a vague gesture to the sky. Mako then continued, "it must be really strong though. I bet it could stop bullets."

"Think it can stop Ito's punch?"

Both of them seemed to consider this for a moment before saying in unison — "Nah!"

Their adventure on the beach came to a close as they decided that they were, of course, hungry. Which meant visiting the Sunny Mart back in the city. As they went about their work collecting snacks, stopping at the slushie machine and grabbing the biggest cup to fill up, and then leaving the store without paying (It's okay because the cashier had a crush on them and they had no issue exploiting it), they once again were confronted with the task at hand.

They were supposed to be collecting essences, not getting snacks!

"We needed these to stay awake for the search, right?" Kiko smiled.

"Right!" Mako said happily.. until she started sucking on the straw of her slushie.

Okay. Something was odd! This slushie was a little too thick.. and that should be a frosty problem, not a slushie problem! Maybe some ice is stuck in the straw? So Mako pulled out the straw to give it a look while her sister happily danced in place while enjoying her own slushie.

"What's this?" Mako said while attempting to pull out what was stuck in the straw.. until she realized..

It was another crystalized essence! She gasped suddenly, which got her sisters attention. "What is it?!" Kiko asked the now excitedly straw-waving Mako.

"I found some more! I guess they are in the slushie machine!" she said.

Kiko thought for a moment, "You know what this means.."

"This has to be a heath code violation.."

"So we need to confiscate the slushie machine to give it a thorough inspection before they can use it again!"

The twins snickered between themselves.

In the end they only found two other essences, making their total discovery in the slushie machine three! But they did enjoy all the icy goodness the machine had to offer.. That is until they crashed a few hours later and felt terrible in the morning.

It wouldn't be until the next day that they came to visit the wise ol' wizard over in the Outback.

"Here's three more!" — "We only need to find the last three, right?"

The wizard took their three essences and gave them a scrutinizing look. He then nodded, accepting them as the genuine thing.

"Three more." he said with a nod. "And then your friends wonderous item will be complete."
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Re: Heart of the Dragon: General Rules and Event Information!

Post by Delahada »

like calls to like

The morning after the epic battle that had taken place on Twilight Isle, an unexpected visitor set foot on the scene. It had taken an extraordinary feat of will for Salvador Delahada to make himself step through the portal. He had never been a fan of the Isle. All that magic, everywhere, tended to overwhelm him, and as a rule he avoided the place like the plague.

Today was one of very few exceptions. A dream and a rock had told him to come here. Though he knew it wasn’t wise to dismiss prophecies and ignore fate, that didn’t mean he had to enjoy the experience. The crawl of magic over his skin made him grumble all the way from the portal to the cache of treasure that called to him.

Per the quietly whispered instructions and encouragements of ShadoWeaver, whom he had insisted on bringing with him for this adventure, the Spaniard dug around in the pile of magical artifacts with a stick until he found the one that called to him most. To be fair, it was actually the one that had literally leapt out of the heap and latched itself to his throat, shortly after he’d touched it with a curious graze of fingertips.

Naturally, his immediate reaction to having something attached to his throat, was to drop the stick and flail around, trying to pry it off with a snarl. It was the weirdest sensation of not really being choked. The thing was small enough, maybe two inches in length, that it only took the fingers of one hand to wedge under its scrabbly little legs and pry it free.

Salvador’s first instinct after that was to throw the damn thing into the dirt, but a sudden realization gave him pause.

Aside from the tickling little skitter of insect legs in his palm, he felt nothing else whatsoever. This was odd, because usually when the Spaniard touched something with his bare hands he picked up psychic imprints of information. History and memories almost always flooded his mind when he made contact with things or people, practically any object at all. Sometimes it was a curse, his psychometry. Though he had found it useful at times as well.

This bug in the palm of his hand, however, was giving him nothing.

The longer he stood there marveling about this, the more he realized something else was happening too. An unexpected calmness had settled over him. The constant tingle of intrusive magic in the air had evaporated from around him, and he had to look up, around, to make sure he was, in fact, still standing in the midst of Twilight Isle.

There was the lagoon. There was one of the Towers. There was a goblin mindlessly sweeping the same once dusty spot over and over again.

Yes, this was the Isle.

He was standing on the Isle and feeling absolutely fine.

That, Salvador decided, was just not right. He squinted suspiciously at the little black bug in his hand, and then acted on his first reactionary impulse, which was to destroy it. He closed his fingers over the beetle and squeezed. Instead of squishing it into oblivion, however, this caused it to hiccup and puke up a strange little glimmering ball. The Spaniard relaxed his grip, blinking in surprise, and as soon as he did, the insect launched itself from his palm at the tiny orb, snatching it right back up.

“Oye!” Salvador clapped both his hands around the bug without thinking, outraged that it had gobbled up his mystery before he could even begin to figure it out. The inevitable squish did not happen as expected. This time the beetle erupted into a splash of grainy black particles that spilled through the cracks, spiraled around his fingers, and coalesced to reform into the beetle sitting primly atop his knuckles.

“You little fucker,” Salvador growled.

Somewhere beside him, poking through the cache of treasure as well, the gatito was wheezing with barely suppressed laughter. After giving him a good hard glare, Salvador tried to shake the bug off his hand. When he stopped, he saw that the little bastard was still stuck on. After a buzzing flicker of its wings that somehow gave the impression of chiding him, the beetle crawled into his palm again.

“Are you fucking serious?” he asked, to mostly no one. This was what he had come for? This was only one tiny little bit of what he’d seen in his dream. There was only one of them!

One very small, but very powerful, little bug, he realized. And it was stubborn as hell, refusing to let go no matter how he shook his hand or prodded it, tried to flick it from his wrist. Any act of violence he tried on it only caused the beetle to burst into shadowy sand, and then come back together again, mocking him.

"Ah! I see you've found the Void Beetle!"

Salvador spun, instantly and violently alert, to face the source of this new voice. To his additional surprise, in his grasp was suddenly a wickedly curved, dark dagger. A strange, discolored sheen that reminded him of blood ran just below its spine, along the flat of the blade. The bug was gone.

"Void Blade," said the robed person standing before him, correcting themself.

Oh. Salvador tilted his head, and the blade, to get a better look at it. Even through his fae eyes it looked like an absolutely ordinary blade. He felt nothing from it, still, and that was the first clue that this weapon and the bug that had been tormenting him were one and the same.

There was something incredibly alarming about the robed person’s smile. Salvador didn't trust it. Too friendly, and not at all in the innocent and completely trusting way he had come to associate with a close friend. This smile held too many secrets, and strangely the person wielding it looked prepared to give them all away.

What was the catch? he wondered. What would it cost him? As a general rule, the fae in him made the Spaniard extremely distrusting. Nothing was free.

"Nasty piece of work isn't it?" said the wizard. With a tilt of their head and that same too-friendly smile, they said, "Not unlike yourself, eh? I can see why it took to you."

"Who the fuck're you?" Salvador growled suspiciously.

“Oh, I’m nobody special. Not nearly as much as the fabled Ferghalicious, at any rate,” said the wizard with a blush and dismissive wave of their hand.

Ferghalicious, Sal repeated in his head. The hell kind of a name was that?

“You can put that away,” said the wizard. “I assure you I’m harmless.” As they said this, another one of those strange glowing motes floated into Salvador’s peripheral vision.

In the next same moment, the blade in his grasp collapsed and fell apart into a small cloud of black grains that reshaped suddenly into the form of the beetle. Quicker than he could blink, the bug zipped from his fingertips to snap up that floating mote. By the time he had finished blinking, Salvador discovered it had returned to his knuckles and was circling. Somehow, he got the sense, smug.

"What are those things?" he asked the wizard, trying not to scowl at the bug’s attitude.

"Essences of the formerly shattered Opals,” the robed person told him easily. “With enough of them we can imbue your Void Beetle—"

"Bicho." Salvador didn't know why he interrupted by saying that; it just felt right.

The wizard smiled; Sal still didn't like that smile. There was something almost patronizing about it. "—we can imbue Bicho with some of their power," they continued. "But only one! So choose wisely."

“Imbue,” Salvador repeated blandly. A habit of his when he did not understand the meaning of a word. Most people caught on and rephrased, or used smaller words. Not that this one was particularly large. He simply did not know the meaning.

“That’s right,” said the wizard cheerily. “Once you’ve found ten total, come on back and we’ll get you sorted. Most of them look like that.” They pointed.

Salvador turned his head to watch another mote rise form the pile of unclaimed artifacts and float closer. Close enough to catch the attention of the bug, too. Quicker than he had blinked, the beetle darted off his hand to snap it up and returned with only the faintest twitch of wings and faint buzz.

“You’ll need to find, oh, six more of those, and then one other.”

“One that feels like me,” ShadoWeaver chimed in.

With a grumble of irritation, Salvador scratched behind his ear. She was doing that thing again where her words seemed to brush across his hearing. Less intrusive. Not exactly in his head.

“That’s right!” said the wizard. “Or one that feels like any of the other four. It’s your choice. Just bring us one of those and nine of the others, and we’ll enhance that Void Blade for you lickety split! See you soon!”

“Wait--” But they were gone. Salvador sighed, looked at the beetle just in time to watch it disappear up his coat sleeve, and turned to see how his companion was faring in his search.
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Re: Heart of the Dragon: General Rules and Event Information!

Post by Mairead Harker »

Winter’s Dragons - Discovery

Excited voices filled the air on Twilight Isle as the battle with Ashene ended. For Maggie, the voices faded into the distance, save one, Zapphira’s.

Something speaks with the voice of water, Trifýlli. Can you hear it?

Maggie answered in a voice only her symbiotic companion could hear. ~It speaks with more than water’s voice. It speaks with winter’s as well.~

A third voice was heard, I am water. I am winter. I am a gift from a dragon to one held dearly by a dragon’s heart and to be worn near your own.

Maggie reverently lifted a piece of jewelry from the treasures, a pendant in the form of a sheathed sword. It reminded her of the dagger her grandmother often secreted on her person. She moved her fingers over the intricately detailed piece. Two gemstones, one of deepest purple and the other of fiery red glowed dimly like embers needing a little nudge to set them ablaze again.

Listen to it, Trifýlli. Look carefully, it’s marked with images of dragons.

Maggie carefully withdrew the small blade from its housing. It bore runes that she didn’t recognize and a pair of dragon heads formed the crossguard. ~I don’t understand. Dragons aren’t my totem.~

They’re ice dragons… winter. And your totem is the mighty winter bear!

~How do you know they’re ice dragons?~

They sing of water and winter. Is that not when water becomes ice in nature?

~Yes. What do we do next?~

Two things. Which of the stones speaks to ice?

~Beer Cooler … I mean IceDancer.~

Then find its essence.

Maggie placed the pendant around her neck. ~That might take some doing.~

Trifýlli, of all the fine smiths you know, who can bring out the metal’s sweetest song?

Maggie grinned. ~Next stop, Lemnos Craftworks.~

Winter’s Dragons - Song of Metal

The next morning, after doing research in her Gran’s library, Maggie made her way to her uncle’s shop in Old Market. Andred Greyblood was behind the counter when the teenager went inside. “Hey, Andred! Is Uncle Heph available?”

“He’s in the forge. Go on back. You know the rules.”

After suiting up with a heavy leather apron and covering her hair, Maggie made her way to the forge. One of the rules she’d been taught was not to interrupt the smith when a hammer and anvil were singing together. She waited until Hephaestus took a break for some water and waited for him to notice she was there.

“Clover! How are you?”

“Hey, Uncle Heph! Look what I found!” Maggie laid out the necklace on her upturned palm. “It was in the dragon’s treasure!” Maggie was as excited as if she was getting Winterfest gifts! “I need to find IceDancer bits to properly imbue it.”

“The Opal Eregor held.” Heph smiled as held out a bottle of water to her.

Taking the bottle with her free hand, Maggie nodded in thanks. “Yes! Zapphy said this,” she lifted the necklace and lowered it again, “sings of water and winter, so ... ice. I’ve worked out the magic to get the essences to stick. Can you teach me to sharpen it?”

Ever the doting uncle, Hephaestus gave Maggie a smile. There was something in his expression that asked, What’s next?

Maggie withdrew the tiny blade from its scabbard. She murmured an incantation and the blade began to take on its full size as a longsword. She braced her feet as she prepared for the difference in weight distribution. “What do you think?”

"A fine blade." The smith held out a hand in silent asking, and Maggie handed him the blade hilt-first. "Thank you." She released the longsword, and Heph lifted it up to the light, noting the straight lines of the blade and the weight of it. Taking care not to come too near his niece, he swung it about a few times. "The balance is extraordinary, and it sings as it cuts through the air, can you hear it? I daresay that as you work with it, you'll hear that song grow into a true voice." He handed the blade back to Maggie, just as she had to him. "Shall we get to it, then?"

Maggie was ready to get to the business of properly sharpening her new find.

Winter’s Dragons - Wizard’s Blessing

Over the next week or so, Maggie and Rachael worked together to collect the essences to fuse the powers of the Opals into their weapons. Maggie took the pair of IceDancer bits and eight unassigned ones to the wizards. She couldn’t help singing We’re off to see the wizard! as she went in search of Ferghalicous and his apprentices.

“Hey, now, that’s not funny!” The young wizard peered at the teenager with a mildly irritated expression that included furrowed brows. His stern expression brightened as he said, “Unless your name is Dorothy.”

Maggie laughed. “No, but I have played her on stage several times!”

“Well, that’s all right then. Let’s see what you’ve got!”

Maggie removed the pendant from her neck and laid it on her flattened palm. “You may hold it if you need to. Be aware, it might do the Alice in Wonderland Eat me, Drink me thing on you.”

“Eat me… oh!” Realization dawned as the apprentice carefully removed the miniature weapon from its sheath and examined it. Using the appropriate magic, he imbued the blade and scabbard with the essences, IceDancer was the driving force now dwelling in Winter’s Dragons.

“My thanks, sir.” Maggie reverently took the sword and murmured the words to bring the sword to its full size. The purple stone in its hilt now held an icy blue sparkle deep inside it. The blue hue was fitting given the wielder's birthstone was aquamarine. With the blade back to its normal size and in its place around her throat. She left a donation for the wizard’s favorite charity and went on her way.

((Author's notes:
My thanks to the player of Hephaestus for his help with Song of Metal.
Trifýlli is a Greek word meaning clover.
The necklace is a piece from my personal collection and was made by Alchemy, based in England.))
"And those who have not swords can still die upon them." - Eowyn, shieldmaiden of Rohan
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Re: Heart of the Dragon: General Rules and Event Information!

Post by Caleb Feren »

Shadow Games

Caleb opened his eyes shortly after she had left the room.

He had woken as she tried to pry or wiggle something out of her ear, but he kept his breathing even and his eyes closed to nothing but slits. It was rare for her to wake in the middle of the night, and even more so for her not to settled back into his arms soon after.

This time, she got up and was moving from the room, trying to be as quiet as possible. But that was foiled by the conversation that he heard coming from the other room.

“What do you want?” With those words, he slid quietly from the bed and moved towards the door.

“She’s fine. She’s just talking to the rock.” The voice came from the darkest corner of the room. Caleb dropped and went on the defensive, putting the door to his back to make sure that he was between that voice… a voice he knew well… and her. Of course, if someone else was out there, that wouldn’t mean much. But he would keep her from this one… this bastard.

“What do you want?” He echoed her question.

The laughter that came coincided with the door that closed as Karma walked outside. “To play.”

There was an almost primal growl that started in Caleb’s throat. It had a weight to it that would send most people running, if they didn’t outright freeze. It was a sound that spoke to the old world.. the world where beast hunted humans.

“Oh, put it away. You don’t have your claws, and they wouldn’t hurt me anyways. We’re not here to hurt her, or you. If that was the case, I wouldn’t have saved you so long ago, or helped you when you asked it for her.”

The growl immediately stopped, but Caleb didn’t ease from his stance. His hands cracked and popped with tension as his fist seemed to harden. True, he didn’t have his blades, but that didn’t mean he would need them. He had something more now, and it rested on that left hand.
“I will kill you if you hurt her.”

“No you won’t. But you already know that. And I have no intention of hurting her. You’ve done your research. You know what I gave up to that rock she now holds. Don’t be stupid and use your brain. If I was going to hurt her, I wouldn’t be here talking with her. And no, I won’t let the one who she is playing with now hurt her either.”

“Then why are you here?” Caleb was starting to feel like a broken record… again.

“Those new blades you crafted. The stone used to make them, to be more specific. You’ll find it more than just stone, and capable of more than what you created. You’ll need them for what’s to come… well, for a few things, actually. One I can help with...” the old bastard paused, and even in the darkness, Caleb could see the smile. “… have helped you with now. The other… the other, you will need to talk to the one who collects that which has been falling.” The shadow paused and looked to the door, then looked back to Caleb and smiled. ”Let him know that I sent you. He’ll help with that other blade.”

Then, the shadows lessened and the bastard was gone. Caleb turned and yanked the door open. His stride carried him to the front door of the Kāpena Kahakai just in time for him to hear her, and the resulting comment.

“Great. There’s two of you? Wonderful.”
”Come play with us again soon.”

Cross posted in The Duality of Shadow
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Re: Heart of the Dragon: General Rules and Event Information!

Post by Partly Cloudy »

Winds of Change

14 July 2021

A faint shiver coursed through gatito as he followed Salvador through the portal and onto Twilight Isle. No matter how he tried to prepare himself, the sensation of magic permeating everything, even the air he breathed, was a bit overwhelming. Added to that sensation this morning was the stain of violence left behind by the previous evening’s epic battle.

He lingered a few steps behind Salvador, unsure why they were here—until he laid eyes upon the sprawling jumble of treasures that had been poured out upon the sand. As he watched the Spaniard approach the pile and begin his search, the young man thought back to the feeling he’d experienced shortly after waking. Something was in motion. He wondered just how much of that something began here.

His knowledge of magical items was limited, but he knew enough to be both cautious and respectful. When he finally joined Salvador, he crouched down by a helmet that was lying upon its side and gently righted it.

Then he jerked back and almost fell on his butt when something small came flying out of the pile. Thankfully, whatever it was seemed to have no interest in him. Instead, it oriented upon Salvador and attached itself to him, much to the man’s displeasure. Gatito lurched to his feet, ready to help the flailing Spaniard, and narrowly avoided taking a smack to the face by accident. He lingered out of reach, watching as Salvador finally pried the thing from his throat.

“Did you really just get attacked by a bug?” It was hard not to laugh. Really, it was. He tried to get another look at the creature Salvador held in his hand but quickly gave that up in favor of watching the man himself. First, as he studied his surroundings, and then as he began to acquaint himself with the creature—by trying to kill it. Gatito snorted.

Whatever the little bastard was, it seemed rather enthusiastic about sticking with Salvador. Gatito supposed he couldn’t fault it for that.

He watched a few more moments, then shook his head and lowered himself back down into a crouch. It looked like Salvador had found what he had come for—or something had found him, rather. Now gatito needed to figure out if there was something here for him, too.

As he worked his way around the heap, he glanced up here and there to check on Salvador and his new friend. It tickled him to see the creature giving the Spaniard a little bit of hell in its own buggy sort of way. The glare Salvador leveled on him had no hope of quelling his glee, but the young man did at least duck his head to hide his grin.

Amongst the riches, he found rings and amulets, shields and armor, daggers and swords, and just about any other weapon you could want. There was even a pair of flintlock pistols. How was he supposed to choose?

He was almost grateful for the interruption when someone new joined them. Sitting back on his heels, he observed the robed person who was now speaking with Salvador.

Even from the opposite side of the trove, gatito could feel the tension radiating off of his companion. He could see it in the set of Salvador’s shoulders, too—and in the wicked blade that had appeared in his hand. His own body went tight in response and he gathered himself, in case he had to move quickly. He remained on alert until the blade in Salvador’s hand reverted back to the little black beetle.

As he looked back to the pile of treasures, something caught his attention. The stone was smooth and milky white, reminding him of a sightless eye, and it was set in dingy metal. He tugged gently at it, thinking it part of an amulet—but what slipped from the shifting hoard was the hilt of a sword. Other items tinkled softly together as he pulled the weapon free.

It was incredibly light, too light. Light enough that he had to wonder if the blade had been broken off. Given the scuffs scarring the leather, it wouldn’t have surprised him to find the scabbard empty. The blade turned out to be whole, but it was in the same condition as the dented guard and frayed leather grip. Nicks marred the blade’s length as though someone had taken out their frustrations on stone.

Why on earth would a sword like this be counted amongst anyone’s treasures? Did it hold some sort of sentimental value?

He turned the sword carefully over in his hand, studying it. The longer he examined it, the more it intrigued him. Only a fool or a desperate person would choose a weapon like this one, and yet he found he didn’t want to lay it back down. His gaze lingered upon the hollow space in the guard, wondering what was supposed to be there. Maybe another stone?

Distantly, he became aware that he could no longer hear the sound of the robed person’s voice. He glanced up from the sword and found Salvador watching him from across the trove, expression inscrutable.

Feeling caught out, gatito said, “This one’s weird. It’s in bad condition and it’s way too light. I’m trying to figure out what it’s doing here, with the rest of this.” He gestured at the other treasures with the sword. Then, on a whim, he tried a couple of cuts with it. Just to feel how it handled.

Salvador jerked backward with a snarl and swear, and gatito flinched back a step of his own. He watched with both fascination and horror as the Spaniard lifted a hand to touch his chest. Behind his fingers, the fabric of his shirt of Salvador’s shirt peeled slowly open, exposing a wound gatito hadn’t meant to inflict.

Merde. Désolé, Sal,” he said, voice small. He looked back down to the sword in his hand. In its current condition, the blade would be no match for the caustic quality of the Spaniard’s blood.

But there was no blood on it.

And Salvador was still on the other side of the heap. The sword was not long enough to reach him. Gatito looked up and met the other man’s eyes, brow furrowing.

“We see you’ve found the Wind Saber,” said a voice nearby.

Gatito startled and whirled around, lifting the sword into a guard position by instinct. The person who had surprised him lifted their hands. They wore a robe similar to the one worn by the person who had spoken with Salvador earlier, but that was where the similarities ended. This newcomer had a sense of gravity to them, something he associated with age or power. Their face was lean but somehow seemed ageless, and their light brown skin held a tinge of grey. One of their eyes was green; the other was black.

“Now, now.” They patted at the air in a placating gesture. “There’s no need for all of that. We mean you no harm, little one.”

The diminutive sounded wrong in their mouth. Nerves jangling, gatito could not stem the growl that clawed its way up his throat. His companion’s echoing growl steadied him.

After a rather pregnant pause, the robed person moved back a couple of steps, putting some distance between them. They held up their hands again, but this time it was to show they were unarmed. “We only thought you might wish to learn about the weapon you’ve chosen.”

With effort, gatito made himself lower his weapon. Then he took a single step closer to Salvador. “You called it a Wind Saber?”

The Wind Saber, yes,” they corrected gently. They directed a meaningful glance toward the Spaniard. “It looks like you’ve already begun to explore its capabilities.”

Gatito’s face warmed. He did not allow himself to look at Salvador or at the wound he had inflicted by accident. He could still smell the ruined scent of the man’s blood, but it was fainter now thanks to the magic crawling through Salvador’s veins. “Oui, I have.”

The robed person nodded once. “No doubt you’ll discover its other gifts in short order. But if you decide you want help with it, please do not hesitate to let us know.” They paused, then continued, “And so you are aware, we can imbue the Wind Saber with the elemental power of the Opals, just like the Void Blade.” Once again, they glanced briefly past him to Salvador.

Merci,” gatito said softly with a quick nod. The person regarded him a moment longer, then turned to go.

He might have watched them leave, but the cool weight of Salvador’s hand landed upon his nape and stole his attention away. He exhaled hard and glanced up at the Spaniard. Salvador squeezed his nape gently, then pulled him closer and let him lean against him.

“Is that the one you want, lindo?” the Spaniard asked after a few moments of easy silence.

Gatito looked down at the Wind Saber again and watched as a wisp of wild magic was absorbed into the pale gemstone seated in its pommel. The stone flickered faintly, reminding him of lightning crackling through a cloud. Reminding him of a dream.

If he was a smart man, he would put it back. There were other swords in the trove if he desired another weapon to add to his collection. But this one felt right in his hand. And whenever he looked at it, he could feel something stirring at the edges of his awareness. Everything about it piqued his curiosity. It was a mystery he thought he might like to unravel.

And, if he was being honest with himself, he had enjoyed seeing that cut open up on Salvador’s chest, even though—no, especially because—he had been out of range.


Oui,” he decided. “I think … I think I would like this one.”

Yes. He would indulge this curiosity. He only hoped that he wouldn’t regret it.
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Rhys Germain
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Re: Heart of the Dragon: General Rules and Event Information!

Post by Rhys Germain »

To Catch a Shooting Star

13 July 2021
late evening

It had been a night fraught with trepidation. From the moment he and Dris had stepped onto the Isle, Rhys had known there would be a major shift of some sort, and the evening had not disappointed him. At the urging of his mantle and the responsibility contained within it, he had joined the other Champions to fight the Twilight Dragoon. None of them had come out unscathed, but now that the battle was over, they had been rewarded. Handsomely.

For a while, all he could do was sit in the sand and hold onto Dris, watching as the treasures fell from the heavens. He was weary down to his bones and he hurt all over. The longer he sat, the heavier he felt—and the stronger he felt a pull toward the cache.

There was something in that trove which called to him, and he was wary of that. You didn’t live as long as he had, and travel in the circles he had, without learning a bit about the nature and handling of magical artifacts. Such items often exacted a price for their usage and for the privilege of keeping them, and a poor or hasty choice could expose a man to a host of complications. Because of this, he was in no rush to approach the pile of treasures.

He knew he couldn’t ignore the pull forever, though. Curiosity, dissatisfaction, and regret would plague him for gods knew how long if he didn’t give in and take what belonged to him. With Dris’ help, he climbed to his feet, and together, they made their way over to Velgr’s stash.

While the other Champions made their selections, Rhys hung back a step and studied the jumble of items. Magic had already chosen for him, so he just had to find the item that kenned to him and his power. When it was his turn, he stepped forward and held out his hand. He allowed his power—his own power, not that of his mantle and its deep ties—to slide forward and curl into the spaces between his fingers, and he felt.

He didn’t find it right away. There were too many treasures, and all of them seemed to be awake and yearning toward him—toward the prospect of a master, or worse, the promise of a host. Careful not to touch any of them unless he had to, he drew his hand slowly across the jumble, his metaphysical senses brushing across the clamor of mixed magics until he felt something catch. Then he reached into that little mountain and felt around more intimately, his fingertips bumping up against metal and stone, gem and bone.

I remember you.

The sentiment drew him up short. It vibrated through his veins and permeated his muscles, delivering with it a sense of rightness that only intensified when he touched the item itself. His hand closed around something small, something that might have been overlooked had he been using his mortal eyes, and he withdrew it from the pile.

He opened his hand. There against his palm sat a ring. It was fashioned from a dark metal he couldn’t immediately identify, and it was studded with stones of violet and blue. When he looked closer at it, he noticed that each of those stones seemed to hold half a dozen stars or more, and each of those stars seemed to twinkle and twirl and dance as he watched. He felt something inside him shift—in his chest and in his head. Pressure. A squeeze. An awareness. For a moment, he struggled to catch his breath.

“Hello, Shooting Star,” he whispered when he found his voice again. He ran his thumb slowly across the largest of the stones. Hello, came the reply, softly like a breath against his skin.

He closed his hand about the ring and reached out for the little fold of reality he had dedicated to the holding and hiding of his weapons and other important items. It was there, alongside the longsword he had forged and named Shade-Maker that he placed Shooting Star, and it was there the ring would remain until he had rested and could dedicate some time to better acquaint himself with it.

As the seam in the ether closed and vanished, Rhys slipped his arm around Dris’ slender waist and said, “Take me home, love.” He leaned heavily into the bard as they started down the path that led deeper into the Isle, toward their rented mansion within the Gloaming District. Tonight, as every night, home existed wherever they were, together.

((Cross-posted from here.))
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Ebon Ilnaren
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Re: Heart of the Dragon: General Rules and Event Information!

Post by Ebon Ilnaren »

Talon's Flame

Part 1 - A Treasure Found

July 28th

Although he had been collecting essences since the Diamond Quest alongside Eregor--and between the two of them, they had gathered a small but significant collection--Ebon had not yet ventured among the treasure hoard from which so many had found such wonders.

Until now.

It was late, but the Isle was ever in twilight, and there was sufficient light to see. He rummaged carefully through the treasures. There was armor, solid breastplates and shirts of fine chain, but none called to him. Nor did any of the myriad baubles meant to be worn, pendants and medalions, rings or bracelets or charms to be carried. Eregor might do with something like that, he mused, but I'd prefer something more substantial. Although I should bring Phen to see this. The inspiration she would find might be... oh. He stopped short, spying something amid a collection of the finest blades. What... is... that?

Stepping forward, he gently shifted some of the swords aside, then reached down to lift that which had caught his attention. "You are exquisite." It was a blade of bright metal, slightly curved and a touch wider towards the tip before tapering to a lethal point--a scimitar. The hilt was wrapped in dark leather, with a slightly reddish hue, and as he carefully drew his thumb across the cutting edge, he could tell that it was most keen. "You are exquisite."

When he spoke, Ebon felt the slightest of vibrations through the scimitar's hilt, as though it was responding to the compliment. "Perhaps you were, at that. I think, my friend, that we were drawn together. Come, let's go home."

Part 2 - A Bond Forged

August 1st

It was early in the morning when Ebon returned from the Red Dragon. The Manor was still, all the children were abed, even the treehouse at the wood’s edge was dark. Even Sylva and Doran are sleeping. How late is it? Entering his home, he made his way up the stairs and down the hall towards the room he shared with Phen.

She stirred as he entered, and when he lit the lamp, he could see the light reflected in her sapphire-blue eyes. Home at last. I was beginning to think you had abandoned me. Playful teasing, that; Phen and Ebon were forever bound, soul to soul, and through that bond each could always find the other. Kruger?

He was… troubled. I hope I helped him. Ebon crossed to join Phen in bed, sliding up alongside her to press against her back. She gave a soft, breathless sigh and reached to draw his hand across her body. The memories of his many craftings, a piece of each remaining with him. It must be hard.

Turning in his arms, Phen regarded her husband. There is a bond between crafter and craft, though the strength of it varies with the nature of the work. Even I, with my jewelry, have a place in my heart for every unique piece that I create. It’s not unlike the link between wielder and weapon. Surely that much you know.

A grin spread across Ebon's face at her gently chiding tone. I suppose so. Doran has his bonded spear, Eregor his rapier and dagger... even I have my bracers. One dark eyebrow arched elegantly. What brings on such talk as this, so late?

Her smile was innocent and mischievous all at once. I saw the blade you brought home from the Isle, and I know why you and Gory have been spending more time at the Outback of late. You have what's needed, but you haven't completed the work. Why not, love? The simple warm endearment was laced with concern for him. You're afraid you won't be able to do it. Her words were a statement, not a question. Pushing him onto his back, she lay her head upon his chest. You know, when I am starting a new project, especially something particularly ambitious... before I begin, I take the time I need to sit, and think, and get a feel for what I want to shape, to craft. Perhaps you should do the same. Find a quiet moment and attune yourself with the blade. You'll know, then, when you're ready to begin.

Ebon leaned in and kissed her forehead gently. You're right, of course.

I know I'm right. I'm glad you realize that. But Ebon? She raised a finger to his lips, before replacing it with her own. It will wait until morning.

# # #

Morning came after night, as it had since time immemorial. It being Sunday, the entire household had brunch together as was their tradition. Once the cleaning was done and all the dishes washed, dried, and put away, the children of Stardreamer Manor took their leisure as they would. A few seemed ready to ask their Pa to play, or read with them, but Phen and Doran gently steered them away, giving him the peace that he needed. Repairing to his study, Ebon shut the door, then crossed the room to take up the scimitar he had found in the dragon's hoard.

For some time he simply held it, slowly and carefully running one hand along the blade, feeling once more the faintest vibration of the weapon in hid hand. "You are more than you seem. I wonder...." Ebon's voice trailed off as he lowered himself to the floor, sitting with legs crossed in a meditative position, hands clasped at his waist holding the scimitar's hilt. He closed his eyes and slowly, deliberately, shut out all of the sensations that surrounded him.

The sounds of children playing outside, of animals in the fields and birds chirping as they flew, all fell silent in his mind.

The feel of the cool midday breeze through the open window stilled.

The scent of summer flowers, redolent with sweetness, and the lingering taste of his recent meal... those, too, were gone.

Even the ever-present sense of everything around him, above and below and behind him, faded.

All that remained was the touch of Phen's soul to his own, and even that grew quiet, though not gone. In the dark serenity of his consciousness, Ebon reached out, feeling a sense of motion that was not motion. Something was drawing him forward, and with his mind's eye he peered ahead, seeking whatever pulled at him. After a time he could not fathom--it might have been mere moments, or possibly an age of the world--he thought he heard the faintest whispering voice. Then something appeared in the black, as if at a great distance like a mirage, but as Ebon turned his attention to it, the image grew and resolved itself. A tongue of flame hung suspended amid the dark, and as he reached it, he heard the same voice as earlier, but louder, and clearer.

Abandoned. Alone. Forgotten. The voice seemed unaware of Ebon's presence.


The reaction from the flame was sudden and immediate, as it surged towards him, growing until it was about the size of Ebon's own head, with vague features forming upon its surface. Yet though the fire seemed mere inches away, it did not sear his skin or blind his eyes. I am here! Are you real? Are you truly another, or merely a spark of madness to torment me? Speak!

Though he was not the empath that his sons were, Ebon could feel the surge of hope from the fiery presence, though behind it loomed the heavy weight of loneliness, despair, and insanity. I am real, my friend. My name is Ebon.

Ebon. Black as the shadow that surrounds us. It has been so long, so long since I touched another. Once I channeled power, great power, for good or ill, but then I was lost and forgotten, and so I forgot even myself, knowing only the black emptiness. Strength gone. No wielder. No purpose. Lost.

Unsure why, seeking only to comfort one who was so bereft, Ebon reached up to touch the flame, knowing somehow that it would not hurt him. When his fingers touched the fire, it began to shift and flow around his hand, extending and flattening until it took on the shape of the scimitar that Ebon had taken from the dragon hoard. Well now. You seem to have remembered yourself. Do you have a name?

I have had many throughout the ages, though I do not recall them. The name is the bond, you see, the thread that links me to my wielder. Will you name me, Ebon? Will you give me purpose once more?

I will. Ebon could feel a solemnity to the moment as he considered his next words. I shall wield you in dueling combat and in battle to defend those in need. I name you... Talon. At the utterance of that name, the flaming blade flared until its brightness filled all space around them. When it faded, Ebon found himself standing in his study, holding the scimitar as he had held its fiery avatar, and in his mind he heard that voice still.

I am your weapon, and you are my wielder. I am Talon.

Part 3 - A Blade Reborn

August 4th

As evening drew on and the summer sun approached the horizon, slowly but steadily, Ebon turned his steps towards the Outback. It was Wednesday, which meant fight night there, and he was due to meet up with Eregor and see if they could get a few duels in. The Time Lord was waiting at the corner and waved as Ebon approached. "Did you bring it?"

Smiling, Ebon held up Talon, sheathed in a leather scabbard he had commissioned from one of the young crafters at Sarengrave House. "Here." Drawing the scimitar, he held it up for his friend to examine. "What do you think?"

"I think it's perfect for you. Have you practiced much with it?"

In response, Ebon stepped back, making sure there was nobody around, and then launched into a series of attacks and parries, each move flowing gracefully into the next. Finishing with a crouching block, he rose and sheathed the blade once again. "Shall we?" He headed for the Outback's double doors, opened them, and stepped inside. The place was quiet, with only Jaycy and a new face there so far. The man, Basil, was seeking a duel, and Ebon obliged him.

It proved to be a tough match; despite being new to the intricacies in the Duel of Fists, Basil had a natural skill and Ebon only managed to scrape out a win by one point, 5-4. At the fight's end, he found essence of ShadowWeaver swirling at his feet, and gathered it up before following Basil out of the Pit where they'd fought. He crossed back to where Eregor was sitting, now joined by Rhi, and greeted the latter before lifting Talon, which he'd left in the Time Lord's care.

Not the Black. Talon's voice almost hissed in his mind.

"Hmm." Ebon regarded the blade for a moment. You don't like ShadoWeaver, eh? Well, I don't blame you. No worries. I have other plans for us.

The Flame?

Aye, the essence of FireStar. Between Eregor and myself, we've more than enough... now to find Ferghalicous, or one of his compatriots. Blade in hand, he went in search of one who might help him in completing the process and imbuing Talon with elemental strength.

Upon finding one, Ebon held out a selection of the essences he had collected. "Good sir, would you assist me in binding these?"

"I might, at that." The wizard looked barely awake, but his half-lidded eyes were bright. "With what would you see them bound?" At that, Ebon drew the scimitar from its sheath, and the mage opened his eyes fully to gaze at it. "A fine blade, that. Sir, it would be my pleasure." Taking the essences, he examined them. "Plenty of FireStar in here... does it," indicating the blade, "have a name?"


That brought the hint of a smile to the wizard's face. "Very well. Let Talon's flame be lit!" With his magic, he imbued the scimitar with the Red Opal's essence. "Take it, my friend."

As Ebon held up his weapon, he could hear it in his mind, jubilant. I am Talon. I am reborn!


((cross-posted from Stardreamer Manor starting here))
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Rachael Blackthorne
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Location: Current: Number 6 Willow Way, Canopy District, Gloaming. Former: a beach house in Arcadia.

Re: Heart of the Dragon: General Rules and Event Information!

Post by Rachael Blackthorne »

Flamestrike – The Attainment

After the battle, as if called to her, a magnificent dual-bladed staff crafted of shimmering red metal soon rested in Rachael's right black leather-gloved hand. The flaming staff faded from view with a murmur in Welsh.

Lifting her hand to wave after the dragoon and dragon as they disappeared in the sky, Max nodded in agreement with Maggie as she looked over to Rachael. "Protective PyroMaster!" Cheering for the Keeper. "What will you two select?" Indicating the weapons, armor and such.

Rachael held up the shimmering red metal-crafted dual-bladed staff to show Max. "This... feels... correct."

Those words echoed in the mind of the Fire Keeper once the other participants and spectators dispersed in various directions after the battle with Ashene. They continued to echo once she returned to the Tower of Fire with the sleepy Mayflower and Pepper cradled carefully in the crook of one arm and the dual-bladed staff held in her black leather-gloved hand. Moneypenny trotted off to supervise the preparation of a restorative meal by Cook and Cook.

Rachael handed off the newly gained staff to her husband Ian, who immediately began to analyze the weapon in terms of its craftsmanship. She sank wearily onto the couch and carefully settled the now soundly sleeping little yellow tabby kitten and little black kitten beside her. Then she braced herself for eager pounces by the rest of her grandkittens.

"Gramma was tuff!" Butch piped up before the little white Persian male kitten trotted off to check out the new toy that his Grampa had.

"Yeah!" Wander agreed. The creamsicle female kitten trotted off to first check out her Grampa's toy and second engage in pawboxing with her brother Butch.

With a twitch of Bond's long black tail, he easily whisked the sleeping pair of kittens off to their beds before the tuxedo Cat with a fashionable red bowtie trotted off to supervise the meal preparation.

Cinder, Rachael's third Familiar, kept track of the other eight kittens to ensure that they did not become too rambunctious around the Mistress.

Moneypenny and Bond soon returned with trays bearing a large bowl of venison and root vegetable stew that included generous portions of venison, a loaf of fresh-baked crusty bread, a large pitcher of ice-cold water, and a glass tankard.

"You must eat and hydrate to restore your strength, Mistress," Bond gently chided.

"I will do so," she responded automatically before she prepared to do just that with precision and efficiency.

"Then you need to soak a wee bit in the Tank," Cinder chimed in.

The Fire Keeper swallowed a bite of bread soaked with the stew before she acquiesced, "I plan to do so." Once the little scamps have been settled in for the night, she left unsaid.

Moneypenny shooed the remaining still awake kittens away from the Mistress with gentle firmness. "Off to bed with you. Spit spot!"

Flamestrike – The Naming

After Rachael Blackthorne consumed the restorative meal, she eased herself into the Tank set up in one of the Tower of Fire's numerous rooms. She slowly released a sigh of contentment and relief while she allowed the blue gel-like fluid to settle in around her. Her now unshielded by dark lenses sapphire hued gaze tracked her husband Ian's progress when he entered the room with the shimmering red metal-crafted dual-bladed staff in one of his large bear-like hands.

"The other kits were nearly frightened out of their wits watching that battle. But I knew that you would win out in the end," Ian commented before he leaned down to kiss her now curved in a warm smile lips gently and warmly. "This is an unusual weapon, Luv. It's similar to both one that I designed in my younger days and the one that you won in a previous competition."

"Similar enough to allow you to synchronise it to Black Cat?"

"Easily," he declared with supreme confidence in his skills.

"Even after it has been infused with certain… mystical elements?"

"I'll need to fine-tune the summoning code afterward, but it won't be a problem for me," he reassured her.

"Bonne. I will attempt to gain as many essences as possible to imbue the weapon…." Flamestrike, the masculine voice that belonged to FireStar insisted in her mind. You will gain parts of ME to restore Flamestrike to HER former glory. "…to imbue Flamestrike with those essences that belong to FireStar," she continued after the brief interruption in her train of speaking.

Concerned, Ian checked the readings on the monitor on the outside of the Tank. "That battle took a lot out of you, Luv. You'll need to sleep in the Tank tonight to get you back to optimum levels."

"I planned to, annywl," she sleepily agreed before her sapphire-hued eyes shuttered closed.

Ian smiled and kissed his now deeply sleeping wife's lips gently and warmly. Then he headed off to his forge-workshop located in the Fire Tower to begin the attunement process for the new weapon to bond seamlessly with Rachael's armor.

Flamestrike – The Attunement

Within the timeframe of the quest, the PyroMaster gained ten motes of FireStar's essence, four by engaging in hand-to-hand combat matches and six by bargained exchanges. You failed to gain more. FireStar's chastisement, dripping with a physically tactile sense of contempt, echoed in her mind with the memory of two other FireStar essences that slipped out of Rachael's grasp, both in a metaphoric and literal sense after a close match in the Boiler. She also gained two motes of IceDancer, four motes of PathFinder, and thirteen motes of what some termed lesser essences in matches during the quest, while a mote of ShadoWeaver was briefly attained and traded in the same evening.

After Rachael ended her last session of matches in the Outback, she moved toward the door which appeared to lead to the office of the currently resident wizards. Her black leather gloved right fist rapped on the door, the cadence clearly Shave and A Haircut.

Once she heard the properly tapped out response, she opened the door and stepped within, closing the door with care behind her.

"I am here to imbue this weapon," Rachael addressed one of the wizards at a desk. "Black Cat, Flamestrike." With the command phrase, the shimmering red metal-crafted dual-bladed staff appeared in her left gloved hand. "With these." She murmured in Welsh. A pile composed of ten FireStar essences seemed to melt from the corresponding Opal that resided in the center of the gold gemstone adorned cuff bracelet that she wore on her right wrist over her glove and appeared on the desktop before the wizard. She carefully offered out the weapon to the wizard to take from her.

Rachael listened intently to the wizard's oddly cadenced words as the youthful-appearing white-haired and crystal blue-eyed elven woman spoke the necessary incantation to imbue the essences of FireStar into Flamestrike seamlessly.

Once the wizard completed the ritual, she offered the now fully imbued weapon back to the PyroMaster.

"Merci." Rachael accepted Flamestrike with reverence. "Ian will have to attune you fully to moi," she murmured. Then she left the office with the weapon in her gloved hand.
((Crossposted from here.))
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