Axe Wielding Orcs Warbarge River Parade!

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Axe Wielding Orcs Warbarge River Parade!

Post by Pharlen »

All along the riverside, the event notices went up. A media blitz across the television and radio started: The Axe Wielding Orcs Warbarge River Parade was in just a few days, and would be a spectacular sight after dark. It wasn't any different from any of the Governor's sudden and hare brained block parties and such. The usual event people had been hired, there would be hot dogs, burgers, and vegetarian items on offer, seating to watch the spectacle and plenty of trash bins and porta potties - all a significant distance back from the river where the warbarges were expected to pass, and none on the bridges themselves.


This was in no way a distraction.
Fantastically Ordinary
Drop by for a cuppa odd.
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