Mallory had spent the past few weeks preparing Runt for "TAN-BATA". She explained the festival to him, how there would be lots of people but also lots of food and meat. The witch also took measurements so she could surprise him with new clothing for the festival.
At first, he was confused. "RUNT 'AVE ROBES FROM 'UN-JARL. WHY NEED MORE ROBES?"
“Yeah, I know. But this is a big Clan Kabuki day, and these are Clan Kabuki robes. Now hold this tape under your arm and hold still.”
Then he became intrigued. "WHAT DOES DIS DAY CELEBRATE? GREAT 'UNT?"
When she told him the legend of the yearly meeting of Orihime and Hikoboshi in the heavens he listened with rapt attention. "IS GOOD, DIS LEGEND OF CLAN KABOOKI." He wondered if it was honored in the stars such as the stories from his clan.
Mallory also made sure to warn Runt about the fireworks. He was intrigued about this technology that boomed like thunder and shone like lightning. What she spent the most time explaining was the shrine. She made it very clear that he didn't have to go, but if he does, it is the goddess Tsukuyomi’s house, and he would need to show respect. "Enter to one side of the gate, rinse your hands in the trough, clap twice and bow your head before the shrine, offer a few coins."
“Yes. I have a lot to be grateful to her for, so I honor her when I can, and keep a shrine in my house.”
"WHAT IF RUNT NOT 'AVE COIN?" He wasn't getting paid right now, he was working off a debt from his two no-shows to the cage fights. Something that never occurred to him to tell Mallory.
Mal sighed, then dug out twenty silver for him to keep in his kinchaku pouch. “Two are for Tsukuyomi. The rest are for food, games, whatever you want.”
The day of the festival Mallory surprised him with a black yukata. Although she pointed out the waves, Runt insisted they were clouds like the ones at the top of the
KVIT FJELLS. The wooden geta took some practice, and Mallory had to hide more than one snicker as Runt wore footwear for the first time in his life. Getting him dressed in the yukata and geta was perhaps one of the most entertaining (for her) and embarrassing (for him) moments of their growing friendship.
((Thanks to Mallory's player for their contributions!))