The Story So Far...
From toll taking to extortion, Harris has spent his days as Old Market's Baron exploiting the people of that district. Fed up with his reign of terror a peaceful protest on the city streets degenerated into a mob that marched into Seaside to confront him directly on his yacht. One explosive device later and that yacht was at the bottom of the harbor. The loss of one of his most prized possessions has compelled him to take over the district in earnest by expelling the Watch entirely and establishing his own private army, The Blackguard. A resistance faction has formed headed by RhyDin's Governor, Pharlen, to take back the district.
The Goal
Expel The Blackguard from Old Market and return the district to the people OR repel the Resistance efforts to take back the district.
How To Participate
Characters have the ability to influence the storyline by providing support to one or both factions. The methods listed below earn an OOC currency for each faction known as Support Points (SP) that contribute to helping the faction leaders resolve the story.
Support The Resistance!
1. Contribute a post to the Resistance Homefront thread in the Governor's Office detailing the aid your character is willing to provide against The Blackguard. +25 SP
2. Defeat The Blackguard in a duel in any sport. +10 SP per win
Support The Blackguard!
1. Contribute a post to the Blackguard Central thread in the Arena detailing the assistance your character is willing to provide to keep The Blackguard in power. +20 SP
Posting Guidelines
So you've decided to contribute a post to help advance the story. Great! Step One is to contact the respective faction leader, either Harris or Pharlen, and provide an overview of the type of aid your character plans to offer BEFORE you post. This is to avoid characters unintentionally providing identical or very similar types of support.
When you do write a post be as detailed as possible as your character's support may very well be showcased as part of critical resolution posts in the Redistricting main story thread . Only the first post your character contributes to a faction thread will generate support points.
You'll also need to decide if your character is offering Public or Private support. Public support is just that; assistance known to all characters that can be freely interacted with. Private support is help offered in secret, unknown to any other parties, potentially even the faction leader. To help everyone distinguish between the two please include an OOC tag at the end of your post informing readers if the type of support is ((Public Support)) or ((Private Support)).
Frequently Asked Questions
1. What type of support can I offer?
Whatever you can imagine within the reasonable confines of a small scale operation. Specialized armor, deadly weaponry, filling provisions, elite personnel, or a safe haven for troops are just a few examples. Your character can even volunteer their services as a skilled advisor or front line skirmisher. However a giant robotic T-Rex with a missile backpack might be overkill though. If you want to contribute but aren't sure what you can provide feel free to contact either of the faction leaders for a brainstorming session.
2. Can I write more than one post?
Absolutely! However for the sake of accruing points only the first post a unique character makes will contribute SP to their faction. You're free to write multiple posts and provide additional support which can still be showcased in the primary thread.
3. Can I support both factions?
Sure! If your character wants to maintain a clean public image they're free to offer public support to one faction and private support to another. Or perhaps they're an underhanded opportunist and provide private support to both armies. Do they just want to watch the world burn? Public support to both factions is also on the table.
4. Who do I talk to if I have questions about any of this?
Both Harris and Pharlen will be available to answer any questions you have, so don’t be afraid to shoot them a DM on Discord!
The Old Market Campaign
Moderator: Staff
- Harris
- Legendary Adventurer
- King Of The Outback
- Posts: 1427
- Joined: Wed Mar 31, 2004 3:26 pm
- Location: Sometimes Here, Oftentimes There
Re: The Old Market Campaign
After The Battle of Precinct Six the Resistance has struck the first major blow against The Blackguard and created a new foothold in the district! Coupled with Harris losing possession of the Old Market Barony and Pharlen's Call To Arms everyone is encouraged to strike out against The Blackguard!
If your character has been interested in taking a more active role in the conflict but reluctant to post their support, now is the time! All posts detailing encounters with Blackguard troops in Old Market are welcome to be posted in the Resistance Homefront thread.
Updated Posting Guidelines
All posts striking out against Blackguard troops in Old Market are welcome.
Exceptions: No posts involving the destruction or assault on the Blackguard tank roaming the district. No posts involving the destruction or tampering of the portals set up for Blackguard transport. No posts involving the assault of Blackguard elite troopers "Dizzy's Deadmen".
If your character has been interested in taking a more active role in the conflict but reluctant to post their support, now is the time! All posts detailing encounters with Blackguard troops in Old Market are welcome to be posted in the Resistance Homefront thread.
Updated Posting Guidelines
All posts striking out against Blackguard troops in Old Market are welcome.
Exceptions: No posts involving the destruction or assault on the Blackguard tank roaming the district. No posts involving the destruction or tampering of the portals set up for Blackguard transport. No posts involving the assault of Blackguard elite troopers "Dizzy's Deadmen".
- Harris
- Legendary Adventurer
- King Of The Outback
- Posts: 1427
- Joined: Wed Mar 31, 2004 3:26 pm
- Location: Sometimes Here, Oftentimes There
The Blackest Night
The Blackest Night - A Live Play Finale
Saturday, March 21st
The Story Now
Having been significantly pushed back by The Resistance, Harris resolves to cut his losses and in a last ditch effort launches a citywide offensive to recoup as much as possible in one fell swoop.
The Event
On the night of Saturday, March 21st Blackguard troops will be let loose across RhyDin, openly looting & pillaging the city as well as assaulting and robbing any citizens caught in their crosshairs. The goal? Take whatever isn't nailed down and bring it back to their employer as recompense. The following rooms will contain Blackguard representatives throughout the evening:
The Streets Of RhyDin (Set as the streets of Old Market for the evening)
The Red Dragon Inn
The Annex
Rooms/settings outside of RhyDin will be unaffected. All other settings inside of RhyDin will be considered safe havens having come under the protection of The Resistance during the night. If you would like to AVOID THIS EVENT IN ITS ENTIRETY the best method would be to steer clear of the aforementioned rooms listed above for the night. While the live event will only be active in three rooms it will still be widespread across RhyDin. A separate thread will be created on the 21st open for all players to post their encounters if they cannot actively attend the event or don't wish to participate live.
OOC Notes
From an IC perspective this will exist as a surprise, spontaneous event. Characters will not be aware of it in advance. This notice exists to provide players a heads up if they would like to avoid the event for the evening.
This event is made possible by the roleplay coordinators, who will have an active role in the incident. Everyone is encouraged to utilize the Green Room to coordinate play.
While the live play portion will take place in specific locations the event will be far-reaching across the city, affecting businesses, residences, and everything else. Players will be welcome to post additional encounters in The Blackest Night IC thread once it's posted.
Bold heroes, tragic victims, and every archetype in between are welcome to participate. Putting The Blackguard down or pushing them into a a full retreat are the goals for the night, so feel free to flex your muscles!
As always, if you have questions feel free to contact Harris on Discord.
Saturday, March 21st
The Story Now
Having been significantly pushed back by The Resistance, Harris resolves to cut his losses and in a last ditch effort launches a citywide offensive to recoup as much as possible in one fell swoop.
The Event
On the night of Saturday, March 21st Blackguard troops will be let loose across RhyDin, openly looting & pillaging the city as well as assaulting and robbing any citizens caught in their crosshairs. The goal? Take whatever isn't nailed down and bring it back to their employer as recompense. The following rooms will contain Blackguard representatives throughout the evening:
The Streets Of RhyDin (Set as the streets of Old Market for the evening)
The Red Dragon Inn
The Annex
Rooms/settings outside of RhyDin will be unaffected. All other settings inside of RhyDin will be considered safe havens having come under the protection of The Resistance during the night. If you would like to AVOID THIS EVENT IN ITS ENTIRETY the best method would be to steer clear of the aforementioned rooms listed above for the night. While the live event will only be active in three rooms it will still be widespread across RhyDin. A separate thread will be created on the 21st open for all players to post their encounters if they cannot actively attend the event or don't wish to participate live.
OOC Notes
From an IC perspective this will exist as a surprise, spontaneous event. Characters will not be aware of it in advance. This notice exists to provide players a heads up if they would like to avoid the event for the evening.
This event is made possible by the roleplay coordinators, who will have an active role in the incident. Everyone is encouraged to utilize the Green Room to coordinate play.
While the live play portion will take place in specific locations the event will be far-reaching across the city, affecting businesses, residences, and everything else. Players will be welcome to post additional encounters in The Blackest Night IC thread once it's posted.
Bold heroes, tragic victims, and every archetype in between are welcome to participate. Putting The Blackguard down or pushing them into a a full retreat are the goals for the night, so feel free to flex your muscles!
As always, if you have questions feel free to contact Harris on Discord.
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