Ito Wedding (October 31st)

“The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.”

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Asami Ito
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Ito Wedding (October 31st)

Post by Asami Ito »

Mid-day on October 31st 2021 marks the marriage ceremony of Ito Asami and Kuwabara Yuzuki at the Zama Shrine. Due to the size of the shrine the guest-list was rather small and comprised of Kabuki Street Rengou-kai leadership, both current and some former, along with Rappapa members, and family.

Both Ito Asami and Kuwabara Yuzuki could be seen briefly from the courtyard of the shrine dressed in their gowns. Asami's chosen ensemble is one of red, white, and gold, with an oni inspired half-mask. Yuzuki's gown was prominently white with designs of gold and flowers of both red and pink.

Asami's attire and oni half-mask.

Yuzuki's attire.

While the ceremony itself was a private affair the reception is open to both friends and family of the brides. The reception hall of the Kabuki Prince Hotel is decorated with the theme of Halloween Night for party goers and costumes are not only permitted but encouraged by guests. A spot nearest to the couples table is listed as reserved with a name card reading: Lucky Kuwabara

A wide variety of food and candy (due to the halloween theme) is available to the guests, along with an open bar. There appears to be a good many types of meat on the menu, which Yuzuki would comment to be the choice of Asami — who could be seen throughout the night sitting at the risen platform at the end of the reception hall picking at the different meat dishes between speaking with Yuzuki and briefly to those who come to greet the new couple. Behind them the Rappapa banner hangs from the wall.

Emblem on the Rappapa Banner

Wedding Cake

The reception festivities begin at 5 PM RhyDin Time and will last throughout the night.
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Re: Ito Wedding (October 31st)

Post by Partly Cloudy »

The gatito was not the sort to cry at weddings, but there was a palpable sense of excitement and emotion around him when he arrived at the Kabuki Prince hotel early Sunday evening. He entered the reception hall hand-in-hand with his good friend and teammate, Rekah Illyriana. Salvador had been unable to accompany them, unfortunately, but each of them carried a little bit of his care and affection with them in the form of expertly-crafted hairstyles to match their subtly coordinated, spooky, pantsless elegance.

Rekah’s vibrant turquoise locks had been arranged into a complex system of braids and twists that hung down her back. Here and there, spooky embellishments in the shapes of skull beads, tiny bats, and other Halloween iconography glimmered between the strands. The gatito didn’t have quite as much hair as the wildling—even less once Salvador had finished with him! This evening, he was sporting a brand new undercut that made the long, loose curls on the top of his head, which had been given a wash of midnight violet color, seem that much softer.

It didn’t take long for the two friends to immerse themselves in the crowd and begin working their way to the head of the room to greet the happy couple. Along the way, the gatito passed out smiles and friendly words to each person they came across. Rekah slipped hard candy into the pockets of unsuspecting guests, leaving them little surprises to enjoy later in the night.

When they finally reached the newlyweds’ dais, the gatito offered hugs and fist-bumps, whichever Yuzuki and Asami were more comfortable with. He and Rekah both congratulated the happy couple, thanked them for the invitation to share in their special day, and wished them well in the life they were starting together.

Since there were no doubt many others who were eager to speak with the newlyweds, the wildling and the gatito soon drifted away. While Rekah went to attack the sweets table, the gatito spent a few moments at Lucky’s place setting, quietly paying his respects to a woman he had never gotten the chance to meet but whom he had heard so much about. He also left a little something on the gifts table for Yuzuki and Asami to enjoy later.

By the time the gatito joined Rekah at a table, the wilding had lost her shoes! He spent a few minutes looking for them, but her heels seemed long gone. Perhaps one of the other guests would find a pair of mary-janes to go with their hard candy.

The gatito made a point to try a little bit of nearly every dish that had been provided as part of the evening’s menu, humming his appreciation for each bite. And though he left most of the candy and other sweet treats to Rekah, he did make a point to have a piece of cake. Two, in fact. As they ate, the two friends chatted with the other guests, sharing stories and memories and listening to the same in return. They also spoke briefly of the upcoming IFL season.

After an hour or so of socializing, Rekah disappeared beneath a table and slipped sideways between worlds to answer the promise of adventure calling to her. The gatito stayed a while longer to see if she would return before he finally excused himself and began to work his way back through the room to say his goodbyes.

The gift the gatito had left for Asami and Yuzuki was an embellished bakery box from Kitten’s Confections, which contained two dozen red velvet macarons that had been designed to look like cartoon steaks, a nod to a funny and endearing story Yuzuki had once told him about her and Asami’s adventures at the Clear Springs Steakhouse in Cadentia. Along with the treats, there was also a handwritten notecard inside, which reiterated his congratulations and good wishes for the two delinquents’ new life together. Opposite those words, he had drawn another little cartoon steak.

In addition to the macarons, he and the wildling had left the happy couple another item to enjoy: a small, hand-carved keepsake box containing a gold-embossed Premiere VIP client card issued by the Matadero Meat Company, guaranteeing the brides a lifetime supply of unlimited choice cuts absolutely free of charge. This little box had not been left upon the table designated for gifts—because it was Not A Gift—but could be found in the pocket of a coat or some other garment, secreted there by magic or by deft hands.

Rekah’s outfit:

Gatito’s outfit:

((Many thanks to Rekah and Sal’s players for working out the evening’s details with me.))
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Re: Ito Wedding (October 31st)

Post by Mairead Harker »

Maggie arrived to wish the couple well and dressed as Wednesday Addams in the spirit of the Halloween season.

She left a package among the other gifts. A carefully polished oaken chest carved with the floral emblem from the Rappapa banner held a patchwork quilt and matching pillow covers.
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Re: Ito Wedding (October 31st)

Post by Taiko »

Tomo was there for the wedding in a new purple dress -- to match the sukajan she wore, in honor of Rappapa and the marriage of her friends. She and Reira matched, too!

When asked about a Halloween costume at the reception, Tomo responded by pulling her jacket halfway over her head. Now she was a fashion model!

In a sense, she had brought three presents to the wedding. The first (and second?) was a double sleeping bag, big enough for Asami and Yuzuki both. Something for future adventures, and for when Rappapa wanted to have another sleepover like old times!

The third was the koala cookies she'd filled her purse with. She made sure that the brides had preferential access to them, more than anyone else. (Sorry, Reira.)
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Reira Tanaka
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Re: Ito Wedding (October 31st)

Post by Reira Tanaka »

Purple seemed to be the theme color for Tomo and herself!

Much of Reira's day, before and after enjoying the wedding itself, was spent preparing for the reception. There was a bit of a scare that her gift of a Keurig Coffee Maker wouldn't arrive in time, as it was meant to be delivered 2 days prior but for some reason hadn't been, but the stars did align and she received the notice of delivery before the reception.

During the events of the day her thoughts could not help but be on the happy couple. She had seen their romance bud and also gave advice to the both of them.. Though she, herself, could not help but wonder if marriage may have been too early; yet when she saw the two of them at center stage at the shrine during the ceremony she felt more at ease with their choice.

Reira looked to Tomo during the ceremony and another thought had crossed her mind.

What will be our future?

Briefly they had caught one another's gaze and Reira offered a soft smile.

Maybe it would be best to not dwell on it. Living in the moment, this moment, felt better.
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